Computer assisted cognitive behavioral therapy provides little or no benefits for depression

Computer assisted cognitive behavioral therapy is likely to be ineffective in the treatment of depression because of low patient adherence and engagement, suggests the largest study of its kind.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

How to Gain Height Naturally

There are hundreds of tips on how to gain height - but sometimes you don't have hours on end to spend sifting through information in order to find the best information. We have spent countless hours sorting through all the height increasing tips and found you the best answers to the question how to gain height. First things first, you may think that taking the "wonder pills" that are advertised on early morning telly is the way to go however, if you do buy into these companies you will not find out how to gain height you will learn how to get ripped off instead you should do more natural things so you can gain height this is by eating well, having adequate sleep and doing stretching exercises - if you do these three things your body will produce Human Growth Hormone and this will lead to a massive increase in your height.

from Health and Fitness Articles from

Delaying umbilical cord clamping for preterm infants results in better motor development

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

New device measures glucose in urine, ending annoying needle pricks

Two young technologists have developed a device that can measure glucose in blood through the urine on the toilet, activated via smart phone bluetooth, daily recording the values.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Insights Into Predictive Analytics and Population Level Health

Population level health is becoming a key strategy in reducing cost of care while improving outcomes for patients. This article provides details into developing a population level health management system at your site based upon general statistical principles and data analytics.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from

Not so happy old age?

The notion that older people are happier than younger people is being challenged following a recent study. In fact it suggests that people get more depressed from age 65 onwards.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Parkinson's disease: A new tool for healthcare professionals aims to improve diagnosis and advance treatment

A group of experts has developed a new tool for healthcare professionals that they hope will mark a significant advancement in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, especially in its early stages. The results of their study could also have a major impact on the quality of research on Parkinson’s disease.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

'You can always look better:' On norms and ideals in dental care

The dental care industry spends a lot of time on supporting young people as they get through their often long and difficult orthodontic treatment. A new study has looked at the importance of norms when young people are offered correction of their teeth and bite.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Child abuse rises in connection with soldiers' deployments

Children under age two may be at heightened risk for abuse and neglect during the six months immediately following a parent's return from deployment in the US Army, and the risk may rise among Army families with soldiers who are deployed more than once, suggests new research.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Bitter taste sensitivity may predict surgical outcome in certain chronic rhinosinusitus patients

Physicians may someday be able to use a simple taste test to predict which surgical intervention is best suited to help a subset of chronic rhinosinusitis patients, new research suggests.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Too much foot traffic in and out of operating rooms

A 'secret shopper' style study analyzing foot traffic in and out of operating rooms suggests that for the sake of patient safety, OR teams may want to stay put more often.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Blood test detects when hormone treatment for breast cancer stops working

Scientists have developed a highly sensitive blood test that can spot when breast cancers become resistant to standard hormone treatment, and have demonstrated that this test could guide further treatment. The test gives an early warning of resistance to aromatase inhibitors, which are used to treat women with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, the most common kind.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Genetic analysis makes diagnosis before disease breaks out

Many patients with serious diseases are not helped by their medications because treatment is started too late. An international research team is launching a unique strategy for discovering a disease progression in its earliest phase.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Brain scans may help predict recovery from coma

Brain scans of people in a coma may help predict who will regain consciousness, according to a study. The study looked at connections between areas of the brain that play a role in regulating consciousness.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

3 Steps Towards Body Love

Loving yourself and loving your body is the first step towards making peace with food and living a life of guilt-free eating. Learn the 3 steps to a more gentler approach to weight loss.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Large study sums up health issues for new child refugees to U.S.

For refugee children newly arrived in the US, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, parasitic worms, high blood lead levels and anemia are among the top public health concerns covered by screening programs. In one of this nation's largest-ever epidemiological studies of refugee children, public health researchers describe the health profiles of children arriving here in the past decade as their families fled persecution.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

The Best and Worst Yoga Poses for Bad Knees

Despite substantial progress, the world fell short of the maternal mortality target in the Millennium Development Goals, UN report shows

Despite reducing maternal mortality by an impressive 44 percent between 1990 and 2015, the world fell well short of the target of a 75 percent reduction that appeared in the Millennium Development Goals, shows a new report.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

How antibiotics may worsen drug-resistant bacterial infections

In recent decades, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, has evolved from a controllable nuisance into a serious public health concern. A preclinical study now reveals that treatment with first-line antibiotics may actually make MRSA skin infections worse, ironically by activating the body's own pathogen-defense system. The next step will be to obtain human data.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Try Alternative Methods for Weight Loss Success

Due to the current obesity epidemic across the globe, many fads and diets are surfacing to mislead and misinform individuals. Unfortunately the general public end up wasting their time because often times the reason for weight gain is an underlying one.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

5 Guilt-Free Holiday Eating Strategies - And a Yummy Recipe

Are you tired of feeling guilty for indulging in your favorite holiday foods? It's time for a change. This holiday season, eat the food you want (guilt-free); and do it without packing on the pounds. That's right! With a few simple painless changes, you can enjoy yourself minus the guilt and weight gain.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Barriers to health care increase disease, death risk for rural elderly

A new study of adults ages 85 or older has found that rural residents have significantly higher levels of chronic disease, take more medications, and die several years earlier than their urban counterparts.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

The 20-Minute Barre-Meets-Pilates Workout

Whether you're a prima ballerina or lifelong wallflower, there's one thing you have to admit: Dancers are killer athletes. One look at their perfect balance of strength, flexibility, and agility, and it's clear we could all benefit from an hour or two at the barre.

Thanks to this week's Grokker workout, you can pick up some of that technique right at home. In the 20-minute ballet barre-meets-Pilates workout led by instructor Lottie Murphy, you'll strenghten your legs, arms, and core—all while focusing on good posture and perfect alignment. The moves might look simple, but keep up with the video, and we promise you'll feel the burn (holding your arms up to the sides is way more challenging than we thought!).

You won't need a thing for this workout except a mat and some focus. After all, these small movements work best when you keep all of your muscles constantly engaged. When you're ready, press play to start.

Interested in more short and effective home workouts? Find thousands more on Grokker, the one-stop online resource for wellness. Grokker sifts through thousands of videos on the web, constantly filtering and aggregating the best cooking, yoga, and fitness videos available so you don’t have to.

from Greatist RSS

Greatist Workout of the Day: Friday, November 13th

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Head to Toe

Complete 4 rounds of the following as fast as is safely possible.

20 Hand Release Push-Ups
1-minute Wall Sit
25 Bicycle Sit-Ups (per side)

Want to kick up the intensity? Hold a light kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your chest on the wall sits. And don't forget to check back on Monday for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS

Your Foolproof Guide to Treating and Preventing the Flu

Less effective antimalarial therapies can help fight malaria better

Scientists have found that the more effective way to beat malaria is to use less effective drugs some of the time: simultaneously using a non-artemisinin therapy amongst more effective artemisinin-based combinations slows the spread of artemisinin-resistant parasites.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Mindfulness meditation trumps placebo in pain reduction

New evidence has been found that mindfulness meditation reduces pain more effectively than placebo. The study used a two-pronged approach -- pain ratings and brain imaging -- to determine whether mindfulness meditation is merely a placebo effect. Seventy-five healthy, pain-free participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: mindfulness meditation, placebo meditation ("sham" meditation), placebo analgesic cream (petroleum jelly) or control.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

New research finds hospitals administer wrong dose of drugs to stroke patients in emergency departments by failing to weigh them

Stroke patients receiving emergency clot busting drugs, the correct dose of which depends on the patient’s weight, may be receiving the wrong dose because the UK (and much of Europe) does not weigh patients prior to its administration, a new study has revealed.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

7 Healthy Make-Ahead Meals to Keep In Your Freezer

Workers in UK are not being protected from occupational diseases and deaths, argues expert

British workers are not being protected from occupational diseases and deaths, argues an expert in a new article.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

PCI reduces need for additional drug even when blockages remain

Heart patients who had undergone an angioplasty procedure that opened only some blocked arteries tended to have a resolution of their chest pain, making it unnecessary to add another medication to treat the symptom, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Psychiatric assessments for predicting violence are ineffective

Standard approaches for investigating risk of violence in psychiatric patients and prisoners are inaccurate and should be abandoned in all future studies, according to researchers.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

New risk tools spot patients at high risk of diabetes complications

People with diabetes who are at high risk of blindness and amputation because of their condition could get better preventative treatment thanks to two new risk prediction tools recently created.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers call for investment in cancer control in low- and middle-income countries

Investments in cancer control -- prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care -- are increasingly needed in low- and, particularly, middle-income countries, where most of the world's cancer deaths occur, a new paper recommends.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Prescription painkillers source of addiction for most women

More than half (52%) of women and a third (38%) of men reported doctor-prescribed painkillers as their first contact with opioid drugs, a family of drugs which include prescription medicines such OxyContin and codeine, as well as illicit drugs such as heroin.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Thanksgiving Battle of the Bulge

Tired of feeling miserable after your Thanksgiving feast? It is entirely possible indulge in all of Thanksgiving's deliciousness AND feel satiated, content and even full. Bye-bye stretch pants, indigestion and bloat!

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Doctors, patients making decisions together could reduce number of antibiotics prescribed for acute respiratory infections

When doctors and patients are encouraged to discuss the need for prescribing antibiotics for acute respiratory infections jointly, fewer are prescribed, new research shows. This may be useful in the fight against antibiotic resistance.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

How To Lose Body Fat Fast Now

If a person begins to feel they're hauling around an excessive amount of fat, they'll most likely claim they have to get rid of a few pounds. Strangely enough, when that's their single goal-reducing the total number on the scale-they're likely to encounter a brand new issue as they go along: being thin fat.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Weight Loss With Foods And Home Exercises

Weight loss all begins with making up your mind about the importance of losing the extra pounds to improve how you look and above all to improve your health. When you have the drive, then you will be up for the challenge because it really can be challenging to get back to your ideal weight. There are however very good weight loss plans that you can adapt and manage to lose the weight. The good news is that you do not even have to hit the gym every morning to see the results; a good diet and exercise plan at home is all that you need to start your successful journey to a healthier weight.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Reducing misdiagnosis: Time for the next chapter in improving patient safety

Diagnostic errors involve several types of missed opportunities to make a correct and timely diagnosis; a diagnosis may be missed completely, the wrong one may be provided, or diagnosis may be delayed, all of which can lead to harm from delayed or inappropriate treatments and tests. An estimated 12 million people in the United States experience diagnostic errors annually, but it's time for a change, say researchers.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Mechanical heart valve prosthesis superior to biological

A mechanical valve prosthesis has a better survival record than a biological valve prosthesis, according to a large registry study from Sweden. The finding can be highly significant, since the use of biological valve prostheses has increased in all age groups in recent years.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Preschoolers need more outdoor time at child care centers

Child care centers play a pivotal role when it comes to the physical activity levels of preschoolers, new research confirms. Yet few children get to experience outdoor recess time as it is scheduled. Only 3 in 10 children had at least 60 minutes of a full child-care day outdoors for recess, as is recommended by guidelines.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Which Should You Do First: Cardio Or Strength Training?

Getting Into Tip Top Shape For 2016

Christmas is coming. Worrying about your weight for the New Year. Don't go to the gym, go to a hypnotherapist.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Tips On Choosing The Right Chiropractor For You

If you are looking for a chiropractor, spending some time to get the right one will save you a lot of money and time. Anything related to your health should be dealt with carefully and chiropractic treatment is no different. Get a good professional so that you get the right treatment and see the best results.

from Health and Fitness Articles from

Do Have You To Give Up All Your Favourite Foods When Trying To Lose Weight?

When you give up all your favorite foods, the combination of resentment and desire often ends up with you breaking your healthy eating habits. So what can you eat when you're trying to lose weight?

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Why You Crave Junk Food and How to Break the Vicious Cycle

Pizza, cheeseburgers, cookies, French fries and soda - these happen to be some of the most addictive foods out there. Consuming junk food simply feels good and it gives you the satisfaction that no fruits or veggies will ever deliver.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Adolescent bariatric surgery reverses type 2 diabetes in 95 percent of teens, achieves major weight loss and improves quality of life

New research shows that three years after undergoing bariatric surgery, adolescents experienced major improvements in their weight, metabolic health, and quality of life.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

How to Get the Perfect Cup of Coffee Anywhere, Anytime

Stuff We Love: AeroPress AeroPress

You don’t have to be a coffee snob to know the difference between a great cup of coffee and one that’s just meh. Most coffee makers—from the Mr. Coffees to the Keurigs of the world—do the legwork for you, but that also means they take the control out of your hands. Hence, why you end up with so many mediocre cups of joe.

With the AeroPress, you control your own destiny brew. The gadget is basically a smaller French press with an improved design: Put the ground coffee in the brew chamber, pour over hot water, stir with the paddle, and press the plunger down slowly. Less than two minutes later you’ve got eight ounces of top-notch java.

While that's impressive all on its own, where the AeroPress really shines is during travel. It’s super portable, so you can still have your favorite cup of coffee whether you’re at a campsite or a hotel room. Try doing that with your Keurig.

from Greatist RSS

Greatist Workout of the Day: Thursday, November 12th

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Greatist Workout of the Day: Head & Heart Head & Heart

Complete as many rounds of the following as fast as is safely possible in 10 minutes.

5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Box Jumps

Want to kick up the intensity? Use a tall box on the box jumps. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS

31 Science-Backed Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

4 Tips on Healthy Meal Plans for Weight Loss

They say that weight loss does not start in the gym, it starts in the kitchen. The basic rule of weight loss is to burn more than your calorie intake - if you plan well enough for your diet, you may not need to work so hard at the gym.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Improving safety, decreasing risks of new blood thinners

By reversing the effects of the blood thinners apixaban and rivaroxaban within minutes, this new antidote may help to save the lives of patients taking blood thinners that experience major bleeding complications.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Computer model reveals deadly route of Ebola outbreak

A research team has mapped the spread of the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, providing the most detailed picture to date on the disease spread and identifying two critical opportunities to control the epidemic. The novel statistical method gives health authorities a new tool to plan interventions to contain future outbreaks in real time, and not just of Ebola.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Changing habits to improve health: New study indicates behavior changes work

Improving your heart health may be as simple as making small behavioral changes. A new study of behavioral health interventions suggests that they are effective at helping people alter their lifestyles and lead to physical changes that could improve overall health.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Clinical score for predicting risk of venous thromboembolism

A new clinical prediction model can help identify high risk of venous thromboembolism among patients with a leg cast, according to a study that utilized data from three large cohorts to develop and validate two prediction models and a risk score to help doctors deciding whether to prescribe anticoagulants for thromboprophylaxis.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Midlife fitness helps reduce health costs after age 65

People with high fitness levels in midlife have significantly lower annual health care costs after age 65 than people with low fitness in midlife, after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors, according to a new study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Why Your Stomach Goes Crazy During Your Period

As if the cramping and unpredictable mood swings weren't bad enough, periods can also bring on bloating and bowel issues, ranging from constipation to diarrhea (sexy, we know!).

So why does your digestive system go crazy during that time of the month? We tapped Raquel Dardik, M.D., clinical associate professor of gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center, to get some answers.

You're not imagining things if you tend to feel bloated and constipated right before you get your period. "During the second half of the menstrual cycle, your body is making more progesterone, which happens after you release an egg," Dardik says. That's a good thing, but it comes with a frustrating side effect: "Progesterone slows down contractions of the bowel, so it slows down how quickly food and gas move through. Everything slows down and backs up, so you feel bloated and constipated."

To add insult to injury, once your period starts, some women find themselves dealing with the opposite problem for the first day or two: diarrhea. "The diarrhea and cramping is a double whammy," says Dardik. Two things are likely at play: Progesterone levels drop, which revs bowel contractions back up again so food may pass along at a speedier clip than before. The other cause is prostaglandins, hormone-like substances released by the uterus that trigger uncomfortable cramps. Some cause pain, but they also give people diarrhea.

Your Action Plan

Woman With Stomach Pain The good news is that you're not at the mercy of this monthly hormonal roller coaster. You can take steps to combat bloating and constipation by eating more fiber-rich foods, drinking more fluids, and exercising—all of which help keep you regular by decreasing bulky stools and softening them so they're easier to pass, notes Dardik. "It doesn’t counteract progesterone, but it does decrease the symptoms," she says.

If you're dealing with diarrhea and don't want to let it run its course, Dardik recommends taking an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) like ibuprofen or aspirin. These can help ease diarrhea, along with painful cramps, because they block prostaglandins. You can also take an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal such as Imodium.

If your symptoms are truly unbearable, you may consider talking to your doctor about birth control pills: As one of our expert OB/GYNs explained, women taking them typically do not experience these issues because the body's hormone levels do not fluctuate as drastically. And take heart: Within a few days, your symptoms should disappear.

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Affordable Care Act architect: What is role of radiology in transformed health care system?

A former White House adviser who helped devise the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will provide advice for radiologists on how to adapt to the new health care environment, including responding to downward price pressure and focusing on patients with chronic conditions.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Doctors, relatives often see patients' wishes differently

If a patient is no longer able to communicate personally how he or she would like to be treated, doctors and relatives consult an advance directive, if one is available. However, doctors and relatives often interpret patients' written wishes in different ways, as researchers explain in a new report.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Hospital readmission common after emergency general surgery

A study of patients who underwent an emergency general surgery procedure found that hospital readmission was common and varied widely depending on patient factors and diagnosis, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Previous oral contraceptive use associated with better outcomes in patients with ovarian cancer, study finds

Patients who develop ovarian cancer appear to have better outcomes if they have a history of oral contraceptive use, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

So long, stethoscope? New device, smartphone alter exams

A smartphone-based device known as HeartBuds performed just as well as traditional stethoscopes and better than a disposable model in identifying heart murmurs and other vital sounds during patient exams.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

Orthorexia: An Unhealthy Obsession With Dieting

So many people are obsessive over dieting, but they don't see this as a problem. They don't even realize they have this problem--they are so worried about losing weight they lose sight in what is actually going on. First weight loss was the problem, but then fixation over dieting became the main issue. Many times this addiction is hard to see, just like with smoking and alcoholism. It is really important to first tackle the diet addiction. Once this is solved, the weight loss naturally occurs.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Preventing radiation in cancer therapies to damage healthy organs

When a person receives a cancer treatment through radiation, he or she is exposed to ionizing radiation and to avoid that energy to damage healthy tissue. A new study looked at the properties of various materials called dosimeters that measure radiation doses.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

The Best Holiday Gifts for Tech Lovers

Accepting Your Size or Ready To Change?

Even though many folks don't think about it, there are repercussions aside from bigger pants when a lot of weight has been added to the body that wasn't there before. Your heart will be straining harder each day dealing with the added weight. Your arteries might be getting clogged along with elevated cholesterol levels. Diabetes is always a danger when substantial weight gain combines with a lack of exercise. And the list goes on and on. Make the change that will have an impact not only on the scale but in your entire life. Once you see all the positive results that come from living in a healthy manner, you will likely shake your head in disgust wondering why you didn't do this sooner.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Bored With Your Relationship? Here's Why That Isn't Necessarily a Bad Thing

Maybe this sounds familiar: You go on a first date, it goes well, so you go out again. Then you go on another date, and another, and all of a sudden, a few months have passed, and you're with someone who makes you smile. But there's that nagging feeling: Is this too easy? Are you—God forbid—settling?

So you call it quits. After all, who wants to be with someone they're bored with? But the crazy thing is, this sudden onset of what seems like boredom may not be a deal breaker; it's actually what some psychologists consider the greatest threat to new relationships. It's called "the wave of distancing," or disinterest—and it's totally normal (despite sounding like a 1950s horror movie).

The Stages of Love

Bored Woman Think of a typical relationship trajectory. At the club (or on an app), it's generally all about lust, fired by testosterone in both men and women, says Andre Moore, LCSW, a marriage and couples counselor.1 If the dates that follow (and the mornings after) go well, that physical attraction can turn into infatuation or "romantic love," powered by the brain's reward chemicals: dopamine and norepinephrine.

This first stage of a relationship is also known as "the honeymoon phase," and it can last anywhere from nine months to two years, says Irina Firstein, LCSW, a couples therapist. And it's exactly what it sounds like. Characterized by a "Drunk in Love" kind of feeling, it's when everything physical, mental, and emotional just clicks—the happy days of finding someone you really like.

The post-infatuation period kicks in when you start to see things more realistically and less through the haze of chemistry, Firstein says. That's when you can actually start to assess what fits and what doesn't, and romantic love turns into attachment, characterized by the ‘‘cuddle chemicals’’ oxytocin and vasopressin, Moore says. For evolutionary reasons, these neurotransmitters help keep mates together to rear their offspring (no studies on paying off their mortgage, yet).

What that means: Domesticity is a different kind of magic. It's about finding the peace in quiet and knowing you don’t need to say anything, says Ken Page, LCSW, a psychotherapist and author of Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. But before you can make it to that Notebook-worthy, dying-together kind of love, the courtship part of infatuation has to cease—and that's when the wave of distancing tends to hit.

Riding the Wave

The trouble with the chase at the start of any relationship is that it's packed with adrenaline, Page says (fear, check; excitement, check). We're trying to convince the other person that we're worth it, and when they actually agree, the air goes out of the room. "When we see that the other person really cares and means it and plans to stick around, then the wave of disinterest can come up," he says. This translates into thoughts like, "Oh gosh, I could do better," or "Is this really all there is?"

That sudden boredom or questioning comes from being addicted to the chase, with some of us just hooked on the excitement, Firstein says. (In other words, when things are good, our taste for adrenaline makes us immediately wonder if they could be even better. Thanks, brain.)

Plus, a certain amount of self-doubt also plays into it, Page says. The more insecure you are in your relationships, the more likely you are to experience the wave: When someone seems decent, consistent, and like they plan on sticking around, the possibility of intimacy (and fear of getting hurt) leads us to self-sabotage.

These factors—the very real potential for comittment, the suspicion that we're not worth it, and the end of "the chase"—can all combine to turn your new partner into the most boring person in the world, even if it's a total 180 from how you felt about them days ago, Page says.

So how do we avoid writing off a potential Mr. or Ms. Right? Frustrating as it may seem, the best thing to do is nothing at all, Page says. Ride it out for a few days, and do your best to act naturally. Meaning don't force yourself to be more intimate than you feel, but don't tell them it's over as soon as they suggest Netflix (again).

The good thing about the Wave is that it should only last a few weeks at most. And when your feelings of attraction come back, you'll have a more clear sense of whether your partner truly is right for you.

More Than Boredom? The Red Flags

The Wave should be a temporary phenomenon, so if you find yourself in a perma-bored state (as in, you come home from work and thoughts of your partner give you no happiness whatsoever), something may be wrong in the relationship, Moore says.

While the Wave is a knee-jerk reaction to the fear of stability, there's a significant difference between stability and stagnation. "Stability is something we all crave: We want to know that we have somebody that has our back, that when we come home there's somebody there," Firstein says. "Stagnation, on the other hand, comes from the sense of taking something for granted."

In other words: Don't put work into your relationship, and it'll wither. Stagnation is boredom without effort, and it is a red flag worth paying attention to. Likewise, if your partner stonewalls and refuses to listen, emotionally withdraws, or gets defensive when you try to address things, those are all behaviors Moore says can sometimes point to relationships in big trouble. Don't necessarily give up, but know it may take some serious work.

The Takeaway

Brief periods of boredom in the early days of relationships are totally normal and often just a reaction to the drop-off in adrenaline after the thrill of the chase (plus insecurity, a fun addition to any situation). Avoid any drastic measures, and the Wave should disperse on its own. But if it goes on for longer than a few weeks, or the effort has totally gone out of the relationship, it may be time to reassess.

Works Cited

  1. Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice. Fisher HE, Aron A, Brown LL. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2007, Feb.;361(1476):0962-8436.

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Medical marijuana should be held to same standard as other drugs, pharmacist says

Medical marijuana needs to be studied like any other drug. No one is opposed to the active ingredients in it, but we need to have some data. That is what we would expect from any other drug, an expert says.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily

The Foolproof, Step-by-Step Guide to Cooking Spaghetti Squash

Greatist Workout of the Day: Wednesday, November 11th

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Greatist Workout of the Day: Burpee Love Burpee Love

Complete 5 rounds of the following as fast as is safely possible.

20 Air Squats
15 Box Jumps
10 Burpees

Want to kick up the intensity? Hold a light kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your chest on the air squats. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS

Nanotechnology advances could pave way for implantable artificial kidney

New advances in nanopore technology could lead to the development of a surgically implantable, artificial kidney.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily