How Many Squats Should I Do Per Day? Is There a Magic Number?

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

Whether you want big ol’ glutes or just want to strengthen your legs, squats reign supreme for working out your lower body.

The main reason to get familiar with squats every day is that you can do them anywhere, since they’re a bodyweight exercise. If you’re regularly on the go or you’re stuck in your home without access to a gym, squats are the perfect exercise.

But how many squats should you do per day to get all the benefits for your booty and beyond? We’ve looked into it so you can get to, well, squattin’.

how many squats should i do a day
Carol Yepes/Getty Images

So how many squats per day is best?

There’s no magic number of squats to do every day to get the most benefits. If you’re new to them, start slow with just a few and work up to higher numbers (and get lower for more glute-burning).

Start by doing 3 sets of 12–15 reps of at least one type of squat (about 45 squats max). You may want to give your body a rest after a set or not do squats the day after. You can keep doing more sets throughout the week.

So, to recap, there’s not a set number of squats you should do?

Nope. You determine the number of squats that works for you, based on how your body feels.

But if you need a number to work from, stick to 3 sets of 12–15 reps. This puts you at a total of 36–45 squats max per day, with some rest days mixed in.

Squat to it: How to start doing squats

Squatting is pretty simple, but proper form is crucial. There are also a few variations of squats so you don’t get bored. If you need to increase or decrease the intensity, we’ve got you.

1. Basic squat 

air squat
Image by Dima Bazak

Start with this plain-Jane squat and learn the squat basics.

To do a basic squat:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend knees and push hips back as if you’re going to sit in a chair. Raise your arms in front of you so they’re parallel to the floor. Keep neck neutral and chest up.
  • Once thighs are parallel to the floor, pause, then push back up through your heels to stand.

Squats: Do’s and don’ts

Proper form ensures that you’re getting the most out of each squat without busting up your bod.


  • lead with your hips
  • sit back into your hips
  • engage your core


  • let your knees cave in
  • let your knees go past your toes
  • let your chest fall forward
  • hold your breath

2. Curtsy squat

curtsy squat

These may be a challenge at first, but you’ll grow to love them. Once they start feeling easy, put a dumbbell in each hand and get down.

To do a curtsy squat:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Rest hands on hips or keep them down at your sides.
  • Step back and across with right foot until left thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure your chest and chin stay up.
  • Pause, then push up through the heel of your left foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side to complete 1 rep.

3. Split squat

split squat
Active Body Creative Mind

This is like a lunge on fire, as you’ll isolate one leg at a time and rely more on balance.

To do a split squat:

  • Stand in a wide, staggered lunge-like stance, with right leg in front and left leg behind it, and feet flat on the floor.
  • Bend knees until the one in the back nearly touches the floor and the thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure front leg is bent but knee doesn’t go past your toes.
  • Pause, then return to standing. Repeat the desired number of reps, then switch sides.

4. Goblet squat

goblet squat
Image by Dima Bazak

Here’s a squat variation that’s great if you want to up your squat game with a dumbbell or kettlebell.

To do it:

  • Grab a dumbbell (or kettlebell) by one end and cup it with your hands, letting the other end hang toward the floor. Keep your elbows bent.
  • Stand with legs wider than shoulder width and toes pointing out.
  • Bend knees and push hips back. Don’t move the dumbbell. Look straight ahead and keep a neutral neck. Your thighs can go beyond parallel to the floor, but get them down at least that far.
  • Pause, then push up through your heels to return to the starting position.

5. Chair squat

chair squat
Image by Dima Bazak

Pull up a chair and pop this squat if you need some assistance.

To try a chair squat:

  • Stand in front of the chair, facing away from it, with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing straight ahead.
  • Engage core, keep spine neutral, and raise your head and chest.
  • Lower your hips down and back as if you’re going to sit in the chair. (Raise arms in front of you for help with balance.)
  • Tap the chair with your butt, but don’t sit down.
  • Squeeze glutes and hamstrings to drive your hips forward, then push back up to the starting position.

6. Wall squat

All you need is a wall to mix up your squat routine. This variation is also easier on your knees and hips.

Try the wall squat:

  • Stand with your back against a wall. Place feet about 12 inches from the wall, shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees and squat, keeping back against the wall, until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Push up through your heels to return to the starting position.

7. Pistol squat

pistol squat
Active Body Creative Mind

Need a major challenge? Up the pressure on your bod by doing this advanced one-legged squat. If you’re already a pro, try holding a dumbbell in each hand or a medicine ball with both hands.

Try the pistol squat:

  • Stand on right foot and lift left leg out, holding it slightly in front of your torso. Keep arms by your sides or out in front for balance.
  • Push hips back as you lower into a squat position, moving hips parallel to the floor.
  • Squeeze glutes and push into right foot to return to standing.

Try a 30-day squat challenge

Here’s a fun way to introduce some friendly competition to your fitness routine or just to challenge yourself.

You’ll want to choose a few variations, or maybe start with a basic squat if you’re new to squats. The key is to do it for 30 days in a row — this will help you get into a routine and create a habit.

Ideally, try each type of squat, doing 3 sets of 12–15 reps per day. This means you’ll do about 45 squats per day.

You can mix them up to work different muscles and help prevent injury. If you need more oomph, add dumbbells.

Things to consider when doing squats

Squats are a very effective move that can work most of your body (if not all of it, when you pack on the dumbbells). As with any other exercise, it’s a good idea to warm up before you start droppin’ low.

Doing about 5 minutes of dynamic stretching can help loosen up your muscles and boost your range of motion, and it may help prevent an injury.


Squats are an awesome exercise to work your lower body. How many squats you should do per day really depends on your fitness and comfort levels — and your personal drive. You may want to start with a few sets of 12–15 squats or incorporate squats into your overall fitness routine.

Before worrying about how many squats you should do in a day, pay attention to nailing the proper form. Also learn about variations to mix up your squat repertoire and get more intensity out of squats when you’re ready.

Then, start squatting!

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Erupting Acne? Destructive Dandruff? Fight Back with Volcanic Ash

There’s no shortage of shocking ingredients found in high end beauty products around the world. The fear factor certainly doesn’t seem to deter consumers from using substances like snail mucus and bee venom. But what about something as scary as volcanic ash?

If it evokes thoughts of slathering yourself with scalding-hot lava, don’t worry. It’s actually a soothing ingredient also known as bentonite clay. Compared to some cringe-worthy concoctions, it’s pretty tame — but effective.

volcanic ash
Getty Images

What is volcanic ash?

If you’re thinking back to history class when you learned about Mount Vesuvius’ eruption burying Pompeii in volcanic ash, you’re on the right track. That’s the same type of volcanic ash we’re talking about, but with a happier ending.

According to the Volcanic Ashfall Impacts Working Group, volcanic ash consists of fragments of rocks, minerals, and volcanic glass that forms during explosive volcanic eruptions. In the beauty world, these particles serve as nature’s exfoliator.

“Volcanic ash is a combination of natural ingredients including bentonite clay and sulfur,” says Peterson Pierre, MD, a board certified specialist in dermatology and cosmetic dermatology at the Pierre Skin Care Institute in Thousand Oaks, California. “Its high mineral content gives it antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.”

Volcanic ash uses

“Volcanic ash is a rich mineral, an antioxidant and antibacterial exfoliant that helps to clarify the skin and make it more beautiful,” explains Anna Guanche, MD, a board certified dermatologist based in Calabasas and Beverly Hills, California, whose celebrity clientele includes Rebecca Romijn, Alyssa Milano, and Brandi Glanville.

“It can be a wonderful ingredient for people with oily, irritated, acne-prone skin because it has a drying effect,” Guanche says.

She says it can also help calm inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis and can even deter dandruff.

Volcanic ash benefits for skin

Because its fine particles are highly absorbent (bentonite is actually the ingredient that makes kitty litter clump), volcanic ash helps remove excess oil from your skin and scalp.

“Combine that with its antimicrobial and antioxidant effect and you have a product that can be effective against acne,” says Pierre. “Additionally, volcanic ash removes impurities and delivers a gentle exfoliation, which can leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.”

How to use volcanic ash

Thankfully, there’s no need to go sifting around volcanoes to try this beauty trend at home. You can simply reach for a face mask, cleanser, shampoo, or cream that contains volcanic ash or bentonite clay.

This ingredient is sourced from any number of volcanic eruption sites around the world. (Fun fact: Wyoming has 70 percent of the world’s known deposits.) For the best results, follow the instructions on the product you choose.

Volcanic ash face mask

Does your face start to glisten with beads of oil mere minutes after a careful cleansing?

“Patients with oily, acne-prone skin can definitely benefit from incorporating volcanic ash into their skin care routine,” says Pierre. “You’ll experience decreased inflammation, decreased bacteria, decreased oil, and softer, smoother skin.”

Of course, there’s a fine line between reducing oil and turning your skin into the Sahara, so limit your use of products containing volcanic ash to no more than 3 times per week. You can experiment to see what gives you the biggest benefit while minimizing any drying side effects. 

Volcanic ash soap

Rough elbows? Scaly shins? Dull complexion? Get your glow back with volcanic ash soap. Its exfoliating properties can help clarify and smooth the skin on your body and face. 

But you’ll need to balance out its effects by using humectants (moisturizing agents), either within the same product or separately. “You should look for additional humectants such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid to replenish the moisture in your skin,” says Pierre. 

Volcanic ash shampoo

Few things are more annoying than an itchy, flaky scalp — except maybe an ultra-greasy one. If either of these scenarios sounds familiar, reach for a volcanic ash shampoo during your next shower.

“In shampoo, volcanic ash can be helpful to an extremely oily scalp,” says Guanche. “This also can be great for those with dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis.”

Risks to using volcanic ash

The biggest risk of using volcanic ash topically is dry skin and irritation. “That’s why it should be mixed with or followed by the right hydrating ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid,” says Guanche.

Beyond using skin care and beauty products that contain bentonite clay, some people also ingest it, claiming that it can reduce toxins, aid digestion, or relieve certain gastrointestinal issues. But more research is needed to determine how safe and effective this is, so it’s wise to stick with topical applications only.

Case in point: In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that one specific product — Best Bentonite Clay, made in Guthrie, Oklahoma — contained elevated levels of lead. Concerned about the risk of lead poisoning associated with this product, the FDA warned consumers not to ingest it.


Volcanic ash, aka bentonite clay, is an antibacterial and mineral-rich natural material made from the remnants of explosive volcanic eruptions.

When you apply it to your skin or scalp, its exfoliating and oil-absorbing properties may help reduce acne, inflammation, dandruff, and the symptoms of dermatological conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 

Look for this ingredient in face masks, shampoos, and cleansers, but don’t overdo it. Start slowly with weekly usage and follow up each application with moisturizer to prevent dryness.

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5 Whole30 Meal Delivery Services to Help You Skip the Store in 2020

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

Strict, whole food diets like Whole30 are no picnic, especially when each run to Trader Joe’s requires a fresh mask and oodles of hand sanitizer.

Well, friends, it’s 2020. If subscription boxes and online shopping deliveries are bringing you *life* this year, why not combine your love of mail with your healthy eating goals?

With a Whole30-approved meal delivery service, you get nourishing noms delivered straight to your doorstep. No prep or label-reading required.

We’ve rounded up the top five meal delivery services that’ll make your Whole30 journey a whole lot easier.

whole30 meal delivery

Wait, what’s Whole30 again?

Even if you haven’t done the Whole30 diet, you’ve probably heard of it. 

It’s a 30-day (shocker) plan that resets your eating habits by eliminating several food categories: dairy, grains, sugar, legumes, and booze. Cutting out these things is supposed to reduce cravings, create healthy eating habits, and help you identify potential food sensitivities.

That’s all good, but Whole30 might require more planning than you’re used to. If you’re not looking to give up your Sunday to meal prep, a meal delivery service is a convenient way to stay on track.

PSA: Restricting your diet so much can also be unhelpful — or downright dangerous — if you struggle with disordered eating.

The 5 best Whole30 meal delivery services

If you’re eager to break up with booze, sugar, and their carbalicious friends, a Whole30 meal delivery service could save a lot of kitchen time and label-reading energy. Here’s our list of the best of the best:

  1. The Good Kitchen
  2. Paleo On The Go
  3. Trifecta Nutrition
  4. Snap Kitchen
  5. Pete’s Paleo

Scroll down to decide if one of these plans is right for you.

1. The Good Kitchen

whole30 meal delivery the good kitchen

Who it’s good for: 

  • folks with food allergies
  • picky eaters
  • breakfast, lunch, and dinner

30-meal price: $329.70

Cost per serving: Subscription meals range from $11 to $14. A la carte meals are in the $12 to $16 range. 

whole30 meal delivery the good kitchen

The deets 

Sensitive tummies, rejoice! Meals from The Good Kitchen are whipped up in a gluten-free, peanut-free, soy-free facility. Plus, there’s a spot on the intro form for food allergies (tree nuts, dairy, shellfish, etc.) and food aversions (mushrooms or pork got you feeling 🤢 queasy?).

Ordering Whole30-compliant meals is as easy as clicking the “Whole30” filter. Then you can browse all of your meal options for the month.

Bonus: you won’t pay an extra shipping or handling charge. The continental U.S. delivery costs for these frozen, microwave-friendly trays are built into the price.

Our very favorite thing about The Good Kitchen is its emphasis on sustainability. The meal packaging is recyclable and the meat is pasture-raised (or in seafood’s case, compliant with Seafood Watch). Plus, the company uses seasonal produce as much as possible. #winning

Order The Good Kitchen Whole30 meal delivery.

2. Paleo On The Go

whole30 meal delivery paleo on the go

Who it’s good for: 

  • foodies
  • peeps who want to know exactly where their food comes from
  • paleo lovers
  • breakfast, lunch, and dinner

30-meal price: $590

Cost per serving: A la carte meals range from $17 to $29, with discounted prices for bundles or subscriptions. However, there’s a $99 minimum for all orders.

whole30 meal delivery paleo on the go

The deets

Ever found yourself daydreaming about hiring an award-winning private chef? The meals at Paleo On The Go are all cooked up by a chef in the company’s grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free commercial kitchen. 

And Paleo On The Go takes savory, home-cooked flavor to the next level with strict ingredient sourcing. You can look up the farms and ranches that produce your ingredients right on the company website.

There’s no doubt that Paleo On The Go is a high-quality operation that delivers delicious, nutritious meals, but that quality comes at a pretty steep price. With a $99 minimum order requirement and a monthly plan that’ll set you back over $500, this won’t work for all budgets.

Order Paleo On The Go Whole30 meal delivery.

3. Trifecta Nutrition

whole30 meal delivery trifecta nutrition

Who it’s good for: 

  • athletes
  • people looking to manage their weight
  • lunch and dinner

30-meal price: The price of 28 meals starts at $432.

Cost per serving: Meal kits range from $10 to $14, but you can also build your meal from entree and side dishes on the a la carte menu.

whole30 meal delivery trifecta nutrition

The deets

Visit Trifecta Nutrition’s website, and you’ll see that it’s geared toward fitness fans and those who need helping resetting their nutrition to manage their weight.

Meals are offered in six categories:

  • Clean (minimally processed food)
  • Paleo (legume- and grain-free meals with an emphasis on lean protein)
  • Keto (cut carbs, amp the fat and protein)
  • Vegan (no animals whatsoever)
  • Vegetarian (primarily plant-based)
  • Classic (pre-portioned macros)

That’s a lot of customization options, but you know what’s missing? Whole30.

Trifecta Nutrition does offer some Whole30-compliant meals, but you might find it easier to create your own through the a la carte menu. You’ll save time in the kitchen, but you might spend a few extra minutes clicking around the website.

So, why try Trifecta Nutrition? If you’re interested in continuing your meal plan subscription after Whole30, you’ll find plenty of options at this company. Trifecta also delivers their meals fresh, not frozen. 👏

Order Trifecta Nutrition Whole30 meal delivery.

4. Snap Kitchen

whole30 meal delivery snap kitchen

Who it’s good for:

  • folks who want meals picked by dietitians
  • anyone who wants to try meal kits on a budget
  • lunch and dinner

30-meal price: starting around $300

Cost per serving: $10 to 12, depending on your subscription frequency.

whole30 meal delivery snap kitchen

The deets

Snap Kitchen works a little differently than our other meal delivery service top picks. Depending on where you live, you’ll either get the meals delivered to your door or pick them up from a local retail location. Find the options in your area here.

While the whole pickup rigamarole could be a huge drawback, there’s no denying Snap Kitchen’s fair prices. Your meals are made fresh — never frozen — with ingredients that are primarily sustainably sourced. Most ingredients are also organic.

At Snap Kitchen, you’ll choose either 6 or 12 meals per week. The meals you get can be customized according to your allergies, preferences, and specific diets, including Whole30. Since the noms are picked by dietitians, you’ll also get each dish’s full nutrition and ingredient rundown.

Order Snap Kitchen Whole30 meal delivery.

5. Pete’s Paleo

whole30 meal delivery Pete's Paleo

Who it’s good for:

  • farm-to-table fans
  • meat eaters and broth sippers
  • lunch and dinner

30-meal price: starting around $450

Cost per serving: $15 to $16 per subscription meal or $16 to $19 per a la carte meal.

whole30 meal delivery Pete's Paleo

The deets

Paleo eaters love Pete’s Paleo for its simple, seasonal menus. The options rotate each week according to what’s fresh and available. This makes it ideal for the farm-to-table crowd, but it also means you *might* get some meals that don’t check all the Whole30 boxes.

Here’s what to expect from all Pete’s Paleo meals:

  • no dairy
  • no soy
  • no gluten

It’s pretty easy to do this with the company’s “Eat What You Love” plan, which allows you to pick any five meals off the menu, but that customization comes at a slightly higher price point. 

Regular weekly plans include anywhere from 5 to 20 servings of lunch and dinner options. We’d say it’s 10/10 for healthy food options, 7/10 for ease of use during Whole30.

Order Pete’s Paleo Whole30 meal delivery.

How we chose the top 5 Whole30 meal delivery services

It’s hard to find a meal kit that costs less than what you’d pay for the ingredients at the grocery store. But we did keep budget in mind during our hunt for the best Whole30 meal delivery services of 2020.

Other considerations for narrowing down our top picks includes:

  • Variety. Where’s the fun in eating the same thing day after day? Research links pre-planned meals with a healthier diet and lower risk of obesity. Though the study focused on meal planning for cooking at home, it makes sense that we’re less likely to overeat on snacks when our meals — and portions — are decided in advance.
  • Whole30-approved ingredients. We automatically nixed meal delivery services that didn’t have a Whole30 filter or that didn’t list ingredients.
  • Emphasis on organic or sustainable foods. Whole30 is all about jumpstarting healthy eating habits. We gave priority to companies that offer minimally processed, organic, sustainable, or low sugar foods.

The bottom line

Cutting out your comfort foods and go-to snacks on Whole30 can be tough, but the prep doesn’t have to be.

Using a meal delivery service during your Whole30 journey can make things easier. You’ll save time and energy, and likely cut down on food waste. Plus, you can choose a company that matches your long-term healthy eating goals.

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Swipe Right on Counseling: Best 5 Mental Health Counselors for 2020

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

When everything feels like a *little* too much, talking to someone can help. Especially if that someone is a trained professional in providing emotional support. Enter: online mental health counselors.

With the same benefits of traditional therapy, online counseling allows you to get a therapy sesh from anywhere (including your couch). If you want to find a mental health therapist, but feel overwhelmed by the options, check our picks of the top 5 mental health counselors of 2020.

mental health counselors

What do mental health counselors do?

An online mental health counselor is an accredited professional who provides support for mental health issues over the internet. An appointment with your online counselor can happen via text, phone, video conferencing, or online chat.

While psychiatrists will sometimes approach mental health issues through a biological lens, mental health counselors tend to focus more on your personal growth and in teaching specific coping strategies to deal with life’s natural challenges.

To be clear: You don’t need to be diagnosed with a specific condition to benefit from mental health therapy, but it can be particularly helpful if you live with anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. In short: it’s a safe, and comfy way to improve your well-being.

Does working with a mental health counselor help?

Counseling is a great tool for working on your mental health, and finding that help online doesn’t mean it’s going to be less effective.

  • 2017 study found that online therapy is an effective alternative to in-person therapy, with the added benefit of making counseling available for those who live in rural communities.
  • Experts have suggested that online counseling is increasing access to mental health care for vulnerable patients with bipolar disorder.
  • Another study found that internet-administered counseling can be highly effective in controlling the symptoms of depression.

The 5 best mental health counselors available online

Ready to find a mental health counselor? We did the research for you and looked for secure options available all over the country. Here are our top picks for the best online mental health counselors.

1. Talkspace

mental health counselors Talkspace

Price: $65–$99 per week
Services: text, video sessions, audio messages

Talkspace is one of the largest teletherapy services. They offer subscription plans for every price point, and have over 3,000 therapists and counselors available. Aside from their regular counseling sessions, they also offer mental health support to couples, and teens.

Worried about cost? Some of their services can even be covered by insurance.

Find a Talkspace mental health counselor.

2. AmWell

mental health counselors AmWell

Price: $99–$110 per session
Services: video sessions

AmWell is an online platform that offers video sessions with mental health therapists and psychiatrists, as well as physical healthcare. Their health team is available 24/7 and they offer services for adults, children, and teens.

The price for each session varies depending on the credentials of your mental health counselor.

Find an AmWell mental health counselor.

3. Thriveworks

mental health counselors Thriveworks

Price: $65–$140 per session
Services: video sessions, phone calls

Thriveworks has over 100 physical locations in the U.S., but they also offer online therapy with licensed mental health counselors. You can choose between individual counseling and couples therapy via video conferencing or phone call.

The big drawback: their online services aren’t available in every state. Check which states they cover here.

Find a Thriveworks mental health counselor.

4. BetterHelp

mental health counselors Betterhelp

Price: $40–$70 per week
Services: text, video sessions, live chat, phone calls

BetterHelp is an online counseling platform that offers real-time chat and video sessions with licensed mental health counselors, psychologists, clinical social workers, and marriage and family therapists. Talk about options!

While some users aren’t fans of the automated patient-therapist matching process, you can always ask for a different counselor if it’s not the perfect fit.

Find a BetterHelp mental health counselor.

5. MyTherapist

mental health counselors MyTherapist

Price: 60–$80 per week
Services: text, video sessions, live chat, phone calls

Last but not least is MyTherapist. This online therapy platform offers text messaging, video conferencing, live chat, and phone calls with licensed psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors.

Along with regular individual counseling, they also provide grief counseling, family therapy, and couples therapy, so there’s plenty of options to choose from.

Find a MyTherapist mental health counselor.

How we chose the best mental health counselors

Only the cream of the counseling crop made it onto our list of best mental health counselors. We considered lots factors when choosing the very best, including:

  • credentials (all mental health professionals are licensed counselors)
  • positive customer feedback
  • platforms that included services for teens and children
  • ability to use health insurance
  • counselors with a wide range of expertise in different areas (including mental health counselors that specialize in certain age groups, and conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, relationship issues, and substance abuse, among others).

How to find the right mental health counselor for you

Looking for a therapy match made in heaven? There are a few things you should consider when choosing an online mental health counselor.

  • Background. You might feel safer talking with someone from your own community, or who shares a similar background to yours. Does your mental health counselor specializes in LGBTQ+ support, or in helping marginalized communities? Are you looking for someone with a certain religious affiliation?
  • Age. Mental health counseling often involves sharing personal details about your life, so age can be a real deal breaker. Give some thought to whether you would you want to spill the tea to someone who is older/younger than you, or around your age?
  • Expertise. First check for a license to practice mental healthcare, or for credentials like Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC). It also helps to understand your counselor’s area of expertise to weigh your options. Do they specialize in treating people with similar issues to yours?

How do *I* become a mental health counselor?

Interested in becoming a mental health counselor yourself? Here’s what you need to know:

Education. To become a licensed mental health counselor, an undergrad degree in social sciences will give you a start. If you have a degree in any other area, you can still apply for an accredited master’s program, but you’ll have to complete prerequisite courses first.

Practice. You’re required to complete a minimum of 2,000 to 3,000 hours of supervised practice before getting your license. Requirements change depending on the state, so be sure to check the guidelines for the state where you’re planning to study/practice.

Licensure and certification. The final step! Before becoming a licensed mental health counselor, you’ll have to pass a state licensing exam. In some states, you might also have to pass a test administered by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) first.

The bottom line

Mental health counselors are an important way to support your mental wellness, and getting that help online makes it much easier to get care. Remember: you don’t need to have been diagnosed with a particular mental health issue to benefit from counseling.

Life’s too short to neglect your well-being, and that includes your mental health. Try reaching out to a counselor on our list of top picks to find the right fit for your needs.

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Pumpkin, Spice, and Everything Nice: Low Sugar and Keto-Friendly Spins on Your Fave Fall Goodies

design by Wenzdai Figueroa

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here’s our process.

Deep down, are you a super basic B who’s excited about PSLs, sweater weather, and holiday-scented hand soaps? Us too.

But, if you’re limiting sugar or on the keto diet then you may find it kinda difficult to indulge your pumpkin spice cravings. Most everything pumpkin spice is LOADED with sugar.

That’s why we’ve rounded up all of our favorite low sugar, no sugar, and keto-friendly pumpkin spice products and recipes just for you (but also ourselves, TBH).

Why limit sugar?

Naturally occurring sugar — like the stuff found in fruits, veggies, dairy products, and grains — is pretty cool with us. It comes paired with fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants, and provides energy for your body.

Added sugars, however, can be a bit of a problem. These are the sugars found in things like candies, cakes, ice cream, and other desserts, along with the sugar you might add to your coffee or tea. Oh, and unfortunately that includes most of our favorite seasonal pumpkin spice treats. Sad face.

While it’s not realistic to completely remove added sugar from your diet, eating too much can harm your teeth and may lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even depression. And most people are doing just that — to the tune of about 17 teaspoons of added sugar A DAY.

So, with the holidays upon us, what better time to resolve to eat less added sugar? Luckily, there are still plenty of goodies you can partake in!

Sweet options (sans sugar)

So, to avoid added sugar over the holidays you might need some sugar-free tools in your arsenal. While there are plenty of zero-calorie sweeteners to choose from, these four stand out above the rest:

  • Stevia. Stevia is probably the most popular alternative to artificial sweeteners, as its sourced from the stevia plant. It’s naturally super-sweet and calorie-free, and you can buy stevia as a liquid or powder. One downside of stevia: it can be a little bitter sometimes.
  • Monk fruit. Monk fruit is growing in popularity as another naturally-sourced zero-calorie sweetener, this one from the Asian monk fruit, a type of gourd. It tastes a whole lot like sugar, with no detectable bitterness.
  • Erythritol. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, so eating too much may upset your stomach. It’s sweet like sugar and great for baking, but can also have a weird cooling effect in your mouth when you eat it. It’s often mixed with other sweeteners, like stevia and monk fruit, to dampen this effect.
  • Allulose. Allulose is an up-and-comer, but it’s more than worthy to be on this list. It IS a type of sugar, but it’s not metabolized by your body — so it doesn’t affect your blood sugar. How cool is that??

You can also buy syrup and brown sugar alternatives — perfect for your holiday baking needs — made from these sweeteners.

Our fave low sugar pumpkin spice products

If you’re limiting sugar but not trying to reinvent the wheel, then you may be on the lookout for some ready-to-eat pumpkin spice treats that will sate your fall cravings. All of these products are keto-friendly, and either completely free of or very low in added sugar.

Califia Farms Better Half Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer

This dairy-free, pumpkin spice half-and-half from Califia Farms is unsweetened and totally free of added sugar. With your favorite coffee and zero cal sweetener, a luscious, sugar-free, homemade PSL is totally within reach.

FatSnax Pumpkin Spice Latte Cookies

And if you need a snack to enjoy with your sugar-free PSL, you can’t go wrong with these limited edition PSL cookies from FatSnax. They’re chewy, gluten-free, and only contain 3 grams of sugar alcohols — though peeps with IBS or sugar alcohol sensitivities might want to limit these cookies.

Lily’s Pumpkin Spice Flavor White Chocolate Style Baking Chips

RUUUN! These Walmart-exclusive, stevia-sweetened white chocolate chips have all your favorite pumpkin spice flavors and NO added sugar. They’re great for fall baking but also perfectly snackable.

Premier Protein Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake

Love pumpkin spice, but also sweet, sweet gains? This protein shake from Premier Protein’s got your number. It packs a whopping 30 grams of protein per serving, with just 1 gram of sugar.

Enlightened Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake

These mini cheesecakes are PRECIOUS, and ready to eat after just a brief thaw. This one features creamy pumpkin cheesecake on a vanilla almond flour crust, with a dollop of whipped cream on top (all with no added sugar, ofc).

Tasty low sugar pumpkin spice recipes

And here are some of our favorite low sugar, no sugar, and/or keto-friendly pumpkin spice recipes that will make your kitchen smell amazing and most definitely get you in the fall spirit.

Some of these recipes call for a smidge of maple syrup, but if you’re avoiding sugar you can replace that with one of the sweeteners listed above or use sugar free maple syrup.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pumpkin. Chocolate. Chip. Cookies. Does more really need to be said??? Also, these beauties are totally keto-friendly, gluten free, and free of added sugar.

Pumpkin Spice Oat Pancakes

These pumpkin spice oat pancakes, while not keto-friendly, are completely free of added sugar. Just a drizzle of honey, maple syrup, or a sugar-free syrup would set these off and make them the perfect, sweet-but-not-too-sweet fall breakfast.

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Eating on the go? This light but flavorful smoothie has all the flavors of pumpkin pie with just 1 teaspoon of maple syrup for sweetness.

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

These low carb pumpkin bars with rich cream cheese frosting are perfect for a crowd. The pumpkin keeps them ultra-moist, and this recipe is bursting with fall flavors (but absolutely not bursting with sugar).

Pumpkin Almond Butter Blondies

And finally, you can make these blondies for a sweet, chocolatey, nutty (from almond butter), and of course pumpkin-y kid-friendly treat… or for you to hide from the kids and sneak bites of when they’re not looking. We get it.

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Is Splendid Spoon Worth It? Here’s Our Review

Wouldn’t it be awesome if instead of having to go food shopping every week and prep a ton of food, someone just dropped a week’s worth of healthy, vegan meals on your doorstep? Uh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Enter Splendid Spoon. The plant-based meal subscription service makes healthy eating crazy easy with a huge selection of fruit- and veggie-packed smoothies, soup and grain bowls, noodle bowls, and even reset meals to help you get back to baseline after you overdid it on donuts or pizza on the weekend.

But how good is the whole thing really? Here’s an inside look at how it works, what makes it great, plus where it might fall a little short. And of course, whether it’s really worth buying in to.

splendid spoon
Photography courtesy of Splendid Spoon

The pros and cons

Quick look: The pros

  • super convenient
  • saves major time so you don’t have to shop, prep, or cook
  • meals are seriously good-for-you and will keep you satisfied
  • lots of variety to choose from
  • packaging is recyclable
  • can customize your weekly menus

Quick look: The cons

  • food isn’t the most delicious and the texture isn’t awesome
  • costs more than cooking at home
  • food can only be delivered on Wednesdays or Fridays

The deets: How does it work?

Customizability is the name of the game here. Choose from four weekly plans, pick the meals you want delivered each week (or let Splendid Spoon do the work by following their weekly menus), and hit order.

Then sit back and relax — your food will be delivered on Wednesday or Friday fully chilled in dry ice and recyclable insulation.

Splendid Spoon plans include:

  • Breakfast: 5 smoothies for $65
  • Breakfast + Lunch: 5 smoothies and 5 soup & grain bowls for $75
  • Breakfast, Lunch + Reset: 5 smoothies, 5 soup & grain bowls, plus a day’s worth of Reset meals — which consist of light veggie-based soups — for $115.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + Reset: 5 smoothies, 5 soup & grain bowls, 5 noodle bowls, and 5 Reset meals for $165.
splendid spoon review
Photography courtesy of Splendid Spoon

The food: What you get

Splendid Spoon’s meals are all vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO, packed with good stuff like fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans/legumes, and nuts and seeds.

The food comes ready-to-eat, so all you have to do is thaw and reheat. You can get the ingredient lists and nutrition info online before you order, but everything’s listed right on the packaging too.

The meals come in four categories and within each category there’s loads of variety.


Designed to fill you up for breakfast, the blended drinks are low in sugar and packed with superfoods.

Pick from 16 options including Pumpkin Spice with cinnamon and allspice, Mango Guava with camu camu and lime, and Mint Chip with cacao nibs and almond butter. The slim plastic bottles are super portable.

Soup and grain bowls 

Satisfying enough to power you through the afternoon without weighing you down, these bowls are the kind of thing you wish you could find at the corner deli or café.

Pick from 30 options including the Roasted Cauliflower Bowl with za’tar spiced chickpeas and lemon tahini sauce, the Vegetable Bolognese Bowl with mushrooms and wild rice risotto, and the Green Goddess Quinoa Bowl with spinach and asparagus.

They come in microwave-safe containers for easy heatin’ and eatin’. 

Noodle bowls

Designed to be enjoyed for dinner, these bowls are cozy and comforting without being heavy. Each has a rice noodle base, plenty of veggies, and sauces that are both wholesome and flavorful.

Pick from six options including Creamy Butternut Squash Noodles with broccoli and turmeric, Sesame Noodles with shiitakes and collard greens, and Kale Pesto Noodles with roasted tomatoes and plant-based Parmesan. Like the soup and grain bowls, they come in microwave-safe containers. 

Reset meals

Light and veggie-loaded, these sippable soups are meant to give your system a reset in just one day.

Choose from five options including Pumpkin Pear Bisque with hempseeds and cardamom, Butternut Turmeric Soup with sweet potatoes and nutmeg, or Fennel Consomme with sea salt and dill. Have them warm or chilled, right out of the bottle.

splendid spoon review
Photography courtesy of Splendid Spoon

Taste test: Is it good?

Splendid Spoon’s menu definitely reads like a cool plant-based restaurant inspired by global flavors. The meals score big points for variety, both in terms of the flavor combos and the loads of different ingredients they use.

(Would you attempt Moroccan-spiced buckwheat, aloo gobi, butternut squash ratatouille, and spicy red curry noodles all in a single week? Probably not.)

But the food itself isn’t mind-blowing. Many of the soup and grain bowls and the noodle bowls manage to taste both sort of flat and overpowering at the same time. In other words, you’ll sometimes get hit with one big taste and not much else.

The Red Curry Noodles with Sweet Potatoes and Thai Basil is just spicy, for instance, while the Sesame Noodles with Shiitake Mushroom bowl slams you with tahini.

The smoothies are better. They’re sweet without being saccharine, and the veggie-loaded drinks mostly taste fruity instead of lawn-like.

You can pick out the individual ingredients — the AB&J smoothie with banana and baobab really does have an almond butter and jelly sandwich vibe, and the Mint Chip is legit like a good-for-you version of mint chip ice cream.

Texture is a little bit of an issue with all the meals though. The noodles get a little dry and rubbery when they’re reheating, and the grain bowls feel a little watery.

It’s not necessarily a deal-breaker, so long as you manage your expectations from the get-go: These are frozen microwaveable meals, so they’re not going to be quite like if you ordered the same thing fresh (or made it yourself).

Same goes for the smoothies. The drinks have that slightly clumpy texture that you get from a blended sipper after it has some time to settle. Shaking the bottle helps, but you’re not getting that texture of a smoothie that came fresh from the blender.

Overall, the food is OK but not great. The smoothies are definitely more delicious than the meals, but the freezing-and-thawing means the texture could be better all around.

Extras to love

If the above sounds harsh, don’t let it discourage you — Splendid Spoon scores big points elsewhere. It’s awesome because:

  • The food is super nutritious. You’ll have no trouble hitting your daily fruit and veg quotas with these meals. They’re also packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats to keep you full, so you’ll feel really good after eating and probably won’t be tempted to snack on junk in between meals.

    And if you love superfoods (hey, chia seeds and spirulina!) you’ll get your fill here, especially with the smoothies.
  • Shipping is free and easy. Meals are delivered on Wednesdays or Fridays via FedEx, who should provide you with a delivery window. Splendid Spoon ships to 48 states (sorry, Alaska and Hawaii), and no matter where you live, you won’t pay extra to have the goods brought to your door.
  • It’s packed well. Your food comes packed up in a recyclable cardboard box with recyclable insulation and dry ice. It’ll still be mostly frozen when it gets to you, though you might notice that some of the items are starting to thaw. (So get it into the freezer ASAP.)
  • It’s easy to store. Speaking of storage, the food definitely takes up less space than an entire week’s worth of groceries. The bowl and noodle containers stack neatly in the freezer and the smoothie bottles are relatively compact. (All are plastic, but also recyclable.)
  • The meals are easy to store and prep. You can microwave the bowls and noodles directly in their containers — just pause to stir once or twice. But if you’re not a fan of heating in plastic, you can also pop the food onto a plate or bowl and warm it up that way.

    In both cases you can heat right from the freezer, but it’ll be faster if you thaw the food in the fridge overnight. For the smoothies, all you have to do is thaw and eat. 

The verdict: Is it worth it?

Splendid Spoon is an awesome option if you want fast, easy access to healthy, plant-based meals without having to spend time shopping, prepping, or cooking.

The cost is definitely more than cooking all your food yourself (though not that much more if you did most of your shopping at a high-end market and bought mostly organics), but you win back big on time savings. And it’s definitely better for you than ordering out every day.

While there’s plenty of variety to pick from, taste-wise, it’s obvious you’re eating frozen, microwaved meals — and there’s really only so much science can do in that department without relying on preservatives and a butt load of salt. If nutrition and convenience are your top priorities, you’ll be super happy with Splendid Spoon. 

Think you want to give it a try? Head on over to to explore the plans and place your first order.

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Can Yoga Therapy Help Your Mental Health? Om, Yes!

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

You don’t have to be the Yoda of yoga to reap major mental health benefits. Yoga can be an amazing form of therapy for beginners, experts, and everyone in between. Here’s how yoga therapy can help you feel better inside and out.

yoga therapy
Getty Images

What is yoga therapy?

Yoga is pretty much the PB&J of workouts — it’s the perfect combo. The blend of exercise and meditation can help you exercise your body and mind at the same time.

Exercise is a natural way to pump up the volume on your serotonin production. Some research, including a small 2011 study, suggests this can help ease depression symptoms.

Meditation can slow down your thoughts and clear your mind, and research suggests it has mental health benefits.

Yoga therapy uses the same tools as other forms of yoga. It just focuses more on each person’s individual needs. The practice can help address your unique physical, emotional, or mental concerns.

Yoga therapy can help with:

  • mind-body connection
  • overall well-being
  • physical pain
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • stress

Where can I do yoga therapy?

You can do yoga therapy solo or in a group setting. If an in-person sesh isn’t your thing, you can opt for virtual yoga or connect with a yoga therapist online. You can also check out yoga or meditation apps to see if they offer yoga therapy.

How is it different from regular yoga?

Traditional yoga and yoga therapy can both be super soothing and beneficial, but there are some big differences between the two. It really comes down to individual results.

A traditional yoga instructor will focus on the methods and practices of yoga. These classes tend to be geared to a general audience. But in yoga therapy, the therapist will focus on your individual emotional and physical needs.

A yoga therapist will assess your needs before a session so they can optimize your experience. They’ll also go over various healing tools, such as:

  • yoga postures
  • guided energy work
  • meditation techniques
  • breath awareness and control

The therapist will pick the right balance of these tools based on your needs, says certified yoga therapist Sadie Grossman.

A yoga therapist will also give you advice on how to practice on your own.

“I’m a firm believer in patients leaving a session with a tangible intervention that they can practice on their own, making them feel empowered,” says Grossman.

What are the benefits?

Stress reduction

Life is often a stress fest, and yoga therapy is here to help. A consistent practice can help you stay calm, focused, and positive.

In a small 2012 study of 72 “distressed” women, those who practiced yoga once or twice per week for 3 months showed greater improvements in measures of stress and quality of life than those who didn’t do yoga.

Anxiety relief

Many people turn to yoga to reduce anxiety. And with good reason! The calming sensations, focused breathing, and slow movements can help lower anxiety levels.

In a small 2009 study, 34 women who were referred to a yoga clinic for anxiety practiced yoga twice a week for 2 months, while a control group of 31 women didn’t practice yoga. Afterward, the yoga group showed greater decreases in anxiety levels than the control group.

Improved eating habits

Meditation and yoga both encourage mindfulness, and some research suggests that mindfulness can contribute to healthier eating habits and overall lifestyle improvements. This is why yoga is often used in eating disorder recovery — it can help you have a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Bonus: Mindful eating can also help you regulate your blood sugar levels and keep your weight in a healthy range.

Better mood

It’s 100 percent OK to have a crappy day. It happens. Thankfully, yoga therapy can help you nip those bad vibes in the bud. It can help you slay those endorphins and leave you feeling a heckuvalot better.

A 2017 study found that certain yoga poses can increase energy and self-esteem. A full-on yoga therapy sesh? Even better.

Does yoga therapy help depression?

Depression can make anyone feel cut off and isolated. But remember: You are not alone. About 17.3 million adults in the United States are affected by depression every year. Studies suggest that yoga could help you feel better. Here’s how.

Depression can really take a toll on your energy level and ability to concentrate. Yoga might give you the boost you need to get back to business.

Yoga can also help on a chemical level — it can decrease your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is also linked to depression

Pro tip: Grossman suggests group sessions if you’re experiencing depression, since the group setting can help combat a sense of isolation.

Can you practice regular yoga as a form of therapy?

Yes! Yoga can be used as a type of therapy. But keep in mind that it’s not a cure-all. Yoga therapy might not replace the effects of other treatments (like medication or psychotherapy), but it’s def worth a shot!

PSA: Yoga therapy might work best when combined with other forms of treatment.

Takeaway: Pros and cons of yoga therapy

Yoga therapy can give your mental and physical health a major glow-up. Here’s a deep dive into all the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s right for you.


  • helps you establish goals
  • friendly for all fitness levels
  • can improve overall health
  • works out your mind and body
  • can reduce stress and anxiety
  • can ease symptoms of depression


  • not the right fit for everyone
  • might be challenging on a physical and emotional level
  • can be pricey (but this depends on the studio or therapist)

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Better Than Silk: These Bamboo Sheets Are a Dream

Looking for a sleep experience that’ll give you the 3 Cs? (That’s cool, comfy, and climate-friendly, FYI.) Bamboo might be your bed’s best bud.

Sheets made from bamboo have a reputation for being both breathable and temperature-regulating (Read: They cool you down when you’re hot and warm you up when you’re chilly) while also wicking away moisture and resisting odors, and even being hypoallergenic. On top of all that, they serve up a feel that’s softer and more luxe than cotton or linen.

Just as important, bamboo is known for being a pretty sustainable crop, since it grows superfast and generally doesn’t require much in the way of fertilizers, pesticides, or irrigation. 

The only downside? Once you decide you’re gonna hop on that bamboo bandwagon and start looking at all your options, figuring out which sheets to get can feel like a major undertaking.

Since you prob already have a full-time job, we did the digging for you by testing out some of the best-loved bamboo sheets to see which ones are actually worth the buzz.

best bamboo sheets

How we chose

We sought out bamboo sheets that have racked up top ratings among enthusiastic sleepers — and test-drove them ourselves (tough, we know!).

In addition to looking at factors like comfort, breathability, and moisture-wicking ability, we also paid attention to how the sheets washed and how much promise they showed in terms of durability.

Pricing guide

There’s a big price difference between budget and luxury picks, often because less expensive sheets are made from bamboo blends. Our prices are for queen-size sets, each of which comes with a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and two pillowcases. 

  • $ = under $75
  • $$ = $75–$100
  • $$$ = $101–$175
  • $$$$ = $176–$250
  • $$$$$ = over $250

Meet the sheets: Our top picks

  • Best overall: Cariloha Resort Bamboo Sheets
  • Best ultraluxury: Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set
  • Best bamboo/cotton blend: The Company Store Company Cotton Bamboo Sateen Sheet Set
  • Best color options: ettitude Bamboo Lyocell Sheet Set
  • Best ultrasilky look: Luxome Premium Bamboo Sheets
  • Best budget 100% bamboo: Target The Bamboo Collection Rayon Sheet Set
  • Best warranty: Layla Bamboo Sheets
  • Best Amazon reviews: Hotel Sheets Direct 100% Bamboo 4 Piece Bed Sheet Set
  • Best sheets that will never slip off the bed: Cosy House Luxury Bamboo Bed Sheets
  • Sheets that feel like serious adulting: Luxor Linens Bali Bamboo Luxury Sheet Set
  • Best budget bamboo blend: Zen Bamboo Luxury 1500 Series Bed Sheets

The very best bamboo sheets

OK, let’s talk deets. Here are the very best bamboo sheets, no matter what you’re looking for.

Best overall bamboo sheets: Cariloha Resort Bamboo Sheets

Cariloha Resort Bamboo Sheets

The manufacturer brags that these sheets are softer than 1,000-thread-count Egyptian cotton — and it’s totally true. The supremely silky, ultrabreathable fabric legit feels like what you’d find at the fanciest hotel.

The brand says these sheets sleep 3 degrees cooler than nonbamboo sheets, and while we didn’t bust out a thermometer, the claim sounds about right. 

Cons: You definitely want to take care to follow the label instructions for washing. Otherwise, the fabric could start to degrade.

Price: $$$$

Buy Cariloha Resort Bamboo Sheets online.

Best ultraluxury bamboo sheets: Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set

Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheets

These sheets feel like you’re sleeping on cashmere, if cashmere were the most lightweight, cooling fabric on Earth. (Also, Oprah apparently loves them, so yeah.) Bonuses: The bamboo is sourced from USDA certified organic farms, and the packaging is reusable.

Cons: The manufacturer recommends line-drying the sheets to preserve their softness. If that’s not an option, tumble drying on low works, too, but it takes a while.

Price: $$$$$

Buy Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set online.

Best bamboo/cotton blend sheets: The Company Store Company Cotton Bamboo Sateen Sheet Set

The Company Store Bamboo Sheets

Many bamboo sheets have a reputation for being wrinkly. These sheets offer the coolness of bamboo with just a little more crispness, thanks to a 70/30 blend of bamboo and cotton sateen. And the elastic band around the bottom of the fitted sheet is designed to keep the sheet from moving around too much.

Cons: The sheets fit mattresses only up to 16 inches deep, and some colors are on backorder.

Price: $$$$

Buy The Company Store Company Cotton Bamboo Sateen Sheet Set online.

Bamboo sheets with the best color options: ettitude Bamboo Lyocell Sheet Set

ettitude bamboo sheets

From cloud pink to starlight blue to sage and even stripes, these are the kinds of hues that’ll look great on your grid. Also nice: The accompanying pillowcases reduce frizz!

Cons: Mattress pocket measurements aren’t listed on the site. So if you have a superthick mattress, you might want to reach out to the brand to confirm the sheets will fit your bed.

Price: $$$$

Buy ettitude Bamboo Lyocell Sheet Set online.

Bamboo sheets with an ultrasilky look: Luxome Premium Bamboo Sheets

Luxome bamboo sheets

If you’re looking for sheets with maximum sheen, this set delivers. The sateen weave legit looks (and feels) like silk, especially when you opt for one of the darker colors. (The sapphire blue is pretty classy.) The fitted sheet works for mattresses up to 17 inches thick too.

Cons: Slick and silky obv isn’t for everyone. Skip these if you like a more rustic look.

Price: $$$

Buy Luxome Premium Bamboo Sheets online.

Best budget 100 percent bamboo sheets: Target The Bamboo Collection Rayon Sheet Set

target the bamboo collection sheets

Some less expensive bamboo sheet sets aren’t actually made of 100 percent bamboo. This one is, and you can tell by the soft feel and breathability. 

Cons: The color options are pretty limited.

Price: $$

Buy Target The Bamboo Collection Rayon Sheet Set online.

Bamboo sheets with an amazing warranty: Layla Bamboo Sheets

layla bamboo sheets

It’s easier to shell out big bucks for sheets when you can rest assured you’ll still get your money’s worth if they wear out prematurely. That’s what makes these sheets so worth it — they come with a 120-night money-back guarantee and are covered for 5 years under the manufacturer’s warranty.

Cons: They come in only white and gray. *sad trombone*

Price: $$$$

Buy Layla Bamboo Sheets online.

Bamboo sheets with the best Amazon reviews: Hotel Sheets Direct 100% Bamboo 4 Piece Bed Sheet Set

Hotel Sheets direct bamboo

Nearly 12,000 enthusiastic Amazon reviews can’t be wrong. These sheets score high in comfort and affordability and come in a bunch of colors. Fun bonus: The queen-size pillowcases come with pockets.

Cons: The fitted sheet isn’t roomy enough for deeper mattresses. 

Price: $

Buy Hotel Sheets Direct 100% Bamboo 4 Piece Bed Sheet Set online.

Bamboo sheets that will never slip off the bed: Cosy House Luxury Bamboo Bed Sheets

Cosy House Bamboo Sheets

Smooth without being slick, these sheets have a plush feel, breathability, and plenty of moisture-wicking ability. But what people really seem to love is the 360-degree cinching and elastic corner straps around the fitted sheet to keep that baby in place.

Cons: The sheets contain some polyester, so they’re not pure bamboo.

Price: $$$

Buy Cosy House Luxury Bamboo Bed Sheets online.

Bamboo sheets that feel like serious adulting: Luxor Linens Bali Bamboo Luxury Sheet Set

Loxor Linens Bamboo Sheets

These sheets definitely say “A grown-up lives here,” thanks to the border stitching, the monogram option, and the fact that they don’t wrinkle when you wash them, so your bed always looks put together. Colors like plum, gold, and wine are tough to find elsewhere too. 

Cons: The sheets are a bamboo/microfiber blend. That brings the cost down, but they might not sleep as cool as pure bamboo sheets.

Price: $$$

Buy Luxor Linens Bali Bamboo Luxury Sheet Set online.

Best budget bamboo blend sheets: Zen Bamboo Luxury 1500 Series Bed Sheets

Zen Bamboo Luxury Bed Sheets

Want to get a feel for what sleeping in bamboo might be like without full-on investing? These sheets fit the bill. They’re a 40/60 blend of bamboo and polyester but still manage to be supersoft. If you peek through the Amazon reviews, you’ll see they seem to be a fave for college dorms and first apartments.

Cons: They might not be as cool and breathable as 100 percent bamboo sheets.

Price: $

Buy Zen Bamboo Luxury 1500 Series Bed Sheets online.

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