This Plus-Size Woman Had a Stellar Response After Being Told to "Rethink Those Shorts"

When it's hot out, you put on a pair of shorts. The outfit choice doesn't mean you're inviting comments from strangers. But that's exactly what happened to Brynne Huffman. While waiting in line at the UPS store, a woman told Huffman: "You should probably rethink the shorts." The painfully ironic part? This woman was wearing a coexist t-shirt, which promotes tolerance. So Huffman responded: "Rethink your shirt."

Check out a photo of Huffman in the now-famous shorts and read an excerpt of her story, originally posted on the Love What Matters Facebook page, below:

Today I put on a pair of mid-thigh denim shorts, a flowy white blouse, flip flops and left the house to run a couple errands...

My second errand of the morning was a drop off at the UPS store. I stood in line between two women. Woman No. 1 in front of me was about 60. As I took my place in line behind her, she smiled and complimented me on my tan and my hair. We chitchatted about the weather and children until it was her turn at the counter.

It the spirit of paying it forward, I turned to Woman No. 2 behind me and smiled. Woman No. 2 was probably about 30-35, very attractive, about a size 8, wearing a shirt that says "COEXIST."

She says: "Your hair really is amazing." ::cocks head to side:: "You should probably rethink the shorts though."

My face instantly flushes, not out of embarrassment but anger. No, not anger. Rage... Because I don't have time to get arrested today, what came out was this:

"You should probably rethink your shirt."

I turned around and ignored her until I left the store. I wanted to say more but was afraid, of all things, that I would start crying. All I wanted to do was go home and change my clothes. And THAT made me angry...

You might have an issue with my body. I don't. And I've worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, passed divorce, passed depression to NOT have an issue with my body.

Women. Do not tear each other down.

Celebrate each other.

Every day.

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