Edamame and Cucumber Noodles With Ginger Dressing

When it's too hot to turn on the oven, this cool, crunchy salad is exactly what you need. Packed with nutrient-dense veggies and tossed in a creamy, tofu-based dressing, it’ll leave you feeling energized and refreshed—even when you're sweating through your shirt.

Edamame and Cucumber Noodles With Ginger Dressing

Recipe by: Eat Spin Run Repeat
Makes: 1 serving
​Ready in: 15 minutes


For the dressing:
1 pound soft tofu
2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon low-sodium tamari
3 tablespoons finely chopped, fresh-peeled ginger
1 lime, juiced

For the salad:
1 English cucumber, spiralized
1 small carrot, spiralized or julienned
1/3 cup very thinly shredded purple cabbage
3/4 cup defrosted, shelled edamame
1 tablespoon mint, plus more for garnish
1 tablespoon cilantro, plus more for garnish
Sliced avocado, for garnish


1. Put all dressing ingredients in a blender or food processor and puree until completely smooth. Transfer to a jar or container and set aside. (You’ll have about 1 cup and will have some leftover after making this recipe.)

2. In a large bowl, toss all salad ingredients except avocado. Pour some dressing over top and toss to coat. Transfer salad into a serving bowl and garnish with additional cilantro, mint, and avocado.

Eat Me Video: Edamame and Cucumber Noodles With Ginger Dressing

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Proprioceptors: What Are They And Why Are They So Important For Balance?

Proprioception is vital for living a normal life, yet most of us don't know what it is or we take it for granted-until it's lost. Discover what proprioception is, and how to enhance it.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a6oSUg

Body Mass Index and the GM Diet

Before starting off with any diet plan, it is important to consult with your physician in order to make sure that there aren't any harmful side effects. Body Mass Index is an important factor to consider before choosing a diet plan. This article explains the relationship between the Body Mass Index and the GM diet plan.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a1c0ua

A Victoria's Secret Retoucher Just Put the Company on Blast for Its Ridiculous Photoshopping

Let’s be honest: We already know Victoria’s Secret edits the hell out of its ads. But it turns out there's a whole lot more than airbrushing going on behind the scenes. Refinery29 recently talked to an anonymous retoucher who used to work for the brand and revealed the crazy things they do for the perfect shot.

Victoria's Secret Victoria's Secret

Alterations begin before the cameras come out.
The models always have hair extensions, and pads get sewn into the swimsuits to create the illusion of curves. But get this: They also wear push-up bras underneath, which then get removed in the editing room.

Everything is edited.
Including body hair. Most models don’t shave their armpits or bikini lines because they know the computer will do it for them.

You might be looking at a combination of different women.
Like Frankenstein’s monster, body parts are often swapped in and out to eliminate things that can’t easily be edited.

They don't make the models skinnier.
Instead photo editors have to add curves and soften certain body parts.

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Honey For Health

Several Benefits Of Consuming And Using Honey - The consumption of honey for health reasons is one of the many reasons individuals use it as a sweetener, as opposed to sugar (brown or white) or artificial sweeteners. But, there are a number of health benefits tied to the consumption of honey most people aren't aware of. These are a few of the many benefits to choosing honey for health reasons, as opposed to using other forms of sweeteners.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29YYjxY

5 Amazing Homemade Remedies With Honey And Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon have certainly become indispensable ingredients in the international cuisine, not only because of their delicious taste and flavor, but also because of their numerous benefits. Honey has been used for thousands of years to treat the symptoms of cold and to add extra flavor to food, and here you will find 5 amazing homemade remedies based on honey and cinnamon: 1. Honey, Cinnamon And Lemon Cough Syrup - If you have caught a flu and you are coughing intensely, then you should know that honey will...

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aemDww

If You Want a Caffeine Kick, Don't Drink Iced Coffee

Iced coffee hits the spot on hot summer days. But if you're looking to get the most pep from a single cup, hot coffee is the way to go, even when it's sweltering. It makes sense when you think about it: If you're choosing between a 16-ounce hot or iced coffee, the latter is about 30 percent ice (a.k.a. water). Chemistry is on #TeamHotCoffee too—brewing coffee at hot temperatures extracts more caffeine from the beans. So if you really want iced coffee, make sure it was brewed hot and then iced, or opt for cold brew, which has twice as many beans, for a stronger caffeine kick.

(h/t Science of Us)

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Do Free Weights at the Gym Make You Nervous? Read This

If you've never lifted, the gym can be an intimidating place to start. (Do I really know what I'm doing? What if people stare? Will I look super weak?) But Casey Johnston (a.k.a. A Swole Woman) has news for you: Weight training doesn't have to be scary; you just need a game plan. She's here to help you overcome your weight room fears and become a total beast—or just a little bit stronger.

Check out an excerpt from her advice column below, but it's really worth reading the whole post on The Hairpin:

No one is looking at you. One of the great things about lifting heavy weights, in my correct opinion, is that the workouts actually involve a lot of resting — a minute and often more between sets. A workout can easily be MORE resting than anything else, so one does quite a bit of standing around in the free weights section. It’s a great time to be on Twitter or Instagram, attending to your clan in Clash of Clans, etc. However, that also means that there is a feeling of A Lot of People (men) Hanging Around and Potentially Leering in there. While I’m not about to absolve men of generally terrible behavior, what you should know about rest time between sets is: If you’re doing it right, you should be exhausted.

When you finish a set, it should have been so hard that all you’re doing for most of that rest time is catching your breath and being stunned and a little impressed with yourself (the gym is high Me Time). After you’re done recovering, you’re gearing up for the next set. The last thing on anyone’s mind should be what other people are up to. Even if someone is throwing you a thousand-yard stare, they are probably looking right through you, because they’re trying to visualize not failing the next set. It’s not about you.

On average, most people go to the gym to work out and don’t have time to fuck around. Resting is a necessary part of the process; just because someone is standing around doesn’t mean they’re trying to scope out the scene (likewise, just because you’re standing around doesn’t mean you’re in want of a conversation — MOST people in a gym will know that and won’t bother you).

OK but what if someone is looking at you? Yes, there are creepers. But there are creepers everywhere in life! I’ve been far more creeped on walking the two blocks to my subway stop than at my gym, and my gym is no Equinox. If we get in the position of avoiding things to cut down on incidences of creeping, who is winning in that scenario? Not you. That is not the path of swoleness. Wouldn’t you rather have some muscles to scare catcallers with? Same.

If someone is creeping on you at the gym, you don’t owe them a damn thing. I wear headphones, and if someone insists on trying to speak to me, I make a very big and annoyed show of pulling an earbud out to hear them. Feel free to cold-shoulder them: “Well, gotta do this set now, good talk.” If anyone is making you uncomfortable — lingering, leering, Lord forbid taking photos or videos of you — tell the gym staff. They should help you (it’s a reportable offense!). Don’t be afraid; working at a gym’s front desk is very boring and most gym attendants should leap at the chance to do something other than idle, and they should want to know if someone is driving away customers.

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The Ultimate A to Z Guide to Cycling Lingo

7 Refreshing Drinks for When It's Too Hot to Move

Top Reasons Why You Should Choose Mineral Enriched Water

There's a reason why you pay those extra cents for your packaged water with added minerals. Our body needs a whole range of vitamins, minerals and other important elements, and it is more than vital to ensure the right balance and intake.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2alzjUY

A 30-Minute Kettlebell Routine That Works Every Muscle

Kettlebells are like the swiss army knives of weights—they do it all. Not only can they help you work more muscles in half the time, they also do double duty for both cardio and strength. This routine is no exception.

In just 30 minutes, you'll work your upper body, lower body, cardio, and core. Fitness instructors Pace and Go will walk you through 5 sets with a 30-second rest between each. There's so much variety you'll never get bored. Plus Pace and Go offer some valuable advice during the rest periods on ways to form healthier habits. (And they're actually doable, which is really motivating.)

The first step is to grab a mat and a kettlebell. If you're unsure of what weight to use, choose one between 8 kilograms (18 pounds) and 16 kilograms (35 pounds). Then press play.

To recap, there are 5 sets with a 30-second rest between each set.
Each exercise must be completed for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of single arm kettlebell swings.

1st Set:
Clean, Squat, Press
Twist and Arm Extension
Lateral Jump and Tap
Wide-Leg Sit-Up

2nd Set:
Reverse Lung With Swing Pass
Triceps Extension
High Skip and Tap
Side Bend

3rd Set:
Kettlebell Snatch
Power Squat
Seated Wood Chop

4th Set:
Ninja Lunge
Bent-Over Row
Lateral Jump
Half Moon Crunch

5th Set:
Forward/Backward Jump With High Pull
Kneeling Half Moon

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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Quinoa Breakfast Bake

It can be pretty hard to drag yourself out of bed on a weekday to make a good breakfast. But to combat laziness, make a several-serving recipe early in the week, then reheat individual portions in the microwave before heading out to greet the day. This quinoa breakfast bake is a perfect example. Mix the flavors up by adding whichever fruit and nuts you like best.

Quinoa Breakfast Bake

Recipe by: Katie at the Kitchen Door
Makes: 4-6 servings
​Ready in: less than 1 hour


1 cup uncooked quinoa
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 eggs
2 cups skim milk
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 1/2 cups frozen berries
1 apple or pear, peeled, cored, and chopped into 1/2-inch cubes
1/2 cup coarsely chopped nuts (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease an 8-by-8-inch square baking pan, and set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, stir together quinoa, cinnamon, and allspice to coat quinoa with spices. Pour quinoa over bottom of prepared pan.

3. In the same bowl used for quinoa, beat eggs until fully mixed. Whisk in the maple syrup and skim milk, and beat to combine.
Scatter berries, apple or pear, and nuts (if desired) evenly on top of quinoa.

4. Pour egg and milk mixture over top of fruit and quinoa. Lightly stir to partially submerge fruit. (Milk mixture will cook quinoa to create a very soft texture on the inside while creating a lightly crunchy crust on the outside.)

5. Bake for 1 hour, or until casserole is mostly set with only a small amount of liquid left. Serve warm, and refrigerate leftovers.

Eat Me Video: Quinoa Breakfast Bake

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Sure, Neti Pots Seem Gross, but They Actually Work

Using a neti pot to clear out all the gunk in your nose doesn't sound particularly appealing. Do you really want to pour warm salt water in one nostril and wait for the liquid to drip out the other side? Despite seeming uncomfortable and looking ridiculous (see below), neti pots actually work. A recent study showed nasal irrigators (a.k.a. neti pots) were useful in treating blocked sinuses and the many symptoms that come with them.

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Yes, Alcohol Can Be Good for You (and We’re Not Just Talking About Red Wine)

By now we know red wine can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke (thanks, resveratrol!). This video from Elite Daily points out a number of other health benefits that come with drinking. Some of the suggestions are far-fetched (we're not going to use Champagne as a face wash anytime soon). But there are still plenty of reasons to pop bubbly (or a beer), so long as you do so in moderation.

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11 Fake Foods You Eat All the Time

If you pick up a block of Parmesan cheese at the grocery store, you assume it's the good stuff, preferably from Italy. But many times it's mixed with cheaper cheeses and sometimes wood pulp. (Now that's something to chew on!) Larry Olmsted calls out these frauds in his book Real Food/Fake Food. Here are the biggest offenders:

1. Coffee

If you brew your own pot at home, buy your beans whole, not ground. Ground coffee often contains additives, such as wheat, barley, and even twigs (crunchy!), because it's cheaper and harder to tell the difference in the bag.

2. Tea

Tea seems like such a wholesome drink, but some varieties are mixed with other leaves and sometimes even sawdust to make it last longer, Olmsted says.

3. Sushi

If you order a spicy salmon roll, chances are that's not what you're getting. Oceana, a nonprofit marine conservation group, found that 100 percent of the seafood it tested at sushi restaurants in New York was not the fish it was claimed to be.

4. Fish

Red snapper and grouper are almost always fake because they're expensive, Olmsted says. Some of the fish sold as grouper couldn’t be identified when tested. Ew.

5. Extra-virgin olive oil

There's no use splurging on the good stuff. Even though it's marketed as “pure,” EVOO is often stripped of many nutrients and diluted with peanut or soybean oil, which are cheaper.

6. Parmesan cheese

The Parmesan on shelves in the U.S. is far cry from the authentic Italian kind. A recent FDA study found it tends to be cut with less expensive cheese and sometimes even wood pulp.

7. Honey

Here’s a not-so-sweet secret: There aren't regulations on what gets called honey. Some companies mix it with high-fructose corn syrup, so make sure you read all the ingredients.

8. Dry spices

Lab tests found instances where oregano included weeds and turmeric contained corn.

9. Champagne

You've probably heard sparkling wine can't be called Champagne unless it comes from the Champagne region of France. But that doesn't stop companies from being deceptive. André still claims to be Champagne, but that bottle of booze comes from California, not France.

10. Kobe beef

The USDA is very strict about Kobe beef imports. Just 10 companies are allowed to sell the meat in the U.S. (you can see the list here). So chances are, you aren't getting the real stuff.

11. Fruit juice

Just because a container says “pomegranate juice” doesn’t mean it only contains the one fruit. In many instances, expensive juices are mixed with cheaper ones (like apple) to cut costs, so check the label every time. If it doesn’t list percentages, don’t buy it.

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Benefits of Aloe Vera For Health

Aloe Vera is a "medicine plant" comprises of many health benefits. It has great healing properties in it. It is good for our health and face. This small looking plant has not only hit the market of medicines but also become an important ingredient in beauty products. It contains the different nutrients like protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and E.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29QgODP

Caitlyn Jenner's Ad for H&M Activewear Is All Kinds of Inspiring

Just in time for the Rio Olympics, H&M launched For Every Victory, a campaign promoting the company's activewear line. And they got Caitlyn Jenner, arguably one of the most famous Olympic athletes of all time, to be the face of it. Jenner narrates the ad over videos of athletes overcoming all kinds of difficulties.

At the end, she gets candid about the struggles she faced while transitioning. "Nothing came easy, but nothing truly important ever does," Jenner said. "To keep going—no matter what the obstacles—is what victory looks like, whether you're representing your country or yourself." Talk about a great message!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/29WrG3I

I'm Actually Not OK

Lincoln Center Instagram - Jenny McCoy Photo: Jenny McCoy I snapped this photo of New York City’s iconic Lincoln Center at 2 a.m. on a Saturday, about six months after I graduated from Northwestern University. To my Instagram followers, it probably looked like the idyllic end to a fancy night out on the town—an encapsulation of the elegance, wonder, and magic of living in New York City as single, 22-year-old woman.

In reality, I took it as I trekked home through snowy sleet after my night shift at Trader Joe’s, where I worked weekends to supplement the meager salary of my weekday gig as a PR intern. The moment was both beautiful and achingly brief as I knew I’d be trekking back in just 10 hours for another shift.

No one said things like: 'The first six months are actually going to be really tough—you’ll cry most days.'

This reality was a far, pathetic cry from the one I imagined when I decided to move to the Big Apple post college to pursue magazine journalism. Sure, I knew the first few weeks—OK, maybe months—would be challenging as I’d have to 1) find a job that would cover my expenses (my parents had lovingly, but firmly, cut me off financially) and 2) adjust to life in a new place. Of course I was nervous for the leap but mostly just so freaking excited. Nothing seemed more glamorous, more thrilling than life in the big city.

Everyone kept reiterating this excitement—parents, professors, relatives, friends—saying encouraging things like:

“Amazing!!! You’re going to be living the dream!”
“Nothing like NYC in your 20s!”
“I can’t wait to hear about your wonderful adventures!”

No one said things like:

“The first six months are actually going to be really tough—you’ll cry most days.”
“Job hunting will be a frustrating, ego-bruising experience.”
“Forget 4 a.m. nights at exotic jazz clubs; after 75-hour work weeks, you won’t have the energy to explore anything but your twin bed.”

Fight or Flight

And so I arrived in New York as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as they come. I unpacked the boxes I’d just packed up from college and threw myself fervently into the job search. I scoured Mediabistro, stalked alums on LinkedIn, and arranged coffee dates. I printed writing samples on cream-colored cardstock and hand-delivered them to prospective employers. I set up camp in Starbucks and obsessively finessed my resume, widening my search beyond journalism and applying to 53 jobs in three weeks.

While my parents had warned that the process required patience and persistence, after a dozen or so outright rejections, my optimism dwindled. In its place came despair, and before long, panic. I tallied up my expenses and realized I was paying $47 each day just to exist there. I imagined my life savings quickly draining like sand in an hourglass. I looked at my successfully employed friends and classmates and felt like a failure.

After a particularly humiliating experience interviewing with a fashion communications firm (they asked for my three favorite designers; I nervously word vomited, “Coach, Gucci, and Nordstrom”), the panic worsened. Enter Trader Joe’s and the PR internship.

I looked at my successfully employed friends and classmates and felt like a failure.

A regular TJ's customer, I applied to become a “Crew Member” upon realizing my weekly shopping trips there were oddly soothing in the midst of my jobless angst: The people were genuinely—almost unnervingly—friendly; the music nostalgic (Van Morrison and the Beatles peppered their playlists); the free samples generous.

At least this will provide some amount of income and temporary mental reprieve while you get your life together, I told myself as I suited up for my first shift, pulling on the baby-pink cotton Crew Member tee, fastening my bright red all-caps name tag ,and lacing my Chuck Taylors.

The internship opportunity came not long after, through a third-degree connection. I knew nothing about the company and even during the interview had trouble feigning interest in the work. Still, I accepted out of desperation and quickly adjusted my TJ’s shifts to accommodate the new weekday gig.

Thus began the 75-hour, seven-days-per-week schedule. Neither job resembled anything near my dreams for post-college, but the combined salaries covered my rent and provided an answer to the dreaded, “So what do you do?” question. I could report back to those who had so encouraged this move that I was “a busy bee in the Big Apple!” and “learning to love that fast-paced, big-city lifestyle!”

On the Brink

Young Woman by Brooklyn Bridge

But as I spent my weekdays working in an office where smiles were seldom and my weekends bagging Joe’s O’s, the panic morphed into a bone-deep fatigue. Fridays, the days I worked both jobs, were the worst. I’d tuck my TJ’s attire inside my workday purse, and as soon as my intern duties wrapped at 6, I’d commute uptown for my second shift at 7, eating dinner (usually an apple and a Clif Bar) en route and changing clothes in the cramped bathroom stalls I’d later scrub down.

For the first three hours, I’d man the cash register or start the requisite cleaning. Once the store officially closed at 10 p.m., the managers would turn up the music, bust out communal snacks, and assign everyone a section for restocking. In a sad, strange way, it reminded me of sorority recruitment minus the glitter and crepe paper. If I was lucky, I’d be assigned to stock bread (minimal heavy lifting, plus it smelled good); unlucky, I’d get frozen fish (so, so cold).

Either way, restocking required serious hunch-backing, and by the time I clocked out at 2 a.m., I was beyond beat. On the plus side, this resulted in deliciously deep sleep. The sleep was never long enough, though, as I’d be up at 10 a.m. on Saturday for my noon to 8 p.m. shift and then up again at 10 a.m. on Sunday for more of the same. I continued the maddening routine by staying on autopilot, not allowing myself to think beyond the bags of bread in my hands.

"I Am Not OK"

My breakdown came in October on my 22nd birthday. In a very rare evening out on the town, I was seeing Ben Rector (one of my favorite musicians) at Irving Plaza (another iconic NYC venue) with one of my best friends. In theory, it was exactly the kind of night I once imagined would be my norm in New York. Instead, triggered by her thoughtful probing—“How are you, really?”—I started sobbing uncontrollably.

The exhausting part was fooling others—and myself—in thinking I was OK.

Yes, it was exhausting working 75 hours per week, having no weekends, and spending my Friday and Saturday nights scrubbing sh*t off of public toilets. But the tears weren’t about my tiring schedule or the fact that I was paying my dues in roles I had no intention of pursuing. The exhausting part was fooling others—and myself—in thinking I was OK. And so I stopped. I finally admitted it: “I am not OK.” With that honesty came clarity. In vocalizing my angst, I realized I was not alone in it.

My friend working a prestigious fellowship at a major media company? The job left her in such a continual state of exhaustion that she fell asleep in a Barnes & Noble.

My childhood pal who moved to Seattle for a sought-after college ministry internship? She felt homesick every time she saw mountains.

My high school chum embarking on a life-changing journey with the Peace Corps? She confessed she’d never been more lonely.

Everyone felt it, whether we were in a Trader Joe’s stockroom, a Barnes & Noble aisle, a solitary church pew, or a rural Indonesian village.

Being "Not-OK"— Together

More than two years have passed since I snapped that photo of Lincoln Center. Acknowledging that everyone, in some way or another, was struggling to orient themselves post grad helped me move on to the next step. I no longer work at Trader Joe’s or the PR firm, and I am lucky enough to have just one, 40-hour-per-week job that pays the bills. I spend my Friday and Saturday nights not scrubbing sh*t off of public toilets, but out with my friends (or in my bed with HBO GO).

Despite all this, every now and again, that feeling resurfaces when I compare the fantasy life I moved to New York for with the newly comfortable one I’ve actually created.

It’s a creeping weariness that most of us have felt, or are feeling, or will feel. It’s a collective I’m-not-OK-ness that, in the end, makes us OK.

Jenny McCoy is putting her Trader Joe’s experiences to use in the food department of a global communications firm in New York City.

This story originally appeared on Cropped, a site that shares personal essays from 20-somethings that explore the experiences often left out of our carefully curated social media posts. For more unfiltered stories on growing up, follow Cropped on Instagram or Twitter.

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Quickly Lose Weight With the GM Diet

Like any good article, let's start with laying the foundation. If you are reading this article, it is fair to assume that you want information on some plan that will help you lose weight. Congratulations, hopefully, once you are through this article, you will have a plan.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29RnnFf

Olympic Athletes Will Be Given an Insane Number of Condoms in Rio

The Olympics are first and foremost about sports (yes, table tennis counts). But for many of the athletes, the games are also one giant hookup opp. That's why organizers are supplying the Olympic Village in Rio with 450,000 condoms—42 per athlete. So The Onion was pretty spot-on with this (very NSFW) video from the Sochi Games:

The number of condoms being distributed in Rio is high, even by Olympic standards. It's an effort by the International Olympic Committee to prevent the spread of the Zika virus. Plus they want to avoid running out like they did during the Athens Games in 2004. Back then, Durex saved the day by donating 130,000 condoms "to smooth the performance of the world’s elite sports people in the arena and under the covers,” the company said.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2axWCYg

Losing Weight Without Damaging Your Thyroid And Metabolism Through Exercising

Most people are unknowingly damaging their Thyroid and Metabolism. Severely damaged Thyroid and Metabolism sets them up for long term weight gain.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a37wXL

Great Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Healthy diet and exercise aren't the only ways to lose around the middle. Belly fat plagues many an adult who is trying to get in shape and lose those love handles and spare tire around their midsection. Here are some steps to take to tame that area. Many also try stomach wraps as a great addition.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29YQgjz

How to Deal With a Choking Adult

Seeing someone choking in front of you can be a very scary and stressful experience. By keeping cool you can initiate some simple first aid techniques which could save that person's life.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2abkCRQ

Gain Freedom From Weight and Body Image Issues by Listening to Your Body

We are all born with the innate ability to nourish ourselves based on our body's natural signals of hunger and satisfaction. Babies and young children eat solely for the physical need as there is no emotion involved. They simply notice they are hungry and eat, and when they've had enough they stop, not even thinking about food until they realise they are hungry again. However over time these signals can get overridden by fear, guilt, deprivation or restriction. We lose the ability to trust ourselves as we seek to control our body rather than listen to it.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29YGHkq

Botox: Is It For You?

This form of therapy is often referred to as a cheaper alternative to getting a face lift, and with the large number of benefits that patients experience, it's no wonder why it is compared to a surgery that is known to produce amazing results. This form of treatment is not for everyone, though.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29NY8rL

Assisting Intubation

This is a short article looking at assisting with intubation. Ensure you have a good knowledge of what all devices are called so to avoid confusion if the anaesthetist or paramedic asks for a certain device. Lay out all devices required in a sterile environment so they are ready at hand when needed.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aj1yDG

Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology

In first aid it is useful to know how the processes of the body work as this can often help in attempting to provide care to a poorly individual. Here we look at the processes of the respiratory system.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aeTpx6

Adult Basic Life Support and Resuscitation

The likely-hood of being involved in any medical emergency is often slim at best, many individuals will go about their lives never having dealt with any type of medical event. Although this may be a rare occurrence, by having first aid knowledge and skill you are greatly increasing your chances of successfully aiding an individual if they suddenly become unwell, or suffer a cardiac arrest. What is a cardiac arrest?

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a2EYgN

Conspiracy Theorists And Leftist Writers Never Quit Trying To Scare You Their Political Views

It goes without saying that you can only believe 1/2 of what you read. Everyone is busy trying to sell us something, their political views, their products and services. They use all sorts of tactics - many of which borderline on Fear. Scaring us into taking action - buying what they are selling. Not long ago, I read an interesting article titled: "9 Chemicals that are Killing Your Testosterone Levels and Stealing Your Manhood (Note: These chemicals are harmful to women too, even though this article focuses on the harm being done to men's Testosterone)" by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist & Dr. Richard Cohen, MD.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29Prvq9

9 Popsicles That Taste Like Summer on a Stick

How to Make Yourself Feel 1,000 Times Worse After a Breakup

I've gone through some sucky breakups. And I've made most of them even harder to go through by doing a lot of the self-sabotaging below. When you feel like you've just won the sorrow jackpot, a lot of this stuff sounds like it makes sense. It may make you feel better temporarily. But doing this crap only delays your healing, makes you look like a crazy person, and worries your mom. Stop it.

How to Make a Breakup Worse

1. Keep getting back together.

Seems obvious, but this pitfall also wears a costume called “hanging out as friends.” It includes going to dinner, going to the movies, meeting for a drink, Netflixing, or going to their cousin’s wedding. The only thing this does is reinforce the emotional attachment that used to live inside of a commitment. Your psyche goes through hell as it tries to accept that there is no relationship, while your body gets flooded with endorphins as you hug good-bye after dinner.

2. Keep perpetuating the story in your head that you were true soul mates.

Keep telling yourself you are the only one that can really "get what's happening" with your ex. When they hit you up at 11:30 p.m. and ask if they can come over to "talk," listen attentively to your inner social worker who feels compassion for them in this "confusing time" and believes you're the only one who understands. Refuse to accept that they surveyed all your awesome soul-mateness and still walked out your door.

3. Text them to ask if they're OK.

Text them to check in. Text them to say you got the job. Text them to say you’d still consider being friends. Text them to see if they got your last text. Text them to ask for help moving your couch. Lock yourself in that airless chamber of expectation, waiting for a response. Lie to yourself and say you don't care if they text back. Wake up at 2 a.m. and check your phone.

4. Use media to your disadvantage.

Make a playlist of your old songs and listen to them on repeat. Send them funny YouTube videos they'd like. Email links that will be helpful for their latest project. Send a picture of you looking hot, now that you’ve been on a diet of tears and tears for two weeks.

5. Keep going to the same bars you guys used to hang out at as a couple.

Call their friends just to say hi. If you listen carefully, you can probably get clues as to what your ex is doing. Stalk their Facebook. Stalk their Instagram. Stalk their Twitter. Check their friends list to see if there are any new faces. It’s all the same: Keep your ex's circle inside your circle.

6. Bad mouth your ex to others.

Every time you talk sh*t about them, you create an aberration of them in the room. They get invited back into your life the same way they were first invited in when you raved about them. You are conjuring your ex energetically. (Remember, love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Your goal is neutrality.)

Woman Texting on Phone

7. Exchange your things in person.

Their stuff is at your place. Your stuff is at theirs. This can only be solved one way: The In-Person Exchange. Really? Or maybe you could make arrangements with a friend to drop off their crap. And maybe that friend wouldn’t mind picking up your stuff. Or maybe you could just throw that toothbrush out, 'cause those are like, three bucks at CVS.

8. Hit on your closest friend.

Use him or her as a surrogate significant other. Ask them to come over and assemble patio furniture for you in exchange for making them dinner. Get drunk, talk about your ex, cry a little, and then snuggle in their arms as you watch Game of Thrones. Wonder why you never saw them as dateable before. Drink another glass of wine. Go in for the kiss and imagine how jealous your ex would be if they saw this.

9. Constantly create long, anguished speeches in your head that let your ex know exactly how they tortured you.

Imagine them feeling bad. Imagine they finally come to their senses and concoct a plan to win you back. Don’t imagine them going out with friends all weekend, moving on with their unrestricted life.

Don’t worry that you’re doing copious amounts of emailing, texting, and swiping at work.

10. Sign up for every online dating service available.

Book yourself solid with dates all week and don’t worry that you’re doing copious amounts of emailing, texting, and swiping at work.

11. Sleep with someone—anyone—else.

Remember Aunt Rhoda’s dictum: “The best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else.” Then remember Aunt Rhoda has been married to Uncle Charlie for 42 years and doesn’t know what the $@&% she’s talking about.

12. Torture yourself with “what-if” scenarios.

Fantasize about your ex waking up and realizing they lost the best damn thing that ever happened to them.

13. And if you really want to make your breakup suck harder...

Tell yourself that you will never love like that again. This is a good one, because when you are in heartbreak hell, that feels like the truth. And the thought of loving someone else makes you sick. Like the three margaritas you drank this morning.

So What Should You Do Instead?

Man Walking

1. Don’t see or talk to your ex for 60 days.

If you could accidentally run into them at the gym, grocery store, dry cleaner, or en route to work, change your gym, grocery store, dry cleaner, and route to work. I know, I know, it’s not fair. But do it.

2. Try a new workout or sign up for a 5K.

This is about giving your grief a physical outlet. Endorphins take a breakup to a much healthier place, and you get stronger and fitter in the process.

3. Give your entire life an organizational makeover.

Clean out your closet, save for something special, and see if you can turn your creativity into a side hustle. (Here's my step-by-step guide that will walk you through the whole thing.)

4. Go out with your friends.

Do not dominate the evening with your sob story. Ask them questions about what they're doing, what projects they're working on, how their crazy family is doing. Something magical happens when you leave your own world for a while and get into others’.

Something magical happens when you leave your own world for a while and get into others’.

5. Remember the answers are not hiding at the bottom of that wine bottle.

Or ice cream carton. Drink lots of water, give yourself a salt scrub, get a pedicure, and kick Uncle Ben and Jerry to the curb.

6. Read.

Run out immediately and get this book: It's Called a Break Up Because It's Broken by Greg Behrendt. My copy is soaked with tears (original breakup, Fall '13), warped, dog-eared, and underlined. I've given away about 20 copies to friends and clients.

And check out well-written/funny blogs: I love Heather Havrilesky at The Cut, Texts From Last Night, and The Paris Review. Create a kick-ass collage of your new life (Pinterest lets you have secret boards). Write down the wisdom you are learning from all of this.

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This Response to Dani Mather’s Body-Shaming Snapchat Is Everything

We lost some of our faith in humanity last week after Playboy model Dani Mathers shared a voyeuristic photo to her Snapchat showing a heavy woman changing at the gym. There have been many amazing responses, but this Facebook post from Christine Blackmon takes the cake. Her photo is great, but the open letter she wrote is even better:

Dear Dani Mathers,

By now, most of my friends have seen that you posted a picture of a naked woman showering at your gym with the caption "If I can't unsee this then you can't either."

About a month ago, I was changing to work out, I slipped my scrubs off without taking my shoes off, and as I stood there in shoes, undies, and a headband, I caught my husband taking my picture so I posed playfully due to the obvious absurdity of it all. Later, I saw the picture and begged him to delete it. I hated it, all I saw was lumps and bumps. He simply smiled and softly said "I think it's beautiful." So I let him keep it.

Here's the deal- you may have been a Playboy model, but not all of us work out to be "hot." Some of us work out simply to honor the bodies we were given. That's all that woman was trying to do and you violated her. Shame on you. I bet I could get hundreds of women to post their beautiful bodies and regardless of size, shape or color, they will ALL be more beautiful than the ugliness you showed in that post.

So, #DaniMathers, I'd like to introduce you to my 5'10", 194 lb lumpy, bumpy glory.

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Ronda Rousey Urges Women to Remember Who They Were Before Instagram

We already know that Ronda Rousey is a kickass role model, especially after the launch of Reebok’s #PerfectNever campaign last week. Now the UFC fighter is taking on a big battle women face: the pressure to make their lives seem perfect on social media. Here's an excerpt from the essay she wrote on Refinery29:

The curated lives we see every day are fake. The perfect angles, the perfect outfits, the perfect lighting. That’s not reality. What is real are imperfections. What builds character and toughness is struggle. What makes us better and more human is attempting something, coming up short, and then trying it again.

But for women the rules seem different.

Men get the luxury of being able to specialize. Women are expected to be perfect at everything.

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'Eat Stop Eat' by Brad Pilon - Dos and Don'ts for Intermittent Fasting

Eat Stop Eat is an intermittent fasting technique pioneered by Brad Pilon. While it's highly effective, this is an effort to collate some must dos and don'ts while practicing Eat Stop Eat.

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Why You Should Date People Who Keep Up With Your Drinking

If you can't pass up a good happy hour, you shouldn't date someone who never has more than one drink. That's the takeaway from a new study, which looked at how drinking habits affect marital bliss among older couples (married an average of 33 years). But the findings still apply to 20-somethings looking for happy long-term relationships.

Couples in the study were most unhappy when one spouse drank significantly more than the other. If they matched each other drink for drink, they tended to be happier. The good news? You don't have to like the same type of alcohol. It's more important that your drinking habits sync up. So if you hate missing a night out, you don't want a Sig O who loves spending nights at home watching Netflix—unless that's accompanied by a bottle of wine.

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The Idea of Beauty Is Not Time-Tested and Is Highly Subjective

The concept of beauty is very complex to understand and everyone has his or her own distinct idea of beauty. Because one's idea of beauty depends on his tastes and preferences and the perspective from which he views his fellow humans. It also depends on the culture and traditions in which he has been brought up and even on his education and social status.

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Here's One Thing Cavemen Ate That Isn't Part of Your Paleo Diet

People who follow the Paleo diet tend to eat lots of meat, but a recent study found cavemen took it a step further, chowing down on humans remains. While cannibalism isn't exactly unhealthy (there's not much scientific evidence—for good reason), it's, y'know, generally frowned upon by society. Plus, the recent discovery proves we don't fully understand what our ancestors ate and how it affected them.

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10 Simple Tweaks In Your Lifestyle For Quick Weight Loss

Do you apply the all-or-nothing approach for quick weight loss? Well, you don't have to. You can actually make simple tweaks in your eating habits and lifestyle to lose weight fast. In fact, it's the little things that can make a difference in your weight. It's how the real world of losing weight works. Knock of 10 or 25 or 50 pounds by switching 1 or 2 healthy tune-ups in your daily activities and on-goings.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2atZipq

Cosmetics For Mixed Race Skin

The cost of purchasing a DIY mineral makeup kit varies slightly from around $70 to 100+ depending on what the kit consists of. I still think this is a cost effective way to encompass with your skin care range. We pay more - often for the fancy packaging in pharmacies, and the quality of the contents are loaded with petrochemicals and sulphates not to mention the hideous animal testing in pharmaceutical testing laboratories.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2abOVYf

Fast and Easy Ways on How to Get Rid of Face Fat

The years have not been kind to you and you start noticing your face, cheeks, chin looking more bigger than ever. You sit there wondering what happened? You start to think how did this ever happen? Well if your sick and tired of looking in the mirror and seeing your face bloated and start wondering what possibly has caused my cheeks to be so puffy? Here are some simple effective ways on how to get rid of face fat! but most importantly keep it off.

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Brain Tumor: Surgery and Other Treatment Options

Brain tumor surgery can be especially difficult if the tumor is near a delicate part of the brain or the spinal cord.Surgeries have become more refined, various types of tumors that respond to chemotherapy have been identified and techniques for more targeted delivery of radiation therapy have improved the chances of survival in these cases.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a073FG

Healthy Oils to Compliment Your Lifestyle

Choosing to live a healthy and holistic lifestyle has never been easier. We have all seen the energetic rise in superfoods; from super berries, raw cocoa to matcha tea. Many health conscious consumers spend time seeking out the next health food, eager to see if it has the power to compliment our healthy lifestyles.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29N4ZOB

4 Great Natural Anti-Aging Products for the Face

We all get older, and although becoming more experienced and wiser is fantastic, many of us want to remain looking as youthful as possible for as long as possible. This is where anti-aging products for the face and body come in, and there is a multi-billion pound industry across the globe catering to these needs and wants.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29V0N1l

Who Should Use Rosehip Oil As Part of Their Skincare Regime?

There are many excellent natural oils out there on the skincare market today, ranging from classics such as tea tree oil right through to products that have surged in popularity in recent years like argan oil. Rosehip oil is now widely considered an exceptional natural product for the skin, and it can benefit certain groups of people in particular.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29O9VlE

Are You Walking For Weight Loss?

Walking is great exercise for everyone, no matter what their fitness level, or age. When you start to walk more, and combine this with a healthy eating plan, you'll be well on your way to burning off those unwanted pounds.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29Y51Xs

Think Tahini Is Just for Hummus? These 19 Recipes Will Change Your Mind

How Old Were You When You Started Disliking Your Body?

Body Talk With Sunny Sea Gold Icon For me, it was age 9. I thought I was "fat," and my best friend at the time, Tiffany, knew it. She wielded the word like a mean-girl sword. Our teacher had asked us to start writing in journals, so I even have written records of it (please excuse the halting grammar):

“When Tiffany would say at lunch time, ‘I’m full,’ and throws away her food, I’m always hungry after I eat and Tiffany’s so skiny (sic), I feel fat... Tiffany and I always get into fights. She calls me fat.”

By fifth grade, I’d already absorbed the belief that a slight, wispy body type like Tiffany’s was preferable to my own sturdier one. Where, exactly, do these ideas about needing to be thinner come from? It’s easy to say, “society!” or “our moms!”

But have you ever looked back to trace what was going on in the culture, and in your own life, when you first started disliking your body? I did. Here’s what was going on between 1985 and 1989, when I first started recording my own feelings that the body I had was somehow “wrong:”

Alba 77 “diet” shakes were everywhere.

Including in our cupboard. My mom has never been overweight, but she drank these anyway. I think I thought that’s what grown-up women did: drank diet shakes.

The rise of the supermodel.

Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, and Kathy Ireland were ubiquitous. And do not start that bullsh*t about them being “normal-sized” and “Amazons.” They may have had more flesh on them than some of the 15-year-old catwalkers do now, but you can still see their ribs, and they still had breadstick arms.

In the blockbuster movie Weird Science, two teen boys create the ideal woman.

This is her.

My older sister came back from a long summer trip heavier than she was when she left.

My mom put her on a salad-and-bread diet to lose weight before school started, and my brother used to “oink” at her if he caught her with anything but lettuce in her mouth.

I went on my first diet, using old-fashioned calorie-counting books to track what I ate.

I remember telling my mom one day that I’d only had 900 calories. She said, “Good job, Sunny!”

Sunny at age 10 The author, age 10 It’s not insane for tween girls to have a bit of body weirdness—age 9 or 10 is when average girls start putting on puberty weight and hormones really start pumping. That’s also when friends and media start to become more influential in kids’ lives.

But body worries are starting earlier and earlier, experts say. Nearly half of the 3- to 6-year-olds in a 2010 study of more than 100 girls “worried” about being fat, and about one-third wanted to change something about their appearance. Earlier studies found that many kids are aware of “dieting” by age 6 and may even have tried it. WTF.

Down With "Diet" Culture

We’ve got to do better than this, people. For our own sakes, and for all the girls who will come after us. How? We’ve got to reject diet culture—the cleanses, and the pills, and the companies that make millions by making us feel like we’re not OK as we are now. Don’t sign up, don’t give them your money, don’t make what they do so profitable.

Bodies naturally comes in different shapes and sizes, and that’s the way it should be.

We’ve got to watch what we say in front of children, our own or otherwise. If they see us poking and prodding and picking apart, of course they’re going to do the same. We’ve got to stop publicly picking apart and/or celebrating famous people for their weight gain or losses. Weight shifts are normal for human beings, and we all have them, so how is Kim Kardashian being smaller than she was when she was pregnant “news”?

Finally, we’ve got to push back against the widespread assumption that thin equals healthy and fat equals sick. Bodies naturally comes in different shapes and sizes, and that’s the way it should be.

Sunny Sea Gold is Greatist's body image columnist and the author of Food: The Good Girl's Drug—How to Stop Using Food to Control Your Feelings (Berkley Books, 2011). The views expressed herein are hers. A health journalist by trade and training and a mom of two little girls, she's also an advocate and educator focused on reducing the rates childhood obesity and eating disorders by building Body-Positive Families. Reach out to her @sunnyseagold.

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There’s a Major Change Coming to Beer Cans (and You Probably Won’t Like It)

Ever wonder how many calories are in a beer only to turn the bottle around and see there's no nutrition label? That's about to change. The three biggest beer producers in the U.S. (Anheuser-Busch, MillerCoors, and Heineken USA) agreed to follow The Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative, a set of guidelines developed by The Beer Institute.

As part of the agreement, the companies will disclose calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol by volume of their products by 2020. It's a big step in the right direction, but the guidelines have one major caveat: Nutrition information doesn't necessarily have to be on the bottle or can, so long as a QR code or link to the information is on the product.

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Hydrate to Dominate

The importance of proper hydration cannot be overstated. But how much is enough for an athlete?

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29Tj6Sj

Both of These Women Are Sick, but One's Struggle Is Harder to See

Most of us wouldn’t hesitate to cancel plans or take a day off work if we had the flu, yet we rarely do the same when we feel emotionally unwell. Maybe that's because it's easier to tell your boss you have a fever than explain an ongoing struggle with depression. But this thoughtful BuzzFeed video shows sick is sick, and it's important to take care of yourself even if your symptoms aren't physical.

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Top 3 Home Remedies For TMJ

Home remedies for TMJ are safe and effective. Try the remedies before seeking other treatment options that come with side effects and are costly too.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a6gzHB

5 Key Factors to Consider For Buying the Best Adult Diapers

A large number of people in the United States find the need to shop for the best adult diapers as they get older. Adult diapers are available for both women and men who are experiencing incontinence related problems. However, incontinence isn't merely witnessed in elderly people, but many youth also suffer from this health condition.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a6MN4j

Froot Loops Will Be Sold Next to Fruit in Some Grocery Stores

You'll no longer find Kellogg's in the cereal aisle at Meijer, one of the biggest grocery chains in the Midwest. Now Froot Loops and Corn Flakes will be sold in the produce section. And that's no accident: Brands can pay for premium placement in supermarkets. That's why Grey Goose vodka is shelved just above eye level, while Gordon’s vodka is next to your sneakers.

Kellogg's made the deal with Meijer in hopes of creating a "halo effect"—business speak that means if your cereal is near healthy things, like fruits and vegetables, people will start to think it's good for you too.

There are healthy cereals out there, but many of Kellogg's brands are full of sugar—not exactly the best way to start your day.

(h/t Quartz)

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See What Really Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Added Sugar

Your body needs sugar, but most of us get more than the recommended amount, thanks in large part to eating processed food that's packed with the sweet stuff. As this video from Elite Daily shows, when you limit the amount of added sugar in your diet, you see a bunch of health benefits. Though it's worth noting the clip's claim that you'll have "no more acne" is exaggerated. Pesky pimples pop up for other reasons too.

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Lose Weight Fast - How I Did It

It's very difficult to have the will power to lose weight on your own. The advantage of a proven plan is that first we know it gets results, and secondly it's easier to stay on track because we can see where we have been, and where we plan to go. In a busy life, our mind sometimes tells us we deserve a reward of more food or there is not time for the exercise we had planned. A complete weight loss program will assist in staying on track to achieve our goals.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2ae5p4Y

5 Best Beauty Tips for Girls This Autumn Season

As we soak up the sun this summer, now is the perfect time to prepare your skin for the autumn season. This year, the autumn season takes us into a whole new level when it comes to beauty tips for girls.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2arlRev

Your Six Pack Starts In The Kitchen

Are you one of many who cannot seem to shake your gut off or craft those six pack abs you know you should have? If you are looking for those crunches to save all of your problems you are taking the longest way possible. In this article I will explain why that is and how eating your way to a flatter stomach can be the solution you were looking for.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29T0rII

Handmade Soap - How to Make Natural Handmade Soap

Making soap at home can be a fun experience. I myself got into making soap about a year ago as a hobby and have now turned it into a part time job. I get asked a lot of questions all the time about my soap making and I would like to put some of the answers here online for others to view.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a6AYer

Nike Shares Some Super-Helpful Tips to Find the Right Sports Bra

Buying the right sports bra can be a huge pain—literally, if it doesn't fit. But Nike has your back (and your boobs). The brand posted four tips to find the perfect sports bra on the NikeWomen Instagram account. Of course, Nike wants to sell more products, but this time it comes with advice women can use (and models who actually look like them when they wear a sports bra).

Welcome to Sports Bra 101: Most women wear a band too big and cup too small. Raise your hands above your head. If the band moves up, you may need to size down.

Gravity isn’t your BFF: No matter your chest size, gravity can cause tissue damage while you move—sports bras protect you from this.

Hold tight: Sports bras are designed to take on more impact than regular bras—this is why the band of your sports bras should fit slightly tighter than your everyday bra.

Say hello to support: Motion causes breasts to move in a figure eight, and cupped designs can provide higher support for bigger breasts.

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Women Are Calling Trump’s Headquarters to Talk About Their Periods

In response to Donald Trump picking Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, women across the country are calling the campaign to talk about their menstrual cycles. Sure, politicians should be talking about way more important things than periods, but the Indiana governor has made it his business by supporting extreme views on women's health. (He signed a law that would have forced women who had miscarriages or abortions to hold funerals for the fetuses.)

For the record, Trump's views on the subject aren't much better. Remember when he said Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her whatever" following her pointed questions for him this past spring?

These one-off phone calls are occasionally humorous, but they aren't inconsequential. Women are standing up and saying they value the ability to control their own bodies, rather than allowing the government to make laws limiting their choices. Many women who called Trump's campaign to talk about their menstrual cycles shared their stories on the aptly name Periods for Pence and TamponsforTrump Facebook pages. Here are just a few:

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32 Healthier Ways to Eat Tacos Every Day

7 Scientifically-Proven Tips About How To Lose Weight Fast

You know the most popular tip about how to lose weight fast. Most health experts say that you should burn more calories than what you consume. But why is it that most diets don't work and many weight loss plans just miss the target? Here are 7 tips about how to lose weight fast from experts that'll make you look fit and healthy in a jiffy of a time.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a96XKy

Preventing Dehydration in Kids

All human bodies are made up of water, and this is why staying properly hydrated is so important. This is especially true for kids. With the heat of the summer upon us, hydration is essential for good health and well-being. This article will examine some of the causes of dehydration, why it is important to hydrate the body, and what you can do as a parent to avoid dehydration in your kids.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a5NwCZ

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Pros and Cons

In the United States obesity is a grave problem and the numbers of those that are suffering from disorders that are obesity-related are increasing. Being obese is one of the major causes of diabetes. Gastric bypass surgery is one type of bariatric surgery. It is done to treat morbid obesity by bypassing a part of your small intestine and reducing the size of your stomach.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29J9JbD

Diet After Bariatric Surgery

When a person has bariatric surgery, weight loss will be facilitated and food consumption will be limited. After you have had the surgery it is necessary that you follow the diet plan that your surgeon or a dietician gives you to ensure a proper, fast healing. The diet will also give you adequate nutrition. There will be several diets that you will progress through before you can start eating solid foods. In order to continue your weight loss you will be expected to keep your calorie levels reduced and portion sizes small.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29J1hta

Paleo Coconut Crepes With Mixed Berries

It's hard to deny our love for pancakes and waffles, but sometimes we need to start our day with a little less sugar. Fortunately, it’s possible to enjoy a decadent brunch while still making good-for-you choices. Introducing coconut flour-based crepes with all of the flavors of the true French recipe.

Paleo Coconut Crepes With Mixed Berries

Recipe by: Eat Spin Run Repeat
Makes: 3-4 servings
​Ready in: 25 minutes


1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 packets stevia
1 cup egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cooking spray
1 cup Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla)
2 cups fresh berries
1/4 cup flaked coconut


1. Combine almond milk and lemon juice in a small bowl and set aside.

2. In a larger bowl, mix coconut flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and stevia.

3. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk egg whites. Once they start to get bubbly, add almond milk and vanilla, whisking as you add each ingredient.

4. Combine wet and dry ingredients and stir until an even batter forms. Set aside for 5 minutes to thicken.

5. Spray a frying pan with cooking spray or coat lightly with coconut oil. Place over medium heat.

6. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter into pan and swirl around to coat bottom. Cook for about 2 minutes, then use a spatula to lift edges. Gently flip and cook for 1 minute. Remove crepe and keep it warm while cooking remaining batter. (Tip: Keep greasing pan with cooking spray or coconut oil to prevent sticking.)

7. Serve crepes with yogurt, berries, and coconut.

Eat Me Video: Paleo Coconut Crepes

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The 12 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Feel Uninspired

No Regrets With Susie Moore Did you know 70 percent of Americans hate their jobs? Less than one third of U.S. employees are engaged at work. And those who have just recently joined the workforce—"disenchanted millennials," they've been called—are particularly at risk. Research from 2014 found millennials are less likely to say they "have the opportunity to do what they do best" at work, and many are working in jobs that aren't aligned with their talents or strengths.

Maybe this sounds familiar. Maybe you’re struggling to find out what it is you care most about. Maybe you feel as if your passion, excitement, and zest for life are slipping away. You’re not alone.

If you’ve been feeling exhausted and depleted all the time, there’s hope. Maybe you’re not just tired but uninspired.

These 12 questions can help you pinpoint exactly what it is that inspires you. If you decide to, you can even use these answers to help craft a side hustle in your free time—to make more money, create more freedom, and attract an unlimited amount of opportunities down the line.

1. If money were no object, what would I do all day?

Believe it or not, even rich people need to work to stay stimulated (just look at Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson). They just do what they want to do. Now that’s freedom! What would you do in this same position? Would you write, teach scuba diving, give dating advice? Work that you would do for free strongly implies what activities you enjoy most and what probably comes pretty easily to you.

Who we admire is a huge indicator of who we secretly would like to become.

2. If I could be anyone for a week, who would it be?

Who we admire is a huge indicator of who we secretly would like to become. Do you look up to Abby Wambach, Hillary Clinton, Victoria Beckham, Matt Lauer, Erin Burnett? Review who you obsess over—it’s a bright, shining clue.

3. What conversation topic can I get lost in for hours?

Real estate, investing, travel, animals, cars, fashion, fitness? Your most dominant chat topics are a vital sign of what excites you!

4. If I walk into a bookstore, which section am I drawn to?

This also applies to an Amazon search or even your preference for websites and blogs. What types of information do you most love to consume? What sites have your bookmarked? Which types of writers sit on your bookshelf? At this point, some solid dots might already be connecting for you. Embrace this!

5. Who do I love to spend time with and why?

Who's part of your "tribe"? Do you like analytical thinkers, creative people, entrepreneurs, artists? Often we are drawn to people like us and we are usually a reflection of our peer group. Who are your preferred friends—the ones who most energize you?

6. If you asked my partner/mother/best friend what I am best at doing, what would they say?

Would there be a common thread throughout the answers? Are you a great motivator? An incredible listener? An organizer? A storyteller? A go-getter in business? An explorer? Let people who you love and trust tell you who you are. It’s an eye-opening and fun experiment—and a confidence boost.

7. Who were you as a kid?

Let your inner child (who never leaves you!) resurface in your thoughts. Look at a childhood photo of yourself. If you were true to this person, what would you be doing to make sure you don’t let him or her down? Trust me, the little you is begging to be heard and can be called to attention in an instant.

8. What do people come to me for?

Resume advice, helping to fix things at home, interior design tips? This can point you toward the gifts and talents that you might not recognize in yourself. Derek Sivers says it best, “What’s easy for you is amazing to others.”

10. What do I feel least insecure about?

Human beings are funny. We are inordinately hard on ourselves. We’re quick to point out our flaws and have a much harder time recognizing our skills. I once coached a very high-achieving CEO, and getting her to share her leadership strengths with me was like p u l l i n g t e e t h .

If this sounds like you, instead of thinking which qualities you most value in yourself, ask, “What parts of me do I dislike the least?” Allow yourself to remember past accomplishments or times where you’ve really helped others. Let the parts of you that you might secretly feel proud of truly shine.

11. What’s pure and simple fun for me?

Ain’t nothin’ like a consistent hobby that can reveal an awesome hustle idea. The only difference between a hustle and a hobby is that a hustle pays—meaning it provides a service for others. Take note—if you love to paint as a hobby purely for your own pleasure, great! That might not be a hustle idea. But if you’d also love to paint for other people and have your work in other people's homes/offices/beach houses… you may just be sitting on a jackpot!

I have a friend who love Krav Maga and teaches it to families and another friend who adores planning parties for her entrepreneurial friends. Bingo! They love the work they are doing, they are good at it, and they can be paid for it. What do you love to do that you are really good at and can be paid for?

12. If I had to write a book, what would it be about?

Don’t panic—you don’t have to write one! But if you did, what might it be about? I love asking people this random question. I hear so many answers from sailing to writing vegan recipes to helping people with PTSD heal through music. I just wrote a book on my passion: helping people make the impact they were born to make via the art of a side hustle.

The Takeaway

There is nothing more important than becoming who you are here to be. With the distractions of daily life, we often do not take time to look within and understand who it is that we really are. The time and courage taken to give life to the real you is your only true obligation to yourself.

When we live an inspired life, we live a joyful life. It is impossible not to. When we become who we really are, our life can transform, and the results are often bigger than we imagine, bigger than us. We have more confidence. We create more abundance. Our connection to the world is solidified. And the legacy, the ripple effect of us living a life we love, has an endless contribution on the lives of others. What is more important than that?

Susie Moore is Greatist’s life coach columnist and a confidence coach in New York City. Her new book, What If It Does Work Out? is available on Amazon now. Sign up for free weekly wellness tips on her website and check back every Tuesday for her latest No Regrets column!

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LA's Plus-Size Pool Party Is Proof Anyone Can Slay in a Swimsuit

If you're still not convinced every body is a beach body, check out these photos from The Golden Confidence Pool Party in Los Angeles. These self-assured women are having the GD time of their lives! We included a few of our favorite pics below—you can head over to Cosmopolitan for dozens more.

The event is the brainchild of Essie Golden, a model and body-positive advocate. The pool party tour has already made stops in New York and LA this summer. Next up: Miami on August 13.

Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin

Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin Photo: Cosmopolitan/Sami Drasin

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/29HylS8

This Woman Calls Out People Who Tell Her to Lose Weight and Then Make Fun of Her at the Gym

Dani Mathers, a Playboy model, got in hot water last week after she posted a photo of a heavy woman changing at her gym to Snapchat with the caption: "If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either."

Yes, this makes Mathers seem like a terrible person. But before we start to feel all high and mighty for calling Mathers out, we should reflect on the awful (and contradictory) things we've said or thought about overweight people. Laura Beck, a writer and self-proclaimed "fat redhead," explained it best in a post on Cosmopolitan. Here's a quick snippet, but it's really worth checking out Beck's whole essay:

But the thing is, when we're "good fatties" and comply; when we go to the gym in order to shrink our bodies down to a size that's not deserving of hatred from society, we're then subjected to people taking our photos and sending them to their friends. Or, as is Mathers' case, to her entire Snapchat list. It's easy to hate on Mathers but the truth is, she's vocalizing what a lot of people think when they see fat people working out: Ew.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/29Q9iZl

The Reason Your Weight Can Fluctuate 5 Pounds in a Day

If stepping on the scale after a weekend of serious eating and drinking has you freaking out, we’ve got good news: It's totally normal to fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day. Most of the time, salt and water are the culprits, Katherine Zeratsky, a nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic, tells Quartz. You need both, but if you go crazy on the salt (easy to do if you’re eating out), your body holds onto the water to get that balance back. And there's your extra five pounds!

Besides salt and water, how many carbs you eat and (for all the ladies out there) where you are in your menstrual cycle can also explain why the number on the scale seems off. We've got a full guide with everything you need to know about weight fluctuations—just click the button below.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/29HflU3

The Only 4 Things You Need to Know About Amino Acids

4 Fat Burner Drinks And Foods To Add To Your Weight Loss Diet

If you want to lose weight fast, you should drink fat burner drinks and eat fat burner foods. Basically, not all foods are equal in their capabilities when it comes to your weight loss agenda. There are fat burner drinks and foods that help you burn more calories, while other weight loss foods suppress your appetite.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29Jrnrt

Building Health

It's difficult to build success when health is an issue. Building health is a prerequisite for building success. I would like to pass along the health secrets I have learned over my seventy-two years.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2anhOjx

Why Dieting and Exercise May Not Stop Weight Gain

Is it true that dieting and exercising might not you gaining weight? This article explains why.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29SQYT5

Could This Be the Real Secret to Successful Weight Loss?

Is the real secret of successful weight loss actually in our genes? Experiments on lab mice say it certainly is. Read on to find out how to finally get rid of your bulging waist.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29PAGsQ

Facts About Beauty

The beauty of the body fades with the age, while the beautiful minds enliven the life forever. Nonetheless, the beautification helps to raise our spirits and build self-confidence.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29I7rGh

Finances, Relationships, and Health

Three life areas are critical to building success: Finances, relationships, and health. Following are ideas concerning building success in these critical areas.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/29JiE8x

What Are The Foods To Avoid And The Best Diet For Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is a serious condition that many of us are unaware of. In fact, as we age, the incidence of having this health condition also increases and it is seen often in people who are in their forties. Aside from age, another contributing factor with contracting diverticulitis is having a diet that is rich in animal fat while low in fiber.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a38GkV

Cutting Edge Ideas to Speed Athletic Recovery

If you train harder and more than your opponent, you will have a definite edge in any sport. The problem is the human body can only take so much training before it breaks down and needs rest. The key is in recovery. If you can recover faster and more completely you will be able to train sooner, harder and with more volume to make much greater gains. Improving recovery will also help you show up fresher for competitions. Fortunately, there's been many developments in the area of athletic recovery including very effective strategies, products and modalities that can make a terrific difference right away. If you want to learn how to improve your performance quickly, you will be excited to find out secrets kept by many top athletes and pro sports teams about how to recover faster. Keep reading this article to learn these secrets and some of the latest cutting edge ideas on improving athletic recovery.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a4zJ2f

Your Gut Health 101: Causes of Diverticulitis

It is normal for one to feel pain in their stomach area especially if one overeats or when one is hungry; however, persistent pain maybe a symptom of a major health problem. Diverticulitis is quite common especially for those who are in their 40's.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2a38Fxv

9 Kick-Ass Curries That Are Way Easier Than You Think

The Moment I Stopped Being a "Nice Girl"

I was nearly 20 years old before I found my voice. I don’t mean that in a metaphorical way, but in a literal sense. It was a typical night out for me at that age. I had been out on the dance floor for hours when I decided I needed some water.

As I was standing a the bar waiting for it, I heard a voice to my left say, “Let me buy you a drink.” I looked up to see a tall, decent-looking, older (to me at the time) fellow. I thanked him but explained that I had to drive home that night, so no booze for me. He seemed a bit put out by this, but nodded his head and that was that, or so I thought.

I don’t really recall the exact series of events of what happened next, but I remember him following me around the club for the rest of the night. Trying to talk to me, grabbing at my arms—and at one point, even trying to touch my hair.

I was beside myself. I didn’t know what to do to get him to leave me alone. I had asked politely, but he had not listened. Yet he had not done anything “wrong,” like grabbing my butt or something, so I didn’t want to get him into trouble by asking the bouncers to kick him out. And my friends, all drunk and/or high, were no help either.

Finally, it dawned on me I might have to be “rude.” Meaning I might have to put aside politeness in order to get him to go away. The next time I turned around and the guy was standing right there, in my personal space, I opened my mouth to tell him to get lost… but nothing came out.

It was like my voice was literally stuck in the middle of my throat—as though it was a tangible thing I was choking on.

It was like my voice was literally stuck in the middle of my throat—as though it was a tangible thing I was choking on. I knew what I wanted to say, but I could not get the words to exit my mouth. I had no idea why I couldn’t physically talk. I felt so overwhelmed and helpless, and I started to cry.

Finally, I felt something break loose. Break free. I started yelling at him as loudly as I could to get away from me, to leave me alone… to F*CK OFF!

At that point, it clearly looked like a fight was about to happen, and the bouncers intervened. I got kicked out of the club that night, but I knew that from then on, I would never have trouble finding my voice.

Years later, I was talking about this incident with a friend—sharing creepy guy “war stories,” as women tend to do. And she asked me a very simple yet fundamental question: Why had I had such trouble speaking up? Why had I been effectively struck mute, if only temporarily?

I didn’t know the answer. It had never happened to me before that point, so it wasn’t like I suffered from some kind of speech impediment. I was also what my friends and family affectionately called a “talker.” A Chatty Cathy.

Yet as I pondered the question, I realized there were some deeper reasons behind why I had not immediately or easily been able to speak up for myself that night in the bar. And it had to do with everything I was raised to be.

The Problem With Growing Up "Nice"

I grew up in a nice, safe middle-class suburb. My parents were good parents, loving and attentive. I was the type of girl teachers wrote glowing words about in report cards, saying I was “a pleasure to have in class.” I was also a competitive swimmer who woke up at 5:30 a.m. six days a week in order to get in an hour’s practice in before school—and I rushed home to do my homework before I had to go to practice again in the early evening. I did not have much time to get into any trouble.

I was a good kid, basically. My parents, who only wanted the best for me, had taught me how to behave. I did as I was told. I listened to my teachers and coaches. I was polite and compliant. I did not talk back or make a fuss.

Instead, I learned how to smile even when I was angry or sad. Negative emotions like anger were usually met with strong disapproval. Over and over, I got the message (in both indirect and direct ways) that I was only truly lovable and worthwhile as long as behaved the way the most important adults in my life expected me to behave.

Over and over, I got the message I was only truly lovable and worthwhile as long as I behaved the way the adults in my life expected me to behave.

I was raised to be a Nice Girl, in other words. And as such, I knew the Nice Girl rules. Not that I had to remind myself of them—by the time I was 7 or 8, it was like breathing. Natural. I wasn’t acting that way because it was expected of me—I behaved that way because after so many years of playing by the rules, that was who I was. Rules like: Be polite and nice, even if someone is being mean or rude to you. Think of others first. Be helpful and courteous and considerate of people’s feelings. Don’t ever make a scene. Sit nicely, don’t be too loud. No one likes a needy, shrill, and demanding girl or woman. Watch your tone.

And I admit there is a good side to being raised in this way. I learned the social niceties that allowed me to function quite well in a lot of different circles. But there is a dark side to it, like losing your voice right when you need it the most.

When you learn to put other’s needs before your own most of the time, you do not learn what your own needs are. And if you do not know what you need and want, it is very hard to assert yourself and your boundaries. When you learn that being pleasant, compliant, and accommodating is paramount, you never really learn how to speak up.

When you raise girls to be Nice, you cannot turn around and expect them to shed years of expectations and training and morph into people who are able to fight for themselves. You cannot take away their voice and then expect them to be the one to scream “fire” at the first sign of smoke in a theater.

Now I know what you are thinking: I clearly just have issues. My experience does not match yours—you were raised to speak up for yourself. Or your sister was. Your whole family is full of badass bitches, so how dare I insult your grandma that way by implying she has a victim mentality. How dare I imply women and girls have a victim mentality like that in general.

But I know this about myself: I am as typical and ordinary as they come. So I know I am far from being the only one who lost her voice in that way.

And with effort and lots of introspection, I was able to regain it. But it took years of work. It was not easy, and I doubt that many of my fellow Nice Girls are able to get it back while still in their youth—the time when they need it the most (i.e., the time when folks with ill intent try to take advantage of their tendencies toward compliance and accommodation). So this piece is really just my way of speaking on their behalf. On my own younger self’s behalf.

Girls: Find your voice, speak up. Do not let them tell you that Nice Girls don’t talk like that. You do not always need to be polite or think about everyone else’s feelings above your own. The rules are often not in your favor—you do not always have to come last. Your voice matters more than you know, so speak loudly and carry a big stick.

This post originally appeared on Medium and was written by Julia Brown.

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Super Simple Sweet Potato and Turkey Meatballs

Get dinner ready in 15 minutes by combining lean ground turkey and grated sweet potato for the ideal sweet and savory meatballs. Pair them with couscous and hummus for a complete Middle Eastern-inspired dinner or brown-bag lunch. Boom.

Sweet Potato and Turkey Meatballs

Recipe by: Sonima
Makes: 4 servings
​Ready in: 15 minutes


1 pound ground turkey
1 large sweet potato, grated
1 egg
1/2 onion, grated
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Pinch cinnamon
Olive oil, for frying


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Mix all ingredients except oil together in a bowl, adding salt and pepper to taste. Form mixture into meatballs.

3. Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Pan-fry meatballs about 5 minutes, or until browned on all sides. Finish in the oven until cooked through, about 6 minutes.

Eat Me Video: Turkey Meatballs

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A Healthier Iced Vanilla Latte

While it’s tempting to pop into the neighborhood coffee shop or fro-yo spot for a cool treat when the weather heats up, it’s easier (and definitely healthier) to head to your own kitchen. All it takes is a little prep work. Thicken things up by adding the ingredients into a blender for your own version of a frappuccino. You can even use coconut milk and a few mint leaves for a burst of flavor.

Healthy Iced Vanilla Latte

Recipe by: The Greatist Team, in partnership with our friends at Lululemon.
Makes: 1 latte
​Ready in: 5 minutes, plus freezing time


For coffee ice cubes:
1 pot brewed coffee

For latte:
2-3 coffee ice cubes
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2-3 drops liquid stevia
Dash cinnamon


1. To make coffee ice cubes, pour brewed coffee into an ice cube tray. Freeze for 1 hour or overnight.

2. To make latte, place coffee ice cubes in a mug. Add almond milk and stevia, then stir. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Eat Me Video: Healthy Vanilla Latte

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