We Could All Learn Something From This Teacher’s List of 101 Ways to Stress Less

Trying to be a real person is stressful. Lucky for us, one all-star high school teacher (shout out to you, Mr. Philips!) made a list of 101 ways for his students to stress less. Just reading through it made us feel more relaxed.

One of Philips's students tweeted screenshots of the list, which includes suggestions like "learn the words to a new song," "dance a jig," and "schedule play time into every day." Check out all the tips below:

stress less list Photo: Alina Ramirez Photo: Alina Ramirez

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You’d Never Tell a Kid “You’re Ugly,” so Why Do You Say It to Yourself?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Is your nose too big? Are your lips too small? Are your eyebrows too bushy? That's what Rachel Levin, a popular YouTube beauty vlogger, sees when she looks in the mirror. But she quickly regrets those words when she looks at her reflection and sees herself as a child. You'll have to excuse the bad acting, but the message here is important: If you wouldn't tell your 5-year-old self about your supposed imperfections, why beat yourself up about them today?

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We Dare You Not to Smile at This Woman's Reaction to Wearing a Bikini for the First Time

No matter how confident you are, putting on a bikini is hard (especially if you've never worn one before!). That's why we can't get enough of Krystal Gordon's Facebook post. The Australian blogger totally freaked out—in the best way possible—about rocking a two-piece for the first time: "OMG, I just bought a bikini. What the heck?!" Check out her photo and amusing inner monologue below:

bikini selfie Photo: Facebook/ Krystal Gordon

OMG, I just bought a bikini!!! What the heck? LOL. I also just took and shared a front-on photo of me without my clothes on—double what the heck!? Loving thyself baby. Embracing it all. Being proud of my progress. Accepting me for who I am right now even if it isn't where I want to be.

Now don't get me wrong, sharing this isn't easy by any means—every bit of me is going 'Holy sh*t Krystal, what are you doing?!' But if I can happily accept and celebrate everyone else's body, I sure as hell deserve the same love from myself ;) I have a goal to wear this swimsuit in public this summer too. I WILL get there. It WILL happen. You don't need a certain type of body to have a bikini body—you just need to put a bikini on!
#holybikini #cantbelieveimdoingthis #trusttheprocess #acceptingme #lovetheskinyouarein #selflove #progressnotperfection #hothappyandhealthy #workinprogress #bikini #bodymovement

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Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

As people age, their nutritional needs change. Some may not be able to consume the same foods, or foods in the same quantities, as they could when they were younger and perhaps healthier. Too much sodium, sugar or fats can wreak havoc on the human body when people age.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cPngh8

All You Need To Know About Medical Laboratory Technicians

The physicians in hospitals and clinics are often assisted by few other people who help in the detection of the disease by performing various pathological tests on the tissues of the body as well as the body fluids. These people are called medical laboratory technicians. With an associate's degree, these people find work either in hospitals or in the doctor's chamber.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cda56R

All About Urgent Care Centers

An urgent care center is a place where you visit when you are suffering from an acute injury or illness. An acute injury is a condition that requires attention but isn't severe enough for you to take a trip to an emergency room. Urgent care centers are usually staffed by nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, front desk receptionists and other professionals aimed at giving you the best service. While there are a few urgent care centers that are hospital-affiliated, most of the centers are independently owned and operated.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2d6gLZw

3 Fall Cocktails That Will Make Rosé a Distant Memory

Nope, It's Not OK to Say, “Congrats! When Are You Due?" to Pregnant Women

For some reason, people think it's OK to go up complete strangers who look pregnant and ask them all sorts of questions: Is it a boy or a girl? How far along are you? Is this your first? Can I touch your belly? (You've got to be kidding with that last one.)

Pregnancy can be exciting and special, but sometimes it's scary, unwanted, and just really personal. And then there are times when a woman who looks like she's showing isn't pregnant. This recently happened to Elizabeth Yuko, a bioethicist and writer. She wrote about her experience in The New York Times:

I was standing up on the [bus], holding on to a pole and texting a friend. A white middle-aged man wearing pleated khakis and a blue oxford-cloth shirt sitting nearby turned to me and said loudly, “Please, ma’am, take my seat.”

I shook my head, indicating that I was getting off soon.

He persisted: “Please, ma’am, you really shouldn’t be standing up. Every bump this bus goes over can jostle and hurt your unborn baby.”

I was not, nor have I ever been, pregnant. I was just a well-fed woman in her 30s on her evening commute wearing an empire-waist dress. (Admittedly, that particular style of dress, which cascades down from the fitted bust and helps to disguise protruding stomachs, is a favorite of maternity clothing designers. But that is beside the point.)

This stranger felt as if he were responsible for the well-being of my nonexistent fetus and took it upon himself to scold me in front of the rest of the bus, providing unsolicited and inaccurate advice.

Yuko knows that this concern for seemingly pregnant women comes from a good place, but her cringeworthy story should be enough for all of us to think twice before saying anything to strangers who might be expecting:

It is absolutely possible to show concern for a pregnant person while still being respectful and not insulting. By all means, make accommodations for anyone—including pregnant people, the elderly or someone on crutches—who may look as if they could use a break.

But if someone declines the offer to take your seat on the bus, move on and let it go. Follow-up comments are unnecessary. It’s possible that a person who appears to be pregnant may have an unwelcome medical condition that she doesn’t wish to discuss.

Check out the rest of Yuko's story by clicking below.

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How Telemedicine Can Help Doctors Reduce Costs

Telemedicine is a branch of bio-telemetry which deals with the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients using telecommunication technology. This article discusses the advantages of telemedicine solutions for cost-saving, for both patients and doctors.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cuht41

GreatistYou Day 39: Regina Is Ready to Rumble

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

Are you as excited for this fight as we are?! This weekend Regina (@greatistregina) will step into the ring with her Muay Thai instructor for a sparring match. She'll be judged on her form and style, and the results will determine whether she's completed her GreatistYou goal.

Get pumped, guys. It's all going down soon. Stay tuned to see what happens.


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If You Shower Every Day, You're Cleaning These 3 Body Parts Too Often

You’ve probably heard there's no need to wash your hair every day, unless you work up a sweat. Even then, you should skip the shampoo.

But what about the rest of your body? It seems logical that the more you shower, the better. It turns out, though, you don't need to soap up and scrub down as often as you think.

Your arms and legs don't produce many oils, so washing them daily with soap will make the skin on your limbs super dry. Save the soap for the oily, smelly parts of your body: your armpits, butt, and feet.

The most surprising area you should stop soaping up? Your groin. While it’s a good idea to wash down there for sanitary reasons, men and women can steer clear of soap and just use water.

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How Can Legionnaires' Testing Benefit Your Business?

Every business, whether it's in the food industry or not, needs to make sure that their drinking water is not exposed to Legionella bacteria. A proper testing must be conducted by certified professionals in order to see if the water is Legionella proof. Workers whose tasks involved water service as well as other related tasks like maintenance and treatment are particularly vulnerable to Legionnaires' disease. These may include employees working on warm water systems like those found in hotels, manufacturing sites, hospitals, spas, resorts, and cruise ships.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cBU4cU

What You Should Know About Cuts and Lacerations

A cut or laceration more or less refers to the same sort of injury involving the skin. It is one the most common injuries where a person's skin is split open, generally by a sharp object, often causing the person to bleed.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cE2FKu

I Looked Healthier Than Ever, but Inside, I Was Fighting to Feel Normal

It was a chilly spring afternoon. I was shopping at Forever21 for an outfit to wear out with friends that night. While parsing through racks of clothing, I started feeling warm. Chalking the sudden discomfort up to a random hot flash, I kept shopping. But then things escalated: I started shaking; I felt dizzy, sick to my stomach. I ditched the clothes I was considering purchasing and booked it to my car. I’ll just go home, I thought. I’ll take a nap and then I’ll feel fine.

But the uneasiness kept coming back. For months, I couldn’t escape the feeling of dread that followed me everywhere. I couldn’t get through a workday without feeling like I was going to be sick. I couldn’t drive more than five minutes without needing to pull over to the side of the road, struggling for breath. I couldn’t go out to clubs and bars—even though I used to love dancing the night away—because a swarm of people enveloping me was a recipe for panic. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, I went from a carefree 20-something to someone failing to cope with an anxiety disorder.

Gray Line Break Alexis Dent Before and After Before and after my 20-pound weight loss—but feeling worse than ever inside.

Ironically, I was in better shape than ever when my anxiety disorder developed. I had been training for my first half-marathon, losing 20 pounds in the process. But nothing, not even the hundreds of miles I logged, could quell the endless worry.

I was constantly feeling under the weather, struggling to see a way out of the fight-or-flight pattern that my mind cycled through. I tried every naturopathic remedy to alleviate my symptoms: therapy, hypnosis, essential oils, fish oil pills, and good old-fashioned exercise.

Because I appeared healthier than ever, people didn’t realize that I was fighting the toughest battle of my life. Old classmates, coworkers, and acquaintances would stop me in the grocery store to tell me I looked amazing. Friends and family loved to compliment my new body.

When you’re suffering from an invisible illness, the body that people applaud is the very same body that you resent.

I know they were just being nice—offering kind words about the body I’d worked so hard for. But when you’re suffering from an invisible illness, the body that people applaud is the very same one that you resent. Over time, I grew bitter because the body that carried me across 13.1 grueling miles that summer was also the one that crashed and burned into an anxiety attack just minutes later. If a half-marathon’s worth of endorphins wasn’t powerful enough to unlock me from the prison of my disorder, what was?

For the millions of Americans with invisible illnesses, this internalized resentment is all too familiar. During the darkest days of my battle, there was no indication that I was ill. I stopped running because my body would burst into a full-fledged panic attack as soon as my heart rate became elevated. I could barely eat, maintaining my newfound slenderness for months despite not completing a single workout. I continued to look healthy, like the carefree and athletic person that so many people thought I was.

Only those closest to me knew how much I was suffering. One evening my grandmother called me on the phone and asked if I was OK. She’d seen a picture of me on Facebook and told me, “I know you’re smiling in the picture, but I can see pain in your eyes.” She was right.

I know you’re smiling in the picture, but I can see pain in your eyes.

I finally began to crawl out of the misery, angst, and suffering when my doctor acknowledged that, despite my best efforts to cure my anxiety sans prescriptions, it just wasn’t possible. Anxiety was biological, he explained, and I couldn’t change the way the neurotransmitters work in my brain, just as a rheumatic can’t change the arthritic pain and swelling that courses through their body. He prescribed me a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (commonly known as an antidepressant), and I prescribed myself the optimism to fight for a few more weeks.

It worked. Within days, my anxiety attacks became a thing of the past. Within weeks, I began laughing again. And one day, as I was heading to work, my dad smiled and told me how healthy I looked. That was a proud day.

I am still not perfect. I deal with side effects from my prescription—like hand tremors when I feel nervous and nightmares when I’m stressed—but that's nothing in comparison to having my life back.

Alexis Dent Now, healthier inside and out Last November, I left my new job crying after panicking and getting physically ill on the very first day. It was an embarrassing, frightening time of my life that consisted of spending every waking hour pleading with God, the universe, and my own body to stop letting me down. Less than a year later, I can travel, go out to bars, enjoy meals out, and be more spontaneous than ever—even moreso than before I had this disorder. I don’t know how long I’ll have to deal with anxiety; my treatment has gone well, and my physician and I have hope that I can be both medicine- and symptom-free one day soon. In the meantime, I’m just grateful to be enjoying the ride.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2d3eQ5a

Need a Blood Test? Urgent Care Can Treat You Faster and Save You Money

Urgent care centers provide treatment for minor illnesses and injuries with a shorter wait time and a lower co-pay than you would find in the emergency room. They also offer preventative care, physicals, immunizations, and diagnostic testing.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cDVQbN

How to Build Strong Bones?

An adult human being has 206 bones in the body. Mainly, bones consist of collagen fibers and an inorganic mineral in the form of small crystals. Living bone in the body contains between 10% and 20% of water. Of its dry mass, approximately 60-70% is bone mineral. The rest is collagen, which is the main fibrous protein in the body. The inorganic mineral calcium phosphate is found in the chemical arrangement termed calcium hydroxylapatite. This is the bone mineral that gives bones their rigidity.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2ciYHti

The 30-Minute HIIT Workout That Makes Time Fly By

If you spend most of your workout staring at the clock, watching the seconds slowly tick by, it's time to switch things up. This total-body HIIT routine is so dynamic, a half hour will go by like the blink of an eye.

The format of this bodyweight workout will inject energy into your workout and make it a lot more fun. You'll constantly toggle between strength and cardio moves, which will keep every muscle in your body guessing and your mind engaged (no time for to-do lists here!) Plus, trainers Pace and Go will offer valuable nutrition advice throughout so you can maximize the results of your hard work.

An exercise mat is optional, but other than that, all you need is you.

To recap: There are 5 sets, with a 30 second rest between each set.
Each exercise must be completed for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks.

Set 1:
Floor Touch Squat
Wide-to-Narrow Push-Up
Tap Floor, Squat Jump
Full Tuck Crunch

Set 2:
Forward and Backward Lunge
Tricep Dip and Hip Lift
Kneel to High Skip
Bicycle Crunch

Set 3:
Bridge Scissor
Swimming Plank
Diagonal Squat Thrust
Toe Touch Beetle Crunch

Set 4:
Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive
Inverted Push-Up
Skater With Single-Leg Squat
Vertical Leg Lift

Set 5:
Plank Walkout and Punch
Tick-Tock Squat Thrust
Rock-Up to Single-Knee

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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How Innovative Medical Solutions Can Help Vascular Patients

The article describes the importance of how an innovative medical equipment can resolve the issues faced by examiner and patients for effective vascular tests. It describes the features in detail also.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cs1b6r

9 New Go-To Recipes for All You Sweet Potato Lovers

Starting Your Natural Hair Journey

Whether your transitioning from chemically processed hair to natural hair, or cutting off your hair "big chop". Its a rewarding process leading you to accept and embrace your natural curls with self-confidence.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cCYiiK

Lena Dunham Shows Off Scars From a Common Disorder (That We Don’t Talk About Enough)

Lena Dunham isn't shy about sharing the ups and downs of living with endometriosis. People who have heard of the disorder—and that's still not many—usually think it just causes women to have painful periods. Dunham's recent Snapchat challenges that stereotype as she shows the world her scars from endometriosis-related surgeries:

Here's what everyone should know about the disorder: It causes the tissue lining the uterus (which usually gets flushed out during menstruation) to grow where it shouldn't be—on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or intestines. Symptoms include terrible cramps, long and heavy periods, pain during sex, or even infertility. Sometimes surgery is required to properly diagnose endometriosis and remove the excess tissue to ease the pain.

The crazy thing is one in ten women in the U.S. deal with endometriosis at some point in their lives, making it even more important that Dunham is sharing her story to raise awareness of the common disorder.

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Top Diet Tips You Must Follow For Bodybuilding

Working out alone does not yield the expected results when it comes to bodybuilding, diet also plays a huge role. As a body builder, you must choose foods that will help you build muscles and at the same time get rid of fats so you are lean. This diet should therefore be high in fiber and protein and low in fats. You would also need to eat more than usual, especially when you have strenuous training. Below are some of the top diet tips you must follow for your bodybuilding endeavors.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cIPbAM

The Truth Behind Custom Wigs: Your Wig Can Be the Reason For a Bad Hair Day

The hair extensions and wigs have been a lovely source of good looks for people of both genders. People who want to look elegant, stylish, and graceful buy wigs and spend huge money. But the bitter truth is that not all hair extensions give users the true value of their money, instead it becomes the source of headache and hair diseases. The scientists have conducted tests on the best hair brands of wig; they hold manufacturers accountable for not providing 100% natural hair to the customers who trust them. Make sure that your hair extension do not make you suffer; buy a good quality wig from trustable manufacturer to avoid hair problems.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cRlyKG

This Educational Period Game Is Like Monopoly for Vaginas

Learning about periods in middle school was pretty much the most awkward thing ever. (I'll never forget when my health teacher made us watch a video of girls eating vagina-shaped pancakes at a sleepover.) The reality is many women (and men!) are pretty uninformed about menstruation, and making girls feel like it's a gross topic isn't helping.

That's what makes The Period Game so great. Dreamed up by two students at The Rhode Island School of Design, the board game uses classic Monopoly features (plus a giant 3-D uterus) to teach about menstruation:

Players start the game by rolling the dice rotating the giant uterus, which releases a marble. Red ones represent your period, while clear marbles signify any other day. As you move around the board, you collect protection cards (like "tampon") and preparation cards (like "take a hot bath!"). Plus, the game also comes with instruction packets labeled "Wait, really?" that give players more info on periods.

Unfortunately, the game isn't available yet. The creators are currently shopping it around to toy makers. When it does appear on shelves, it won't be just for kids. All of us could use a fun, casual way to talk about periods. Because, you know, saying the word "tampon" out loud won't kill you.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cqe80w

Breakfast Egg Muffins With Spinach (and Bacon If You Want)

You promise yourself you’re going to wake up earlier. You want to be more “adult-like,” which obviously means waking up with enough time to make breakfast and eat at a table. Who are we fooling? It never happens. You know what does? The snooze button—and that means you’re sprinting out the door to get to work on time.

This is where these filling, high-protein breakfast egg muffins come into play. They’re the fast and easy solution to your crazed mornings because no matter how you get to work—car, subway, bus, train—you can eat these little guys anywhere. The only utensils needed are your fingers.

Egg Muffins

Set aside 30 minutes on a Sunday and throw this three-ingredient recipe together: Creamy eggs, crunchy bell peppers, and mild spinach make these protein-rich muffins a no-brainer when you're short on time. And guess what? You’ll have breakfast for the next five days. Don’t worry about getting bored with this combo either; it’s really just a base recipe, so you can add whatever toppings you please. We’ve made them four different ways (since a 12-cup muffin tin has four different rows): Keep one with just veggies, add goat cheese to the second, bacon to another, and then get really crazy and add bacon and goat cheese to your final row.

Egg Muffins

Breakfast Egg Muffins (4 Ways)

Recipe by: Jamie Webber
Serves: 4-6

Base recipe:
12 eggs
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1/2 cup spinach
Pinch sea salt and black pepper
Cooking spray
12-cup muffin tin

Optional toppings:
1/4 cup goat cheese
2 cooked bacon slices, chopped

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Spray a 12-cup muffin tin liberally with cooking spray. Set aside.

3. Chop bell peppers and spinach into small bite-sized pieces, about 1/4 inch.

4. Divide vegetables evenly among muffin tins.

5. In a large bowl, whisk eggs together until combined. Sprinkle in salt and pepper to taste.

6. Pour the eggs into the cups, dividing evenly; filling up about 3/4 of the way full. You can always go back and add more with any eggs leftover.

7. If you're adding additional toppings, now is the time. Sprinkle desired amount of goat cheese or cooked bacon bits (or both) to the top of your egg muffins.

8. Bake the eggs in the oven for 20-25 minutes. They will puff up, but as soon as they come back to room temperature, they will deflate.

9. Store in the fridge for up to five days.

Egg Muffins

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8 Freakouts It's Totally OK to Have in Your Early 20s

Kristen Bells Mocks the Gender Pay Gap in This Funny (but Sadly True) Video

Women deal with a lot of bullsh*t in the workplace (yep, even in 2016), and Kristen Bell is not having any of it. In this hilarious parody, she highlights one of the biggest inequalities that working women face: the pay gap. Bell jokes that American women are the cheapest workforce around—all they need is free tampons in office bathrooms and they'll never ask for a raise! The two-minute spot is video gold, making us laugh out loud and roll our eyes.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cALMQR

GreatistYou Day 38: Brandon Is One Pound Away From Victory

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

As we enter the home stretch of GreatistYou, our contestants are either freaking out or relaxing hard. Brandon (@greatistbrandon) seems to be somewhere in the middle. He has only one pound to go before reaching his goal, so this last week is probably both stressful and a total relief.

While he's a bit further away than he'd like from his personal goal weight, he's come a long way!


  • Regina (@greatistregina) is feeling "bruised" and "tired as hell." We're hoping she recovers before her final fight this weekend!
  • Jasmine (@greatistjasmine) is taking advantage of the incredible scenery and scaling every mountain she finds.
  • Darby (@greatistdanda) shared some wise words: "Thirty minutes of exercise can really impact the rest of your day. Today I started my day like this. And it feels good to know the whole day is in front of me"

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cgZiM0

Easy Tips for Hydrating Hair and Preventing Dryness

While every weather brings with it different kind of hair woes, it is not difficult to tackle any of these if you know how to. Winters might be striping your hair of natural oils and making your hair dry, so do monsoons by making your hair frizzy and oily. Summer has its own woes for making hair greasy and dry, thanks to the scorching sun. It is essential to understand your hair and its health so that moisturising your hair becomes as easy as brushing your teeth. Before going into the care for dry hair, one needs to know why the problem of dry hair curs. There can be two reasons for dry hair- either your scalp is not producing ample natural oil for moisturisation of hair or your natural structure of hair is allowing excessive moisture to escape thus leading to dry hair. The cuticle of the hair, which is the outermost layer might be loosening, thus creating gap and tending all the moisture form the inner layers to escape.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cAovhV

Avoid These 6 Hair Care Mistakes

Everybody needs to look great and hair is one element that attracts a considerable amount of attention. In an effort to give your hair the best care, sometimes we ruin it. Let's take a look at some common mistakes that you should avoid while attempting hair care.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2czggpw

Is Your Gut Leaky Making You Fat And Sick

A leaky gut sounds kind of alarming, but it is more common than you would think. It's not about food and liquids gushing out of your small intestine to who knows where, but it's all about a microscopic change in the wall of the small intestine.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cAhCgE

Short on Time? Prep These 7 Vegan Dinners in 5 Minutes or Less

How to Freeze Every Fruit and Use It Months Later

Like it or not, summer is coming to an end. And even though we’re mourning the passing of those lazier months, we have to admit we’re a little (OK, extremely) excited to stop sweating.

Some may begrudge the coming cooler weather (so long, fresh fruit smoothies and granola bowls!), but we’d like to offer a tip: Save fruit now and make better-tasting treats for the rest of the year. Prepping your own frozen fruit may seem an unnecessary step (can’t you buy that stuff in the grocery store?), but you’ll thank us after that first sip of an summery peach smoothie in the middle of November. You’re a little curious now, aren’t you? Hold onto that feeling.

how to freeze fruit

Now let's spell that out with just a tad bit more detail.

Raspberries and blackberries: Rinse > Pat dry on towel > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Drop into a pot of oatmeal while it’s cooking

Blueberries: Pick off all stems > Rinse > Pat dry on towel > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Use as a topping for a smoothie bowl

Strawberries: Rinse > Pat dry on towel > Cut off stems > Chop into small pieces > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Drop into a bowl of Greek yogurt

Cherries: Rinse, pat dry on towel > Slice in half > Pit > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Blend into a smoothie

Bananas: Peel > Slice into even pieces > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Whip up a batch of banana ice cream

Stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums, etc.): Rinse > Dry > Peel (optional) > Cut into chunks > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Defrost, top with granola for a quick fruit crisp

Apples and pears: Rinse > Dry > Peel (optional) > Cut into chunks > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Defrost, cut smaller and add to muffin batter

Melon: Cut into chunks > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Blend into a smoothie bowl

Citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, etc.): Rinse > Dry > Cut away any abrasions on the peel > Slice into rounds or half-moons > Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet > Freeze until solid > Store in a freezer bag > Grate zest over meat, salad, cocktails, and more!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cHpG2R

13 Kitchen Tools Under $15 That Will Legit Change Your Life

Many Women Are Still Super Confused About Which Kind of Birth Control Is Most Effective

When it comes to birth control methods, IUDs (intrauterine devices) are having a moment. From 2006 to 2010, IUD use has increased 83 percent among women between ages 15 to 44. Based on this meteroic rise in popularity, you’d think that American women know all about the perks of IUD, including its high effectiveness, safety, and ability to be reversed.

But it turns out, not a lot of U.S. women have realistic ideas about the best contraceptive method. According to a recent survey by the Urban Institute, only 55 percent of women had heard "a lot" about the IUD, while 9 percent hadn't heard about it at all. (In contrast, 90 percent of women said they knew "a lot" about condoms, and 86 percent about the pill.)

Even more telling is how effective women believed various birth control methods to be. Sterilization (male or female) was viewed as most effective, with IUDs, shots, and pills fairly behind. While 64 percent considered condoms "somewhat effective," only 31 percent thought the same about IUDs.

Compare this to the actual stats on effectiveness: Over one year of "typical use" of condoms, 18 percent of women will become pregnant; on the pill, that drops to 9 percent. And don't even get us started with withdrawal (or pull-out) method, which has a measly 73 percent effectiveness rate. But with an IUD? Only 0.2 to 0.8 percent of women have the same chance of becoming pregnant. (*Sigh of relief.*)

This goes to show that most American women's assumptions about the most effective birth control are basically the opposite of the facts—not good. Bear in mind that the pill's efficacy issues are usually attributed to women failing to take it as directed. (Let's be real: It's hard to take a pill every single day at the exact same time without fail.)

Health safety of various birth control options can be harder to gauge, but the FDA has approved all prescription methods as safe for women. (Although there was a scare about recalling IUDs in the 1970s, the researchers note that there haven't been any big issues since, and they've been called OB/GYN's contraceptive method of choice.)

The bottom line: Do your research and talk to your doctor before choosing the BC method that's right for you. And checking the actual stats on effectiveness and safety is always a better bet than trusting your friend who waxes poetic about withdrawal.

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Women at the White House Use This Awesome Strategy to Make Sure Their Voices are Heard

President Obama is the first president to call himself a feminist, (he wrote a bomb essay about it!), but that doesn't mean women on his staff don't face gender discrimination. Women are constantly being interrupted at work, and that applies even if your office is, well, the White House. When Obama took office, two-thirds of his top aides were men, so his female staffers came up with a genius strategy called "amplification" to make sure their voices were heard.

When a woman made a great point in a meeting, other women in the room repeated the point and gave props to the woman who said it, so that men couldn't take the idea as their own. Obama's former aide told The Washington Post that this strategy worked, and everyone in the room noticed. Hopefully there will be a day when women don't have to use special strategies like this, but for now, amplification is a totally doable way to make sure no (good) opinion is left behind.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cJRTVc

This Mother-Daughter Text Convo About Tampons Is Some Gilmore Girls-Level Genius

Finding the teeny-tiny area where feminine products are hidden in convenience stores may as well be a scavenger hunt. One 13-year-old girl who was on such a quest for tampons decided to text her mom about the ridiculousness of the situation (how absurd would it be if tampons were in plain sight?!), and the resulting conversation is hilarious.

Before you can blink, the Gilmore Girls-level banter moves from estrogen laser beams to fist pump-worthy promises of smashing the patriarchy. Someone pass us the popcorn:

texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins texting about tampons Photo: Facebook/ Belinda Hankins

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cJRbqO

Bodybuilding Diet You Must Follow

Packing new muscle mass is not something that you achieve overnight. You would need to get committed to the process and make the right food choices and actually stick to them. Building of course has a lot to do with exercises and weight lifting but you also need the right foods to keep your energy levels up and support muscle growth. The only way you will manage to keep your new muscle mass is by keeping up with a good bodybuilding diet and a workout regime that targets the muscles. Everything that goes into your mouth should be carefully thought through.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2crX6B3

Community Needs Health Assessment

Non-profit hospitals are mandated by the Federal Government to undertake a 'community needs health assessment.' This undertaking looks at the most pressing health needs in the area served by the hospital(s). In my county, several hospitals and the county health agency undertook this charge. The data supply gives a good indication where dollars need to be spent to provide the services most needed.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cO8g1E

Efficient Weight Loss Strategies

Losing excessive weight is not as easy as it may sound, especially when you want to lose weight without starving yourself. It is invariably necessary that you choose a weight loss plan that is healthy and one that is bound to yield long-lasting results and at the same time be easy to keep up with even after you have achieved your weight loss goals. Losing weight is a long-term decision, and you must, therefore, think beyond reaching your ideal weight.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cJqOBv

Smart Tips About How To Lose Belly Fat For Men

Is there an easy way about how to lose belly fat for men? Yes, there are easy ways to blast fat in your midsection IF you have enough motivation and the right set of advice. For one thing, you need to get active- regularly. Regular physical activity helps you burn fat and gain muscle.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cY9szY

The 36 Best Places to Pitch a Tent in the U.S.

Practical Steps In Improving One's Health

Health is the general condition of the body and the mind. A healthy lifestyle is a manner or way of living that enables one to develop a general condition of the body and mind that is free of sickness and disease. Every activity that the individual undertakes and the decisions that he/she makes affects his/her lifestyle either positively or negatively. Therefore, there is the need for every individual to plan his activities and make sound decisions that would affect his/her health positively.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cHOxF6

GreatistYou Day 37: Darby and Adrienne Get Ready To Race

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

With only a few days left until the big race, Darby and Adrienne (@greatistdanda) are focusing on the following four things to ensure victory: hydration, rest, fuel, and confidence. While a 10K is nothing to sneeze at, we have faith in them and know they'll leave a trail of smoke in their path.

Adrienne's knee continues to give her problems, but a new shipment of RockTape should stop the issue before it starts, since, according to Adrienne, this is the only kind that really works for her.


  • We found out it takes two hours of intense training to make Regina (@greatistregina) feel loopy (though it doesn't seem to impact her performance). Hey, some of us get loopy after two minutes of training.
  • We're totally jealous of Jasmine (@greatistjasmine), who seems to be having the best time ever on her cruise. Not only is she taking mini-hikes during all the port stops, but she reportedly took over the dance floor for a few hours onboard. Is it easier or harder to dance when the ground is swaying back and forth?
  • Brandon (@greatistbrandon) is back at it again with his crazy concoctions. Ground turkey, taco seasoning, black beans, and edamame. We'll have to try this one at home.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cazTp8

How To Get The Most Out Of HIIT Training

Ok so you just signed up for Class Pass or a new gym and you want to check out some classes. You've heard that HIIT training is awesome and it's all the rage so decide to give it a try, but then you freeze -- because you've also heard it can involve sprinting and doing Burpees and other exercises to the point of wanting to puke (sorry but it's real) so you hold off another week until you feel you are strong enough or fit enough to make it through the class. And then another week goes by.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cawJBH

How To Reduce Weight With Guggul Natural Herbs

Guggul or Commiphorawightii is a shrub or flowering plant. It grows as a short tree in a semi-arid environment and comes in different varieties; each variety has different uses, and its usage is determined partly by the colour and age of the gum.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cHBNhK

How To Get Others Involved In Your Weight Loss Plan

When you start with a weight loss plan, support is crucial, especially with your family and friends. However, it is not always easy to get them involved in your program even though it is of importance and can keep you from falling back to unhealthy eating habits. For your plan to work, you must look for every way possible to get others and especially those close to you involved in the program.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cXuNJP

How Important Is Exercise In Weight Loss

Exercise is very important for weight loss but not for the reasons you might think. If you watch the television information commercials you could be convinced that any number of magical exercise machines and gadgets will help you lose weight. At best they are wrong and worst they are lying and cheating you.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cXtKd1

Do You Waddle When You Walk?

Fat feet can be very unhealthy feet, but they can also be very unhappy feet. They were not meant to carry the (over)weight of your world.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cZp49t

I Work Out Because I’m Scared of Ending Up Like My Mother

“I hope I'm still playing tennis when I’m her age,” my mom says as we admire my impressively active 94-year-old grandmother. I nod as I think to myself that she will never make it anywhere near my grandma's age.

Based on her height and weight, my mom is obese. She's only in her 50s and has struggled with her weight since before I was born. She's already had four weight-related surgeries—multiple joint replacements, accelerated by excess impact. Every time I go back home to visit, she seems heavier and slower, less able to do things like walk up and down stairs, stand for long periods of time, and ride her bike. I’m afraid that I’m running out of ways to help her.

I’ve run three full marathons, I go to CrossFit every morning before work, and I love planning and cooking nutritious meals. My friends tell me I am the one of the fittest people they know.

I genuinely enjoy all of these activities, but I would be lying if I said that a major part of my motivation doesn’t come from the nagging fear in the back of my mind: If I don’t make my health a priority, I will end up like my mother.

Gray Line Break Obesity Shadow Illustration

Ironically, my love of healthy food and exercise comes from my mom. She is not the depressed, sedentary picture of obesity you might expect.

She worked in the fitness industry for most of her life as a group and personal trainer. I remember practicing aerobics routines in the kitchen with her when I was little. She met my father on a hiking trip; they both ran marathons in their 20s. Throughout my childhood, our family vacations consisted of camping, hiking, and nonstop family sports games—although my dad was often the one who participated while my mom cheered us on from the sidelines.

I can’t help but sense the giant elephant in the middle of the conversation.

Since recovering from knee surgery, my mom has slowly returned to the things she loves—swimming, going on long walks, and cooking elaborate meals for dinner parties with ingredients from our local farmer's market.

But every time she talks about wanting to get better at yoga, improve her arthritis pain, or be able to bike for longer distances, I can’t help but sense the giant elephant in the middle of the conversation.

I see her weight standing between her and everything she loves to do. I remember feeling like crying when we went to New York City for vacation and we had to limit our excursions to places within very short walking distances.

Gray Line Break

While I’ve never directly mentioned how I feel, we’ve had vague conversations about food, weight, and health. At first glance it seems like she’s in denial. But I’ve realized that she thinks about getting healthy just as much as—if not more than—I do, so I don’t want to add to her struggle.

If it were any other chronic disease, we might be able to talk about it more openly. Cancer, for example, is incredibly sad and often hard to talk about, but it doesn’t carry the same blame and judgment that obesity does.

My friend with a family history of skin cancer openly talks about her increased preoccupation with sun protection because she has a very real picture of what can happen if she doesn’t pay attention. She is motivated to take care of her skin that much more because she knows that she’s at risk.

With my mom, we dance around the topic and talk generally about “feeling healthy” and “having energy.” There’s something about weight and obesity—how it’s all tangled up with pride, emotion, and guilt—that makes it feel like so much more than a clinical disease. And I have trouble getting out the words about how worried I am for her long-term health.

Gray Line Break

Fitness has become a huge part of my identity and is a positive motivator for everything I do. But I can’t shake the nagging feeling that if I slip, gaining weight means so much more than just seeing the number on the scale go up a few pounds. Studies suggest that children of obese parents are much more likely to be overweight or become overweight in their lifetimes. And I have a painfully clear picture of what it looks like and how it could limit my life.

I have a painfully clear picture of what it looks like and how it could limit my life.

All of this sounds incredibly selfish. I shouldn’t be the one struggling; I’m not the one carrying around extra weight every day, unable to regain control of my body. I’m not the one with joints failing under the weight of my lifelong struggle. I’m not the one agonizing over my emotional eating habits.

So why am I the one complaining?

After all, I don't resent my mom. Her weight hasn't prevented her from being an amazing mother and role model, and I love her no matter what she weighs. When I was little, I used to tell her I never wanted her to lose weight because she was such a good hugger, enveloping me in her arms. But because I’m so close to her, I am hyperaware of the pain that she has gone through: the guilt, the agony, and frustration with her disease.

Over the years, I've realized the best thing I can do for my mom is to love and support her in whatever she does. But when it comes to something I can control, I direct my energy toward staying fit and healthy, and ensuring that my own children never have to face the same struggle.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cMQNqq

23 Paleo Bowls That Make Breakfast Great Again

Weight Loss Tips For Girls

The majority of girls are very conscious about how they look and they therefore would go to great lengths to make any improvements they feel are necessary. Every girl wishes to have a killer body with curves in all the right places to feel attractive and remain confident. Weight can therefore weigh a girl down, but luckily there is always something that can be done to make improvements in the situations.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cVDRzb

Gym Eye Candy That Ain't So Sweet - Man, Look At Her Swollen Feet!

Today's fashions can lead to tomorrow's health disasters. Our clothes can either hurt us or harm us. It's best to dress for comfort, rather than to squeeze into the latest fashions.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cCfwAF

4 Ways to Speed Up Your Weight Loss

Most people view dieting as an all or nothing. In January, they make their New Year's Resolutions and hit the gym for endless cardio sessions and eat nothing but fish and vegetables for about two weeks, but soon they are eating birthday cake and drinking beer again, ashamed that their diet has failed.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cKZYHU

Have Trouble Drinking Enough Water? Try Eating These Foods

We all know we’re supposed to drink a lot of water every day to stay hydrated (about 11 cups for women and 16 cups for men is recommended). But who actually wants to do this? It takes a lot of reminders and even more trips to the bathroom.

If you’re constantly battling dehydration or just want a foolproof way to hit your goals, here’s a simple tip: Eat foods that contain a lot of water too. Your top choices for max water intake are greens like celery, lettuce, and broccoli, along with fruits and yogurt (all foods that, no surprise, are also good for you!). Yep, even coffee made the cut, since caffeine isn’t dehydrating as long as you drink it in moderation. So now you can sip your morning cup in peace.

For the full details on how to stay hydrated without chugging water all day, check out Vox's article.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cXnvsB

What You Missed During Week 5 of GreatistYou

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

If you've been too busy to check out the action, don't sweat it. We've got a quick video to catch you up. Sit back, relax, and let GreatistYou recapper Jeremy Glass run through the highlights.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2ctESgf

Weight Loss: Move to Not Give Up!

To successfully lose weight permanently, should be well in his plate, well in his sneakers, and in his head. If one of these three pillars feeds the other, losing weight at every chance to be a lasting success. On the other hand, if a pillar relies overly on the other - as is the case for example in the case of the too strict diets that appeal to the will - then all may falter. Balanced diet and controlled (if needed) + sport + daily well-being: this could be the winning equation for who wishes to lose weight.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2c8jNME

21 Recipes That Use Vegetables You’ve Forgotten About in the Fridge

Some Women Shave Their Faces—Let’s Accept It and Move On

Instagram goes crazy for bearded men, but guys aren't the only ones with facial hair. As Tina-Marie Beznec, an Australian blogger, reminds us in an inspirational Facebook post, women have hair on their face too—and people need to stop freaking out about it. Beznec has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition that affects one in ten women and can lead to weight gain, irregular periods, depression, infertility, and, yep, facial hair.

Beznec has always been self-conscious of her facial hair, but as she says in her brave post, there's nothing to be ashamed of:

Women shave too Photo: Facebook/ Fight Against Fat

Hi my name is Tina and I have polycystic ovary syndrome. As well as depression, anxiety, infertility, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, bloating, abdominal pains, acne, cysts, increased risk of cancer, and everything else, a lot of woman including myself have to deal with facial hair!

Do you know how UNFEMININE this can make a woman feel?!? I've always been super self-conscious about it, but I really just have to put this out there because I want create more awareness around this syndrome and how much it can impact someone's life, especially if they don't know they have it.

When you see someone who is overweight, has bald patches, or a woman who has facial hair, DO NOT JUDGE

You never know what a person is going through, and it's unfair to put someone into the "lazy and unhealthy" category without knowing their story. I know it's only natural for some of us to judge someone based on how they look, but remember we are all fighting our own battles and you can never understand if you aren't willing to learn and listen...

If you think you may have polycystic ovary syndrome, please don't be afraid to reach out and seek medical advice. It's a hard battle, but the sooner you get diagnosed the sooner you can manage your symptoms.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cKoUiE

GreatistYou Day 36: How Jasmine Plans to Stay Afloat on Her Cruise

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

A big question that's been following Jasmine (@greatistjasmine) around since she joined GreatistYou is: What's going to happen when she goes on her cruise? Anyone who's gone on one knows how difficult it is to stick to a diet when you've got a never-ending buffet of food at your fingertips.

But as with most things, Jasmine is rocking it: She found a healthy snack and climbed a mountain. No biggie.


  • Brandon (@greatistbrandon) is loving the C9 Champion shirt we got him. Put it to use and soak it with sweat!
  • Despite her screaming knee pain, Regina (@greatistregina) still took part in a little sparring.
  • Darby and Adrienne (@greatistdanda) switched things up by jumping rope—awesome for endurance and footwork.
  • Jessi (@greatistmentor) reminds us there are plenty of cozy ways to stay healthy. We're entering oatmeal season, people!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cBxumA

How to Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Picking Them to Death

Some foods are a straight-up gamble. Open up a box of chocolates, and you could get caramel filling or that weird pink marshmallow fluff. Bite into a peach in mid-February, and you could get cardboard. Hard-boiled eggs are another story. They might not be super exciting, but they’re steady. You know (the majority of the time) they're going to taste good. But you can also bet a year’s worth of your vacation days that they’re going to be annoying to peel.

I know this because I eat a hard-boiled egg for breakfast every single day. And after wasting countless hours of my life painstakingly picking bits of shell off of my brutalized egg in a silent rage, I decided it was time to solve this problem once and for all. Here’s what I learned.

Why Hard-Boiled Eggs Are So Hard to Peel

Eggs are packed with protein, especially the whites. When those proteins are exposed to heat—like when an egg is being cooked—the proteins coagulate, or turn from liquid to solid, explains Cathy Davies, PhD, Food Science Communicator for the Institute of Food Technologists.

Coagulation is a good thing, because it means you get to eat a solid egg instead of a gross, goopy mess. But the process also makes boiled eggs difficult to peel. “Proteins are very sticky. When the egg white cooks, it can bind to the membrane and the shell,” Davies says. And you end up with a torn, pockmarked egg.

An egg’s pH also plays a role. Egg white proteins that contain more acid are especially sticky, Davies says. Fresher eggs tend to have a lower pH, which is why the eggs from your local farmer’s market tend to be more stubborn than the ones from the grocery store.

A Method to the Madness

If you’ve ever had to deal with unpeelable eggs, you probably already know that the Internet is chockablock with potential solutions. Except they don’t all actually work. And some of them are downright ridiculous.

To achieve a boiled egg that slips happily out of its shell, one of two things need to happen: You either find a way to stop that pesky membrane from becoming so sticky or find a way to raise the pH of your egg. Here are the methods that got the job done and the ones that were a complete waste of my time.

How to Peel an Egg

1. Start hot; finish cold.

Carefully dropping an egg into a pot of boiling water instead of starting the egg in a pot of cold water is touted as the best route for easy-peel eggs. That’s because adding eggs directly to hot water helps them cook faster and keeps the egg whites from reaching too high a temperature, which seems to make it harder for the membrane to stick to the shell, Davies says. Plunging the eggs into an ice water bath once they’re done stops the cooking quickly, further preventing a sticky situation.

I had always started my eggs in cold water, so this made a big difference. Davies suggested letting my eggs sit in the ice water bath for a full 15 minutes, but I didn’t have time to wait that long. Fortunately, chilling the eggs for just a couple of minutes worked well enough.

The verdict: This wasn’t totally foolproof, but it nixed about 95 percent of my peeling problems. It might’ve been even better if I chilled the eggs longer, but in the interest of time, it was a trade-off I was willing to make.

2. Steam them.

Steaming is gentler than boiling. Supposedly this makes it harder for the whites of the eggs to get too hot and make the proteins ultra sticky. It was the other cooking method that Davies recommended, so I had high hopes. Just like after boiling, I plunged the cooked eggs in ice water for a few minutes to help them cool down.

The verdict: This worked just as well as dropping eggs into boiling water: I hit a couple of snags, but the shells mostly came off.

How to Peel an Egg

3. Use older eggs.

Older eggs have a higher pH than fresher ones. And if you’re buying them from the supermarket, you can check the carton to see when your eggs were actually packed. (Look for the three-digit lot number, which will list a consecutive day of the year. So eggs packed on January 1 would say 001, eggs packed on February 1 would say 032, etc.)

Problem is, there’s no official definition for what "old" actually is. My eggs were packed three weeks before I brought them home, and they weren’t any easier or harder to peel than other supermarket eggs I’d bought in the past. But if you buy very fresh eggs from the farmer's market (or you keep chickens... ), it might be worth seeing whether letting them sit for at least a few days makes for easier peeling.

The verdict: Not that helpful if you’re buying eggs from the supermarket, but could have an impact if you’re buying super-fresh eggs.

4. Boil eggs with baking soda.

Baking soda is alkaline, so adding a sprinkle to your cooking water will raise its pH. Which, theoretically, will raise the pH of your egg and make it easier to peel. But for this to actually work, the baking soda would need to pass through the egg shell and come in contact with the egg white before the proteins start to coagulate, Davies said. So I used a pin to prick tiny holes in the top and bottom of the egg to make sure the baking soda could get inside ASAP.

The verdict: Not very effective. Maybe I needed to use more than just a sprinkle of baking soda? Even if adding more helped, though, I still wouldn’t do this. Pricking holes in the egg was annoying, and the egg had a faint soapy taste.

Peeling Hardboiled Eggs

5. Use the one-hand rolling technique.

Gently rolling the cooked egg on a cutting board (or other hard surface) with the palm of your hand makes lots of cracks in the shell, which supposedly helps to detach the membrane from the egg white. So after dropping the egg into boiling water and chilling it in an ice bath, I gave it a try instead of my usual one big crack.

The verdict: Even though the boiling and cooling method worked on its own, the initial peel would sometimes still be a little tough. Rolling the egg first made the process even easier.

6. Shake the egg in a glass of water.

A hack that went viral a few years back showed a video of a guy putting an egg in a glass cup, adding a little bit of water, covering the mouth of the cup with his hand, and then shaking vigorously for 20 seconds. The combination of the water and the shaking seems to cause the shell to detach from the membrane in one giant piece. Amazing, right?

The verdict: I tried this in place of gentle rolling, even though I was sort of afraid that the glass might break in my hand. It didn’t—and the shell really did slip right off. Even so, I didn’t love it: It was kind of loud, and I like quiet in the morning. Plus, who’s to say the glass won’t break next time?

The Bottom Line

There’s no one foolproof trick to perfectly peel a boiled egg. Instead, it’s a combination of how you cook the egg, how you cool it, and how you crack the shell afterward. So start your eggs in already-boiling water or steam them, cool them quickly in ice, and roll them gently to make lots of cracks in the shell before peeling. Or, if you’re a daredevil, go ahead and shake it up in a cup.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2cKg6t4

Liposuction Swelling - How Long Until It Goes Down?

Do you have pockets of unwanted fat that are making you unhappy about how your body looks? Liposuction is the perfect solution. It can shape and contour those areas, and give you the beach-ready body you're looking for. Liposuction is generally very safe, but post-op swelling is known to be a common side-effect, so people contemplating the procedure are always anxious to find out how long until it goes down.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cWMo7u

What Is I-Lipo? How Many Treatments Will Be Needed and at What Intervals?

If you are looking for a way to fast track body contouring, and get rid of problem areas that you can't seem to shape with diet and exercise, you may want to consider i-Lipo. But what is i-Lipo and how does it work? How many treatments will be needed, and at what intervals? Let's find out the answer to these questions, and learn more about this revolutionary cosmetic treatment.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cGdq0W

Cycling: Make Your Work-Outs Count to Lose More Weight

It is undeniably difficult to keep up with your fitness goals. How tempting is it to just stuff yourself up and laze around after? You see your bike just lying around, begging to be picked up and brought on the road. Well, your bike is right. It's time you lose all the guilt and the excess weight and start pedalling. To make your work-outs count, here are a few tips to consider.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2civOAq

Know How You Can Lose Weight Naturally

Losing weight is not an easy task, and very many people will struggle with getting to their ideal weight. For some, they will start, and due to various reasons, they will fall off the wagon and gain back the weight. Others will succeed in their weight loss journey as it requires one to be focused and determined so that they can achieve their set goals.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2ct0ut6

6 Natural Ways That Can Help Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is the body defense system that defends against infectious microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It responds by attacking the organisms that tend to invade the body and cause diseases. However, at times, due to various reasons, the system gets overpowered, and the microorganisms will invade the body and make it sick.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cc3lJD

The Advantages Of Imagery For Kids

In order to help kids become better and smarter, it is important to opt for imagery for kids. This service can provide numerous benefits for kids that can accommodate their needs.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2csZWnh

Healthy Lifestyle Tips For More Energy And Well-Being

You ought to abide by healthy lifestyle tips to make your life sound and happy. Don't all people want to live long and free from diseases? It's been said time and again in healthy lifestyle tips that you should stop smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy foods if you want to enjoy a good quality of life, but for many, they don't know where to start.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cJW0PI

How to Lose Weight

One's weight is a balancing act, and calories from fat are part of this equation. Fad diets may assure you that keeping track of carbs or eating a hell of grapefruit can make the pounds fall off. However, when it involves weight reduction, its' calorie consumption that count. Weight-loss burns down to getting rid of more calorie consumption than you ingest. You can certainly do that by lowering extra calorie consumption from food and drinks, and increasing calories from fat burned through physical exercise and be fit.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2c7Ro9y

The 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Whenever You’re Feeling Jealous

No Regrets With Susie Moore Everyone has experienced that familiar pang of jealousy when someone they know seems to have it better—a nicer car, a bigger apartment, a higher-paying job. And even though it makes us feel like sh*t, we still continue to compare ourselves to others. It’s as if our success in life is measured by how we’re doing against the success of other people—rather than just letting our own success be.

It’s not uncommon to experience a sinking feeling when someone “does better”—lands a killer promotion, gets married, buys a home, or finally takes an extended trip to Europe. Yes, we’re happy for our friends, but that frustrating feeling of falling behind can sabotage our well-being in the wake of another person’s good news.

To help beat back your own green-eyed monster, ask yourself these five questions before you start comparing your success to someone else’s.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

1. What’s it to me?

Say you feel eternally single and your best friend suddenly lands a great girl or guy. What’s it to you, really? Does it impact your dating life at all? Of course not! Sure, you might spend a little less time with your friend now that he or she is in a relationship. But why not use that time to find new ways to put yourself out there on the dating scene? If anything, it’s wonderful proof that great people exist and meeting one in any moment is truly possible.

2. What lesson can I learn from this?

When someone else triggers your envy alarm, what does their success reveal about your own desires? For example, if a friend just got a juicy raise, did he or she ask for it? If someone got fit and toned this summer, were they trying a new, fun workout class or a great, doable diet? Figure out what you can learn or leverage to your advantage. Don’t let your envy cloud the lesson that could jump start your next success.

Woman Hiking

3. What’s going right in my life?

Take a step back and remember all the great stuff going on in your life too. Envy blinds us to this completely. While you are eyeing someone’s ability to speak in public, they may well be envying your writing skills, muscular arms, or ability to dress like Anna Wintour. Taking regular note of your own blessings (daily if you can) makes you far less likely to freak out when someone gets something you really want.

4. How can I compare myself to someone more relevant (me)?

Life is long. It's not measured in days, weeks, or months—but years. Don’t blow up someone else's recent achievements into something life-altering. The real measure of success? Compare yourself today to who you were last year and consider how far you’ve come. (Here are some questions that can help you do so.) When you really evaluate this, the truth is likely to surprise you.

Your negative emotion is revealing something important to you.

5. What does my envy show me about myself?

If you're consistently triggered by certain events, your negative emotion is revealing something important to you. It’s showing you something that you secretly want too. Think of those pangs of envy as prompts, giving you a little nudge. If you're frustrated or jealous that a friend starts a side business or reaches the next level at work, it’s probably because you have a deep desire within you, waiting to bloom. It's in there, just waiting for you to take action.

Finally, cut yourself some slack. It’s common to feel that we are not going fast enough, doing well enough, or aren’t capable enough when we see people surpass us in any area of life. Comparison is unhealthy and destructive. But we can overcome the illusion of competition that comparison creates. You just have to redirect your focus to what really matters and the only thing that you have control over: yourself.

Susie Moore is Greatist’s life coach columnist and a confidence coach in New York City. Her new book, What If It Does Work Out?, is available on Amazon now. Sign up for free weekly wellness tips on her website and check back every Tuesday for her latest No Regrets column!

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To Anyone Who Says Designer Clothes Aren't for Plus-Size Women

When we think of high-fashion models, we usually imagine lanky bodies walking down the runway. But this year a number of shows at New York Fashion Week showcased curvy women. Notably, Project Runway alum Christian Siriano featured five plus-size models in his show. These models are still a small percentage of those at Fashion Week—Tim Gunn called out the entire industry for ignoring plus-size women last week—but it's an important step.

Check them out below.

Tome Spring 2017 Collection:

Tracy Reese Spring 2017 Collection:

Tracy Resse NYFW Photo: Associated Press

Chromat Spring 2017 Collection:

Iskra Lawrence NYFW Photo: SELF

Christian Siriano Spring 2017 Collection:

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The Heavier a Woman Is, the Harder It Is to Get Hired

Plus-size women are everywhere, from magazine covers to runway shows. But new research found that the heavier a woman is, the harder it is to land a job.

To conduct the study, researchers modified the faces of thin men and women to make them look heavier:

Heavier Woman

The cheeks are fuller, and the neck is bigger, but the changes are subtle. (All of the photos in the study were of white people to remove race as a potential factor, but we’d be interested to see if the findings differed with a diverse group of images.) Scientists showed participants each photo separately, plus they added in diversions—people with tattoos or piercings to test for other biases.

What they found was not encouraging. Participants said they were more likely to hire women when they appeared thinner, especially in customer-facing jobs (like waiters or receptionists). Men didn't face the same type of discrimination. While this study focused on service jobs, it suggests that women face more weight-related judgment in the workplace, which is not cool at all.

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What European Women Get So Right About Food (and Life)

In the sun-soaked Mediterranean, skin is everywhere. It’s squeezing out between shorts and shirts as bodies wiggle and jiggle down the boardwalk. It’s pressed together on subways and buses on 90-degree afternoons. It’s browned and freckled, dimpled and smooth, rippling like the ocean, and all of it—every inch—is gorgeous.

I didn’t always see it that way. I've struggled with my body image for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would encircle my wrist with my fingers and compare my ankles to the delicate ones at the school desk next to me. My body always came up shorter, fatter. I was born premature, so it took me a long time to catch up to my peers, but I always saw myself as bigger than I really was. Still do.

My insecurities about my body overwhelmed my desire to enjoy myself.

When I spent my sophomore year of college in Italy away from family and friends, my insecurities grew. For the first time, I was completely in control of what I ate, what I bought at the grocery store, and what I ordered at restaurants. And without anyone watching, I fell apart.

“How’s the food?” my friends asked, when I called long-distance. I told them it was great, and it was. But I held up poorly without the support system I didn’t know I had until I left it an ocean away.

For one hellish year and change, my insecurities about my body overwhelmed my desire to enjoy myself. I counted noodles and measured sauce by the spoonful. I dragged my exhausted body miles of postcard-worthy streets each day, sizing up the impossibly fashionable women around me through a malnourished haze.

Italy Body Image Illo

While my roommates made frittatas with the brightest, freshest produce in the world, I sat down to a small cup of penne with jarred sauce and told myself—and them—I didn’t like to cook. When we stopped by the gelato shop on the way home from class, I made that tiny cup my sustenance for the day. Delicious? Of course. Sufficient? Hardly. Most Americans gorge themselves in Italy; it’s hard not to, surrounded by fresh, preservative-free food that’s worlds away from most of our own. But with my anxiety-fueled starvation diet running rampant, I came home 20 pounds lighter instead.

I returned to the States defeated and diminished, but desperate to go back. I kept thinking of the crusty bread with olive oil fresh from the trees next door and gelato so rich it was a religious experience.

Gray Line Break

In Mediterranean culture, moderation and appreciation is the crux of living well.

Almost a decade later, I took a job leading high school trips back to Italy. The Americans I traveled with either bellied up to overflowing plates of pasta with a bottle of red wine and a loaf of bread, or sadly nibbled at a salad. But in Mediterranean culture, moderation and appreciation is the crux of living well. My Italian friends shared a sampling of first courses, followed by prudently portioned meats and pasta with a glass or two of wine, and never a mention of what it would do to their waistlines. They savor food as an essential part of la bella vita (the good life).

Around me, everyone else enjoyed life in big, gulping bites. I saw Italian women dress to leave the house as if they were stepping onto a runway, secure in their own skin—regardless of their size. Everyone from my whippet-thin neighbor to my voluptuous linguistics professor savored sitting down to the table with their families and friends. I missed that essential part of the experience in my desperation to whittle myself into an Americanized concept of femininity.

While I couldn’t get back the semester I spent hiding from food, I could teach the next wave of girls not to follow the path I’d stumbled down.

“Oh my god, I am going to get so fat,” one of the girls groaned as we ordered ice cream.

“We are eating, like, twice as much as I do at home,” another complained after dinner.

“This food is so carb heavy,” one whispered as we explored the tradition of homemade pasta.

Gray Line Break Lizz Schumer Visiting Pompeii with my students (I'm in the middle)

In American culture, food and imperfect bodies are equally villainized. We’re fed the latest diet fad like a moral imperative. Thin is virtuous, strident, and strong. Fat is deviant, lazy, disgusting. Our bodies and how we feed them are tied to our standing as members of society, and these imperatives teach us we can’t disconnect our diets from our personal worth. But we are more than what we put in our mouths. We are so much bigger than our waist sizes.

We are so much bigger than our waist sizes.

“What does food mean as part of this culture?” I ask my students. They sit in silence, staring at their feet and each other, daring someone else to speak first. It’s social, someone offers. Communal. An essential part of expressing love, nourishing the spirit as well as the body.

Every summer, something exciting happens as we consciously explore the cuisine around us—not only the food itself, but the way the locals interact with it. As we watch our European counterparts dive into a plate of pasta and the aquamarine ocean with equal gusto, we stop seeing the dimples on their hips as indicative of their character. From their example, we learn to enjoy local dishes without commenting on their caloric content. And best of all, we take to the beach and the streets without pointing out a jiggle here, an extra wiggle there. We savor la bella vita, warts and all.

My former self stares back at me through the eyes of a student picking at a salad while the rest of the group chows down on plates of pasta. I offer her a bite of mine while we talk about the different ways our cultures approach food and bodies. We talk about how Italians carry themselves, and one bite at a time, we let go of our critical internal monologues.

Broken self-perceptions don’t change in the three weeks we spend in the Mediterranean, not completely. But we question the voices that tell us we’re wrong for being the size we are, the shapes that make us as different as snowflakes. By challenging them, I hope to give those students what I needed when my own negativity overwhelmed me: an alternative to the self-hate our culture shoves down our empty throats.

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7 Useful Weight Loss Tips

Making changes in the lifestyle and diet to help lose extra pounds needn't be torture. Even making the smallest changes in the diet and increase daily activity can have a very positive impact over the long-term, and leave you thinner and healthier.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cqcCLt

GreatistYou Days 33-35: How Our Contestants Get the Most Out of Their Weekends

Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

Our contestants proved that weekends are just a few extra days to pursue greatness. Let's start with Darby and Adrienne (@greatistdanda), who used their time off to participate in a Komen Race for the Cure in Prospect Park on Saturday. As if that wasn't enough, they went back to the park the next day to train for their upcoming 10K.

After giving it their all, the Brooklynites took a much-deserved break on the roof where they took this amazing panoramic pic of their view.


  • Brandon (@greatistbrandon) is super excited to do some shopping at Sprouts Farmers Market with the gift card we sent him. (Pro tip: You'll get perks too if you participate in the next season of GreatistYou.) Judging by the caption on his scale pic, Brandon seems happy with his weight! What a great feeling!
  • Jasmine (@greatistjasmine) is aiming to stick as closely as she can to Whole30 during her cruise. This will be no easy feat, but she's got this. You're a pro, Jasmine—just say no to the dessert bar.
  • Regina (@greatistregina) posted some intense videos this weekend that prove how hard Muay Thai training can be. That's painful just to look at.
  • Jessi (@greatistmentor) gave us the skinny on protein shakes and how to make them taste delicious. Watch her full video here.

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28 Paleo Crock-Pot Recipes Everyone Can Enjoy

Healthy Living Is Equal to A Healthy Heart

Heart attack is a very common problem among everyone these days. So we are providing some healthy tips to keep your heart healthy and fit.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2ciHcXF

How To Prepare Tasty, Healthy Snacks For Diet

Healthy snacks for diet are an essential part of your weight loss plan. Not that you should skip taking snacks to cut calories if you're going on a diet. Healthy snacks for diet fuel your body in between your meals so that you wouldn't be so ravenous come mealtime.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cQAvNA

What You Must Include In Your Weight Loss Plan

The inclination towards obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. The result that we are seeing show people are suffering from diabetes and other related diseases. The lifestyle that people are following is not up to the mark at all.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cQReo9

Don't Suffer Weight And Health Problems In Dietary Confusion

Since the dramatic government interventions of the 1970's which labelled fat as the enemy we have seen dramatic an alarming blow out in many health problems. Obesity, autoimmune conditions, diabetes to name a few plus the massively increased diagnosis of childhood allergies and ADHD and the huge increase in autism and Asperger's syndrome.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cpcOuu

Fast Weight Loss With Increased Metabolism

The main reason to consume food is to gain energy and have enough strength to perform the daily tasks. Therefore the breakdown of the food items into enzymes is very essential. If enough calories are not burnt inside of your body, then this would get collected as extra flesh and result in obesity. To burn the calories the only process that is found responsible is metabolism.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2cD9Kgl