Old Age Knocks at My Door

Nobody likes old age. We would like to stay young as long as possible. As an alternative, we try to look young, even if we aren't young. The tangible symptoms of old age are: white hair, and wrinkles - which need cosmetic treatment. In old age, the common ailments are: arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, hypertension, constipation, dementia, gaining weight, and diabetes. Even losing weight continuously is an old age ailment, linked with overactive thyroid glands. The friends and relations who see you after a couple of months, express concerns and may even fail to recognise you. How do you face the onslaught of your well wishers?

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1FmAQDT

Plastic Travel Containers Are Your Weight Loss Allies

Frequently eating out at fast food places or restaurants will present situations where far too much sustenance can potentially be eaten. This alone can be the number one contributor to substantial weight gain if this habit continually occurs on a regular basis. Changing this eating habit to one where meals are prepared at home you will have much more success controlling the amount of food placed on the plate in front of you. Here's where plastic travel containers can truly become your weight loss best friend.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KDSaA7

4 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight

It's the dream of every person interested in losing weight to lose as much weight as possible within a short period of time. While some people attain their target weights within the set time, the majority of them don't. Have been exercising, dieting and doing all the right things and still can't lose weight? I understand that it can be very frustrating. If you are one of these people, here are some of the major reasons why you aren't losing weight:

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1LDjzXY

Medicaid study uncovers rise in costly ER visits due to possible gaps in postpartum care

Citing an analysis of more than 26,000 Maryland Medicaid claims, researchers report evidence that poor women with recent complications during their pregnancies are using the emergency room (ER) at higher rates after delivery and may not be getting the postpartum care and follow-up they need to prevent further health problems.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1iQlwp4

New treatment may help overcome common pregnancy-related complication

In pregnant women with preeclampsia, a procedure used to remove a protein called sFlt-1 from the blood reduced the amount of protein excreted in the urine and stabilized blood pressure. Pregnancy continued an average of eight days and 15 days in women treated once and multiple times, respectively, compared with three days in untreated women with preeclampsia.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1MO4zYH

The Cruel and Unexpected History of the Treadmill

Does running on the treadmill (or should we say dreadmill) feel like torture? Well, historically speaking, you're spot on. As this amusing (and slightly horrifying) TED Ed video explains, the device got its start in English prisons at the beginning of the 19th century. The first machine was a cross between a stair-climber and treadmill: Each step inmates took turned gears, which pumped water, crushed grains, or powered mills (hence the name). What's more: Prisoners were forced to spend about six hours a day, five days a week on that road to nowhere. And here you thought 15 minutes was cruel.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1NYFudU

Information handling by some health apps not as secure as it should be

Some health apps that have been clinically accredited may not have been complying with principles of data protection, according to research. In some instances health apps were found to be sending unencrypted personal and health information, which means users of these apps may have had their privacy put at risk.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1PBGu5h

Top Celebrity Perfumes for Women

Whether you follow the careers of famous actresses or pop singers the question that usually comes to mind is 'how well does their signature perfume smell?' Let's explore some of the more popular celebrity perfumes that women enjoy.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Lb0UEl

Scientists publish first complete record of genetic mutations behind rare vascular disease

The genetic architecture of a debilitating and potentially fatal vascular disease has for the first time been detailed in its entirety, providing clinicians with the comprehensive data needed to improve diagnosis and deliver more personalized patient care.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1KzfCBy

The Best Fruits and Veggies to Eat This Fall

The 30-Minute HIIT Home Workout

When you're watching Netflix, 30 minutes doesn't feel like much time at all. But at the gym, it can seem like an eternity. That's why HIIT workouts are basically our fitness savior. Interval-based training, especially when it combines cardio and strength moves, seriously makes time fly.

Here's a killer HIIT circuit that's super efficient, works your entire body, and burns tons of calories. Follow along as Sarah Kusch, a certified trainer and Grokker expert, performs an intense interval routine full of plyometrics, strength work, and cardio moves. And when the 30 minutes are up, you’ll be stronger—and more sweaty—than you ever thought possible in that amount of time.

Grab a medium and heavy set of dumbbells and press play when you're ready to get to work. Find a complete list of the exercises you'll perform below.

Start with a 3 1/2-minute warm-up. Perform the following exercises in order for one minute each. Finish with a 2 1/2-minute cool-down.

Curtsy Lunge with Hourglass Rotation
Plie Squat with Alternating Rotation
Overhead Triceps Extension Pullover with Reverse Lunge
Speed Skater with Elbow Drive
Twisting Jump Squat
Front to Lateral Raise
Lunge Row
Squat Halo Twist with Chop
Alternating High Knees with Crunch
Lunging Tap Down
Squat Rotating Press
Frog Squat
Overhead Rotating Chop with Lunge
Close and Wide Runner
Front Curl to Lateral Curl to Press
One-Leg Row
Squat Side Crunch
Broad Jump with Star Jump Back
Front Kick

Interested in more short and effective at-home workouts? We have thousands waiting for you on Grokker, the one-stop shop online resource for wellness. Join Grokker today and get 14 days of FREE unlimited at-home workout classes.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1OxQor9

Greatist Workout of the Day: Friday, September 25th

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Step Up!

Complete 25 reps of the following movements, then 20 reps, then 15 reps as fast as safely possible. Complete a 1-minute plank hold after each round.

Explosive Push-Ups
Bicycle Sit-Ups

Want to kick up the intensity? Hold light kettlebells or dumbbells in both hands on the step-ups. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1PAjvay

Concerns over FDA's increasing use of expedited development and approval pathways

Two studies carried out by US researchers raise questions about whether most new drugs are any more effective than existing products or whether they have been adequately assessed before approval.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1OWkS5l

Molecular diagnostics at home

Chemists have used DNA molecules to developed rapid, inexpensive medical diagnostic tests that take only a few minutes to perform. Their findings may aid efforts to build point-of-care devices for quick medical diagnosis of various diseases ranging from cancer to allergies, autoimmune diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and many others. The new technology may also drastically impact global health, due to its low cost and easiness of use, according to the research team. The rapid and easy-to-use diagnostic tests are made of DNA and use one of the simplest force in chemistry, steric effects – a repulsion force that arises when atoms are brought too close together – to detect a wide array of protein markers that are linked to various diseases.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1izc0Ww

In-flight medical emergencies: What doctors and travelers must know

A new article offers guidance for both healthcare providers and other travelers about how to handle mid-air medical emergencies. This important advice could save your life.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1LAgWWY

Health Insurance and Psychotherapy, A Marriage Made In Heaven?

Is it worth using health insurance to pay for psychotherapy when, among other things, confidentiality can be compromised. The article provides opinions and other things related to this topic.

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1gS4hSm

Faster resistance analysis for patients with blood poisoning

When treating cases of blood poisoning, doctors resort immediately to broad-spectrum antibiotics. The problem is that in many cases the bacteria are resistant to the medicine. Analyzing antibiotic resistance is a time-consuming process, and for many patients the results come too late. Now a new technique has been developed that supplies results in just nine hours.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1iOzPKH

Early miscarriage guidelines should be improved, researchers say

Researchers are calling for improvements to the way early miscarriage is diagnosed, following a new study. An accurate diagnosis is vital since a misdiagnosis could result in a healthy pregnancy being inadvertently terminated. The current standard for diagnosis may require a single ultrasound scan or two scans with the second occurring after a seven days.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1VbDRhm

Protecting identities in a sea of big data

A computer scientist will use three grants to develop approaches to safeguarding sensitive genetic information. Along with co-researchers, he will systematically evaluate potential privacy breaches due to released genomic statistics and analyses. They will design genetic privacy course modules and hands-on projects on privacy infringement and protection to enhance genetic privacy education in computer science, bioinformatics and genomics.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1L8UW6U

Oxygen treatment boosts the success of umbilical cord blood transplants

For the past 27 years, cord blood transplants have been a life-saving treatment option for thousands of people with leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Hodgkins disease and myelodysplastic disorders. Cord blood helps replace cancerous blood cells and replenish a patient's own bone marrow and immune system. Researchers have now completed a pilot clinical trial that tested the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to improve the outcomes of umbilical cord blood transplant patients, with positive results.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1L8UW6Q

New study questions clinical trial data for kidney cancer drugs

For certain cancer drugs, participants in clinical trials are often not representative of the patients that ultimately take the drugs, raising questions about the direct applicability of trial data, a new article explains.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1LzZxh2

Medications to treat opioid use disorders: New guideline released

Medications play an important role in managing patients with opioid use disorders, but there are not enough physicians with the knowledge and ability to use these often-complex treatments. New evidence-based recommendations on the use of prescription medications for the treatment of opioid addiction have now been published.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1gRLsi8

Simplified diagnosis of celiac disease

Diagnosis of celiac disease requires a tissue sample from the small intestine, which can be extremely unpleasant. Researchers have now developed a blood test which provides a rapid, painless answer.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1MsuBOa

Fewer patients die at fully accredited hospitals

For the first time, researchers can now demonstrate an association between the level of hospital accreditation and the mortality rate among patients, reports a Danish study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1MssYjA

Accountable Care Organizations: A first look at shared savings distributions

Taking the first close look at a federal program designed to provide cost-savings incentives in exchange for more efficient health care, a new study has found that, while using those cost-savings as incentives for physicians showed promise, there appears to be no single formula for success.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1KBTwuX

Taming hot flashes without hormones: What works, what doesn't

Some three-quarters of American women have menopausal hot flashes, but many cannot use hormones for medical reasons or choose not to. Numerous products and techniques are promoted for hot flashes, but do they work, and are they safe? To answer these questions, a panel of experts weighed the evidence and made recommendations in a new position statement.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1YDI8sW

Significant differences in frailty found by region, by race among older Americans

A large-scale survey of older Americans living at home or in assisted living settings found that 15 percent are frail, a diminished state that makes people more vulnerable to falls, chronic disease and disability.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1KEhZku

Arteries better than veins for liquid biopsy

Arteries contain higher numbers of circulating tumor cells than veins in uveal melanoma patients, raising a concern for standard technique for detection of tumor cells in the blood, research shows, and therefore is a better choice when conducting a liquid biopsy.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1KEhZkk

Vaccination on the horizon for severe viral infection of the brain

Researchers reveal possible new treatment methods for a rare, usually fatal brain disease. Thanks to their discovery that specific antibodies play a key role in combating the viral infection, a vaccine against the disease 'progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy' could now be developed.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1QAHIOg

Helping breast cancer patients with a challenging decision

The decision making process women with non-hereditary breast cancer undergo when considering the removal of a healthy breast is a difficult one, and one that has been the focus of recent study. The aim of this new research is to develop a web-based tool to aid them in this process.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1iO7cgN

Pain often overlooked in premature infants

Premature infants receiving intensive care are exposed to a great deal of pain, and this pain causes damage to the child. Despite this half of the infants admitted to neonatal intensive units will not receive any pain relief, according to a new European study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1NOPAfT

6 Tips To Losing Weight Safely

It's the dream of any overweight person to lose weight. The unfortunate thing is that very few people know the right things to do to lose weight safely. To help you out, here are 6 tips to losing weight safely: Seek Motivation - Let nobody lie to you that it's easy to lose weight. Sometimes you will hit a plateau where you don't lose any weight. You will also encounter some phases where you will be gaining more weight than you are losing.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KE982e

54 Surprising Ways to Use Leftover Apples

Everything You Want to Know About Anal Sex (But Might Be Too Embarrassed to Ask)

Back when the ladies of Sex and The City discussed anal sex, it shocked audiences. But since then butt play has been shown on Girls, hinted at on The Mindy Project, and mentioned in a hit song by Nicki Minaj—to name just a few pop culture references. So perhaps it's not so taboo anymore.

The stats seem to support this theory: Between 1993 and 1995 only about 9 percent of women and men reported having entered through the back door within the previous three months.1 Today more than 20 percent of women ages 20 to 39 and men ages 25 to 49 report having had anal sex in the last year.2

Regardless of how, why, or when you heard about it, if you’re curious about giving anal a go, it’s important to know the facts and how to stay safe before you dive in.

First Things First

Anal sex encompasses more than just inserting a penis in someone’s anus,” says certified sex and relationship coach Charlie Glickman, Ph.D. Fingers, toys, tongues, and external stimulation (i.e., massaging or tickling the outside of the butthole) all qualify as anal sex and can each be delightful in their own right for some.

Curious how this all might feel? Since chances are you don’t interact much with what lies between your bottom cheeks, other than to (hopefully) clean it as needed, begin by acquainting yourself with the pleasures this part of your body has to offer, recommends Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex educator and author of She Comes First.

“To get a sense of what anal play with a partner will actually feel like—and what you’ll most enjoy—experiment on your own during masturbation with a butt plug, vibrator, dildo, or simply your fingers,” he suggests. Toys fit for this very task can be found on websites like Babeland.com or at sex shop.

The upside of anal for men, of course, is stimulation of the prostate gland, an erogenous zone that fills with fluid during arousal and, when properly prodded, can enhance and even precipitate an orgasm, Glickman explains. And ladies may find the sensation to be just as toe-curling.

“Many women say they can experience orgasms from anal stimulation,” Kerner says. (For proof, check out Toni Bentley’s memoir-length testimonial.) “But most need clitoral stimulation.”

Glickman explains that pressure inside the rectum may stimulate the internal ends of clitoral nerves in some women, bringing them to climax. For others, the excitement and arousal from exploring a new territory, plus the actual internal or external sensations, may help push them over the brink. And since studies indicate that women who incorporate multiple kinds of sexual behaviors into their between-the-sheets routines are more likely to get off, if a woman massages her clitoris during anal sex, it may also help her orgasm and even have stronger than normal orgasms.3

Talk to Your Partner

Gay Couple Walking Dog If after solo play you decide you want to bring your partner in on the fun, Glickman strongly advises inquiring about his or her interest anywhere but the bedroom. “Anal play should never be a surprise,” he says, adding that your partner may be inexperienced, hesitant, or simply caught off guard by incorporating an uncharted area of the body into their sexual routine. You can avoid potentially adverse reactions, discomfort, and breaches of trust by broaching the topic in a nonsexual setting.

Open with something like, “Would you ever be interested in anal sex? It’s something I’m curious to try, but I want to gauge how you feel about it.” Or, “I read this article on Greatist about anal sex. Would you ever be interested in trying something like that with me?”

If your partner isn't game, do not pressure him or her. Not only can this shatter trust between partners, it can also increase stress levels and cause the muscles around their anus to tighten, thereby raising the risk of experiencing pain during penetration, Glickman cautions. And if you're the one who's not interested (tonight or at all), don't ever perform anal sex because you feel like you should or you have to, Glickman adds.

But Won't It Be Messy and Hurt?

The first time you have anal sex, it's common to worry that you may, um, have an accident during the process, Kerner says. “But as long as you’ve gone to the bathroom within the last 3 to 5 hours, you can pretty much assume your rectum is going to be clear,” he says. And those rumors about butt play making you lose control of your bowels? Not true, Glickman says (at least there’s no medical evidence that it does).

However, like all activities involving exchange of bodily fluids, hygiene is of utmost importance. Soap and water should suffice to wash the skin of your bum, says sexologist Jessica O'Reilly, Ph.D.

For those who are extra concerned about rectal cleanliness, Kerner suggests using an enema, which you can find at most drugstores. Using the standard saline or mineral oil solution will likely lead you to use the bathroom, but just using warm water can suffice as a simple internal rinse to empty out your system, he says.

Once play time rolls around, Glickman advises placing a dark towel on whatever surface you’ll be having anal sex on and keeping some baby wipes or a wet paper towel within reach. So long as you’ve gone to the bathroom, cleaned up afterward, and haven’t made any radical changes in your diet within the past 24 hours, you won’t likely have any accidents, he says. “However, if you make anal play a regular part of your repertoire, sooner or later, sh*t might happen. Bodies are unpredictable.” (Hence why having anal only with someone you trust and can communicate with is so crucial.)

Also note that the tissues lining our rectums are more susceptible to certain disease organisms, which means anal intercourse carries a slightly higher risk of sexually transmitted infection, says Dennis J. Fortenberry, Ph.D., a sex researcher and professor of pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine. To be safe, use a condom during anal intercourse. And if you’re exploring the bum with any other parts of your body (fingers, tongue, etc.), take advantage of gloves and dental dams as an extra precaution.

Bacteria from the rectum can also cause bacterial vaginosis (BV), an infection marked by a foul odor and excessive discharge. Though this condition can be treated with antibiotics, save yourself the discomfort by showering and switching condoms if transitioning from back to front.

Now for the Fun Part

Man and Woman Kissing in Bed Before inserting anything—fingers, sex toys, a penis—into the anus, Glickman recommends at least 10 to 15 minutes of foreplay. Think: blowjobs, intercourse, vibrators, or other toys. (Dirty talk counts too.) “Do something that’s already familiar and you know you both enjoy,” Glickman advises. “The more aroused we are, the more relaxed the muscles around the anus become.”

Because the rectum doesn’t self-lubricate like other areas of the body, it can get dry quickly, Glickman says. The key to preventing any pain is to keep things well oiled by using a lot of lube. He and Kerner both recommend silicone-based formulas, which are less likely to dry you out than water-based ones. (Wet, Swiss Navy, and Sliquid brands are good places to start.)

In addition to lube, if you’ve never experienced anything in your anus other than what’s exiting it, you’re going to have to take it easy. For positions, Kerner recommends missionary with an “adjusted” point of entry (i.e., receiver on his or her back) or a gentler doggy-style where the person doing the penetrating stands or remains steadily upright on his (or her) knees holding his penis (or her strap-on), while the receiver gently backs up (on hands and knees) into the object of insertion. Letting the receiver control the movement is key here.

Keep in mind that the goal of your first few attempts to have anal intercourse shouldn’t be achieving orgasm, Kerner says (though if that happens, all the better). Rather it should be about experimenting, establishing trust, and making sure everyone’s comfortable. Stop anytime you desire; and remember that whatever happens, you never have to have anal sex again if you decide it's not your thing.

The Takeaway

Anal sex isn’t solely constricted to inserting a penis in someone’s rectum. It encompasses a variety of potentially pleasurable behaviors, from fingering and prostate massages to oral contact or just external manual pressure. If anal play is something you want to try, talk to your partner in a nonsexual setting about how to get started—and please use these tips as a guide. If you’re not into it, do not feel pressured. Always remember to communicate clearly with your partner and never say yes to anything you don’t want to do, even if it's something you have tried in the past.

Works Cited

  1. Heterosexual anal sexuality and anal sex behaviors: a review. McBride KR, Fortenberry JD. Journal of sex research, 2010, Jun.;47(2):1559-8519.
  2. Sexual behavior in the United States: results from a national probability sample of men and women ages 14-94. Herbenick D, Reece M, Schick V. The journal of sexual medicine, 2011, Feb.;7 Suppl 5():1743-6109.
  3. An event-level analysis of the sexual characteristics and composition among adults ages 18 to 59: results from a national probability sample in the United States. Herbenick D, Reece M, Schick V. The journal of sexual medicine, 2011, Feb.;7 Suppl 5():1743-6109.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1QAu3Xm

Decoding How the Alkaline Diet Can Be Actually Easy To Follow

The alkaline diet has been gaining high points from many corners. Find why it isn't hard to follow this diet.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KDKDlz

How to Choose the Best Diets to Lose Weight

Are there best diets to lose weight, or does it depend on every person's specific needs and condition? Perhaps, you have heard celebrities or TV personalities talk about the latest fad diet or some pill they take to shed some pounds.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Kx28pQ

Do You Know What Is The Quickest Way to Lose Weight?

There is no shortcut or magic pill that can give you a slimmer body in less than a week. However, the quickest way to lose weight involves determination, clear set of goals, discipline, and the right techniques proven to give you evident results.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1PwHWG3

Our Ever Changing Dietary Needs

It is essential to choose the right foods if we want to stay healthy. As we get older our dietary needs change and it becomes necessary to rethink our diet so as to work out what foods are best for us.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1VaNlte

Guide On How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

It's hard to lose weight. Studies have shown that it's even harder to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently, here is a guide on how to do it: Be Cautious Of The Numbers For you to keep off weight you need to make numbers your friend. Here you need to calculate a number of variables:

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1NOkUeL

About Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss programs are advertised all over magazines, radio, TV, newspapers and websites. Since there are many programs advertised, it's easy to be confused on the right program to go for. To guide you, here are tips on how to find the right program for you. What To Look For Many programs require you to change your lifestyle in order to attain your desired weight. The truth is that it's very difficult to change your lifestyle. A good program should focus on your overall health, not on what you eat.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Fhq5CA

Weight Loss: 6 Ways To Motivate Yourself

Did you know that over 80% of people give up on their weight loss endeavors? This shows that losing weight isn't easy. One of the most effective ways of ensuring that you don't give up is to seek motivation. Here are some of the ways in which you can motivate yourself for weight loss

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KDypcK

These Yoga Bags Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile

Stuff We Love: Brogamats Brogamats Yoga Bag

Even on the most hectic days, all we need is a quick yoga session—preferably with lots of child’s pose—to de-stress. Once class is done and we’re feeling all Zen, we clean off our mat, roll it up, and try to stuff it in our gym bag. But no matter how much we push and prod, it sticks out awkwardly, banging against our arm with every step. Then we feel our blood pressure rising again—breathe in, breathe out.

Brogamats—yes, you read that right—is here to help. The company created a yoga bag that’s both eye-catching and functional. The cylindrical bags are made from 100-percent cotton, come with an extra-wide strap (perfect for slinging over your shoulder), and zip from top to bottom, which makes packing or unpacking your mat a cinch. Plus, you’ll find a special compartment inside to stash your phone, wallet, and keys.

But the hilarious designs are what really take the cake. Looking to embrace your inner Katniss? Grab the bag that looks like a quiver of arrows. Want to show the world how much you love Chipotle? Opt for one that looks like a delicious overstuffed burrito. Regardless of your choice, the bags are bound to be a conversation-starter as you make your way to or from class.

Best of all? Brogamats is giving readers 10 percent off the bags when they use the code "greatist" at checkout.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1KDuSLE

5 Quick and Easy Zucchini Snacks That Satisfy Junk Food Cravings

Greatist Workout of the Day: Thursday, September 24th

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Greatist Workout of the Day: 12-Minute Hold-Up 12-Minute Hold-Up

Complete 4 rounds of the following.

1-minute Wall Sit
1-minute Forearm Plank
1-minute Side Plank (30 seconds per side)

Want to kick up the intensity? Hold a light dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your chest on the wall sits. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1FgZIgg

In terminally ill patients, some types of delirium are a sign of 'imminent death'

In cancer patients nearing the end of life, certain subtypes of delirium -- specifically, hypoactive and 'mixed' delirium -- are a strong indicator that death will come soon, reports a new study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1R1iFop

Man walks again after years of paralysis

The ability to walk has been restored following a spinal cord injury, using one's own brain power, according to research. The preliminary proof-of-concept study shows that it is possible to use direct brain control to get a person's legs to walk again.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1LP0SMz

New data on risks of labor anesthesia in women with low platelet counts

Can women with low platelet counts safely undergo epidural/spinal anesthesia during labor? Available evidence suggests a low rate of complications related to abnormal blood clotting for this large group of patients.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1LOowsL

Researcher finds novel way to monitor serious blood disorder using a smart phone

A researcher will develop a portable smart sensor and a phone application for patients with sickle cell disease to analyze and store the results of their blood tests on a smart phone, states a new report.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1G3gx99

Many patients prefer online postoperative care to in-person care

The majority of patients who undergo routine, uncomplicated operations prefer online postoperative consultations to in-person visits, according to results from a new study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1QyGByu

Health Tips Every Woman Should Use

There are so many things that revolve around health. Some women tend to think that they are healthy just because they are not overweight. However, health goes beyond the weight and there are things that every woman needs to do to remain healthy and fit. Health can play a huge role on how energetic and joyous you feel and it can also make a huge difference to how you look and feel about yourself.

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1gOnFQ2

Transitioning through electronic health records

Even after emergency physicians had acclimated to a new commercial electronic health record, they increased their tasks performed per minute by nearly 12 percent, increasing the potential for patient safety hazards. These are the results of a study of one hospital's transition from a homegrown EHR to a commercial EHR.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1iMirq1

Antimicrobial film for future implants

The implantation of medical devices is not without risks. Bacterial or fungal infections can occur and the body's strong immune response may lead to the rejection of the implant. Researchers have succeeded in creating a biofilm with antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1NMxkDP

Potential benefit of telehealth visits for postoperative care observed

Most veterans undergoing general surgical operations of low complexity preferred telehealth (video or telephone) follow-up than visiting a clinic, and data suggested that telehealth visits may help identify veterans requiring in-person assessment or further care, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1jaW4dM

Cheap Versus Expensive Perfumes

Questions always come up on what is the difference including the pros and cons between cheap versus expensive perfume. Over the years I have consulted with many individuals to get their views on this subject. With that said, let me share their input.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1gO5Hx9

6 Amazing Ways Your Hair Dryer Is Good for You

Remarkable technologies have influenced the making of the hair dryer in recent years. Caring for our appearance is more beneficial for us than ever before. Advanced hair beauty products are available that allow us to pursue our dreams of elegance and beauty while also rewarding us with additional comforts as we use them. Hair dryers containing tourmaline ions and far-infrared radiation qualities can fundamentally improve our health.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1gO5Kco

How To Successfully Lose Weight And Get In Shape

Losing weight and getting in shape is more than a physical act, it first starts in your mind. So many people attempt to lose weight or get in shape but neglect to build their mental strength first. No matter what you do in life, if your minds not in the right place then you will not succeed. It's extremely important to have your goals and plans strictly laid out then just saying "oh, I think I'm gonna start working out this week". Sorry dude it doesn't work like that.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1gO4qWU

Acid Reflux and the Phrenic Nerve

Acid reflux affects millions of people every day, and medications to soothe the symptom of heartburn are some of the pharmacy's best sellers. Understanding how to correct acid reflux has much to do with understanding the phrenic nerve.

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1ORZcHD

Fast Food Restaurants and The Weight Loss Epidemic

This article is about how to effectively start a weight loss campaign. It outlines some of the measures that should be taken to get started, and how to effectively work towards keeping the extra pounds off.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1iwH9tG

What to Eat After Gastric Bypass Obesity Surgery

Health experts often state that food consumption habits and diet plans are an inevitable part of ideal bariatric care. The meals you consume in the recovery period ascertains the effectiveness of your gastric bypass obesity treatment.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1LwsLNR

The Daunting Risks of Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery

Laparoscopic obesity surgery has a list of daunting risks that occur in the post-surgery period. The complications of this less-invasive bariatric surgery discourage patients who plan to undergo the surgical treatment.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Wivldj

The Different Types of Hair Styles

Your hair can be styled in any manner possible. This means that the list of different types of hair styles in in-exhaustive. The list goes on and on.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1jakZy5

Find Out Exactly How to Lose Weight Fast for Men

If you come across this guide on how to lose weight fast for men during your online search, then you are exactly at the right place. Here, you will learn more about practical and doable techniques that work effectively in helping you shed pounds the quickest way possible. What's more, these are all-natural techniques, so there are no health risks or dangers involved.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1L5TvpJ

Learn How to Lose Weight Fast for Women

When you look great, you also feel amazing and more confident about yourself. Unfortunately, if you are a little on the heavy side, this may cause you some insecurities, plus the unsettling possibility of suffering from medical conditions linked with obesity or overweight issues. With these things in mind, effective tips on how to lose weight fast for women should come in handy as you work towards slimming down for aesthetic and medical reasons. So, read along and check out these tips, which can help give you the body you desire to have.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1NTjVeO

Emergency department visit provides opportunity to reduce underage drinking

Giving youth in the emergency department a short intervention during their visit decreased their alcohol consumption and problems related to drinking over the following year, the results of a five-year trial indicate.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1Fu3Fy2

Why "Everything in Moderation" Doesn't Work

Everything in moderation—it seems like such a good idea. It “feels” right because it promotes the idea of a balanced approach to nutrition in a nice, neat, simple saying. But does it help us or hurt us?

Let’s look at the term moderation, which is defined as: restraint; avoidance of extremes or excesses; temperance. Is this really how most people act out moderation with nutrition?

For many people, moderation looks like this:

  • Day 1: A doughnut at the office
  • Day 2: A low-fat pastry with their “coffee” (meaning a couple shots of espresso in a heated milkshake of ingredients)
  • Day 3: Pizza night
  • Day 4: Cupcakes at the birthday party at the office
  • Day 5: A handful of chocolates from the candy dish
  • Day 6: A couple glasses of wine at a wine and cheese party
  • Day 7: Hot wings and a couple beers watching the game with friends

It’s been more than a week since this person had that doughnut, so those wings and beers a week later “feels” like moderation. But it isn’t. When you are eating something from the same category of non-health foods once day, it’s not a treat—it’s a habit. And your body is built on your habits. Having any type of junk food once a day isn’t moderation, it’s a lifestyle.

Superfoods and Supervillians

Junk Food There’s this relatively modern concept of “superfoods,” but there’s really no such thing. For most of human history, food was just food. There have been no newly discovered foods that act like nutritional superheroes in our bodies. Yes, kale is healthy, but it is healthy in the standard ways our bodies expect and it's always been healthy. It hasn’t become “Kale the Superfood” in the last decade. Healthy food should be our normal. It’s not super; it is what is expected.

In contrast, on the junk-food side of things, there are countless new and sometimes very distorted freaky foods that act like “supervillains” in our bodies. There are no superheroes in the world of food—just a lot of very good but ordinary people, along with a number of supervillains. It takes a lot of work and time by a lot of good, ordinary people to fight the destruction caused by just a few supervillains. While everything in the ”healthy” category is normal, in the ”unhealthy” category, most foods have significant, powerful, deleterious effects that are not solved simply by eating healthy food at the next meal.

The major problem is that there are all kinds of weird “food” products (they might be edible, but they aren’t really food) with harmful chemicals, sugars, and fats that can disrupt your physiology. And the resulting dietary imbalances rapidly generate inflammation and a kind of hormonal static that can take weeks or months to clear.

If you eat healthfully most of the day, but have a treat each day, you’re actually creating an imbalance. And this leads to another problem.

I’ve Been Good, Now I Can Be Bad

Friends Eating Pizza When you feel like a saint, the idea of self-indulgence doesn’t feel wrong. It feels right—like you earned it. “Moral licensing” is a dangerous phenomenon. When you do something good, you feel good about yourself. This means you’re more likely to trust your impulses, which often means giving yourself permission to do something bad. If you tell yourself that you’re “good” when you eat healthfully and “bad” when you don’t, then you’re more likely to eat junk tomorrow if you ate good food today.

We need to stop self-judging our morals based on our food choices—it destroys our ability to have a healthy relationship with food. If you eat a healthful food, you are getting more healthful—you are neither a good nor bad person.

It's Not Just You

I have learned too much about how the brain and body work, and coached too many people over the years, to accept “everything in moderation” as a workable concept. Like any overly simplistic attempt to reduce a complex aspect of human physiology to a simple rule, it just does not work for the majority of people.

And the continued belief in outdated, ill-conceived concepts like this one results in massive psychological damage to people struggling to find health: If it’s so simple, yet elusive for you, there must be something wrong with you. The lack of progress can get internalized as a personal flaw when it is really a conceptual flaw arising from simplifying something that just isn’t that simple.

What it all boils down to: We need copious amounts of healthy food and a small amount of food with little to no value. Moderation as it is commonly used will result in moderately unhealthy people instead of thriving people.

The Takeaway

Each day we walk through a world that presents us with dozens or even hundreds of temptations and visual triggers for junk foods. We can’t escape seeing it and the constant visual stimuli can weaken our resolve. If we only eat an unhealthy food once instead of the other 99 times we’ve come across it every day, it may “feel” like moderation, but your physiology works the way it works. Consuming junk food daily—which is not moderate, by definition—erodes health and counteracts many of the other healthy choices (like exercising) you may be making on a regular basis.

This post is a guest post written by Jonathan Ross that originally appeared on ACEFitness.org. Named the 2010 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, Ross serves as ACE senior consultant for personal training.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1L5HVed

Greatist-Approved Groceries: The Best Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

5 Quick and Easy Zucchini Snacks That Satisfy Junk Food Cravings

The Fastest Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath (When You Don't Have Gum)

Greatist Workout of the Day: Wednesday, September 23rd

This series of GWODs was designed exclusively for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.

Before you tackle this workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up. It's just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Greatist Workout of the Day: Where's Water? Where’s Water?

Complete 21 reps of the following movements, then 15 reps, then 9 reps as fast as safely possible.

Jumping Squats
Handstand Kick-Ups
Burpee Box Jumps

Want to kick up the intensity? Just move faster. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/1WhKDiu

Could the "Free Zone" Help You Stick to Your Diet?

A common diet detonator is the usually inevitable sense of deprivation, and once we get tired of being denied all that stuff we love, it's often good bye to good intentions. Here's a way to indulge in some favorite foods or foodie events in a way that actually motivates us to stay with the plan.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1j7weam

The Effect of Chiropractic on the Brain

Scientists in 2011 used a PET scanner to measure the metabolic activity of the brain, and the changes after a chiropractic adjustment. The results were astonishing, and help explain some of the incredible healings that chiropractors often report happening in their clinics.

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1L44m3m

What Exactly Happens When You Are Adjusted?

What exactly happens to you when you get adjusted at the chiropractor? What does it really do for you and to you? Does it affect more than the joint being treated?

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1V8Mynd

How to Prevent and Control Excessive Sweating and Body Odor

Body odor and sweating are not major issues for most people. They are easily dealt with by way of antiperspirants, deodorants and cool temperatures. But for some people, excessive sweating and body odor is a persistent problem.

from Health-and-Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1MH8x5o

Urgent change needed to improve diagnosis in health care or diagnostic errors will likely worsen, experts say

Most people will experience at least one diagnostic error -- an inaccurate or delayed diagnosis -- in their lifetime, sometimes with devastating consequences, says a new report.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1Fs48AO

Increased chances for early detection of Alzheimer's disease

A method for detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease using amyloid PET imaging works as well as the previously used cerebrospinal fluid sample method conclude researchers at the conclusion of what they say is the most thorough and extensive undertaken in the field so far.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1WgFJCn

8 Fabulous and Easy Tips for Skin Whitening and Even Skin Tone!

Every girl wants a glowing & healthy skin that shouts out happiness & freshness all day long! A Lot of people want to whiten their skin or even their skin tone or maybe get a flawless skin without all the dark spots. This is the dream of every girl out there, But it's getting a little bit harder for you with our busy lifestyle and lack of sleep everyday.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KtqTDf

My Waist Training Review and How I Permanently Lost 5 Inches in Less Than 2 Months

In this review, I will go into waist training as detailed as possible, based on my experience and my research. I will explain my experience, how it affected my daily life and what I have learned about waist trainers. I will talk about its positives and its negatives, and how it affected me personally.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1G0SkAp

New study maps the progression of Parkinson's disease within the brain

Scientists have made advances in understanding the process involved in the progression and spread of Parkinson's disease within the brain. The study focused on understanding the process that drives the disease's progression by mapping the distribution and degree of atrophy, characteristic of the disease, in certain brain regions and identify the paths leading the spread from affected to healthy tissue.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1iKQUVP

CPAP therapy reduces symptoms of depression in adults with sleep apnea

Depressive symptoms are extremely common in people who have obstructive sleep apnea, and these symptoms improve significantly when sleep apnea is treated with continuous positive airway pressure therapy, a new study shows.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1Fdq42G

Overweight firefighters more likely to attempt weight loss if advised by doctor

Overweight firefighters are twice as likely to attempt to lose weight if their health care provider gives them weight loss advice, according to new research. More than 75 percent of firefighters are overweight or obese and more than half do not consider themselves to be overweight, according to previous research.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1G0Ri7u

Cancer Bedside Manner From the Patient's Perspective

Empathy and compassion must be at the core of bedside manner. Empathy is to put yourself in someone's place to express understanding their situation and the desire to help. Compassion eases another's pain; judgment misses the opportunity. Practice the art of awareness to recognize opportunities to express empathy and compassion as essential elements of healing.

from Health-and-Fitness:Healthcare-Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1LuceKk

DNR orders often do not align with poor prognosis

Although do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders after in-hospital cardiac arrest were generally aligned with patients' likelihood of favorable neurological survival, almost two-thirds of patients with the worst prognosis did not have DNR orders, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1PoYpf6

Outcomes of ICU admission for older, low-risk patients with pneumonia

Among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized with pneumonia, intensive care unit (ICU) admission of patients which appeared to be discretionary was associated with improved survival and no significant differences in Medicare spending or hospital costs, compared with patients admitted to general wards, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1PoYoYO

Lifestyle focused text messaging results in improvement in cardiovascular risk factors

A simple, low-cost automated program of semi-personalized mobile phone text messages supporting lifestyle change led to improvement in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, blood pressure, body mass index, and smoking status in patients with coronary heart disease, according to a study.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1j77O0V

An Overview of Different Beauty Courses and Programs

The popularity of beauty courses has grown in leaps and bounds. The article discusses about different beauty programs such as makeup artistry, cosmetology, esthetics etc available in the cosmetology institutes.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1iuGVTP

Unexpected link between choroid plexus, chronic pain

Neuroscientists have found a novel connection between the size of the choroid plexus in the brain and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), an unexpected finding, they say.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1KKRhdm

Tea Tree Oil in Every Day Life

Tea tree oil has been a firm favourite product for those who are looking for natural and organic solutions to use on a daily basis. This product has numerous uses, which can be incorporated into daily life, which is why every home around the world should have at least one little bottle of this miracle liquid, which can be used on the body, in the home and even for pets.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1j6Dp2M

Uses for Argan Oil

Argan oil is used extensively in natural hair, skin and body products. People who want to make their own organic beauty products at home use this oil to provide a moisturising and hydrating solution for their skin and hair.

from Health-and-Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1LLdg0a

Low dose beta-blockers as effective as high dose after a heart attack

In a surprising finding, heart attack patients treated with a substantially lower dosage of beta-blockers than used in earlier clinical trials showing their effectiveness survived at the same rate, or even better, than patients on the higher doses. Patients receiving one-fourth of the original clinical trial dose had up to a 25 percent decrease in mortality. About 90 percent of patients who have had a heart attack receive beta-blockers, prescribed to prevent future heart attacks.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1G0pFLV

Best Weight Loss Program - What Are Your Options?

If you are looking to slim down and improve your overall appearance, then it is important that you choose the best weight loss program suitable to your needs and condition. However, you may find it somewhat confusing and overwhelming finding the right program that suits you considering the number of choices available.

from Health-and-Fitness:Weight-Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1KxFlqS

Risk of stroke at time of carotid occlusion

Preventing carotid artery occlusion (blockage) may not be a valid indication for stenting because the risk of progression to occlusion appears to be below the risk of carotid stenting or endarterectomy (surgical removal of plaque from an artery), according to an article.

from Today's Healthcare News -- ScienceDaily http://ift.tt/1j6fTmx