The 6 Things We Learned While Watching Arnold Schwarzenegger Work Out

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently live streamed 30 minutes of his daily workout to promote his newest venture, a t-shirt (and fitness movement) called "Come With Me If You Want to Lift." The live stream is a lot like Terminator Genisys—not really worth watching, except for a few golden scenes. So instead of sitting through the whole thing (though we did include the video below for die-hard fans), check out Schwarzenegger's seven best nuggets of advice.

1. No half-reps.

The former governor of California frequently referenced his hatred for ending a lift before fully extending the muscle: "Go all the way up. None of these half-reps. That's bullsh*t."

2. Exhale as you exert yourself.

This is classic advice. It's important to be deliberate with your breathing while working out.

3. There's no such thing as the weaker sex.

We were pleasantly surprised by Schwarzenegger's feminist stance, though he did make this comment in regards to doing a pose-off with the person you're sleeping next to.

4. Work out your abs every day.

Do you sleep every day? What about eating breakfast? According to Arnold, abs are also a daily necessity.

5. We all have uncontrollable urges.

Yes, Arnold sometimes yells, “GET TO THE CHOPPA!”

6. Beer is better for you than milk.

“There is nothing that milk has that you really need," Schwarzenegger says. "I tell you, there are more nutrients in beer than in milk.” That claim is a little far-fetched. Beer does have nutrients, including B vitamins and potassium, but milk can be a good source of calcium.

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3 Ways to Spot BS on the Internet

We know we shouldn't believe everything we read. The problem is most of the deceptive or outright false information shared online doesn't scream BS in the way an email from a Nigerian prince does. To help people become more discerning, David Dunning, a psychology professor at Cornell University, put together three things you can do:

  1. Ask yourself, "Do I totally agree?" If yes, be careful. It's easy to believe something that fits neatly with our beliefs. We're also more likely to share it with our friends. If an article has you saying, "Of course" or "I thought so," it's worth taking a moment to double-check the facts.
  2. Imagine the information is wrong. Force yourself to think that what you're reading is completely false. This is a lot easier said than done, but it helps you let go of your assumptions before you retweet.
  3. Seek out info you disagree with. Facebook's algorithm puts the people we like to hear from at the top of our Newsfeed, but hearing only things we agree with isn't good for our brains (or our BS meters). Check out the news on a different website or read an opinion piece about something you disagree with. It's the best way to face your biases head-on.

(h/t The Science of Us)

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Eating Healthy and Regular Exercises Work

While living in the US, I have realized how important it is for me to manage food consumption. I started having a weight problem and I was determined to find a solution to this issue which started to cause many major ailments in my life. After many anecdotal experiments, eating healthy and regular exercises work. I am more than happy to share my techniques with you where I manage to lose 40 lbs. in six weeks by eating healthy and do exercises regularly.

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Simple Makeup Tips & Ideas: Your Way to Amazing Eyes

Pulling off a perfect cat eye could be a little tricky. Here are some beauty & simple makeup tips and ideas to apply eyeliner.

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Simple Makeup Tips & Ideas: Easy Contouring Tips

Face contouring makeup is no longer a hard process! Here are simple makeup tips & ideas that will make it easier.

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This Catchy Music Video Has a Serious Message About HIV Prevention

To say we're big fans of Disney movies is an understatement—Ariel sang at Greatist's fifth birthday, after all. So when Todrick Hall's latest video, inspired by The Lion King, popped up in our feed, we clicked without even thinking. Turns out, "Hakuna Truvada" (a play on "Hakuna Matata") is both catchy and informational. The song teaches listeners about Truvada, a pill taken daily to reduce the risk of HIV infection. The drug, which is often referred to as PrEP, a shorthand version of the scientific term preexposure prophylaxis, requires a prescription, so it's something to talk about with your doctor if you're part of a high-risk group for contracting HIV.

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Yoga on a Horse Is the Coolest Thing We've Seen All Week

Our Instagram feed is basically cute animals and cool fitness photos, so we couldn't contain our excitement when we discovered Angela Nuñez's account, @horse_yoga_girl, which combines the two. The yogi-slash-equestrian got the idea to combine her passions when her local studio had a photo contest. Now she practices yoga on her horse, Snowy, on a regular basis. And to think we thought crow pose on a mat was impressive.

Check out some of Nuñez's #neighmaste poses:

(h/t Mashable)

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PETA's New Ad Makes Ridiculous Claims About Eating Chicken and Penis Size

PETA is no stranger to absurd ads (including borderline pornographic ones) that use questionably accurate scientific evidence to promote veganism. Its newest one is no different: It claims women who eat chicken while pregnant give birth to sons with smaller penises because of chemicals called phthalates, which have been found in small quantities in chicken.

Aside from the fact that it's ridiculous to worry about the size of your child's penis, the phthalate study PETA cites doesn't actually make a connection between eating chicken and penis size—it never even mentions chicken! The study does look at phthalate exposure among pregnant women, but the link between exposure and their son's penis size is limited.

The debate about phthalates and their antiandrogen (a.k.a. testosterone-blocking) effect isn't new, but the connection has never been made in research on humans, says Sherry Ross, M.D., an OB/GYN at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. "Phthalates are everywhere, from the water we drink to the makeup we wear to the food we eat," she says. "Until better and more reliable studies can be done on the dangers of phthalates, I wouldn’t worry about eating chicken during pregnancy."

As an obstetrician, Ross advises pregnant women to avoid certain foods (undercooked meats, raw fish, and unpasteurized juice and cheese), but chicken is not one of them. "Isolating chicken consumption during pregnancy has merit in the eyes of PETA but not the medical community," Ross says.

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Beauty Industry Built on the Product and Services That Help Us Look Our Best

The beauty industry is all about the field of cosmetology, and its importance cannot be denied. Looking good and beautiful has been the preference of all men and women from the beginning. If you search the history, you will find different beauty therapies were used even in the primitive times.

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What Is A Weight Loss Calculator Used For?

Simple online tools like a weight loss calculator can help plan a diet and estimate calorie intake that will help achieve weight goals. This article about these programs explains how they work and what they can be used for.

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CoolSculpting For A Better Figure

Have you ever wished that you could get rid of those fat deposits in your body which just refuse to disappear even when you try to exercise them out? CoolSculpting gives you the chance of getting rid of the unwanted fat that accumulates in difficult places. A completely non-invasive process, it gives you a safe and convenient way to look slimmer and feel great.

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7 Super Simple Chicken Dishes That Are Tasty AF

The 15-Minute Core Workout You Can Do Anywhere

This core workout may be short on time, but it's high on intensity. Fitness instructor John Godfrey strategically builds in some rest time so you can push through to the end, but trust us, you'll feel the burn once it's over.

After a quick warm-up, you’ll do a combination of moves such as planks, crunches, and twists that target your abs from every angle. The best part: All you need is a mat, which means you can do these moves nearly anywhere. Just press play!

To recap, perform a 5-minute warm-up followed by the moves below. Perform each exercise for 8 to 10 reps.

  • 3 Position Leg Swing
  • Straight Leg Sit-Up
  • Knee to Elbow to Wrist
  • Russian Twist
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Plank to Pike
  • Plank Walk-Out
  • Frozen V-Sit
  • Dish Rock to Cradle Rock
  • Side Plank Pulsing Side to Side
  • Leg Cycle
  • Side Crunch
  • Legs Up Ab Pulse
  • Straddle V-Up

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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Should You Break Up? Ask Yourself These 9 Questions First

Quick: Name a few of your deal breakers.

You probably rattled them off without having to think too hard. But when you're in the midst of a relationship, deal breakers become a lot less black and white.

That's why we love this video from The School of Life, which lists nine questions you should ask yourself to figure out if you should stick it out or call it quits. You can skip to the 2:30 mark to get right to them.

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Why Your Fake Laugh Isnt Fooling Anyone

Laughter means the same thing in the U.S. as it does in India, Australia, Russia, and everywhere else on earth. In fact, it's not even a distinctly human trait—apes chuckle too.

But all laughter isn't created equal. Laughter (and other vocal expressions) used to be more closely tied to how we feel, but as we evolved, we learned to fake it in order to speed up the bonding process. However researchers recently showed we can tell whether giggles are genuine or phony. A new study even suggests we're able to judge whether people are friends or strangers based on how they laugh around each other.

(h/t The Conversation)

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How to Lose Weight Fast for Teenage Girls

Being overweight is one thing. Being overweight for a teenage girl is something that can cause depression. While most people will say looks are not important, but personality is, the truth is that most people get judged from the appearance alone.

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Why It's Totally Normal to Feel Like You're Friends With TV Characters

If you grew up on '90s TV, you saw New York through the lens of Seinfeld, Friends, and Will & Grace. You probably had a favorite character (are you more of a Monica or a Phoebe?) and maybe even started to feel close to them. Bonds with fictional characters are actually so common we have a name for them: parasocial relationships.

Parasocial relationships offer social surrogacy, a fancy scientific term that means TV characters can become stand-ins for IRL friends. Like any relationship, connecting with a book or movie protagonist takes time. Eventually we start to empathize with fictional characters and become emotionally invested. They can even help us feel less lonely. So don’t sweat it if you cried when Dumbledore died, we all did.

(h/t Science of Us)

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Hair Removal Treatment Options

Are you thinking about a hair removal treatment? Here is an overview of what you can expect with each treatment type.

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What Is Feminine Beauty? (Two Views)

An Artist's Point of View - It is easier to evaluate a painting than to give one's concept of beauty. For beauty is too relative to be defined.

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19 Smart Ways to Fix a Stale Relationship

12 Unexpected Ways to Fit Cardio Into Your Routine

Look Young And Beautiful At Any Age With Herbal Products

Growing old is always a topic of worry for all, especially women. Since old age brings various ageing signs with it like wrinkles, freckles, dark spots and sagging of skin so it is obvious to worry about this. Most of the women worrying about their diminishing beauty and youthfulness take help of various cosmetic products available in the market. All such products claim to deliver the best but most of them render many negative effects. Instead of going for such costly cosmetic products it is recommended to go for herbal and homemade products that offer long-term results. Here are some effective home remedies and herbal cosmetics that can make you look beautiful -

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Still Counting Calories? Stop That Right Now!

If your weight loss tactic is counting calories, you may want to re-think your approach. This method is outdated.

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Managing Weight Is Easier Than Losing It And Now You Have Help

Ever felt that maintaining your healthy weight after weight loss was the toughest part? How can this be not the case? Let us see.

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Get Bikini Ready: Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

Weight loss can be an incredibly challenging and time consuming endeavor. There are many different myths that surround the quest for fat loss. Belly fat is often the most difficult type of fat to lose. You must understand the causes behind belly fat to fight it successfully. It is important for your health to slim down your mid region.

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7 Asian-Inspired Salad Recipes That Are Packed With Flavor

What Womens Magazines Would Look Like If They Were Honest

Photo: sexy_bum82 (Reddit)

A few months ago Women's Health pledged to stop using the phrases "bikini body" and "drop two dress sizes" on its cover, but that hasn't stopped many lifestyle publications from making us feel pretty sh*tty about ourselves.

Yes, this parody cover shared by Reddit user sexy_bum82 is a little over the top, but the fact that the illustration went viral so quickly is a testament to how much most women's magazines still need to change.

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Why People Cheat Even When Theyre in Love

We may think people who turn to Tinder when they're in a relationship or cheat IRL do so because they're not satisfied in the sheets (or just plain malicious), but psychology has a different answer. As this video from The School of Life explains, relationships are all about balancing closeness and distance. If your relationship leans toward one extreme—spending every waking moment together or being super distant—you (and your partner) are more likely to cheat, since you crave whatever is missing.

We're not excusing infidelity or claiming this is the only reason people cheat, but it's a good reminder that we shouldn't be afraid to tell our partners we'd like some space or some more cuddle time.

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Why People Cheat Even When Theyre in Love

We may think people who turn to Tinder when they're in a relationship or cheat IRL do so because they're not satisfied in the sheets (or just plain malicious), but psychology has a different answer. As this video from The School of Life explains, relationships are all about balancing closeness and distance. If your relationship leans toward one extreme—spending every waking moment together or being super distant—you (and your partner) are more likely to cheat, since you crave whatever is missing.

We're not excusing infidelity or claiming this is the only reason people cheat, but it's a good reminder that we shouldn't be afraid to tell our partners we'd like some space or some more cuddle time.

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Are Curved Stairlifts Really Worth the Investment?

Despite the fact that stairlifts allow individuals to fully enjoy their properties, even if they are suffering from reduced mobility due to illness, injury or disability, one of the main reasons that people are put off investing in curved stairlifts is that they are generally considered one of the most expensive options on the market. To give a little bit of context, there are two main types of stairlift - curved ones and straight ones - each one designed to fit a particular type of staircase. Most staircases are either straight up and down, or alternatively curved,...

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This Powerful Video Shows What Its Like to Hide Depression

We know depression is much more serious than the general sadness we all experience from time to time. But this honest video reveals that for some people, the debilitating sadness isn't even the scariest part. Doug Leddin, who's lived with depression for the past 10 years, says he's most afraid his family and friends won't understand what he's going through—and that he'll lose them because of it. His story is an important reminder that we all need to talk more about mental health.

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Why We Like Spices (Even Though Nature Doesnt Want Us To)

The spices you add to dishes for extra zing are are actually chemical weapons that plants deploy as a means to discourage animals like us from eating them. This trippy video from Mind of a Chef explains that we love spices because we’ve learned to game the system and transform them through traditional cooking. While we know plenty of flavor combinations that taste delicious, we still have no idea what draws us to particular spices over others.

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This Running Skort for On-the-Go Peeing Seems Ridiculous But It's Actually Useful

When we first heard about the Gotta Go running skirt, we rolled our eyes. And rightfully so: It started as an April Fools' joke by Skirt Sports. But after being bombarded with requests, the company ended up actually manufacturing it. As the video from the skirt's Kickstarter campaign explains, "peeing yourself" during a workout is nothing to joke about. One in three women suffer from exercise-induced incontinence, which can be a huge barrier to going on long runs or signing up for races.

The skort comes with a built-in trapdoor (their words, not ours) that makes it easy to squat and pee just about anywhere (no more waiting for smelly porta-potties on race day). Sure, it may sound silly, but if it can help women kill it on their runs, we're on board.

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Change Your Shape With Waist Training - The Perfect 2-Step Formula

If you want to have the highly coveted hourglass figure, curves galore, ribs in check and hips a swaggering, it can now be yours. Using a waist training system, a fat reducing diet and proper abdominal exercises, you can get the body that men say they prefer more than any other shape.

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How to Clean Fabric and Care for Your Latex Waist Trainer or Body Shaping Cincher

There are so many different styles, fabric types, and construction for different functions; it's hard to know how to properly take care of your garment. In addition, it is important to clean your trainer or cincher frequently to avoid odor, skin irritations due to bacteria caused by perspiration. However, if you follow these general rules, you can never go wrong.

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Why Farm-to-Table Might Be One Big Sham

Farm-to-table food is one of the hottest restaurant trends right now. We're sold stories of animals raised on picturesque farms that are just up the road (OK, more like an hour or two away if you live in a city or suburb), making us feel so much better about the food we're eating. And we're willing to shell out big time for it.

But a recent exposé in The Tampa Bay Times revealed that many local, farm-to-table restaurants don't live up to their claims. Sure, some of the ingredients they use actually are organic, free of GMOs, and from local farms. However the reality is many restaurants don't have the time or money to work only with farmers—and often use bigger distributors who source products from all over the world to get the best price.

While the reporter investigated only Tampa-area restaurants, it's likely menus all over the country are filled with half-truths. There is little government oversight over the word local, and it's usually left to farmers to call out restaurants for their deceptions.

It may be unreasonable to expect a restaurant to be 100 percent local or organic, but we hope that chefs and owners will at least be held accountable for their menus' claims. Until then, take everything you order with a grain of salt.

(h/t Tampa Bay Times)

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Top 6 Most Popular Celebrity Hairstyles

Are you worrying to find your suitable hairstyle? Are you confused how to care your hair? Here. It will give you full instruction about how to make your hair style just like celebrities from this article.

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How To Lose Weight Fast On The Morning Banana Diet

How to lose weight fast? The Morning Banana diet is a good option. Devised as a method to achieve rapid fat loss, the simple diet caught the imagination of the world.

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Inner Beauty

Beauty lies in all shapes, sizes, colors and nationalities. There is not one standard for beauty. Beauty is a state of being; it is how you feel inside portraying on the outside.

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How To Get In Shape Fast At Home

Learning how to get in shape fast at home is one of the best ideas ever. Since we spend half of our lives at home, wouldn't it be great to be successful at being healthy and fit while at home?

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The Easiest And Best Way To Get Fit Quick

Your body wants to be fit and healthy. When you decide to make getting fit your goal, you can accomplish what you desire. Being committed will help you to find momentum and see faster results.

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How To Get Fit Fast In A Week

Once you focus everyday on accomplishing the steps necessary, you will soon see results. Even when you have setbacks or problems that come up, stay on track on commit to your goals.

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4 Unbelievable Ways Of Reducing Weight

Fortunately, you don't have to spin around in that downward spiral. There is a way to learn from past mistakes and try something new that easily incorporates into your lifestyle. In fact, if you make it priority, you can see results quickly and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

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Why Telling Someone You're Concerned About Their Weight Isn't Actually Helping

Body Talk With Sunny Sea Gold Icon About a month ago, someone tweeted at me, apropos of nothing: "Have you ever considered lap-band surgery?" My first thought was, "Huh? Lap band? Wait...for what?" And then it hit me: Ohhh, this guy was calling me fat! He'd obviously just seen the public service announcement for binge eating disorder awareness that I'm in and decided to weigh in on social media, something that has been happening more and more often as the commercial has hit network and cable channels nationwide. (Another recent gem: "yeezus look at you how did you get so big did you binge in your sleep too?")

Such concern-trolling of heavy women in the public eye is rampant, I've come to find out, since sharing this experience with others. One weight stigma and B.E.D. advocate I know warned me to be super careful—a friend of hers had recently been physically threatened and mocked in person by someone who started out as "just" an online hobgoblin. And one of my favorite writers, Sarai Walker, author of the brilliant transgressive feminist novel Dietland, told me she's constantly bombarded by people who have "public health concerns" about the message of weight acceptance in her book. "A few points I get a lot: 'I'm glad you like being fat, but it's unhealthy,' 'everyone should love themselves, but [insert dire warning],' and the assumption that fat people don't eat healthy or exercise, or that all fat people eat fast food all day."

Body Image: When to Mind Your Own Business

Is it possible that concern-trolling strangers aren't trying to insult us, but are instead attempting to offer truly heartfelt, well-meaning advice? I suppose. But I'm of the opinion that, regardless of intention, nearly all expressions of concern about someone's weight equate to health trolling, not helping, and concern trolls should save their breath. Here's why:

1. Fat people already know they're fat. Make no mistake: Fat and/or overweight adults are fully aware of their size and any potential* health hazards related to it. In this body-obsessed, health-worshipping culture we live in, it's impossible not to be! What's more, fat folk have also most certainly heard of—if not already tried—whatever weight-loss intervention it is that that you or anyone else have a hankering to recommend. (*Why "potential" health hazards? See number 2 below.)

"In that way, concern hurts all of us," a writer who goes by @yrfatfriend wrote recently. "For those who aren't fat, it continues to feed that anxiety around becoming fat, the unthinkable possibility that always surrounds them. And it hurts our relationships...Well-intentioned advice, day after day, week after week, year after year, shows me that I am seen first—and sometimes only—as a fat person." The only person qualified to offer health advice to a person of any size is a qualified professional who has been specifically asked to do so.

2. You cannot predict an individual's health based solely on her weight or even her BMI. Let me say that again because it's important: One cannot assess a person's health based on the size of his or her body. While I'd have to be willfully ignorant to claim that excess body fat—particularly the deep, visceral kind—has no deleterious health effects, the evidence on the relationship of fatness to health is mixed, and even the concept of body mass index (BMI) is flawed.

We've all heard how Arnold Schwarzenegger is "obese" according to the BMI, but what you might not know is that such mislabeling happens to millions of regular (i.e., non-muscle-bound athlete) people too. Twenty-nine percent of obese people and 16 percent of morbidly obese people, according to BMI, are perfectly healthy, according to more specific metrics, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, and blood levels of heart-damaging C-reactive protein, a new study found. (Before anyone is tempted to yell "junk science!": This study had a huge number of subjects, was done by a very well-regarded university, and published in a well-known peer-reviewed journal.)

Unless you are the aforementioned qualified professional specifically hired to consult on a client's health, hold your tongue.

Nearly half of people who were merely "overweight" fell into the healthy category. And, more than 30 percent of "normal weight" people were actually unfit, according to the cardiometabolic metrics used. (For more on this broader subject of weight and health, read some of this and maybe a little of this or even some of this.)

3. "Public health" concerns do not give anyone the right to weigh in where their opinion is not wanted. No, we cannot blame increasing healthcare costs on fat people any more than we could or would blame them on the rising number of children with autism, or the robots who assist in life-saving, expensive, high-tech surgeries.1 And, no, fat people aren't "glorifying obesity" by speaking up and otherwise choosing to, you know, exist.

As someone who cares about health and people and compassion for our fellow creatures, and who has at varying times been fat and at other times been not fat, I'll leave you with these words of advice: Unless you are the aforementioned qualified professional specifically hired to consult on a client's health, hold your tongue.

It's not your place to tell another adult how to live, and, furthermore, the person may not (in fact, most likely doesn't) want your "help." If you're truly worried that someone you love and are very close with is in mental or physical crisis, ask if they're OK. In other words, don't assume they're not. If you lovingly open the door for that discussion, your friend will know that if and when they do need help, you're someone they can turn to without fear.

As the Dalai Lama says, "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." Good advice for any discussion of how we humans relate to one another, IRL or online.

Sunny Sea Gold is Greatist's body image columnist and the author of Food: The Good Girl's Drug—How to Stop Using Food to Control Your Feelings (Berkley Books, 2011). The views expressed herein are hers. A health journalist by trade and training and a mom of two little girls, she's also an advocate and educator focused on reducing the rates childhood obesity and eating disorders by building Body-Positive Families. Reach out to her @sunnyseagold.

Works Cited

  1. Health Care Expenditures for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Medicaid. Wang, L and Leslie, D. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2010 Nov; 49(11): 1165 - 1171.

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Why You Need to Stop Saying You're "So OCD"

We all know someone who likes to keep things Danny Tanner-level clean or perfectly color-coded—maybe it's your own M.O. If so, you’ve probably acknowledged your quirks by saying “I’m so OCD.” Maybe you've even wondered if your habits do qualify as symptoms of an actual disorder.

Here’s the thing: If you’ve ever labeled yourself or a friend as having obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) because you love sparkly countertops, there’s almost no chance that you have the high-anxiety, debilitating disorder, says Noah Berman, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist with a specialty in OCD and a psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School. It's a chronic condition that affects approximately one in 40 U.S. adults (or 2.3 percent of the population).

But today the term is used so often its meaning has gotten murky, Berman says. Not only is OCD nothing like the Mr. Clean stereotype you have in mind, but it also presents itself in many different shapes and forms. Here's why you should stop saying “I’m OCD” for good (or otherwise seek professional help).

The ABCs of OCD

“When we add 'D'—or disorder—to the end of a personality trait or mood state, it indicates something very important: intensity,” says Jeff Symanski, Ph.D., executive director of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). This emphasis on the letter “d” is especially important here since the other two letters—O for “obsessive” and C for “compulsive”—stand for terms that have an everyday meaning.

You can be “obsessed” with a new song, barre class, or yes, cleaning your house. On the other hand, a clinical obsession is an unwanted and intrusive thought, impulse, or idea. “People with OCD do not like having these thoughts,” Berman says—cleaning or organizing their room every single day doesn't give them any pleasure.

Another critical characteristic: Obsessions can be “ego-dystonic,” Berman says, meaning they do not align with your value system. For example, you may be a good, caring person, but if you suffer from one form of OCD known as harm OCD, you may have immoral, intrusive thoughts about harming others, such as pushing a stranger into traffic or attacking a family member or partner.

Compulsions are ritualistic or repetitive behaviors aimed at managing the obsessions and the anxieties that accompany them, Berman explains, and they often go unnoticed by others.

In the case of harm OCD, compulsions could include constantly checking your rearview mirror to make sure you didn't hit anyone or avoiding sharp objects like knives. Or if someone suffers from a fear of HIV, they may wash their hands for two hours to reduce that anxiety—not because they love the smell of soap or “feeling clean.”

People with OCD feel like these compulsive behaviors are out of their control, says Daniel Chazin, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety. If you're simply choosing to clean things in your house or whatever you habit is, that's not OCD. People with OCD would prefer not to be doing these behaviors, but it feels out of their control and very distressing.

More Than a Neat Freak

woman cleaning

Many people also believe OCD is always related to cleanliness or organization or counting things. Although fears of contamination (from dirt, germs, viruses, and the like) and an overwhelming need of symmetry, evenness, or exactness are symptoms of OCD, they’re much more extreme than a desire to clean your house or keep pencils in a row.

People with an extreme need for symmetry, for example, constantly rearrange items or insist on even numbers not because they don't like things out of order, but because they fear that something bad may happen (like a family member dying) if everything's not perfect.

Plus, OCD comes in many different forms, says Chris Leins, a therapist at the Lousiville OCD Clinic.1 As mentioned above, people can have harm OCD. Other types include pedophilia OCD, homosexual OCD, religious OCD, relationship OCD, or postpartum OCD—all of which involve unwanted, unwarranted thoughts that the sufferer does not act upon but is terrified he or she will. (This site and this site have great resources for learning more about symptoms of each type.)

“These types of OCD are really important and really misunderstood, because they involve ‘unacceptable thoughts’ in society’s terms,” Berman says. “Having deep, distressing anxiety about these thoughts is a good indicator that the person is suffering from OCD.”

In other words, someone who suffers from pedophile OCD is not a pedophile; it's someone who has fears about harming children, but they deeply resent and suffer anxiety from these fears. It’s this deep anxiety (“Why am I having these horrible thoughts?”) that leads to compulsions, like avoiding situations where children may be present at all costs.

Living With OCD

There are treatment options available for people who suffer from all of these types of OCD, including psychotherapy, which uses a variety of techniques to help reduce or stop compulsions, and medication.2 One therapy technique, “exposure with response prevention,” has clients face their obsessions head on and then allows them to see that their anxiety will dissipate on its own, even if they do not engage in their compulsions.3

Obviously, this is some pretty heavy stuff, so joking around about the disorder can have some unintentional consequences. “Saying ‘I’m so OCD’ has become a fun fad almost,” Berman says, “but OCD is one of the top ten debilitating disorders that causes an unimaginable amount of stress and interference. Saying you have OCD because you love to clean completely invalidates someone’s experiences.” And while portrayals of these compulsions may be humorous to watch on TV or in movies, it's important to remember that for people with OCD, it's far from hilarious.

Plus there's a danger in calling yourself any rigid label—especially one that's negative and likely incorrect— since it can be harmful to your self-esteem, says Michael Mantell, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and Greatist expert. It's a better idea to see yourself in a far more positive light, he says. In other words, think: I may enjoy keeping my home highly organized, but that surely does not make me into someone with a diagnosed mental illness of OCD.

The Takeaway

Before you share a GIF about being so OCD with your Facebook friends, stop and think about the implications. Would you want someone joking about something that seriously affected—and maybe even inhibited—your life? Even better: Step up and be the one to say something one of your friends cracks an OCD joke. The phrase will never go away unless we’re all willing to make a change.

Looking for more information? This awesome new website is a wonderful resource for people with OCD and people looking to learn more about OCD. Educating ourselves will help everyone start using the term with careful judgment and accuracy.

Works Cited

  1. Half of obsessive-compulsive disorder cases misdiagnosed: vignette-based survey of primary care physicians. Glazier K, Swing M, McGinn LK. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2015, Sep.;76(6):1555-2101.
  2. Pharmacoepidemiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A Swedish nationwide cohort study. Isomura K, Nordsletten AE, Rück C. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016, Feb.;26(4):1873-7862.
  3. Exposure and response prevention helps adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder who do not respond to pharmacological augmentation strategies. McLean CP, Zandberg LJ, Van Meter PE. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2015, undefined.;76(12):1555-2101.

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7 Delicious Ways to Make Homemade Pesto

Pesto is king of versatile kitchen condiments (though it's a close call with Sriracha). Just a touch of the green stuff can transform plain pasta, veggies, chicken, or fish into a meal absolutely bursting with flavor. And if you’ve only bought the jarred kind, it's time to appreciate the true beauty of the homemade version.

While the classic mix of basil, pine nuts, Parmesan, garlic, and olive oil is a flavor party worth RSVPing for, the more the merrier at this culinary festivity. Hipster-favorite kale? Sure! Earthy, sweet beets? Why not. Crunchy carrots? Heck yeah.

Pick a flavor combo from the chart below, and follow the basic pesto-making directions below to whip up your own batch.

Directions: Place base ingredient and add-ins in a food processor. Pulse ingredients into a coarse mixture, scraping sides as needed. While pulsing, slowly drizzle oil through top feed tube and process until well combined and pesto looks uniform. (Feel free to substitute different oils based on what’s in your pantry, though generally olive and nut oils work best for pesto.) Taste and adjust seasonings as you like.

How to Make the Perfect Pesto

Note: Prepared pesto can be chilled in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Store in a small container, press pesto down to eliminate air pockets, and drizzle a little oil over top to prevent browning. You can also freeze extra pesto in ice cube or mini muffin trays and store in a zip-top bag until you’re ready to use it!

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Hillary Clinton Had the Perfect Response When Asked About Calories in Her Ice Cream

No matter your political beliefs, we can all agree that some topics should be off limits. Which is why Hillary Clinton had the best response to a reporter who asked if she knew how many calories were in the sundae she was eating: "Oh, come on!" she said, before joining a chorus of boos.

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7 Unknown and Interesting Facts About Lemon

Lemon is the most widely recognized thing in our day-to-day life. Its multipurpose use demonstrates its worth. You will be surprised when you will read these 7 interesting facts about lemon.

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Facebook Now Lets You Ask a Real Doc Your Questions for Free

HealthTap on Facebook Messenger

Search “red, itchy rash" and the Google results will send you into a full-blown panic. Avoid paging Dr. Google and ask a real M.D. instead. Facebook Messenger's new chatbot option allows users to contact HealthTap, a telemedicine startup. Once you explain what's going on, the chatbot gives you the option of seeing previous responses to similar questions or getting a personalized response from a doctor. You'll likely have to wait an hour or two to hear back, but the service is totally free.

(h/t BuzzFeed)

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The 39 Best Health and Fitness Apps of 2016

1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan

An 1800 calorie diabetic diet plan means consuming less than 1800 calories worth of food per day. This may be perfect for anyone who's diabetic; it may be something between 1200 to 1800 calories. The diabetic diet varies from one person to another due to the individual calories required. By restricting calories, diabetics can regulate their cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

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How Running in Skintight Leggings Changed My Relationship With My Body

“Look at that ass in yoga pants!” This brilliant remark is brought to me by one of the five young men who have chosen to harass me during my afternoon run.

It is an ordinary run—four or five miles along the streets of my neighborhood. It is ordinary, too, that I am being harassed.

I run by the local college, where the men call out to me, yelling in vivid detail what they want to do to me, what they think of my body, what they want me to do to them. They yell louder and follow me for a few steps as I run past. They are laughing.

My heart beats fast and hard against my chest as I try to strike that balance between hightailing it out of there while also not letting them see that I’m afraid.

But I am afraid. I am afraid and humiliated and so fed up with being confronted by this almost every time I run outside that I consider turning around and just laying into them, really letting them have it.

I know exactly what I would say. But I also know that I am not safe, and so I just keep running.

My Body Was Not My Own

Running Tights

Men started sexually harassing me when I was eight years old, and it hasn’t let up since. From a young age I felt that my body and sexuality were not wholly mine. Instead, they were products to be assessed and labeled by people who did not know me but seemingly had the power to define how I was perceived in the world.

As a highly sensitive child, my response to this messaging was to detach from my relationship with my body. I wore baggy clothes and avoided makeup and anything that might be perceived as “sexy.” I shrank from attention, partly out of an effort not to be seen and therefore sexualized or harassed.

Something weird happened in the process of trying to hide. Surrendering ownership of my body and sexuality meant that I started to objectify my own body through other people’s eyes. I couldn’t describe my own appearance; I couldn’t tell if I looked nice or if I was attractive. I relied on other people’s assessments to give me some clue as to what my body was like.

This created a bizarre dichotomy: At the same time I shrunk from other’s perceptions of my body, I also craved them. I was only attractive if someone else said I was attractive. If someone implied that any part of my body wasn’t up to snuff, then it must be true. I needed other people’s opinions of my body in order to have an opinion about my body.

I lived this way until I was 21 years old.

Mirror, Mirror

I started going to the gym when I was 12, a space that was fraught for me from the beginning.

At the gym, it is impossible to avoid your own body. There’s the changing room, filled with women in various states of undress, with its pressure to be comfortable while naked and on display. There are mirrors on every wall. There’s your own heartbeat and your own muscles, demanding you recognize your attachment to them. There are the compressive fabrics that make it so much harder to hide your body—from others or yourself.

Still, I tried. I wore baggy T-shirts and flared, full-length yoga pants (one size too large) for weight lifting, using the elliptical, and running on the treadmill. I started doing calisthenics at home so I wouldn’t be on display.

In the last eight years, I’ve grown increasingly comfortable and confident in my own skin, but this habit—of wearing loose, bulky clothes during workouts—has persisted.

As I’ve strengthened my relationship with my body, my focus during workouts has swung from what my body looks like to how it feels.

Finally, over the past year or so, something started to shift. As I’ve strengthened my relationship with my body, my focus during workouts has swung from what my body looks like to how it feels.

And in the process, I realized I felt encumbered on my runs—weighed down by flared pant legs, drooping waistbands, and long yoga pants that dragged on the street or the trail as I ran.

So I decided to do something that younger me would have found unthinkable: buy a pair of skintight running tights.

Buying In

It took me nearly two months to actually go through with it. I saved three nice pairs to REI’s online shopping cart. I’d return to it every week or so to re-read descriptions and reviews.

But I couldn’t bring myself to fork over the cash. If I spent $65 on a pair of running tights, I thought, then I’d feel obligated to wear them to get my money’s worth. And I wasn’t ready to commit to that.

So I opted for a cheaper pair from a big-box store, and I told myself that I didn’t have to wear them once they arrived. Worst case scenario, I’d only be out $18.

When the package arrived, I cut it open and anxiously pulled the tights from the envelope.

Holy sh*t, I thought. These are small.

I figured I’d pull them on, they’d get stuck at my thighs, and I’d send them back to the store. At least then I could return to my dumpy yoga pants having said that I’d tried.

But the tights slid the whole way up and over my hips. They fit. They were comfortable. And I could move. I shimmied around the kitchen. I threw some high kicks and some sidekicks. I jogged down the hallway. I felt fantastic. One question remained: Could I actually wear these out in public?

Getting Comfortable Outside My Comfort Zone

Woman Running Uphill

As it turns out? Yes, I am physically capable of wearing skintight running tights in public. I’ve now done so 20-plus times. Still, getting emotionally comfortable in them has been a gradual process.

Like strengthening a muscle, I grow more confident every time I wear them. I’ve now donned them for runs with friends and solo runs, on street runs and trail runs and on the treadmill at the gym.

I would love to say that in wearing my running tights, I’ve learned to stop giving a damn what other people think of my body—but that wouldn’t be entirely true.

Like strengthening a muscle, I grow more confident in my running tights every time I wear them.

I see people looking at me as I run, and I sometimes feel self-conscious as I question what they’re thinking. I wonder if they’re judging me. I worry about being harassed. (But I also know, sadly, I’ll be harassed no matter what I wear—and all responsibility lies with the men who choose to catcall me, not my choice of clothes.)

For the most part, these concerns are now eclipsed by how great I feel when I go running in my tights. Freed from the weight of extra fabric, my legs move faster and more fluidly. I'm more agile: I can leap over logs and rocks with ease (and without fear of my pant legs getting snagged). I feel proud of my body for what it allows me to do. And I can more easily explore my physical abilities when I’m wearing clothes that enable me to do so.

Something else has changed too. These days, I don’t need anyone else to tell me whether my body is fit, or attractive, or nice looking. I feel attractive in my running tights. And I am starting to learn that this is not such a terrible thing.

After all that time hiding—as if my sexuality was a secret that, once revealed, would be defined by anyone but me—I am learning to own my body. I am not waiting around for other people to tell me whether my body is worthy of judgment or praise. My butt looks great in running tights. I’ll be the one to say it.

I know these changes aren’t solely the result of buying a pair of running tights—that would be the mental health equivalent of saying that you can have your “dream body” simply by taking one dose of a miracle pill. It takes mental effort to shift my relationship with my body, not just a new pair of pants.

But here's the thing that I’ve realized: Because running tights are skintight, learning to be comfortable in them is virtually the same as learning to be more comfortable in my own skin. And that, to me, is worth much more than $18.

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