I Try To Avoid Taking In Calories At Night, So How Will I Manage To Eat All Of My Medifast Meals?

Sometimes, when people want to begin the medifast diet, they already have some healthy habits in place. And they are wondering how to incorporate the diet into a plan that has already become a habit. One example is trying not to eat anything too late at night.

Someone might say: "for the last couple of months, I have made it a rule of mine not to eat after 7pm. I've heard people say that you should never eat after seven because at that time, most people aren't really active. They are getting ready for bed and for the next day. So there is really no way to burn off what you eat at night. I have seen some results from this. But not enough. So I'd like to try medifast.

However, I do have some concerns about fitting in all five meals plus my lean and green. The way that I figure it, that's breakfast and lunch plus three snacks or a dessert. It's going to be very hard not to eat after seven this way. I figure I can get in mid morning and mid afternoon snack. But then that last meal might be a night time snack, which would naturally occur after seven. I do not want to get into this habit. What can I do?"

There are many options here. I'll discuss them to see if any would work for you. First of all, you could have your lean and green meal for breakfast or lunch. Nothing says that it must be at dinner time. If you did this and still had your mid morning and mid afternoon snacks, then the only thing left would be dinner. And you could have a medifast meal for that - perhaps the ziti, the chili, the sloppy joe, or the macaroni and cheese.

Another option is to have one of the medifast drinks upon waking up. Maybe the hot chocolate or cappuccino. If you have this instead of your regular morning coffee and then you have a medifast breakfast, then you've already taken that last meal off of the table.

Another thing that people will do is to mix or combine the meals into one sitting. This isn't how the diet is designed, but the thinking behind this is that it's better to get in all your meals by combining them instead of skipping. So, perhaps you would have the diet pancakes with hot chocolate at breakfast - which makes for two meals. Or soup with one of the fruit drinks for lunch.
Finally, if there are times when you just can't swing it or are running late one day, keep in mind that the diet meals are very small. Most are right around 100 calories. I think what people who say they don't eat late really mean is that she doesn't eat large amounts after 7. But I think there are ways to arrange your meals so that you are completely done by 7. However, if there are times when this just doesn't work out logistically, then taking in an additional 100 calories probably won't be catastrophic.

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