Premature Ejaculation Isn’t a Joke—and Neither Is This App That Gives Guys a Helping Hand

Finishing too soon is a more serious problem than you probably think. Studies estimate that it affects nearly one in three men. It can be embarassing and confusing, but the good news is with a little training, guys can see major improvements.

That's where Pea, the premature ejaculation app, comes in. So, what does this app actually do? “Just think of it like training for a race," Brennen Belich, the app's founder (who struggled with the issue himself), said on Product Hunt. "If you want to be able to run for 30 minutes straight, you wouldn’t train by sprinting for two minutes, getting tired, and giving up.” In other words, those solo sessions aren't doing you any good if they're speedy.

The app (currently available for iOS devices) teaches men to add foreplay when masturbating and even comes with a timer to help with endurance. Sure, some of this sounds silly, but it’s important to discover what brings you pleasure while also meeting your partner's needs too.

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Sharing a Photo of Your Dad Bod Is Now a Charitable Act

We thought we were done hearing about the dad bod, but that won't be the case if Matt Villano, a father with some extra cushion in his midsection, gets his way. Villano created the Dad Bod Challenge, a riff on the hugely successful Ice Bucket Challenge, that raises money for The Movember Foundation. The charity donates funds to variety of men’s health issues.

Want to get in on the challenge?

  1. Take a pic in a speedo (or whatever clothing shows off your dad-bod figure).
  2. Share the photo on social with the hashtag #dadbod.
  3. Tag other people and challenge them to join in.
  4. Donate to The Movember Foundation (the important part).

Need inspiration? Here are a few pics of Villano showing off his dad bod:

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What Inspired Me to Find a Formula for Fun (Hint: I Was Not a Popular Kid)

I’ve attended dance parties in the jungles of Panama, founded a network of the world’s most extraordinary people (including Nobel Laureates, award-winning actors, Olympians, and members of royalty, among others), and hosted secret dinner parties in cities all across the country.

Which is why when people hear that I was incredibly awkward and unpopular growing up, they think I’m lying. But it’s true: I was such a social outcast that when my eighth-grade classmates were given the option of setting our seating chart, they all requested not to sit with me. I was devastated! When you’re 13, school and your peers are your entire life.

Looking back, I’m not surprised. I was a geek who loved computers and sci-fi, and in the 90s, there were no cool nerds or dot-com billionaires or fun tech toys like iPhones and apps. So I found myself on the outside looking in. And if I was going to figure out a way in, I would have to rely on the one thing I had to my advantage. What I lacked in social skills, I made up for in my love of science.

Inspired by movies like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, where the charismatic hero creates audacious adventures, I thought that if I could learn to be as fun as Ferris, then maybe my life could be different.

Unfortunately, the transformation from outsider to world-class adventurer was a long one. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I felt like I fit in for the first time. I was telling a story to a group of fellow campers on the first night of a new camp, and to my surprise, they were laughing.

Outside of our normal social circle, we have the freedom to explore different aspects of our personality.

Before this, it never occurred to me that I could be the “cool” kid. Now I know that there’s a scientific explanation: Our brain responds and acts differently in unfamiliar environments. Outside of our normal social circle, we have the freedom to explore different aspects of our personality. We aren’t stuck with the same labels and are less likely to fall into routines.

For the first time, I had made friends that saw me as more than just a geek. Every weekend, we would hang out. But as teenagers, we had massive constraints, including money, where we could go, and time in-between homework assignments.

That’s when I discovered that the constraints actually made the experiences more fun by forcing us to get creative. We would have 10-person sleepovers where we cooked together, snuck into the park after hours to play games, and tried to convince the local bodega to sell us a six-pack. I realized fun wasn’t something that happened. It was created—and I could become masterful at it. The more fun I created, the more people wanted to participate. I had figured out my way to popularity.

dance party Photo: Jon Levy

By my early 20s, I was creating outlandish events like “The Drunken Dodgeball Bonanza.” I would get 70-plus friends together. We‘d have drinks and then go to the park for an epic late-night dodgeball battle. By my mid-to-late 20s, I’d become so social that I was going out four to five nights per week. But once you’ve done that for a while, even the most exciting nights out seem tame and uninteresting.

I realized to make my social experiences more exciting, I had to treat them like a laboratory. I would take scientific research and test how it applied to having an adventurous night. I developed deep insights, and clear patterns began to emerge. Research by Christakis and Fowler changed the way I would choose which friends to invite out; I would bring together different personalities to see what would happen. Nobel Laureate Dan Kahneman's peak-end rule shows that we disproportionately value how an experience ends. So I always ended an adventure on a high note, even if it meant ending it early.

Research also shows that asking for small favors increases the chances that people will fulfill bigger ones and also causes them to like you more. Now I ask strangers for lots of favors to develop fast friendships. The list goes on and on.

Sometimes adventures went poorly (I was crushed by a bull in Pamplona). Other times they would be inspiring successes (I battled Kiefer Sutherland in drunken Jenga and even convinced the duty-free cashier at a Stockholm airport to leave her job and travel with me within 10 seconds of meeting). But as I was exposed to more and more research, I became fascinated with doing my own and exploring questions about human behavior.

Perhaps my greatest insight was that adventures don't happen by chance; if they did, all of us would have similarly exciting lives, and we don't. (But that doesn’t mean we can’t.) The key was decoding what adventurous people embody. This led me to create The EPIC (Establish, Push Boundaries, Increase, Continue) Model of Adventure, a surprisingly predictable four-stage process every adventure goes through and that anyone can apply to live a fun and exciting life.

The true gift of adventure is the person you become in the process, not achieving the goal you set in the beginning.

Taking purposeful action is really the point: If you feel trapped by stereotypes or labels, travel. You will discover parts of your personality that you didn't know existed and create new friends. If you have limited funds or time, get creative. Use those constraints to your advantage and turn them into a mission. If something scares you but probably won't kill you, do it. Getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow, and you'll probably have fun doing it. If you fail, that's OK. The true gift of adventure is the person you become in the process, not achieving the goal you set in the beginning.

As that eighth grader, I could never have imagined the deep and meaningful friendships I’d develop with remarkable people (who I now take on wild and EPIC adventures). The best part? Ferris Bueller’s schemes don’t hold a candle to the fun and craziness I’ve been able to create.

Jon Levy is a behavior scientist best known for his work in influence, networking, and adventure. He is the founder of The Influencers Dinner, a secret dining experience attended by more than 900 top thought leaders and taste makers, ranging from Nobel Laureates, Olympians, and celebrities, to executives, artists, and royalty. To learn more about how to create a fun, exciting, and adventurous life, pick up a copy of The 2 AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure.

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A Bar in England Has a Subtle, Clever Way of Getting Women Out of Uncomfortable Situations

Getting people to look up from their phones is a tall order, but putting a flyer on the back of a bathroom stall is still a good way grab people's attention. A bar in England is using that space to let women in on a code word they can tell bartenders to get help out of uncomfortable situations.

The sign, which was seen in a bar in Lincolnshire, is generating tons of attention on Twitter:

The ad is part of a campaign to end sexual violence and abuse, but it encourages women to ask bartenders for Angela even in situations where they feel safe but uncomfortable and could use some help.

We realize there’s a difference between your Tinder date missing the hint that you're not interested and feeling like you’re in serious danger. Still, giving women an option to escape situations where they don't feel comfortable is important. Here’s hoping this catches on at American bars soon!

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20 Minutes. 5 Easy Moves. 1 Workout to Relieve Back Pain.

Sitting at a desk all day. An extra-hard workout. Sleeping the wrong way. There are plenty of things we do every day that can cause back pain and soreness. Working out might seem like that last thing you should do, but this quick, low-impact workout can help alleviate the pain.

You'll perform 5 low-impact exercises that will stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back while lengthening the mucles along your front body. This will not only ease your back pain, but it will also strengthen your back and core muscles to help prevent future injuries. Plus, it's only 20 minutes. Enough said. Do this first thing in the morning when you wake up, when you're sore, or as a supplement to your usual cardio routine.

All you need is an open space and a mat to get started. Then press play.

To recap, you'll need an exercise mat. Hold each exercise for 30 seconds and repeat the circuit 3 times.

-Warm Up-

Squat Spinal Length
Back Extension
Back Extension With Locked Heels

-Cool Down-

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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Stay Youthful With These Great Aging Tips

Getting out of bed in the morning might prove to be a painful task if you're not exactly aging well. Bones and muscles are more susceptible to damage as you age, so it's imperative that you take better care of yourself as you progress in years. And that's only the half of it. Use these age-friendly tips to help you out.

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Military Diet

Do you want to know about the military diet? This is an ordinarily utilized regiment all through the weight loss industry. The information below will help you lose weight eventually.

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Natural Hay Fever Treatments And Preventions Individuals Need To Know

Preventing allergies is important to avoid issues that can affect your health. Luckily, there are natural ways that can help you.

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Simple Tips for Great Looking Healthy Nails

Nails have the equal importance, like our other body parts. It's important to keep them healthy and beautiful but the task is not easy. Here are some simple tips to make your nails beautiful as well as healthy.

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Hair Care Makes A Difference

This is a case study about deeper aspects of life and how it changes our perspective in life and how we see and perceive things and ideas. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named X. She was pretty popular at school, but with the passage of years, she came to realize that her sisters are more attractive than her...

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The 10 Commandments of Hosting a Fun (and Super-Chill) Friendsgiving

5 Kosher Recipes That Revamp Jewish Classics

Skipping the Gym When You’re Overwhelmed by Life Is a Terrible Decision

When things get crazy at work (or in life), we usually veg out on the couch. The last thing we want to do is drag ourselves to the gym. But according to a new study, opting to watch Netflix instead of exercising isn't doing your body any favors.

Feeling overwhelmed doesn't just affect your mental state—it stresses out your body too, increasing your blood pressure and sometimes even your cholesterol. Working out actually helps boost your mood and lessens these cardiovascular risks. So even though most of us work out less when our brains are fried, those are actually the times we most need the gym.

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Women Responded Perfectly When Vogue Asked, "Is Cleavage Over?"

Vogue U.K. caused a big stir when it asked its Twitter followers, "Is cleavage over?"

Unlike choker necklaces or crop tops, breasts are not a fashion trend. The Twitter poll relates to an article that appears in the December issue of the magazine. The story's author claims her write-up looks at the trend of clothes designed to show off cleavage (the article isn't available online yet), but many people are still understandably pissed off. Check out our favorite responses:

is cleavage over is cleavage over is cleavage over is cleavage over is cleavage over Photos: Twitter

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Photos of Dancers Performing Naked Show How Crazy-Strong They Really Are

OK, yeah, we knew dancers were strong, but we didn't realize they were this strong. Photographer Jordan Matter snapped these shots of dancers in the nude for his new book, Dancers After Dark. The pics celebrate each dancer's strength and showcase the incredible things bodies can do. Knowing it's not always legal to go au naturel in public places makes the photos even more alluring. We're not telling you to break any laws, but we fully support doing some choreo in your birthday suit.

Photos: Jordan Matter

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More Women Are “Going Flat” After Double Mastectomies, Proving You Don't Need Breasts to Be Beautiful

For years, doctors and oncologists encouraged breast cancer survivors who underwent mastectomies to have reconstructive surgery as a way to feel whole again. Most women still elect to have the surgery, but as The New York Times reported, a growing number are choosing to live without breasts.

The trend even has a name: going flat. And the women behind it are connecting with one another on social media to show others that every body—with or without breasts—is beautiful.

Check out these gorgeous, raw photos of women celebrating their choice to go flat:

Photos: Béatrice de Géa/The New York Times

Obviously the decision to have reconstructive surgery lies solely with each individual breast-cancer survivor—and whatever they choose doesn't make them any less badass. But we're happy the women in these photos are sending the message that reconstructive surgery isn't the only option, especially considering it comes with a higher risk of complication than the average elective surgery.

To learn more about the women featured in the photos above, check out the full story.

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Avoid Longer Waits and Higher Costs With Urgent Care

The average wait time in emergency rooms is about thirty minutes to be seen by a nurse. Treatment time is much longer-unless you go to urgent care.

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5 Simple Steps to Mindful Eating

MINDFUL EATING is not a diet. It's a conscious way of eating and enjoying food for both good health and pleasure.

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7 Turkey-Day Dishes for All of Your Gluten-Free Needs

A Visual Guide to Every Pasta Shape Because That Sh*t Gets Confusing

A favorite among college bros and four-star chefs alike, pasta is the great equalizer of foods. While there’s not much variation in taste when it comes to different shapes, there’s no doubt that some types work better than others in specific dishes. And do you even really know what shape will show up on your plate when you order the fusilli alla vodka? Now you will.

A Visual Guide That Identifies Every Pasta Shape Because That Sh*t Gets Confusing Before you boil, know this: If you follow the directions on the box, you’re overcooking your pasta. You've probably heard that regardless of shape, pasta should always be cooked al dente (which means “to the tooth,” or slightly underdone). However, pasta is typically tossed with hot tomato sauce or scraped into a sauté pan full of sizzling meat and veg, which means it continues to cook after it’s pulled out of the water. So in reality, pasta should come out of the water when it's a few minutes away from al dente. (Unless you’re one of those slap-it-in-a-bowl-with-butter-and-cheese kind of cooks—then follow your instincts and cook the pasta completely; but seriously you should try Bolognese.) Al dente pasta takes about three minutes less than the instructions, but nothing’s as foolproof as fishing out a noodle (or two) and taking a bite.

Take a deep breath; you're about to become a pasta pro. We bet the next time you find yourself in Italy (or at your favorite local Italian restaurant), you won't have to ask the waiter the difference between conchiglie and orecchiette.

Conchiglie Conchiglie: These small shells have a large opening, which makes them best for dishes where fillings can get stuck inside. Think hearty meat sauces and creamy pasta salads. Who are we kidding: This shape is ideal in mac and cheese too.

Farfalle Farfalle: Also known as “bow-tie pasta,” farfalle (which literally translates to “butterflies”) works best in dishes with chunks of veg or meat. Summer pasta salads with farfalle FTW.

Fettuccine Fettuccine: While “Alfredo” is basically fettuccine’s last name, try folding other thick sauces, like creamy tomato with browned sausage or a classic Bolognese, into these wide, flat noodles. They can take it! Red pepper and nut-based romesco is another acceptable (and encouraged) option.

Fusilli Fusilli: A windy noodle full of cracks deserves a sauce that can stick to it, like pesto. And tomato sauce and Bolognese and olive oil and... we could keep going.

Linguine Linguine: Ah, linguine. Slurp it up with a light white wine and butter-based sauce and a protein. Shrimp scampi, anyone? If you're feeling a meal that takes minimal effort, it pairs perfectly with a simple combo of lemon zest, olive oil, and parsley.

Orecchiette Orecchiette: This pasta, which translates to "little ears" in Italian, does well with other bite-size foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, sausage, and cherry tomatoes. You also can’t go wrong with a quick toss of peas and bacon.

Penne Penne: Make the most of penne’s ridges by throwing them into a casserole with tomato sauce and cheese for a variation of baked ziti. Penne are also known for trapping large squirts of pesto or vodka sauce inside their tubes, and are therefore friends to us (but not our white t-shirts.)

Ravioli Ravioli: Since it’s already full of cheese or lobster or some other combination of rich things, fight fire with fire: Brown butter and sage is probably the only sauce one should ever put on ravioli. However, if you want to be complicated, you could do something with a fresh tomato sauce, which goes with everything.

Rigatoni Rigatoni: Thick Bolognese (also known as “ragu”) coats the ridge-covered outside and fills the cavernous tube’s interior, making it a perfect vessel for consuming as much meat sauce as possible in every bite.

Spaghetti Spaghetti: We’d argue that spaghetti is probably one of the most boring noodles, yet we all still love it. Carbonara (helllllo, creamy cheese sauce with bacon) is the only way to save it. Other decently acceptable sauces, such as tomato (and meatballs) or olive oil-based concoctions, should coat the noodles completely.

Tortellini Tortellini: Like ravioli, tortellini are filled with cheese or meat, but can stand up to a bit more liquid—which makes a great option for brothy soups. Otherwise, these little belly buttons need no more than a simple sauce and possibly a few veggies thrown in for good luck and bit of crunch.

Ziti Ziti: The best choice for mac and cheese (and baked ziti, of course)! Here’s why: Ziti's tubular shape is perfect for trapping cheesy sauce. And just so you know, ziti are actually a type of macaroni, so any recipe that calls for ziti can easily be swapped with elbow-shaped noodles.

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What Happens When Plus-Size Women Try to Look Like Top Models

More and more plus-size models are killing it on the runway and in the pages of magazines. But when it comes to big-time high-fashion ads (think: the ones you see flipping through Vogue), the models still have a slender body type.

Thankfully, BuzzFeed took matters into its own hands by remaking five popular fashion ads with badass plus-size women as models. The results are stunning, and watching these ladies call BS on the fashion world ("No one would ever wear [just] a f*cking scarf and a pair of jeans anywhere") is pretty hilarious.

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You Won't Judge People at the Gym After Reading This Facebook Post

Every gym has the grunting lifters and the newbies with bad form, but that doesn't give you permission to make fun of them. Your comments can be harmful, and as Stephanie Holdmeyer, a Missouri State University student, explains in a powerful Facebook post, you really have no idea what someone is going through.

The super-strong nursing student was mocked for wearing a lifting belt. If you knew her back story, you'd know she wore it for support after surgery. (P.S. She can wear a lifting belt whenever she wants!) Her post will stop you in your tracks the next time you think about judging the "skinny girl" or "old man doing strange exercises" at your gym.

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Stanford Sexual Assault Survivor Responds to the Woman Who Said: "I Hope My Daughter Never Ends Up Like Her"

Glamour just named Emily Doe, the Stanford sexual assault survivor, one of the magazine's Women of the Year. (Doe is an anonymous pseudonym to protect her identity and safety.)

She first garnered the public's attention with the moving victim-impact statement she gave at the sentencing for her attacker, Brock Turner. In the statement, she said, "This is not a story of another drunk college hook­up with poor decision making. Assault is not an accident." Sadly, we all know how the sentencing went. Turner spent just three months behind bars.

As Doe reflected on all the media coverage from the high-profile sexual assault case, she says one comment really affected her. It's when a mother said, "I hope my daughter never ends up like her." She writes about that comment in another stunningly candid essay in Glamour. Here's an excerpt:

I absorbed that statement. Ends up. As if we end somewhere, as if what was done to me marked the completion of my story. Instead of being a role model to be looked up to, I was a sad example to learn from, a story that caused you to shield your daughter’s eyes and shake your heads with pity. But when my letter was published, no one turned away. No one said I’d rather not look, it’s too much, or too sad. Everyone pushed through the hard parts, saw me fully to the end, and embraced every feeling.

If you think the answer is that women need to be more sober, more civil, more upright, that girls must be better at exercising fear, must wear more layers with eyes open wider, we will go nowhere. When Judge Aaron Persky mutes the word justice, when Brock Turner serves one month for every felony, we go nowhere. When we all make it a priority to avoid harming or violating another human being, and when we hold accountable those who do, when the campaign to recall this judge declares that survivors deserve better, then we are going somewhere.

So now to the one who said, I hope my daughter never ends up like her, I am learning to say, I hope you end up like me, meaning, I hope you end up like me strong. I hope you end up like me proud of who I’m becoming. I hope you don’t “end up,” I hope you keep going. And I hope you grow up knowing that the world will no longer stand for this. Victims are not victims, not some fragile, sorrowful aftermath. Victims are survivors, and survivors are going to be doing a hell of a lot more than surviving.”

To read the entire essay, click here.

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The Basics Of Photofacials

Facial masks and such have been part and parcel of beauty regimes since before modern times (China's Ming Dynasty and ancient Rome are two examples). Clay-based and charcoal masks are probably the best known. One that may be new to you is called the "photofacial."

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Health Information Available Online

One of our biggest concerns is our health. The internet has become a burgeoning source of health related information. Any query we have related to our health or somebody else's whether it is age specific, country or climate specific, information is available on the internet. Many general practitioners discourage us laymen from poring over available material on the net for our aches and pains, as they tell us that half knowledge can be dangerous! But is it really half-knowledge? The internet gives reams and reams of information about every disease known to man.

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What I Hate About The Fitness Industry - And What's the Best Form of Exercise for You

There's one thing I can't stand about the fitness industry: It's full of bitches. (Ironically, I'm now going off on a bitch - ha! Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

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The 5 Things I Realized About Myself When I Gave Up Online Dating for 40 Days

Here's What Happened When I Gave Up Online Dating for 30 Days

When I hit my mid-20s, I decided to take my love life more seriously. I wasn’t going to waste time on people who didn’t share the same values, interests, or personality traits I'd ideally want in a partner. I’d had my fair share of “having fun” with guys I knew I wouldn’t marry, but as I grew older and watched my sisters find amazing partners to share their lives with, I realized that if this was something I really wanted, I needed to make it a bigger priority in my life.

Where was I going to find such a guy? All signs pointed to online dating, so I spent a couple days crafting a killer profile that showed off my personality and passions. In less than a day I was flooded with messages, profile views, compliments, and likes. Soon I couldn’t even keep up with my conversations. I was constantly chatting with attractive men and had dates lined up weeks in advance. At work, I was known as the girl with endless dating stories—so much so it almost became my identity.

A Hard Look at the Habit

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I was reflecting on some goals I had created for myself at the beginning of the year. Some were big, like visit Australia (my home) and learn Spanish; some were small, like (finally!) learn how to do a cat-eye and properly furnish my room (which I had put off for a year). It was April, and I realized I hadn’t crossed anything off my list.

When I thought about how I was spending my time, I was shocked to realize so much of it was spent dating. And not just going on the actual dates: looking at profiles, responding to messages, all the mental space taken up by thinking about these guys. Maybe I had made finding a partner too much of a priority. Despite having a ton of fun, it still felt sh*tty not having accomplished anything I'd set out to do this year. So I decided to do something I’d never done before: give up online dating for 40 days. Here’s what I learned.

1. I had to confront some not-so-comfortable parts of my past love life.

I’m an extremely happy, outgoing person, but during the first few days, a dark cloud came over me. Painful things that I hadn’t thought about for years—including mistakes I’d made in relationships—started to flood my mind. I had never really spent time thinking about past breakups. But during my dating detox, I forced myself to sit with these very uncomfortable thoughts. This meant (a lot of) crying, a constant sad mood, and journaling about everything that was going on in my mind. Fortunately, after a week, the pain went away, and I felt back to normal. As difficult as it was, I’m so grateful for this time period. It’s what I needed to fully move on.

2. I replaced swiping with healthier habits.

This is hard to admit, but the first thing I would do most mornings was check my messages. Sometimes that meant a quick five-minute glance; sometimes that meant an hour of wasted time. I’ve heard what you do in the morning sets your mood for the rest of the day, so I knew it was a great opportunity to replace a bad habit with something productive. I started journaling as soon as I got up and became a morning exerciser (who knew you could do both in under an hour!?). These two habits totally lifted my mood (something I really needed) and made me much more energized for the day ahead.

3. Validation from online dating felt a little too good.

Online dating was the only real form of social media I personally consumed. I work in social media, I don’t post selfies, and I rarely check my own social accounts (kind of like how a chef never actually cooks for himself).

It was a constant ego boost, and when that was taken away from me, I felt a little empty inside.

But online dating can do dangerous things to one’s ego. Who doesn’t enjoy getting thousands of likes and profile views? Or being asked out every single day? It was a constant ego boost, and when that was taken away from me, I felt a little empty inside. Where was I going to get my validation from? This realization confirmed that I needed to love myself more and reminded me that a stranger's compliment (though nice to receive) provides only a fleeting high.

4. I was placing too much emphasis on dating and not enough on other areas of my life.

It’s not news that Hollywood is obsessed with love. And I don’t think real life is too different—if you’re in a relationship, you’re constantly asked how your spouse is or when you’re getting married. If you’re single, you hear, “Are you dating anyone?” over and over. Dating became an addiction, and when that was taken away from me, I noticed that there were areas of my life I should have prioritized just as much as finding a partner. Having a partner is an important part of a full, happy life, but it’s definitely not the the only important part. I spent some more time evaluating my performance at work, being a better friend (who wasn’t too busy with dates!) and reflecting on whether I was living a life that truly brought me joy.

5. It made me realize how much I missed my home.

Living so far from my home country of Australia, I found it easy to seek comfort in romantic relationships. Not having the ability to hug my mum after a bad date or spend time with family when I was feeling lonely really weighed on my heart.

When I returned from a recent trip home, I realized my family would always be my emotional support system—even if they lived halfway around the world. No amount of dates could ever replace that important role they played in my life. I started to send them texts/emails more frequently when I was feeling lonely, instead of turning to dating apps to fill the void.

The Takeaway

It’s been more than six months since my dating detox, and a lot has happened over that time. I’ve set boundaries around how often I go on dates, I’ve been very picky with who I go out with, and I only log in once the workday has ended (if at all). More importantly, I’ve accomplished almost 75 percent of my goals this year! I’ve also kept up journaling and a.m. workouts. #win.

The biggest success from this experiment, however, was that I realized I didn’t need to be dating someone to be happy and feel confident. While having a partner would be great, it wouldn’t complete my life. It would complement it. (Take that, Hollywood!)

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29 Unconventional Thanksgiving Sides That Should Be the New Normal

Halloween Is a Perfect Reminder You Don’t Actually Know What Mental Illness Looks Like

Most of the time, Halloween costumes are some combination of amazing, scary, and hilarious, but they can also be incredibly offensive. Year after year people wear straitjackets and dress up as patients at an insane asylum—in effect, mocking mental illness.

Thankfully, Twitter is pretty good at calling out this kind of BS. Dozens of people tweeted selfies with the hashtag #FaceofMentalIllness to show mental illness isn't a costume. The hashtag was started by Jennifer Marshall, cofounder of This is My Brave, an organization that encourages people to speak up about mental health. Check out some of the empowering tweets below:

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People Want YouTube to Ban This Blogger for Being Too Thin. We're Not Sure That's the Best Idea

For teens today, YouTube celebs are just as popular and influential as movie stars. That’s why nearly 20,000 people signed two petitions to temporarily remove Eugenia Cooney, a popular beauty and lifestyle blogger, from YouTube. (The petitions have since been taken down, likely for violating community guidelines.)

The petitioners say Cooney suffers from an eating disorder and needs to get help. Plus, they worry that her extremely thin appearance may motivate her fans to lose a substantial amount of weight to look more like her.

Our first thought? You can't tell if someone is healthy just by looking at them, and it's never OK to play armchair doctor and diagnose someone from afar, especially when you're not qualified to do so and you don't know the whole story. Many assume Cooney has an eating disorder, but she's never talked about it. In videos discussing the recent controversy, Cooney skirts around the topic and says she has a naturally thin frame.

That said, it's totally reasonable to be concerned about the impact Cooney's appearance has on her fans. She has a huge audience—more than 900,000 people subscribe to her YouTube channel, and in a celeb-obsessed culture, it would be naive to ignore the fact that some of Cooney's fans idolize her. A commenter on one of the petitions said, "My little cousin lost 17 pounds because she wanted to look like Eugenia. She is now receiving care. She is only 12 years old."

Since the petitions were removed, another petition appeared to bring back the original one, but trying to find a way to kick Cooney off YouTube and shaming her in the process is not the answer.

Instead, have a conversation about healthy body image with your friends, younger siblings, or kids—and perhaps anyone you know who's a fan of Cooney. You can talk about why this body type could be dangerous and help them find ways to love their own body.

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Men Sharing the Last Time They Cried Will Give You All the Feels

Boys don't cry. It's totally normal. What's really sad is that we need to point this out. Alas, we live in a society that tells men to hide their tears (and emotions), which makes the #BoysDoCry campaign from The Huffington Post U.K. so important.

In this awesome video, more than a dozen guys answer the question, "When was the last time you cried?" The question is simple, but answering it is a big deal considering men grow up learning they need to be strong and tough, not emotional. As the video points out, that kind of attitude has a serious impact on men's mental health—guys are three times more likely to commit suicide than women.

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Drop 10 Pounds Without Eating Less Or Working Out

What if losing weight didn't mean that you had to starve yourself or go to the gym every morning? Imagine if you could lose weight that easily today... Well, you can! In this article, you will learn exactly how you can begin to retrain your body to become a fat burning machine!

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Harvard Men’s Soccer Players Ranked the Women’s Team by Attractiveness. The Ladies Gave This Mic-Drop Response

Last week, Harvard University's student newspaper unearthed a "scouting report" put together by members of the men's soccer team in 2012 that ranked the incoming players on the women's team. But the men weren't commenting on the women's athletic abilities.

The "report" was more of a burn book that ranked the female players by attractiveness and assigned them sexual positions to go along with their positions on the soccer field. The contents range from sexually explicit (“She seems relatively simple and probably inexperienced sexually, so I decided missionary would be her preferred position.”) to offensive and degrading (“She seems to be very strong, tall and manly so, I gave her a 3 because I felt bad. Not much needs to be said on this one folks.”).

In a powerful op-ed published in The Crimson, six players referenced in the "scouting report" explain their reactions after reading the document. They send an empowering message that we all need to work together if we want to stop this behavior, not brush off these instances as "locker-room talk." Here are some of the best snippets:

harvard women's soccer team harvard women's soccer team harvard women's soccer team harvard women's soccer team harvard women's soccer team

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Oils for Hair Growth

Does oiling help our hair to grow fast? Which oil gives the best results? There are so many questions which we have regarding tips which boost hair growth. We will try to answer your questions and quell your fears. Oils such as cactus, argon, coconut, olive, grape seed, avocado and canola make our hair soft, healthy, strong and shiny. They protect the hair from hair products used to style our hair.

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Adele Has Zero Shame Talking About Depression, Proving Yet Again That She's a Queen

Just in case you needed another reason to love Adele, the star singer doesn't hold back when talking about depression in a super-candid interview in Vanity Fair. She says she's dealt with the mental illness since childhood:

"I’ve always been pretty melancholy. Obviously not as much in my real life as the songs are, but I have a very dark side. I’m very available to depression. I can slip in and out of it quite easily. It started when my granddad died, when I was about 10, and while I never had a suicidal thought, I have been in therapy, lots."

Adele also talks about dealing with postpartum depression after having her son, Angelo. In a world where giving birth is supposed to be the happiest moment of a woman's life, we're glad to see someone being honest about how motherhood can seriously affect your mental health:

"One day I said to a friend, ‘I f*ckin’ hate this,’ and she just burst into tears and said, ‘I f*ckin’ hate this, too.’ And it was done. It lifted. My knowledge of postpartum—or post-natal, as we call it in England—is that you don’t want to be with your child; you’re worried you might hurt your child; you’re worried you weren’t doing a good job. But I was obsessed with my child. I felt very inadequate; I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life ... It can come in many different forms. Eventually I just said, I’m going to give myself an afternoon a week, just to do whatever the f*ck I want without my baby."

Props to you, Adele. We only hope that your honesty will encourage other people to talk about their mental health issues too.

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Top 6 Weight Loss Friendly Snacks

"I am trying to lose weight but I can't keep my hands off of candies!", "My sweet tooth always gets the best of me!", "Sodas are my weakness", "I cannot stop munching crisps!". No more excuses.

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Weight Loss Tips

The following are some essential weight loss tips whereby I accumulated in these couple of years. Remain positive, and keep centered. Weight loss is to a greater extent a mental fight than it is a physical one.

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Eat Healthy Food to Lose Weight

Eat a balanced diet is a way to keep fit and lose weight. It is also undoubtedly a healthy and effective method.

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A Single-Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie for When You Don't Want to Whip Up a Full Batch

How Successful People Think (Hint: It's Not All About Being Positive)

No Regrets With Susie Moore As a life coach and self-help author, I’ve spent years observing successful people. What do they have in common? What do they do differently? Do they know something we don't? Well, apparently they do. It comes down to the breadth of their thinking, the ability to be constantly open, and a willingness to look at the world in new ways.

In his best-selling book, How Successful People Think, John C. Maxwell breaks the good news: These skills can be learned—and if you change your thinking, you can change your life. Here's how to get started.

Possibility Thinking

You think: I can’t go for a promotion. I’m less than 12 months into my job.
What to think instead: What if I could go for that promotion? Have other people in my company made it happen in under a year? Who can I speak to internally to learn more? Where can I find some proof this is doable? How can I take the right action to make this a real option?

Dwelling in possibility can also be one of the most exciting ways to spend your time.

Possibility thinking is just that—losing the lid on what we deem possible. Often it’s our thinking—not reality—that keeps us stuck where we are. Dwelling in possibility can also be one of the most exciting ways to spend your time.

Creative Thinking

You think: I want to try this recipe but can’t tonight because I don’t have X or Y ingredient.
What to think instead: Is there a substitute? A little creative brainstorming can yield awesome, unorthodox ideas every day. You might think, What if I tried yogurt instead of sour cream? or I want to make these cookies healthier. What about using applesauce instead of butter?

Not all thinking needs to produce major results to better your life. Over time, creative thinking can make your days more experimental, fun—and a heck of a lot easier.

Woman Reflecting at Work Reflective Thinking

You think: I’m not happy where I am, but I don’t know what to do next.
What to think instead: What have the past 12 months taught you? What has (and has not) worked for you over the last year, two years, three years? Pinpoint your progress and any positive or negative changes you’ve experienced—in your health, your relationship status, your career.

Reflect on the different areas of your life and allow what is no longer serving you to be an area you commit to changing—perhaps an unfulfilling job, a toxic friendship, or some unhealthy habits. To kick-start this, focus on the positive and what can you dial up—a new hobby that came into your life? Or how about a fresh interest in design/cooking/blogging/running/joining a community group?

Allow your past learning and experiences to fuel positive, forward momentum.

Shared Thinking

You think: I don’t need to shake things up—my friends and I are doing fine.
What to think instead: Are you always around the same group? Are they at the level at which you truly want to perform? There is a leadership principal, coined by Jim Rohn as "The Law of Five." Put simply, we become like the five people we spend the most time with. Successful people consciously and purposefully surround themselves with people smarter than themselves.

Who do you admire in your life that you could proactively spend more time with? Use their energy and smarts to your benefit. This is an immediate step you can take to go ‘next level’ in your life.

Questioning Popular Thinking

You think: I don't like my job, but I have to pay the bills. I'm stuck with no end in sight.
What to think instead: Is that really true? Do you have to work a nine-to-five all your life? Perhaps not. Have you ever met any entrepreneurs or side hustlers who have proven that there’s another way? The same goes for many other facets of conventional thinking. Do you have to get married? Not if you don't want to. Do you have to live in the city you were born in? Heck no. You don't have to follow the herd. (Amen!)

Gray Line Break Good thinkers are always in demand: They're problem-solvers. They're full of ideas. They have an optimistic approach to life as they believe that new, difficult, and important things can be accomplished. That’s what makes them effective. As the old saying goes, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” What are you willing to think about in a fresh way?

Susie Moore is Greatist’s life coach columnist and a confidence coach in New York City. Her new book, What If It Does Work Out?, is available on Amazon now. Sign up for free weekly wellness tips on her website and check back every Tuesday for her latest No Regrets column!

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7 Healthy Dinners That Prove Vegetables Can Keep You Full All Winter

Study Says Oral Sex Is to Blame for Rise in Head and Neck Cancer Cases

Insurance claims for head and neck cancers increased 61 percent over the last five years, according to a report from FAIR Health, and scientists think oral sex might be to blame. It’s especially bad for men—they made up three out of four new cases during that time period.

So what's happening? One recent study found men who recently performed oral sex had a higher likelihood of having an oral HPV infection, which could lead to head and neck cancers. The more sexual partners a man has, the higher his risk. This wasn’t the case for women, likely because they commonly build up immunity to HPV, though scientists aren't sure what causes this resistance.

Smoking is still the leading cause of head and neck cancers, but as fewer people smoke cigarettes, researchers don't believe they are responsible for the dramatic increase in cancer cases.

The takeaway? Steer clear of cigarettes and get the HPV vaccine, just to be safe.

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Apparently One Side of Your Nose Gets Stuffed Because Your Nostrils Are Kind of Like a Penis

'Tis the season to have the sniffles. It gets pretty annoying when you can only breathe out of one nostril. But as this video from Australian radio station Triple J explains, there's actually a simple scientific explanation why one side is always clogged: Your nose has erectile tissue, just like the penis or clitoris. The tissue is on a cycle that causes one side of your nose to swell at a time. That's what causes the alternating flow of air—and snot. The more you know, right?

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Calories As a Measure of Energy

Calorie is the measure of vitality in a food. Logically, one calorie is that measure of vitality that is expected to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade. The calorie needs of various individuals are distinctive.

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Weight Loss

Weight loss is a basic issue in today's general public with obesity on the increase and individuals at long last acknowledging what being overweight is doing to their bodies, their well being and in the end their ways of life. Weight loss is useful for some conditions. It is of genuine advantage in diabetes, hypertension, shortness of breath, joint issues and raised cholesterol.

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High Protein Foods

We hear a great deal about how the most ideal approach to lose weight is through exercise and an enhanced eating routine. A good diet is one that is low in sugary starches and fat while being high in fiber and protein. You additionally need to get a lot of vitamins and minerals.

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Food Pyramid

Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast is easier said than done. Be that as it may, what is a healthy breakfast? How would we choose what to have and why?

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Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet has numerous medical advantages. Pondering scientists have invested years attempting to find why. Albeit numerous locales have received an a great deal more westernized eating routine propensity which has brought about a mounting heftiness issue, groups that still take after the customary Mediterranean diet keep on experiencing wellbeing which is the envy of the western world.

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Vegan Diet

The vegan diet is broadly known for is medical advantages, and specifically - weight loss. Numerous people have experienced the vegan diet for the sole reason to get thinner, and have succeeded in doing so. In the event that you are looking for a healthy and safe diet to lose weight, and are thinking about the vegetarian count calories, you have to ask yourself: Is it safe?

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How To Lose Belly Fat

Is it true that you are battling with your belly fat and attempting to make sense of the most ideal path on the best way to lose belly fat quick? There are a few reasons which are in charge of collection of fat in your belly in this manner the trap on the most proficient method to lose tummy fat quick lies in controlling the admission of items which add to your belly fat in the meantime taking other careful steps with a specific end goal to lose all paunch fat quick and get thin and slim. Perused on to...

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Victoria’s Secret Model Shows Off Stretch Marks (If You Can Find Them)

Victoria’s Secret ads are notorious for featuring models that are about as far from the average American woman as you can get. So it's no surprise the media is applauding the lingerie company for releasing seemingly unretouched photos of Angel Jasmine Tookes where you can see her stretch marks (gasp!). Here's the photo in question:

And a selection of some of the praise:

First off, can you even see the stretch marks? Squint really hard. Maybe it'll help if we make it a little bit more obvious:

Jasmine Tookes Sure, this is a baby step in the right direction—and a good reminder that stretch marks are totally normal. But this is just one photo shoot, a far cry from the work other retailers (like Aerie and Lane Bryant) have done to show body diversity with women of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

We know Victoria's Secret doesn't market itself as accessible. The company's image is built on aspiration—the Fantasy Bra Tookes is modeling costs $3 million—and that's OK. But it's also not quite fair to call this progress.

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Options for Getting the Rid of Unwanted Hairs

Hair on a women's body is considered taboo since years. Smooth, flawless, and hair less skin is considered as an attractive attribute when it comes to a women's body. It exudes femininity and charm. There are multiple hair removal treatments that could get rid of hair temporarily or permanently. They vary from traditional methods like threading, waxing and epilating to cosmetic solution like laser treatment and electrolysis. Individuals choose one over the other based on their preferences.

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Low Carb Diet

Once you've at last settled on the choice to lose weight, and you've chosen you need to attempt a low carb diet plan, the crucial step is for all intents and purposes over. All you have to do now is essentially begin. So let us look at what your initial few days of a low carb slim down arrangement may resemble.

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33 Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes Made With Real Food (Not Tofurkey)

Why You Should Avoid Reality TV Shows About Diets Or Weight Loss

Weight loss is not easy and if anyone tells you anything different they are either liars, stupid or trying to sell you some gizmo. Weight loss reality television shows are incredibly misleading. They are like home renovation shows that show the carpenter quickly whipping up a set of drawers implying that anyone can do it quickly. I've seen one such show being made and I can tell you they have a team of tradesmen behind the on screen celebrity.

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Care Tips For Virgin Human Hair Extensions

Virgin human hair extensions are expensive, but they definitely are worth buying because they are natural and they get to serve your hair needs for a very long time unlike treated hair extensions and synthetic hair options. There are so many styles you can choose from as well as color shades and lengths when buying the virgin human hair extension. But the truth is that your virgin human hair extension is as good as the care you accord it.

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