Chinae Alexander Proves Confidence Has Nothing to Do With Your Weight

Welcome to Behind the Confidence, a video series about the real, unfiltered journey to self-belief. We talked to four health and wellness pros who prove true confidence doesn't stem from a "like," nor does it magically happen overnight. It's about finding what makes you feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally.

When lifestyle blogger Chinae Alexander embarked on a journey to get healthier, she thought she had to slim down to build up her confidence. But after losing 70 pounds, Alexander felt more critical of herself than ever. "My worth became based on what other people thought of me," she says. Rather than drown in self-doubt, Alexander set out to regain her sense of self and take control of her confidence.

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Dining Without Destroying Your Weight Loss Efforts

Many people look forwards to eating out because it gives them a chance to have their favourite foods! The only problem is that when dining out there is a very good chance of destroying your weight loss efforts! (Been there, done that!) Especially if you are forced to dine out on a more regular basis.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

How to Increase Energy and Productivity in 4 Steps

Everyone wants to know how to increase energy and productivity, but there aren't many of us willing to do what it takes to achieve it. Most of us would simply like for someone to hand us a magic elixir that says, "drink this" (insert energy drink of choice here) and call her good. Nope, that is not the way to get the results I'm guessing you're looking for if you are reading this article.

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Engaging the New Healthcare Customer

The healthcare industry business model has transformed in fundamental ways and is now driven by consumerization. Healthcare providers have started aligning organizational focus to the patient using digital transformation methodologies.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from

Makeup Brushes or Makeup Sponges?

When it comes to makeup, every girl, regardless of what her age is, gets confused between a number of products and applicators. A foundation coverage, concealer application, or if it's a subtle bronzer look, you have to find something, other than your fingers of course, to feed your inner makeup enthusiast.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from

Involving Hispanics in More Trials

Studies indicate the Hispanic population is under represented when it comes to various studies. Being able to gather information on how their bodies tend to respond to certain medications is important. This is why many companies are conducting more clinical trials Hispanics are involved with. They are specifically looking for individuals of this decent to participate.

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The Real Deal on "Athleisure Beauty"—Straight From Experts

Going without makeup in everyday life is cool now *bows down to Alicia Keys.* But there’s a new expectation that maybe we should be wearing it while working out (the one time it seemed totally acceptable to skip it!). “Athleisure” makeup, targeting health-conscious, active women, is popping up all over beauty shelves from brands like Tarte, Birchbox, and (the aptly named) Sweat. Whether that makes you want to roll your unmascara-ed eyes or start shopping for a new contour cream you can wear to Spin class, here’s what you need to know, according to dermatologists.

Tarte Athleisure
Photo via Instagram @ninzeey

WTH is athleisure makeup?

“Many athleisure makeup products are waterproof and sweatproof—they’re designed for exercise,” explains Lauren Ploch, M.D., a dermatologist in Augusta, Georgia. Additionally, some feature natural ingredients that are less likely to clog pores during sweat sessions. That said, you don’t need them—even if you love wearing makeup to work out. It’s just smart marketing that’s capitalizing on the $97 billion athlesiure apparel industry. “Hundreds of products on the market offer the same benefits without the 'athleisure' label,” Dr. Ploch says.

Isn’t exercising with makeup on terrible for your skin?

Not necessarily. Any formula—athleisure or otherwise—that’s noncomedogenic (translation: won’t clog your pores) and/or oil-free, should be OK, Dr. Ploch says. To prevent a major breakout, avoid thick, heavy, or oil-based makeup, which can lead to acne when mixed with perspiration. “I like the power of powders when it comes to working out,” says Mona Gohara, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University. “They’re absorptive, but they can also conceal, and even add shimmer or bronzing.”

Athleisure Makeup
Photo: Sweat Cosmetics/Colorscience
Her favorite: Colorscience Sunforgettable Brush On Sunscreen, but the new Sweat Mineral Foundation SPF 30 Twist Brush has a similar formula. And if you wear mascara to the gym, just make sure it's waterproof, so it doesn't run into your eyes. Your go-to favorite will do the trick; no need to purchase one from an active beauty line (unless you want to!).

Any pre- and post-workout skin care tips I should follow?

Before you put on any makeup pre workout, wash your face with a gentle cleanser to start with a clean slate, Dr. Ploch says. We like BeautyRX Gentle Cream Cleanser. And don’t forget to apply sunblock if you’re going to be exercising outdoors or near a window. “Noncomedogenic sunscreen is a must for exercise so that your pores don’t trap sweat, dirt, and oil,” she says. Look for a mineral one with zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide like Colorscience or Sweat mentioned above. If it’s tinted, it can double as makeup.

After exercise, wash your face with a non-soap cleanser, Dr. Gohara says. Or stash some cleansing wipes or micellar water, which removes makeup and cleans your skin without needing to be rinsed, in your gym bag so you can freshen up on the go, she suggests. We love Simple Skincare Cleansing Face Wipes, or Yes to Coconut Ultra Hydrating Micellar Cleansing Water.

I'd go #makeupfree at the gym...if I looked like Alicia Keys...

You might also like READ We hear ya. Although we'd encourage you to embrace the skin you're in, if you’re bothered by acne, dark circles, or redness, consider seeing a dermatologist to discuss treatments, Dr. Ploch says. “It’s important to address any insecurities about the skin so that makeup can be fun and optional, not a necessity,” she says. Derm not an option? We get that too. You can always just spot conceal with a concealer to avoid a face full of makeup at the gym. Try: Cover FX Cream Concealer or Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Concealer for blemishes.

So what's the bottom line?

Do whatever is going to make you feel the most confident and perform your best during a workout. If that means fully done up, look for noncomedogenic makeup or formulas that are waterproof—but just know that those don't necessarily have to be labeled "athleisure" or "active." If it means going completely barefaced, right on. You do you. Just be aware of this new marketing trend and shop accordingly.

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A 30-Minute Yoga Series to Will Ease Neck and Shoulder Tension

We all tend to hold a lot of stress and tension in our neck and shoulders, especially if we're bent over our phones or sitting at a desk all day. It's important to take a few minutes each week to reverse that tightness and this 30-minute restorative yin yoga class does the trick.

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Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga in which you hold fewer poses for an extended period of time to increase circulation, improve flexibility and mobility, and reduce stress and anxiety. In this class, you'll slowly flow through postures that will help eliminate tension and tightness in your neck, shoulders, and upper body. It's exactly what you need after a long, hard day. You'll feel lighter, looser, and less stressed. Just grab a yoga mat to get started.

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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Reputation Is Important When It Comes to Credible Studies

LatAm clinical trials continues to be a leader in this industry. They have a very good reputation for being objective, offering excellent studies, and sharing results. They don't always like outcome of their findings, but they aren't biased in what they report with them. They continue to try new studies with integrity, with specific desired outcomes, and to offer information.

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Weight Loss - The Best Tried And Tested Fat Burner Options

Are you looking for a little extra jump-start to your weight loss results? If so, you may be checking out the fat burner options available to you. Many people go this route, thinking they will give them a nice little boost - and they can. When used correctly, many fat burners offer significant benefits. But you do need to understand how these fat burners work and an appropriate way to use them. Let's go over the best tried and tested weight loss ingredients you should be looking for when seeking out a fat burner...

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Everything You Need To Know About The Flu Shot

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Dealing With Influenza In Children

Everybody knows that influenza outbreaks happen every year starting sometime around the end of October and ending sometime in April. But did you know that it is not the same virus that causes these influenza symptoms every year? The virus that causes an outbreak one year is different from the virus that causes the next year's outbreak. This is one of the reasons why the CDC advises people of all ages to get a flu shot every year to protect themselves before the flu season starts.

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Nom Nom Paleo's Michelle Tam Shares Her 8 Favorite Paleo-Friendly Recipes

The Answer to Avoiding Breakfast

Do you know what is the most important meal of the day is? OK I know we have all heard that one before! But if breakfast really is the most important meal of the day why do so many people end up skipping on it?

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Use Water Purifiers To Stay Fit And Healthy

Everyone has his own style of achieving fitness. Some run, do exercise, sum chooses to walk, and some just drink water. Well the last one is the most unique way to stay fit. Some people also say that drinking water is the best exercise fuel as one just can't resist for long without drinking water.

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How to Tell If Your Friendship Has Expired

We don’t celebrate our true girlfriends enough. I’m talking about those most treasured, ride-or-die gal pals, the ones who smuggle a tube of slice-and-bake cookie dough into a showing of Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights when that boy you are in love with sends you an email telling you that the thing he will regret most in his entire life is hooking up with you. The ones who gamely volunteer to escort you to an event where your ex will be with his much younger, skinnier new girlfriend. The women who help execute the birthday night out you accidentally fabricated to get a boy you have a crush on to hang out with you. And the very ones who then arrive, once more, with a tub of frosting and bottle of Sauvignon blanc, when you realize it was probably unwise to fabricate a birthday night out when you are in the middle of a major depressive episode.

These are good fruit, several rungs up from the perfectly nice Costco fruit who make up your acquaintances and work-only work friends. In fact, these women aren't just good fruit, they're a whole flipping Edible Arrangement, chocolate-covered pineapple wedges included.

An edible arrangement full of friends, being super supportive
Seriously, is there anything better than those pineapple wedges? / Illustration by the author, Mikayla Park

But friendships are hard, so much harder and potentially painful than anyone ever makes them out to be. I know you know this, because when we were 7, it hurt like a b*tch when Paige told you that you were no longer her best friend, but her second best friend, because Marielle is her first best friend because she gave her a brownie bite at snack time.

And as you’ve no doubt learned, friendship actually gets worse and harder as you get older and better at bullsh*tting, because you will eventually tag Paige when you post a Buzzfeed listicle of the "10 Things That Are True When You've Been Best Friends Since Kindergarten," but will tell Marielle over margaritas how Paige is a hot mess and you wouldn't even believe what she did in the bathroom at Bar Lubitsch last weekend.

The truth is that good girlfriends are actually excessively hard to come by, and bad girlfriends are lurking everywhere: in the breakroom, at Pilates class, in ourselves! Everyone’s worst girlfriend nature is always just around the corner, waiting to ensnare you with lines like, Your style is so cute, I wish I could pull that look off, and You wouldn't believe what my ex just posted on Instagram.

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I had a friend like that. We’ll call her What's-Her-Face, to preserve her anonymity (and my safety). She came to me in a usual friend way; we were thrown together in a work setting and had instant girlfriend chemistry. We sheepishly admitted to each other, after our first Will-You-Be-My-Friend lunch, that we had each called our respective mothers to tell them we had made a new friend, and how great she was.

I found What’s-Her-Face at a critical time for friend-making: I was in the midst of my cataclysmic breakup/disengagement; my ex was moving out in an extremely slow and painful way, and I often feared for my safety in the face of his terrifyingly heightened emotional states. She was sympathetic and generous, allowed me to crash at her place, and welcomed me into her circle of friends when I was left friendless, having disengaged long ago with everyone other than him, caught in the nasty isolation that forms in a codependent relationship. Best of all, she was full of issues of her own and had no qualms about acquainting me very intimately with all of them, which allowed me an escape the drama tornado that was my life.

What's-Her-Face's generosity with me was in curious contrast to her generally selfish emotional landscape, which she attributed to longstanding issues with abandonment and a damaged self-worth. I understood her failings, and used them to excuse her (somewhat regular) bad behavior. She had been devastated by an ex-boyfriend who was by any standard a sh*tty person, and who had used her weaknesses to manipulate her. This meant that talking her through an emotional episode was like traversing a minefield; say the wrong thing, and she exploded in anger and confusion. This exhausted me, but perversely, I also liked it. I didn't want to take care of my baby of an ex anymore, but without someone to tend to, I felt bereft. It was nice to feel needed again.

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I eventually moved out of the apartment I used to share with him, eager to start fresh. About a month after I moved into an adorable, tiny studio in Beverly Hills, I received the opportunity of a lifetime to travel to Africa for several months of work. While I packed and emptied my fridge of perishables, What’s-Her-Face sat on my couch and updated me about her ex's appearances on social media. As we were walking out the door, she asked me to give her my house key, so that she could check up on the place every once in a while. I had been planning on asking my neighbor, with whom I had developed a very nice, budding, almost-girlfriendship, but What’s-Her-Face insisted, so I acquiesced.

We kept in touch while I was in Africa, but my access to the internet was limited. We were granted a restricted amount of data per week, and I spent a lot of it receiving blurry photos of my dog from my mother.

What's-Her-Face was going through a particularly difficult time, something involving her ex, who remembers. She had an exceptionally bad moment while I was either working or sleeping or downloading a blurry photo of a dog... whatever the case, I was on the other side of the planet, unable to answer. Feeling abandoned, What’s-Her-Face’s next conversation with me was an explosive one, or as explosive as things can get on Gchat (it involved a lot of caps lock). Tired and busy and a little homesick, I just wasn’t having any of it. That was the last time I spoke to her while I was abroad.

As punishment, What’s-Her-Face proceeded to not check on my apartment once in the two months I was gone, where a large trash bag of rotten fruit I had forgotten to take downstairs spent the summer generating the most massive colony of fruit flies I have ever seen.

Fruit flies, being their terrible selves.
Fruit flies will never be your friends. / Illustration by the author, Mikayla Park

Do you know how fruit flies manage to seemingly appear out of nowhere? They're teeny-tiny little assh*les, that's how. They can get through microscopic crevices in walls and windows, and all you need is one to lay up to 500 eggs in all your old, rotty fruit. And anyone who has had the pleasure of being acquainted with those worthless, microscopic jerks knows that, once you've had them in a bad way, it's impossible to truly get rid of them. I've had a problem with fruit flies ever since, and every time I kill one, I think of What’s-Her-Face. Much like our friendship, which was based on convenience and the mutual using of one another, all it took was one no-good piece, and the whole thing went up in a mushroom cloud of nasty fruitflies. That's a rotten girlfriendship for you.

It's been two years since I've spoken to What’s-Her-Face, and my life is immeasurably better. I have girlfriends now who are truly the greatest gifts I could ever ask for, kind and honest and weird and true, and I do my best to treasure and honor our friendships in the way they deserve; I do my best to answer texts even when my anxiety tells me NO YOU CAN’T TALK TO ANYONE RIGHT NOW; I send unsolicited Justin Bieber remixes via iTunes; I love their boyfriends unconditionally, unless we’re mad at them. And I’ve learned to channel my nurturing instincts in a far more harmless and acceptable way: by smothering the sh*t out of my dogs.

What's-Her-Face is now happily coupled and living an extremely posh, idyllic life, according to Instagram. I would like to believe that she's changed, that love may be so transformative, that this man's companionship could turn a selfish, emotionally unstable girl into the perfect friend and lover. But I would also really like to believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists. So there's that.

The Loch Ness monster, wearing a fruit hat, and being awesome.
The Loch Ness Monster can really pull off that Carmen Miranda hat, amirite? / Illustration by the author, Mikayla Park.

Cherish your girlfriends. Get rid of the bad ones. Don't keep old fruit in your apartment. Life’s too short for all that, good friendships are too rare for all that, and you never want to get to the point where you’re unceremoniously killing fruit flies with your hands... not that I do that, who says I do that? That’s disgusting.

Mikayla Park is a teacher/nonprofit creative person residing in the slums of Beverly Hills. Find her, and her two charming rescue dogs, everywhere at @mikaylapark.

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The Internet of Things and Medical Records Archiving

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7 Dessert Recipes With Zero Added Sugar (Seriously, Not Even Honey)

I've Spent 10 Years Helping People Lose Weight… Here Are My Best Tips

For 10 years, I’ve been the force behind, which simplifies the weight-loss process into practical, sustainable behaviors that help you lose weight and actually keep it off. It hasn’t always been easy, but I believed enough in my program to quit my comfortable job for it. I’ve since made a career out of working with clients who have "tried everything" but just haven’t managed to keep the weight off. One client had attempted 16 different programs before finding success with me.

The truth is, you can lose weight with almost any program, but sustaining that weight loss is a different story altogether. My program has been a success because clients can fly the nest after acquiring the necessary skills—I don’t want anyone to come back as repeat business. Here the top weight-loss strategies that make my clients so successful.

1. Schedule fun for yourself.

Tension relief is one of the top reasons we overeat and make poor food choices. When something causes us to feel tense, we seek to alleviate that feeling… often with overly indulgent food and drinks. As we get older, we make less time for fun, which leads to burnout.

What defines fun for you? Consider signing up for art classes, salsa lessons, volunteering, board games, meditation, yoga, even cooking healthier spins on your favorite foods. Focusing on fun might sound trite, but there's a good reason my most successful clients create time for it: The more fun we have, the less we'll rely on food and drink to create it for us.

2. Learn that food isn’t what you’re really craving...

...what you’re craving is avoidance. When we indulge, we’re after the experience of eating—the escape and distraction. So when you want to eat an entire pint of ice cream, what you’re really after is that sense of reward. But food won’t give you what you're truly looking for, so when you’re craving something that will hamper your goals, ask yourself: "If I could use a magic button to change something in my life right now, what would I use it for?" This will help you identify what’s really bothering you. For example, if you’re unhappy with your career, or you’re seeking a better relationship with your partner, identifying these issues will help you map out a plan of action instead of covering up a desire with temporary relief in the form of dessert.

3. Understand that 80 percent of weight loss is diet.

You know how some people can work their butts off in the gym—even with a trainer—and they don’t end up looking any different? You can't out-exercise a poor diet; what you do between exercise matters most. While exercise is the key to energy and a better mood, diet is the key to weight loss.

4. Plan and prepare meals ahead of time.

We often have to battle between our short-term, irrational mind and our long-term, rational mind. When we’re hungry, stressed, or tired, it’s harder to make good choices. Besides, when was the last time you were "in the mood" for grilled chicken and vegetables when you felt ravenous? Sure, you might not always follow through with your healthy-eating plans, but the chances you’ll do so increase dramatically when you actually have a plan in the first place. You don’t get any bonus points for using heroic willpower rather than simple planning, so why not make it easier on yourself? My most successful clients always have healthy food ready to go in the fridge—this just makes good choices easier.

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5. Choose a truly sustainable path.

This might sound like common sense, but it’s not common practice. You can’t expect to stick with a plan that won’t work in the long run, but people keep attempting absurd fad diets. Forget about them! You can only follow a cookie, shake, grapefruit, cabbage, no-carb, and no-fun diet for so long—and my most successful clients avoid these diets. Before you start any weight-loss program, ask yourself, "Can I see myself eating like this in five years from now?" If the answer is no, then the diet you’re thinking about starting isn’t going to work. Give yourself a chance to succeed from the start.

6. Determine if you’re actually hungry before you eat.

One of the top reasons people are overweight is because they eat when they're emotionally hungry, not physically hungry. Physical hunger comes on gradually and can be satisfied with any food. It passes what I call the "Broccoli Test."

Emotional hunger comes on suddenly. It feels urgent and is marked by specific food cravings. You can have snack after snack, and nothing hits the spot. This is because you're not hungry for food—you're hungry for something else. So when you’re about to eat, pause and ask yourself, "Am I hungry or am I eating to change the way I feel?" This will allow you to catch yourself if you're about to eat for emotional reasons, not out of true hunger.

7. Plan your indulgences.

I’ll never forget when a client told me that before starting one of her many failed diet attempts, she was told to sign a contract stating she’d never indulge in any of her favorite desserts again. If only it were that easy—that’s like saying "Don’t be sad" to someone who’s depressed. It’s ridiculous. Never indulging again isn’t sustainable... or even desirable.

You should eat treats when they’re special to you. My rule is that your special indulgence should pass the "Will I remember this in two weeks?" test. Most of the indulgences we eat aren’t remarkable—they’re bags of chips or boxes of stale-tasting cookies from a convenience store. The idea is to make the most of routine meals and indulge when it’s truly worth your while. Wait for a memorable treat like a high-quality pastry from your favorite shop.

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The real secret to sustainable weight loss is that there is no secret. It's about eating well, exercising… and doing these consistently. Understanding what gets in the way of consistency—and how to be more steady in your efforts—is the only way to stick with a plan and get the results you really want.

Adam Gilbert is the founder of, an online program that solves the lack of consistency faced by chronic dieters. You can follow Adam on his blog, Instagram, and Twitter.

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23 Healthier Ways to Get Your Cookie Dough Fix

What Makes a Good OB/GYN?

A lot of people have never given much thought on what makes a good OB/GYN despite the significance or importance of the concept. However, the need to know what makes a good OB/GYN gains significance when a woman is trying to conceive or take care of a baby. Knowing what makes a good OB/GYN might be the difference between having an easy time dealing with the issues of child birth and taking care of a baby, and having sleepless nights or negative outcomes. Therefore, it is vital for every individual to comprehend what makes a good OB/GYN. Below are the characteristics and traits of a good OB/GYN. Although they are not exhaustive, they offer critical insight into what a good OB/GYN should look like or behave.

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What Will and Will Not Happen If/When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Is Replaced

Repealing the ACA will NOT change Meaningful Use (MU) requirements. Meaningful Use requirements are changing and prudence suggests paying close attention. MU has transitioned to MACRA (Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act). Get expert advice on each issue from skilled consultants.

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Finding The Most Suitable Orthopedic Surgeon - What Matters?

Long term joint pain, muscle or tendon pain can be frustrating. These pains make some of the most common musculoskeletal problems and they can be as a result of strains, sprains and overuse. The pain is most common on shoulders, back, knees, hip and ankles. It may be a good idea to seek medical assistance when the pain takes a bit longer to subside so you can reduce the chances of it developing into a more serious issue.

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This Miracle Gadget Makes Homemade Almond Milk in 30 Seconds

We love adding almond milk to our coffee or tea, but the kind you buy at the store tends to be full of additives and other junk we don't really need. You could make your own almond milk, but it leaves you with a huge mess—unless you have the Almond Cow. This gadget grinds almonds and strains the pulp in 30 seconds, meaning you can have almond milk pretty much whenever you want. Healthy, tasty, and convenient? Yeah, we love it.

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Meet the 105-Year-Old Who Still Teaches Yoga

When we think of a yogi, we imagine someone who's beach-y and chill and, well, young. Lil Hansen is far from that stereotype. She may be 105, but she still glides right into warrior II like it's NBD while teaching a weekly yoga class at her local senior center. Hansen credits her regular yoga practice as one of the reasons she's lived so long. Talk about inspirational, right?

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Chinae Alexander Gets Real About the Struggle of Following Your Dreams

Welcome to Behind the Confidence, a video series about the real, unfiltered journey to self-belief. We talked to four health and wellness pros who prove true confidence doesn't stem from a "like," nor does it magically happen overnight. It's about finding what makes you feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Confidence is different for everyone. To lifestyle blogger and social media maven Chinae Alexander, it's a learned thing—one she's been working on ever since she was young.

From moving around a lot as a child to following her dreams straight to New York City, Alexander's path to confidence has been totally unpredictable. But with every twist and turn, she's stayed true to herself and pursued what makes her happy. She let us in on the exact moment that she found her confidence and how she finally made her dreams happen.

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Pure Garcinia is Safe for Weight Loss

Pure garcinia is one of the most effective methods in controlling diabetes, cholesterol and weight loss. People also looking to lose weight or control ailments like diabetes, cholesterol should buy pure garcinia pills. Its helps to increase metabolism rates.

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7 Caribbean Recipes So You Can Pretend Your Kitchen Is the Beach

6 Simple Ways to Break Away From Your Phone More

No Regrets With Susie Moore
Look, you already know why you shouldn’t be on your phone so much. There’s even evidence that people ages 18 to 24 send more than 100 daily text messages and check their cellphones about 60 times per day. So if you account for eight hours of daily sleep, that means that, on average, you check your phone nearly every 15 minutes and send more than six texts per hour.

This makes me wonder: How on Earth do we get anything done? And can we really keep it up without impacting our health, from our mental alertness to our real-life engagements… not to mention our ability to exist anxiety free without our fingers wrapped around a smartphone?

Social media addiction is a trending topic; our inbox dependence feels like the foundation of our career. There’s an app for everything—from seeking S.O.s to buying burritos to mellowing out with meditation. It’s no wonder our smartphone feels like an extension of our mind and body.

But it’s not. Here are six ways to stay sane and centered... and enjoy life in living color.

1. Enjoy your errands.

As a productivity addict, I love using wait times at the bank, Walgreens, and Trader Joe’s to write emails. But at least once a day, when I walk my dog, post a letter, pick up a bottle of Pinot, or even nip out for a mani, I leave my phone on charge.

As soon as I step out sans phone, I notice the smell of the air, the light of the sky, the hilarity of my dog sniffing every tiny thing on the ground… and I feel the delicious sensation of my body just loosening up. It feels good. Your inbox can survive without you for 30 minutes, I promise.

The worst that can happen is you miss an Instagrammable moment. You’ll live. And yep—you’ll actually be living, not just documenting. Enjoy it.

2. Go push free.

Yup, you can lose all those buzzing, useless notifications that distract you every few minutes. Aside from texts and calendar reminders, I no longer get any of these. I have to proactively check my apps to see if I’ve received an email, a tweet, a Whatsapp message, a friend request, or an alert about someone sharing something lame on LinkedIn. This means I see stuff I don’t really care about maybe just once per day. It’s liberating. The world can wait—I’m enjoying my tea!

3. Kick it old school.

When was the last time you bought an actual book, put your feet up, and dove on in? The same goes for a magazine or the paper. Instead of scrolling or swiping on a Sunday morning, why not grasp something real—in ink? Sometimes there’s no substitute for paper.

4. Sweat.

As much as it pains me to admit that exercise has yet another benefit—I prefer anything, even cleaning my oven, to working out!—the one thing I really appreciate about spin class is the "no phones allowed" policy.

This gives me 45 minutes of undisturbed Me Time, no exceptions. It feels almost naughty and indulgent to be unreachable, even if only for a little while. I use this time to repeat my affirmations and visualize achieving my goals, instead of checking my texts and Facebook updates.

5. Give yourself a curfew.

I opt for an "electronic sundown," which is when you put all your devices away an hour before bed. You’ll probably sleep better too! Do some stretches. Light some candles. Journal. Talk to your spouse or roommate. Meditate. Have sex. There's so much more to life than stuff involving a screen!

6. Buy an alarm clock.

They are $10. If nothing else, let the first minutes of your day be phone free. Actually taste your coffee. Set an intention for the next 24 hours. Breathe. It’s a major win if you’ve just started the morning with no external influence.

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What will you do this week to let go of your device for a bit and inject some you-time into your life? Don’t stress; you’re not breaking up with your phone. You’re just taking some time away from each other. And all relationships benefit from a little space.

Susie Moore is Greatist's life coach columnist and a confidence coach in New York City. Always wanted to pursue your own passion? Sign up for her Side Hustle Prep School. You can also sign up for free weekly wellness tips on her website and check back every Tuesday on Greatist for her latest No Regrets column!

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Enhance Your Beauty With Organic Beauty Products

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for organic and natural beauty products. A vast majority of beauty conscious people like to choose these over other cosmetic products for various reasons. The main reason is that these products do not use any chemical or inorganic element in these in order to enhance your beauty. It takes natural care of your beauty without giving any side effect.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from

Burning Fat Is Simple, But Not Obvious

Despite what many people will tell you, being active is a vital ingredient to any weight loss program. If you have been around the weight loss game for any amount of time, it is very obvious that your body will burn more calories when it is active than when it is non-active! In fact, the formula to losing weight is actually a simple one: burn more calories than you consume!

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from

Why I Quit My Women's Gym (and Won't Ever Go Back)

“It’s not about the numbers,” the trainer said as she placed a printout full of numbers and complicated charts in front of me. It was my second encounter with the InBody machine, a souped-up scale that measures not just your weight, but also your BMI and the exact percentages of fat and lean muscle in every region of your body.

“The good news is that your lean muscle mass percentage is up!” she continued as I studied the charts. “Yeah, but so are all the other numbers,” I replied, too tired to keep the discouragement from my voice. I’d been unhappy at my gym for a while. I told myself it was all in my head, though, because surely going to the gym was good for me. But here was evidence that it wasn’t working after all—the numbers didn’t lie. I’d been working out regularly for 18 months with no discernible results—in fact, I felt worse about myself than when I’d started.

When I joined Healthworks, a chain of women’s gyms in Boston, I’d just relocated after a painful divorce, and my body was becoming something I didn’t recognize. My weight crept up pound by pound, as though my metabolism had packed its bags around the same time my husband had packed his.

While considering which gym to join, it was the perks of Healthworks—the spa-like locker rooms, the two floors of cardio machines and weights, the on-site massage therapist, the full schedule of group fitness classes—that I found more appealing than the absence of men. In fact, if I’m being totally honest, a little male attention wouldn’t have been entirely unwelcome at that juncture in my life. But in addition to those perks, I was also drawn to the idea of a community of women, a female fitness utopia. What I didn’t anticipate was that this community of women would cause me to scrutinize myself with hyper-judgmental eyes, comparing my body to each and every woman in the locker room, or on the bike or mat beside mine.

During my first meeting with the InBody machine at a complimentary session after I’d joined the gym, the trainer had drawn a convex curve on the back of the printout, showing me how the numbers were reflected in my body. “What you eventually want is a concave curve,” she said, drawing another shape. She showed me a few simple exercises, encouraged me to check out the group fitness classes, and sent me on my way. The journey from convex to concave curve seemed steep indeed.

The juxtaposition of the gym’s message of female empowerment and the display of traditional beauty standards was striking, and for me, confusing.

For the next 18 months, I dutifully showed up to the gym, either in the mornings before work or in the evenings after work. I soon found that even though I felt virtuous commuting to the gym in the early morning darkness, that feeling faded as soon as I lined up my mat for barre class or climbed on a bike in the cycling studio. Though there were certainly women of all shapes and sizes, my mind would inevitably focus on everyone who was younger, prettier, and in better shape than I was. I felt like my squats were never deep enough, my weights weren’t heavy enough, my RPMs on the stationary bike weren’t fast enough.

But being the slowest and least coordinated was nothing new to me—as a child, my lack of hand-eye coordination was so bad that I was sent to what they called “special” gym, an additional gym class where the rest of the functionally “slow” kids and I would throw Nerf balls at targets and skip around orange cones to practice our motor skills. My most vivid memory of these classes was getting hit in the face with a basketball. As a result, I developed an aversion to physical activity that lasted until college, when I learned that exercising on my own terms was a lot more fun than institutionalized physical education.

For me, the real challenge was the locker room—a gauntlet of double standards. The locker room featured a sauna, Jacuzzi, and steam room, along with banks of mirrors, hair dryers, cotton balls, tissues, body lotion, and a clothing steamer. Every shower was equipped with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shower caps, disposable razors, and clean towels. It was nice, but the message was clear—women should go to the gym to get lean and toned, but only if they can still look pretty afterward.

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I’d never felt less schooled in the ways of womanhood than I did in the Healthworks locker room, getting ready for work alongside dozens of other women. Each morning was like a scene from the backstage of a beauty pageant (or at least what they look like in the movies), as we jockeyed for space in front of a mirror to apply makeup and style our hair.

The juxtaposition of the gym’s message of female empowerment and the display of traditional beauty standards was striking, and for me, confusing. There was something disingenuous about lifting weights, doing push-ups and squats, cycling so hard that sweat poured into my eyes, and then stripping off the spandex, rinsing clean, beating my hair into shape, and smearing on layers of makeup to make sure any trace of sweat or effort was eradicated from my face.

I didn’t feel strong enough, fast enough, or skinny enough...

It wasn’t long before I began to dread the gym and its familiar feelings of inadequacy. I didn’t feel strong enough, fast enough, or skinny enough, and on top of that, my hair was all wrong, and I couldn’t afford the high-end makeup and clothing the other women wore (thanks in part to my expensive gym membership). I began to go less and less, which led to the disappointing lack of results at my second InBody session and a downward spiral of guilt.

A week after that appointment, I walked into the gym and declared my intention to quit. After a few half-hearted attempts at getting me to stay (more training sessions, a discounted massage), they had me sign a piece of paper, and it was over—well, technically, my membership was still active for another two months because of gym regulations, but I never went back after that day. I walked out of the gym feeling stronger than I’d felt in months.

Now I roll out my yoga mat most mornings when I wake up and do either a free online yoga video or a barre workout from a website for which I pay a small monthly membership (less than 1/3 of what I was paying for my gym membership). In the corner of my bedroom, I have my own mini-gym—three sets of hand weights, a resistance band, a core ball, and two yoga mats. When the Boston weather cooperates, I go for a run around the pond near my apartment or a long walk through the Arboretum.

While I no longer have a sense of the exact percentages of fat and lean muscle mass in my right arm, I do know that I’m rediscovering the simple joy of moving my body on my own terms, of exercising not because I’m paying a monthly membership or feel an obligation, but because I want to. And I’m no longer competing with all of the other women in the locker room. The only standard I’m reaching for these days is getting better than I was the day before.

Jill Gallagher is an editor and writer in Boston. Her work has appeared in Buzzfeed, Volume 1 Brooklyn, Publisher’s Weekly, and the Ploughshares blog.

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