The 15-Minute Power Yoga Workout for Beginners

“Power yoga for beginners” sounds kind of ironic. After all, it's a style of yoga typically favored by experienced yogis. But don't roll up your mat just yet! You don’t have to be able to do crazy arm balances—or have any prior yoga experience at all—to do this 15-minute routine.

What is power yoga? The answer varies depending on the studio or teacher. For me, it means moving dynamically (and continuously) with your breath for a heating, full-body workout.

Since it involves flowing through many poses in rapid succession, it can be challenging for yoga newbies who aren't super familiar with the poses. So in this routine, I took the two core principles of power yoga—breath-based movement and flowing between the poses—and made the flows simpler and safer than traditional chaturanga vinyasa taught in many studios. The workout is still heating and meditative, but accessible to all levels—even if you’ve never set foot in a yoga studio before.

Ready to enjoy your first power yoga class? Take a deep breath and press play.

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