Greatist and KIND Snacks Reconnect Movement

Constant connectivity has changed the way we work, socialize, and even eat (only after we’ve jumped on Instagram to share our impending meal with friends, of course). But imagine what might happen if we took a break from our always-on lifestyles and reconnected—with ourselves, with other people, and with the things that really matter. We're teaming up with KIND Snacks this summer to present Reconnect, a program designed to help us rethink what it means to be connected. Like our friends at KIND, we truly believe that the small things we do every day (meditating for five minutes or smiling at a stranger) can add up to make a powerful impact on our own lives and the lives of those around us. And that's a pretty awesome domino effect to see unfold!

We'll focus on one theme per month, starting with Unplug in July. Come back to this page anytime see the newest monthly themes and all your favorite stories in one central location. And don’t forget to join the conversation using #letsreconnect on social!

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