A Super Chill Yoga Flow That Will Help You Beat the Sunday Scaries

The struggle on Sundays is all too real. You wake up with the optimism of a Saturday—it's still the weekend, after all—but soon, noon turns into 4 p.m. and the scaries start to set it. *shudder* The thought of waking up early to go back to work sends a shiver down your spine, and you consider cocooning in a blanket and suppressing your anxiety with a Seamless order and a Netflix marathon. But you did that last Sunday and woke up feeling worse. Ugh. Instead, try practicing a relaxing yoga flow to calm your nerves, so you can morph into a productive member of society for the week ahead.

We tapped Sjana Elise, one of the new instructors for Kayla Itsines's SWEAT App, to help us create a completely customizable yoga flow for max relaxation. "I love yoga because it reduces stress, eases your mind, and soothes your soul," Elise says.

How to use this flow: We broke this flow out into four parts: Calm, Strength, Balance, and Stretching. Choose which sequence meets your needs then flow through as many times as desired. Match each move to your breath (starting on an inhale) and feel free to pair any or all of the sequences together. To play all four videos straight through, click here.

Calm Sequence:
Prayer Hands - Anjali Mudra
Upward Salute - Urdhva Hastasana
Forward Fold - Uttanasana
Half-Forward Fold - Ardha Uttanasana
Child’s Pose - Balasana
Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog - Bhujangasana / Urdhvamukha Svanasana
Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Half-Forward Fold - Ardha Uttanasana
Forward Fold - Uttanasana
Upward Salute - Urdhva Hastasana
Prayer Hands - Anjali Mudra

Strength Sequence:
Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Three-Legged Dog - Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
Warrior I - Virabhadrasana
Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II
Extended Side Angle - Utthita Parsvakonasana
Reverse Warrior - Viparita Virabhadrasana
-Repeat on other side-

Balance Sequence:
Child’s Pose - Balasana
Plank - Kumbhakasana
Side Plank - Vasisthasana
One-Legged Side Plank - Eka Pada Vasisthasana
Child’s Pose - Balasana
-Repeat on other side-

Stretching Sequence:
Lying Hamstring Stretch (Bent)
Lying Hamstring Stretch (Straight)
-Repeat on other side-
Corpse - Savasana

For more yoga flows and workouts that you can customize to your lifestyle and goals, check out the new SWEAT App (available at the App Store and Google Play), which includes workouts from Kayla Itsines, Kelsey Wells, and Sjana Elise.

from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2gH9azH

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