All About Orthopedic Doctors

An orthopedic doctor is a professional who specializes in bone related conditions. Situations when you should see the doctor There are plenty of situations when you should see the doctor. Some of these situations include: Difficulty performing everyday tasks: It's common to have joint and bone discomfort especially if you are old; however, if you have been having the discomfort for a long time to the extent that you are unable to execute your daily activities, it's time to visit the doctor.

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These 2 New Beauty Brands Are Doing Makeup Differently—and It’s About Time

19 Dairy-Free Ice Creams You Don't Have to Churn

This 11-Minute HIIT Workout Hits Muscles You Never Even Knew You Had

This video is the first class in the monthlong Total Sculpt 1.0 high-intensity interval training program on Cody. Greatist readers get 30 percent off their first Cody purchase with promo code 30GREATIST.

You know that feeling you get the day after a killer workout, when you're sore in places you never even thought possible? Yeah, that feeling. This 11-minute HIIT workout is going to do just that—in the best way possible.

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In this class, you'll move through a strength circuit twice—the first round focused on reps and the second on time. Each move targets individual muscle groups from head to toe, so you'll get a total-body workout by the end of it. Though the pace of the workout is quick, each move is slow and controlled, focusing on targeting each muscle while you strengthen it. Plus, coach Koya Webb offers up some inspiring encouragement and refreshing honesty, so get ready to push yourself alongside her—you’ll be grateful you did.

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Weight Loss Cooking Basics

Are you someone who is on a lookout for a flat stomach? Are you ready to work out for countless hours to lose at least 10 pounds in a week? Don't worry, working out is not the topic of this discussion. If you think you're prepared for any challenge ahead, then consider struggling with the kitchen itself.

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6 Benefits of the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is mostly easy to follow and promotes the eating of healthier foods. The diet offers plenty of benefits with many followers starting to notice more energy within a relatively short period, and with the combination of exercise, a leaner physique and a loss in weight.

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5 Ways Your Career Might Be Secretly Hurting Your Health

When did it become cool for everyone to start bragging about how crazy busy they are? As someone who prides herself on having a strong work ethic, I get the value of working hard, but busy-bragging? What’s the good in that?

Eight out of 10 Americans have reported feeling stressed at work; when ignored, stress can cause some pretty major health problems—from migraines and ulcers to heart attacks and strokes.

Most of us weren’t born as heirs and heiresses to billion-dollar empires, which means working hard to put food on the table is a necessity. But that doesn’t mean we should compromise our sanity and put health on the back burner.

Here are five surprising ways your nine-to-five (or, let’s be real, your eight-to-nine) could be putting your health at risk. Believe it or not, stress doesn’t always come just from dealing with your boss.

1. You sit at a desk all day long.

If you’re in a field like IT or human resources, you have one (and maybe only one) thing in common: sitting for long, long periods of time (like, all day long). While sitting is not the new smoking (it's really not), being sedentary isn't good for anyone, nor is holding the same position all day. The good news? Research shows you can counteract the effects of your desk job by being active in the hours you're not working. Since that can be a tall order for folks whose job makes them just want to come home and plop down on the couch, you can also sneak in extra steps throughout the day.

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"Set a timer on your watch or your phone every hour to get up and walk," says Jennifer Caudle, D.O., family physician and associate professor at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Caudle also suggests parking farther away from your office and standing while doing certain tasks, such as phone calls. Bonus: Research shows tapping your feet while sitting can help increase blood flow to the legs.

2. You skip—or rush through—lunch.

When did convincing ourselves we aren't worthy of taking a 30-minute (or even an hour!) lunch become OK? Answering emails while scarfing down leftovers might seem like you’re killing two birds with one stone, but you could be doing more harm than good. Eating your lunch while sitting in front of a computer screen "doesn’t facilitate a relaxed setting," Caudle says.

If you skip lunch frequently, you probably find yourself snacking more often throughout the day or overeating by the time dinner rolls around. Aim for smaller meals every three to five hours. Some studies suggest eating frequently is an important factor for maintaining weight loss. Eating frequency is higher in weight loss maintainers and normal-weight individuals than in overweight individuals. Bachman JL, Phelan S, Wing RR. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2011, Dec.;111(11):1878-3570.

3. You always say yes to overtime.

I don’t think there’s anyone on this planet who doesn’t enjoy having extra money in their pockets, and personally, I can attest the extra cash I earned while working overtime at my last job was awesome—at first. But I soon realized those extra bucks were interfering with my much-needed downtime. To quote Beyoncé, "I done got so sick and filthy with Benjis, I can't spend it."

Folks who punch in 40-plus hours per week often complain about not having any downtime or not getting enough rest. And if you think working longer shifts increases your productivity, there’s evidence suggesting lack of sleep can affect our cognitive performance, such as the ability to concentrate. Setting boundaries early on can help offset any pressure to say yes to overtime if you’re asked more than once.

4. You answer emails before going to bed.

Living in a society that’s technology driven is a blessing because it allows us to stay connected no matter where we are in the world, but it’s also a curse... because it allows us to stay connected no matter where we are in the world.

Tapping into email right before bedtime means you’re still thinking about work even after you’ve left, and that’s a problem. Bedtime mobile phone use and sleep in adults. Exelmans L, Van den Bulck J. Social science & medicine (1982), 2015, Dec.;148():1873-5347. It’s normal to feel like you might miss out on something important if you’re not plugged in 24/7, but I’m pretty sure those emails about who’s bringing cupcakes to Thursday’s meeting can wait until the morning. If your position really requires you to be plugged in more than what’s considered normal, set limits for yourself. Make an agreement with yourself to stop answering emails or texts at least two hours before going to bed.

5. You don’t speak up during meetings.

I’m a firm believer in picking your battles in the workplace, but choosing to remain silent on the issues that affect you and your job is disempowering. Of course there’s fear of retribution, but consistently not speaking up during meetings only leads to anger, resentment, and bitterness, which is guaranteed to come back and bite you in the ass. "If we regularly fail to speak up during meetings, we aren’t bringing our full selves to the meeting, and it’s easy to feel disconnected," says career coach and wellness trainer Cynthia Pong. "If we are disconnected from the organization and its mission, it won’t be too long before we start going through the motions without caring about the quality of our work."

What’s more likely to get you reprimanded? Expressing your concerns in a calm, professional manner or snapping at your boss? A true leader will value your ideas, even if it means respectfully disagreeing with theirs.

Princess Gabbara is a Michigan-based journalist and storyteller whose work has been published across several publications, including Ebony,,, Sesi,, and Huffington Post Women. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @PrincessGabbara.

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Top 5 Ways To Have More Energy After Age 40

Your body is a complex machine that needs constant tuning and maintenance to operate at peak levels throughout life. After a certain age, the body slows production of certain hormones and downregulated energy systems. Not to worry, slight tweaks in lifestyle, diet, and exercise can make you feel like you are a teenager again!

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Belly Dancers Lose Weight

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A Super Chill Yoga Flow That Will Help You Beat the Sunday Scaries

The struggle on Sundays is all too real. You wake up with the optimism of a Saturday—it's still the weekend, after all—but soon, noon turns into 4 p.m. and the scaries start to set it. *shudder* The thought of waking up early to go back to work sends a shiver down your spine, and you consider cocooning in a blanket and suppressing your anxiety with a Seamless order and a Netflix marathon. But you did that last Sunday and woke up feeling worse. Ugh. Instead, try practicing a relaxing yoga flow to calm your nerves, so you can morph into a productive member of society for the week ahead.

We tapped Sjana Elise, one of the new instructors for Kayla Itsines's SWEAT App, to help us create a completely customizable yoga flow for max relaxation. "I love yoga because it reduces stress, eases your mind, and soothes your soul," Elise says.

How to use this flow: We broke this flow out into four parts: Calm, Strength, Balance, and Stretching. Choose which sequence meets your needs then flow through as many times as desired. Match each move to your breath (starting on an inhale) and feel free to pair any or all of the sequences together. To play all four videos straight through, click here.

Calm Sequence:
Prayer Hands - Anjali Mudra
Upward Salute - Urdhva Hastasana
Forward Fold - Uttanasana
Half-Forward Fold - Ardha Uttanasana
Child’s Pose - Balasana
Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog - Bhujangasana / Urdhvamukha Svanasana
Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Half-Forward Fold - Ardha Uttanasana
Forward Fold - Uttanasana
Upward Salute - Urdhva Hastasana
Prayer Hands - Anjali Mudra

Strength Sequence:
Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Three-Legged Dog - Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
Warrior I - Virabhadrasana
Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II
Extended Side Angle - Utthita Parsvakonasana
Reverse Warrior - Viparita Virabhadrasana
-Repeat on other side-

Balance Sequence:
Child’s Pose - Balasana
Plank - Kumbhakasana
Side Plank - Vasisthasana
One-Legged Side Plank - Eka Pada Vasisthasana
Child’s Pose - Balasana
-Repeat on other side-

Stretching Sequence:
Lying Hamstring Stretch (Bent)
Lying Hamstring Stretch (Straight)
-Repeat on other side-
Corpse - Savasana

For more yoga flows and workouts that you can customize to your lifestyle and goals, check out the new SWEAT App (available at the App Store and Google Play), which includes workouts from Kayla Itsines, Kelsey Wells, and Sjana Elise.

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