The truth about counting calories

Counting calories is a quite complicated business, there are so many books and articles on internet about this but the truth is that “good” and “bad” fats, proteins, carbs and sweets created calories; so, the big query is knowing which is better than others or if maybe all are equal to our body.

There are so many ways to count calories to maintain your weight, and you could base your all food choices depending of the calorie content, but this is not the only criteria to ponder. Experts explain that there are a million of reasons to consider other important features in our food than just calorie content.

For example, if the food you are going to eat today contains fiber, like corn, avocado or kidney beans, it will keep you feeling full longer, and after eating maybe you would think that you ate so much, but the really is that it does not have so many calories. And when you feel full, it can prevent you from reaching extra calories when you try to eat something else, in order to fill yourself up.


Right choices

One of the many benefits of choosing fresh fruits, vegetables or another lower-fat food to your daily diet is that you get more foods (and healthier) for less money.

The really is that carbs and protein foods have about 4 calories per gram, but all kinds of fats have more than twice, about 9 calories per gram. And you maybe could think that you should eat according the calories. But it is not good eating higher-fat every day just because is a little bit.

Besides, if you want to lose weight counting calories, better choose carbs and proteins for the breakfast. For your lunch you can cook a delicious egg white omelet with vegetables like onions, carrots and lettuce, also mushrooms and low-fat cheese or grilled chicken.

With this kind of meal for your day, you will able to eat some snacks in the afternoon. But if you prefer to eating a lot of fat foods like fried chicken, French fries, bacon and full-fat cheese, you will consume most of the calorie portion recommended by the end of breakfast.


Calories means energy

You cannot avoid consume calories; this is not a logical thing. Everyone needs calories to make activities, like walking, working, and caring children. So if you are trying to feed you with low calorie foods and water just to feel your stomach full and do not gain weight, you will not have energy to do anything. You will feel tired and sleepy if you do not eat protein, carbs and fat.

Calories are the amount of energy that a food can provides you, and everyone should has a personal calorie limit. But the most important of this is that you should balance your energy in (foods you eat) and your energy out (calories you burn). The secret for eat what you want is making some physical activity every day to burn the calories you gain eating a delicious chocolate ice cream; so, take the stairs!


Mix it all

Although carbohydrates have less calories content than fat, you should not eat them with wild abandon. Everything is about balance; for that reason the best diet plan to you is about eating a healthy mix of all most known three energy sources. Nutritionists recommended that a good meal needs about 45-60 percent of calories and just a 15 percent should come from carbohydrates.

But like we said before, you need to eat protein (meat, fish, milk, eggs, and vegetables), carbohydrates (bread, rice) and fat (olive oil, nuts, cheese, cream, butter). Some foods produce good hormonal effects in the body, others build muscle and store good fat, and if you set a calorie limit but with different proportions of protein, fat and carbs, you will get good results about losing weight.

Then you need to mix all these types of energy source to create a balance diet for you.


Write a food diary

Most experts recommend having a food diary to keep track of the calories you eat every day (including a weekend). This should be the first step for getting a handle on how many calories you consume and how healthy you could be eating some foods.

Also you can include the physically activities that you do and you will compare if it is enough to balance the calories consumed or if you need to do something else. You can find on internet the amount of calories you burn with some common activities, like walk or cleaning the house;  so write these kind of activities too.

But it is important being completely honest with yourself, the cake of your friend’s birthday, your mom’s cookies or the lunch you finished from your son’s plate.

If you do not write this you will think that everything is fine, and you really do not know why you cannot lose weight. Track every food you eat and you will be surprised about all sources of calories that you are eating.

How to Find Motivation To Workout and Double the Effect in 10 Days

It is easy to start exercising, but it is much easier to quit. Although many people are aware of the benefits of exercising, many who start an exercise program will go back procrastinating after a few weeks or months or quit prematurely. This is because of several reasons --- starting from having a busy work schedule, to boring fitness routines, or having children to look after or to having no money for a gym membership...

Making excuses not to exercise and procrastinating is a common issue in our society and keeping yourself motivated to exercise is much more difficult. You may be one of those people who have trouble to understand the psychology behind how you get the motivation to workout regularly. Read on so you know some simple yet effective techniques to overcome procrastination and keep the motivation to workout.

Anti-procrastinating Strategies:

Make Exercising a Habit

Starting to exercise and to keep going is the hardest part. The key to keep the motivation to workout alive and to overcome procrastination is to make exercise a habit and make it as important part of your lifestyle. Setting schedule to workout and keeping it on a regular basis are some of the strategies to turn an exercise into a habit. Your body will eventually get accustomed to exercise and will tell you it's time to work out instead of you having to get of the sofa. You can also get help from a personal trainer so you can stick with your program particularly at the beginning when it is most difficult.

Once it becomes a habit, you are already motivated even without the help of anybody else and your watch telling you.

Set Manageable Time

Fitness experts suggest that setting a fixed, manageable time for exercise will motivate you to overcome procrastination. For instance, you can devote 30 minutes every day to exercise. Knowing that you can stop your workout after the set 30 minutes, most of the time resulted to gaining more momentum at the midst of the workout and you will be surprised that you have the urge to continue beyond the time you set.

Set a Fitness Calendar

Commit yourself for a period of time to ensure that the exercise will become a habit. For instance, commit for 30 days that you will regularly exercise. You may achieve the habit sooner, but don't allow yourself to give up if you don't. To keep your exercise program exciting and avoid procrastination and have the motivation to workout, have variation in your activities. You can do

Walking for the first week, Jogging on the next, Yoga on the following week, and so on. This way you will never burn out and you keep the motivation to workout alive.

Stick With It

To establish a habit to keep the motivation to workout, you have to do it on a regular basis. If you have set your goals, just stick with it no matter what. If you don't see impressive changes in your body right away, concentrate on the experience and the healthy benefits of your exercise. After starting an exercise program there is a chance that you miss a workout here and there, but don't get discouraged just let it go. Don't make this a reason to quit and loose your motivation to workout.

Motivational Tips:

Be Realistic

What are your reasons for wanting to exercise? What do you want to achieve? Set achievable goals and not those that you aim but can't keep. Setting goals that are too high, you are setting yourself for failure. You will get easily burned out and eventually turn into procrastinating again. If you have overworked your muscles and feel overly sore after you exercise it is recommended to start slow with smaller goals that you know you can achieve. Start working out on your own speed, and then gradually work your way up. For example, start walking a few blocks around your neighborhood and then increase your distance steadily each day. You can elevate your goal by joining a running event eventually. This technique will allow your muscles to adapt while achieving your realistic goal. It's better to feel great about small achievement than feel terrible about a big failure.

Make It Fun

Choose fitness routines that you enjoy most. Most people stop exercising because they got bored or they find the routine vigorous the first time. Find exercises that you consider being pleasurable rather than frustrating. For instance, you may want to workout outdoors rather than inside a gym, you can choose outdoor activities like cycling or jogging. You can also sign up for gym membership or enroll in a fitness class if you are an extrovert person. Being around with other people who have the motivation to workout, chances are you will also be pushed to follow through. You can also wear your weighed vest or other weighted clothes while doing your workout to make it even more intense yet exciting and challenging.

Bond With Family or Friends

Make your daily exercise a bonding time with your family and friends. Organize a group of friends or family members who can join you exercise twice or three times a week. There is no other way to be motivated to workout than to have a very good support group. By having a workout partner or group, you enjoy the activity itself much more and at the same time you are committing yourself to meet up with them. This way you are making yourself accountable to another person and vice versa. Thinking that there are other people who are counting on you and you have a commitment with them, it gives you extra drive to be motivated.

Doing exercises with others will also motivate you if you see their improvement.

Take Pictures

Take a picture of yourself before you start your exercise program then continue taking picture as you go along. This way, you can see your progress every day and you get motivated to workout with the images of a fit and attractive "you". You can display your picture side by side next to a fit and healthy person that motivates you. It can be an athlete, an actor or your own picture when you were more active and in your best shape. You can also write your goals next to your pictures as a reminder to keep going and exercise regularly.

Reward Yourself

To keep the motivation to workout and overcome procrastination, reward yourself especially when you are meeting the goals you have set. The reward can be a healthy snack, or group reward movie night with fitness buddies. You can also make a fitness jar where you can add a dollar every time you exercise. Another form of reward is saving for a weighted vest outfit or a new fitness tool.

Conduct an Exercise and Diet Journal

More great ways to stay healthy are simply keeping track of what you eat and your fitness goals. When you have a workout and food journal, you are more likely to keep your commitment and stick to eating right and exercising regularly.

How do you overcome procrastination and keep yourself motivated to workout? Please share your story with us and help others to create the right mindset and find motivation to workout regularly.

The Venus Factor, has been helping people to find motivation to keep a healthy lifestyle and to lose weight. If you want to find out more about how to lose weight the unconventional way but naturally please - CLICK HERE  -

I Try To Avoid Taking In Calories At Night, So How Will I Manage To Eat All Of My Medifast Meals?

Sometimes, when people want to begin the medifast diet, they already have some healthy habits in place. And they are wondering how to incorporate the diet into a plan that has already become a habit. One example is trying not to eat anything too late at night.

Someone might say: "for the last couple of months, I have made it a rule of mine not to eat after 7pm. I've heard people say that you should never eat after seven because at that time, most people aren't really active. They are getting ready for bed and for the next day. So there is really no way to burn off what you eat at night. I have seen some results from this. But not enough. So I'd like to try medifast.

However, I do have some concerns about fitting in all five meals plus my lean and green. The way that I figure it, that's breakfast and lunch plus three snacks or a dessert. It's going to be very hard not to eat after seven this way. I figure I can get in mid morning and mid afternoon snack. But then that last meal might be a night time snack, which would naturally occur after seven. I do not want to get into this habit. What can I do?"

There are many options here. I'll discuss them to see if any would work for you. First of all, you could have your lean and green meal for breakfast or lunch. Nothing says that it must be at dinner time. If you did this and still had your mid morning and mid afternoon snacks, then the only thing left would be dinner. And you could have a medifast meal for that - perhaps the ziti, the chili, the sloppy joe, or the macaroni and cheese.

Another option is to have one of the medifast drinks upon waking up. Maybe the hot chocolate or cappuccino. If you have this instead of your regular morning coffee and then you have a medifast breakfast, then you've already taken that last meal off of the table.

Another thing that people will do is to mix or combine the meals into one sitting. This isn't how the diet is designed, but the thinking behind this is that it's better to get in all your meals by combining them instead of skipping. So, perhaps you would have the diet pancakes with hot chocolate at breakfast - which makes for two meals. Or soup with one of the fruit drinks for lunch.
Finally, if there are times when you just can't swing it or are running late one day, keep in mind that the diet meals are very small. Most are right around 100 calories. I think what people who say they don't eat late really mean is that she doesn't eat large amounts after 7. But I think there are ways to arrange your meals so that you are completely done by 7. However, if there are times when this just doesn't work out logistically, then taking in an additional 100 calories probably won't be catastrophic.

Want to get more tips that might help you manage medifast?




Things you Never knew about bananas

1. Eating two bananas can give you enough energy for a 90-minute workout.

2. Bananas can fight against depression. This is because bananas contain a protein called tryptophan, which converts to serotonin. Serotonin helps you relax and can make you feel better too.

3. Bananas contain Vitamin B6, which regulate blood glucose levels. This vitamin will also put you in a better mood!


4. The Vitamin B6 in bananas will also help fight nerves and stress, related to anything from your work life to your personal life.

5. Bananas can help battle high blood pressure and prevent strokes! The fruit is high in potassium and low in sodium, which is the perfect combination to fight against both ailments.

6. To that effect, bananas can soothe heartburn because of the natural antacid effect it has on the body.

7. Bananas are high in fiber. This can help regulate bowel movements without resorting to laxatives.

8. Having trouble passing your exams? Try eating a banana! The potassium in the fruit will help you stay focused and alert.


9. The inside of banana peels can soothe mosquito bites. So next time the pesky insect bites you, reach for a banana instead of an ointment.

10. As if bananas couldn't be more magical, they can also help cure hangovers. 'Nuff said!

Because Gyms Are So Last Season! (Stomach, Glut, and Leg Exercises You Can Do At Home!)

How many times have you enrolled at the gym, never to go? How many times have you gone, and just lingered in the background, too ashamed to get on any of the machines, or take any of the classes?

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about exposing your bulge to the outside world anymore. Gyms are so last season, and there is a new set of effective, vibrant, and yes, enjoyable exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home!

Gone are the days of heavy equipment and that confused look that you give this apparatus when you're too embarrassed to ask for help. You can now get the benefits of a full gym workout from your living room, and you never have to neglect your cat or goldfish, or miss that episode of How I Met Your Mother ever again. These exercises can be done from any room in your house, and at any time.

You simply need to commit to making a few changes, and pretty soon you will be rocking that sexy, summer body you've only ever dreamed of.

Where Do You Start?

The laws of physics do not change. Neither do the laws of physical exercise. Stretching and getting your muscles warm and ready before you proceed with any form of exercise is, therefore, a given.
You cannot just throw yourself into a workout, regardless of how mild it is, and regardless of your levels of fitness. So warming up before you start is imperative, and here are a couple of ways that you can do this.

Head Rolls - Bend your head forward, then roll it gently to the right side, then hang your head back so that you look up, and then roll your head gently to the left, before you return it to the starting position, head bent forward, eyes facing the floor. Repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat on both sides until your neck is warm and stretched.

• Shoulder Rolls - Let your arms hang gently at your side. Roll your shoulders forward for five counts, and then backward for five counts. That is one repetition. Two or three repetitions should warm up your shoulders. Try marching on the spot while you do this warm up for an overall effect.

• March On One Spot - Starting by marching on the spot, you can then march forward and then backward. Move your arms in a pumping motion up and down, and in rhythm with your steps. Keep your elbows bent, and your fists soft throughout the warm-up!

• Touch Your Toes - Let me set your mind at ease from the word go here: you will not be successful on your first try. Start by comfortably touching your knees, breathing throughout the stretch. As you exhale, you should reach for your toes until you feel a light stretch up the back of your legs. After you have gone as low as you can, come up slowly and reach for the ceiling. You should be breathing in and out until your hands are resting by your side again. Repeat! A couple of times!!!

• Knee Lifts - Stand tall, imagine you're a tree. Or a skyscraper! Bring alternate knees up, so that they touch the opposite hand. Keep your back straight throughout, and imagine that you are trying to connect your naval with your spine. Your supporting leg should be slightly bent. You should aim to complete 30 knee lifts in 30 seconds, at least!

• Knee Bends - Ten repetitions of this warm up exercise should do the trick. Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands reaching out in front of you, lower yourself about 10 cm and then slowly come up.

• Heel Digs - Keep your front foot pointing up, and place the heel of the pointing foot out in front of you. Punch out on each dig, keeping your supporting leg bent slightly throughout the exercise.

• Hundreds - After you have lowered yourself to about 10 cm, as you did for knee bends; stretch both hands out in front of you. With your hands facing the floor, do one hundred pulses, before you raise yourself back up to standing. It helps to do this exercise with your back against a wall. Just one set is enough. Maintain a naval to spine connection throughout the exercise.

These are just a few warm-ups, but they are sufficient to get you warmed up and ready for the real workout. Depending on your level of fitness, once you have completed the exercises above, you will feel like you have already had a solid workout. It is, however, only the beginning.
Areas of focus are your core, butt, and legs, as these are the most common problem areas for anyone.

Male or female, we could all do with a firmer butt, a more toned midsection, and killer legs. The following Stomach, Glut, and Leg Exercises are some of the most effective around. You can also do them while you catch up with your soapies or that series you just haven't been able to get to!

The great thing about leg and butt exercises is that they usually work together. So, when you do one exercise, say, for your legs, it automatically benefits the other muscle growing out of where your legs meet just below your waist. Stomach exercises, however, are usually done in isolation. You can fit all these exercises into one routine, however.

After you warm up, you will be ready for the hard part. And the next part is just that, HARD!

Scintillating Squats:

For a firmer butt and thighs, then you will be hard-pressed to find a better exercise. It might help you to do this exercise using a firm dining room chair to begin with. Stand in front of the chair, almost like you are about to take a seat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and you can relax your arms at your side or stretch them out in front of you for extra balance. Lower yourself from the knees, bending them until they form a right angle, or until your butt touches the chair. DO NOT SIT DOWN ON THE CHAIR! Imagine instead that there is a fire in the seat, and as soon as you touch it, come back up to standing. You should feel the effects of this after about two sets of 24. Feel free to do more!

Languid Lunges!

This exercise is also very good for firming your Gluteus Maximus and your thighs. Imagine you are going to do the splits, right leg forward, and left leg back. Lower yourself into a lunge, until both your legs form 90-degree angles. With your weight firmly in your heels, slowly come back to begin, or the split stance. Maintain a naval to spine connection throughout, with your back straight. Never place your knees over your toes. Repeat this 24 times for each leg.

Raising Cane (oops, Calves)

Standing straight, move slowly onto your toes. Without locking your legs, lift the heels off the ground. Then, lower your heels slowly back to the ground again. For added resistance, try doing this exercise with light weights in your hands. About 24 reps should do!

Building Bridges

Lying on your back, you bend your knees. Keep your heels close to your butt and bring your hips up off the floor until a straight line forms from your knees to your shoulders. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and they should also be kept flat on the floor. Squeeze your butt as you come up, and maintain a constant naval to spine connection. Do at least two sets of 20 reps each, and try not to let your knees point outwards!

Stomach Crunch Time

Still on your back, bend your knees, keeping your hands behind your ears. Your lower back should be kept pressed into the floor as you raise your shoulder blades about 3 inches off the floor. Lower them slowly. Avoid tucking your neck into your chest on the upward movement, and never use your hands to pull up your neck! At least two sets of 24 reps each should suffice!

Oblique What?

On your back, knees bent and together, lift your feet off the floor. With the right hand behind the right ear, you extend your left arm out. The lower back should be pressed into the floor as you lift your shoulder blades off the floor, curling the upper body diagonally across the chest towards your left knee. Lower down slowly. One set of 24 on each side will create a serious burn. Burning is very good!

Back Raises

This exercise helps a lot with your posture. You lie chest-down on the floor, placing your hands at your temples. You can extend your hands out for more of a challenge. Keep your legs together, and your feet raised off the ground. Raise your shoulders off the floor, about 3 inches, and then slowly lower them down. Keep your neck long and your eyes to the ground as you do two sets of 24 reps each.

Cooling Things Down!

Cooling down should take you at least five minutes, but you can take all the time you need to recover. If you cannot do all of them at one sitting, don't worry, it will get better. You just need to be committed, and know that you will reap what you sow.

The most effective cooling down exercises are those that involve stretching. You will feel like you have reset your internal clock, and that you have prepared your body adequately for recovery after exercise. Caring for your body in this way will ensure that it will carry you well through this life, and look good doing it too.

Here are a few suggestions:

The Buttock Stretch - Held for 15 seconds, you lie on the floor, your knees to your chest. You then cross your legs, right over your left thigh, clasping your hands around the back of your left thigh. You then slowly pull your left leg towards your chest and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for the other leg.

Hamstring Stretch - Still lying on the floor, you raise your right leg, left leg bent with your left foot placed firmly on the floor. Then you pull your right leg towards yourself, keeping it straight all the time. Hold it closer to your thigh and not at your knee.

Thigh Stretch - Still on the floor, you lie on your right side. Holding the top of your left foot, you pull this foot gently towards the left buttock. Keeping the knees touching, this stretches the front of the thigh. Repeat on the other side.

Inner Thigh Stretch - Sitting down on the ground, keep your back straight. Then you bend your knees, touching the soles of your feet together. With your hands firmly on your feet, lower your knees towards the ground.

Calf Stretch - Keeping your left leg straight, step forward on your right leg, keeping it bent and leaned forward slightly. Lift your heel off the ground, although this should happen naturally. Now try to place your left heel back on the ground. Repeat for your other heel.
So you see, you don't need the gym at all. You do not need that fancy equipment that they advertize on TV to get a real workout too. You just need to be comfortable, and have a bit of space, about the length of your body, and you're good to go.


Again, don't expect to be able to do all these exercises the first time, and that is quite alright. You just start, make the first move, and keep on going once you've started. Soon enough, you will be doing them like a pro. They will become second nature to you, and you will start to see the rewards, and feel them, in no time.

4 Great Superfoods for Weight Loss!

You must have heard of those so-called "superfoods" for weight loss by now. Nutritionally-packed ingredients (normally fresh fruit and vegetables) that can boost the nutrient intake for your body, and bring with them a whole host of health benefits, one of which just so happens to be weight loss.
Are you intrigued? We bet you are! Take a look at some of this information that we have unearthed...

1 - Black Beans

These understated beans contain an astonishing amount of protein; almost as much as 15 grams per cup. There's no bad stuff either - no saturated fat for example, making it a perfect substitute for meat in foods like chilli con carne, and other mince-meat based dishes. Plus, that one cup only contains about 200 calories - less than what the same amount of meat would probably have.

Just adding beans to your diet won't help you to lose weight. The trick is to substitute one of the "bad" foods for the black beans in a bid to help you ingest fewer calories as well as increasing the amount of iron and antioxidants which means not only will these beans help you to lose weight, but you'll also be fighting back against the risks of certain conditions like heart disease and certain type of cancer.

2 - Oats

Another of the great superfood for weight loss, oats are perfect for someone who is feeling a little sluggish and this could be because they are holding onto too much waste product in their bowels. Did you know that you could be carrying upwards of ten pounds worth of actual junk in your body, and by eating more fibre, you are giving your digestive system a little helping hand, giving you more opportunity to lose weight than just exercise and changes to your diet alone. What's the point in making all those change if you aren't going to get rid of the excess waste first? You don't need to resort to drastic measures like colonic irrigation; there are foods (especially those high in fibre) that will help things along quite nicely.

Oats are the perfect way to start your day because not only will they help your digestive system, they contain a healthy starch called Resistant Starch which helps to burn off the fat content but speeding up the metabolism. There's a reason people have been eating oats for years!

3 - Avocados

A lot of people shy away from things like avocado because of the high fat content but the thing you need to know about this humble superfood is that it contains lots of HEALTHY fats; not the unhealthy stuff. Monounsaturated fats, for example, have been shown in studies to actually suppress hunger pangs, and there's lots of protein and fibre in there too so you're killing a whole bunch of birds with just one stone.

Plus it's super easy to whack a bit of avocado in a smoothie and even if you're not that keen on the taste, you won't know it's there.

4 - Salmon

Aside from being completely delicious, salmon is one of the greatest superfoods for weight loss that you can get your hands on. The lean source of protein that salmon offers you is the kinda that makes you full after you eat it, and keep you feeling that full feeling for longer. This means that you are less likely to snack throughout the day because you're not experiencing those hunger pangs, plus a recent study showed that dieters that ate more salmon had faster and bigger weight loss.

There are quite a few superfoods for weight loss; more so than many people initially think. Blueberries are great for their anti-aging properties as well as being very low in calories, and broccoli (both cooked and raw) is perfect for the cancer-busting qualities plus being low in calories and high in fibre. There's also brown rice, pears and even wine... in moderation, of course!

Is it about time that you re-evaluated your diet? Think about it - all the exercise in the world won't make that much of a difference if you're still ingesting more calories than you burn off!

The Venus Factor



LADIES: Experience a Customized Nutrition and Exercise Program Developed Specifically for You...

What is the Venus Factor?

The Venus Factor is a nutrition and exercise program designed specifically for women in order to safely and effectively lose weight, and maintain a feminine body shape. The Venus Factor program is designed to work with your body shape and size to produce custom guidelines that fit with your lifestyle and current fitness level. This includes custom nutrition software that gives you daily and weekly guidelines for food choices, calories, and macronutrients. The program also provides sample meal plans, and guidelines on customizing it to fit into your lifestyle. Along with the custom nutrition program and software the Venus Factor also includes a comprehensive full body workout program that provides both cardiovascular and muscle toning and strengthening benefits. Finally the Venus Factor also includes a custom mobile app that and private customer community where you can share your experiences and learn from other members and also track your progress and access the entire program from your mobile device wherever you are. The Venus Factor program, information, guidelines, and support community is designed to be at your fingertips whether you’re at home, in the gym, or on the road.

How it Works


Step 1 – Custom nutrition program and guidelines

The Venus Factor Nutrition Program is a combination of an instructional manual and custom nutrition software deigned to give nutrition guidelines and recommendations based on your height, age, weight , body shape and current fitness and activity level. This includes daily food choice recommendations, sample meal plans, daily and weekly calorie goals, as well as guidelines on macronutrients like protein carbohydrates and fats. A unique feature of the Venus Factor program is that your nutrition recommendations will change as your body changes throughout the program. The custom nutrition guideline software is designed for you to refer to it once per week to get your new nutrition guidelines and provide your body what it needs as you progress each week.


Step 2 – Structured Workout Program

The Venus Factor also includes a whole body workout program that is designed to work with the custom nutrition guidelines and your current fitness level. The workout is designed with multiple whole body workouts per week that will provide both a cardiovascular and muscle toning benefit. A full exercise video database with over 140 instructional videos is included for you to follow along with and learn the correct form and muscles targeted with each exercise. The exercise program is also designed to progress hand and hand with the nutrition program as you progress from week to week.


Step 3 – Community Support and Mobile Access

The Venus Factor also includes a custom mobile app that gives you access to the entire system of nutrition and exercise programs on your mobile device as well as access to a private community of Venus Factor members. The private community gives you access to other Venus Factor members where you can share your experiences and learn from other members. This private and secure community is a great source of motivation and support that many women find critical to their success on a nutrition and exercise program.




What if the workouts are too hard for me?

If you find the workouts too challenging there are lessons and information within the program to make modifications and substitutions to the workout program to match it to your current fitness level.


What if it doesn’t work for me?

If you’re not happy with the product for any reason whatsoever send us an email within 60 days of your purchase and you’ll be issued a 100% refund no questions asked.


What Does Being Fit Really Teach Us?

We make choices in life. Each one of us is unique in our own ways. As individuals, our minds are in control of everything - those that we do, those that we want to do and those that we want to have. Our eagerness and determination to work hard in achieving the things that we think we can't do or the things that we think we can't have will determine our future.

Physical fitness as described in Wikipedia, is a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity. Physical fitness means being healthy and free from illness and the ability to be involved in physical activities, such as running, jumping, swimming, weight lifting, etc. Since our first few years in school, we have been introduced to physical fitness and sports. Some of us discovered our talents and became athletes. Others would always try their best to excel in sports even if they believe that they don't have the said talent. They are those people who believe in the saying, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." Now, let's talk about those who are neither athletes nor enthusiasts. They are these type of people:

1) An average guy who wants to look better, have bigger arms, broader shoulders, thicker chest and finely carved abs.
2) A person who thinks he or she is fat and aims to have a smaller waistline or a flat tummy.
3) A skinny guy who wants to build more muscle.
4) A man or a woman who wants to become stronger and feel better.
5) An elderly who is fighting a disease and was advised by the doctor to start exercising. The main goal is to look better. Next is to feel better, stronger and healthier.

In my own opinion, physical fitness is a complex state. It is a definition of how a person lives his or her life. It is an enigmatic evidence of feeling great from inside out. It is a result of discipline, hard work, humility, curiosity, and perseverance.

These characteristics, for me, are the main ingredients in becoming successful in your fitness goals.

Not eating your favorite comfort food or not drinking your favorite soda, getting yourself tired three, four or five times a week, spending your time running outside instead of just lying in bed - these are not a good idea to many. When you have discipline, you know that you have to do what you don't want to.


Focusing on your goal, looking forward to achieving your desired body or physical ability and pushing yourself hard are not really hard to do at all. Always tell yourself to strive more for better results. Hard work pays off at the end of the day.


Always keep in mind that you don't need to be better than someone else. There will always be that person who looks better than you or is stronger than you. Sometimes you will be that person too. There is no competition with anyone but yourself. Bragging about what you have will get you nowhere.


There are a lot of fitness experts and magazines online nowadays. Social media is one of the best ways to get advice and tips from. You only need to take the time to read those advice and tips and try applying them. Having a friend who is experienced in physical fitness will also be a bonus. But also limit yourself to hearsay.


There will be times that you get frustrated, unmotivated, hopeless and unprogressive. Don't just quit right away. Remember the first day of your workout until the next weeks, months and years that you feel a lot stronger than ever before. Never think of giving up and put to waste what you have already started. You will notice the changes in your body as you take pictures every now and then, either monthly or bimonthly, or anytime you want to take note of your progress.

As you take the journey to achieving your goals and having the physique that you always wanted, you will eventually learn and practice the qualities mentioned above. You will also get used to eating healthier foods and limit or exclude those unhealthy ones in your everyday meal. You will start to add and love more protein, green and leafy vegetables, healthy fats and fiber to your diet. But remember, there is no perfect diet, a very good advice or an excellent trainer to help you with your goal if your mind is not set to work with keen interest. In addition, you'll be more successful if you keep an open mind and be teachable all the time.

Although there will be times that you feel like your expectations are not met. You will feel like there are no changes in your body as how you want it to be. You'll be in the stage of reaching the so-called plateau and you notice that there is no progress anymore, you're not getting any bigger, leaner or stronger. Your only competition here is yourself. Every time you look in the mirror, you will see that person in front of you. You would always want to look better than that one there. Every time you feel like quitting, every time you feel tired and losing the drive, just think of what you will achieve when you keep going. You need to decide where you want to be. Are you contented with what you just have? Would you just accept the fact that you can't achieve something new for yourself? Or would you want to experience the triumph of conquering your limitations? As the great Arnold Schwarzenegger said, make your mind work for you, not against you. You just have to be patient, continue doing what you have started, keep an open mind because everyday is a learning process, enjoy yourself until the day you realize that you have already reached your goal. By then, you will know exactly what I'm talking about right now.

The 33 Genius Three-Ingredient Recipes

If you are looking for some New recipes, some new ideas that will make you happy, than you are on the right place. These 33 easy and amazing food recipes will make you happy and you will enjoy in your food. All you need to do is to chose one of this food ideas and try it, or you can try all of them.

Do You Gain Weight Really Quickly?

I was at the gym with a client to do squats the other morning. He told me how he was feeling a little "bloated and wobbly" around the tummy area and had put half a stone in a matter of days.

He lifted his shirt to prove it, and looked at me like water retention. However, this chapter is quite thin, so I knew that a diet is not what I needed. But as I said I wanted the water - BIG TIME - he was like a pregnant woman.

He knew why he had been a naughty boy with his power, he just wanted to help him get it just as quickly as it came. I'll try to explain a complicated process in simple English for you to try to understand how your body works, and one of the reasons why the two carbohydrates affect your weight.

Now we can hold water for many reasons, but the three main ones are:

1. Too many carbs / sugars

2. Not enough water

3. Too much salt

Most people do not know this, but for every gram of carbohydrate or sugar you eat, you will need to have 4 grams of water for treatment. Biochemistry is my favorite subject at least, but I've learned enough to know that each carbohydrate molecule has four water molecules attached to it.

So if you eat or 100g of rice, you need 400 grams of water to "do their job" in your body. 500g (100g + 400g rice water) is equivalent to about £ 1. Not fat (again), but the scale weight and inches in your body.

This is why some people who eat a diet rich in carbohydrates diet increase the weight as fast. We had to get rid of water retention and it was back on track.

This is what we did:

1. drank more water, more than two liters a day like this.

2. Reduce intake of carbs / sugar, which in this case was alcohol, bread and chocolate.

3. Cut out processed foods, it is high in all the wrong salts that make you retain water like a sponge.

So if you find that you have taken a lot of weight quickly (like during the Christmas holidays or drunk) this is what you must do to get rid of excess water in his hands.

The weight you put on is not big hydrates of carbon and water which swells like a balloon. If you are hydrated, in general, it is not strongly, you retain less water.

Your body stands on the water when there is so much about him, is a physiological response, it is one thing to protect the body is to take care of you.

In the future, among other things, that guy could drink more water and try to stay hydrated while he is having his drunkenness and would not affect you as much. So if you feel like this guy did now know what to do to get you back on track.

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There is also much easier to read articles and useful information that can inspire to reach your fitness goals faster and exercise!

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