Weight Loss - How Healthy Is Your Weight?

It is not unusual to find yourself feeling concerned about your weight. Most people will have some anxiety about their body size and shape many times throughout their life. Concern can stem from feelings of insecurity as it relates to appearance, or from genuine concern as it pertains to health. In any case, you are not alone. If you are worried about your weight as it currently stands, know many people feel the same way. It's normal, and it can arguably be a good thing if you find yourself distressed over your weight. It means you care about your health, which unfortunately cannot be said for everyone. One question you may have in your mind or have pondered over in the past is the following... "how much should I weigh?"

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These Types of Restaurants Make You Want to Eat More

It’s the standard date setup: mood lighting and overpriced cocktails. You can barely read the menu, but damn do you look good. The other downside? New research suggests dimly lit restaurants may be to blame for poor food choices.

In fact, people who ate in well-lit rooms were nearly 25 percent more likely to eat something healthy (think veggies and salmon instead of fried chicken and mashed potatoes), while diners in darker restaurants ordered food that had nearly 40 percent more calories.

Researchers say it has to do with how alert you are. When given caffeine, diners in both bright and dark rooms were equally likely to make healthy meal choices. So instead of forgoing date night or boycotting restaurants with a romantic ambiance, get a cup of coffee with your meal or simply be more mindful of what you order.

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Weight Loss Advice From Authentic Professionals

As you probably already know, losing weight is a really tough challenge. There are all kinds of plans, diets, and more. The fact that weight loss is a very personal thing can make it seem a bit impossible to find what will work for you.

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Goldie Hawn's Instagram Account Is All of Us Trying to Be Healthy

We love following celebrities on Instagram, but some of their healthy living habits seem pretty far-fetched and impeccably curated. That's why we love Goldie Hawn's super-honest account, which shows that doing what's good for you isn't all about perfect yoga poses and waist trainers. Plus, it can be pretty freaking fun. You'll crack up as you watch her dancing in her gym sneaks and fitting in a workout with her pups. Check out some of our favorites below:

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Why Convenience Foods Are Fat-Loss Enemies

The success of your diet plan depends on your food choices. You are already aware of the effects of consuming convenience foods based on the information written above, so the decision of choosing a healthy meal is in your hands. If you really want to get rid of your excess fat then you should start choosing healthier whole food. You will look better and feel a lot better too.

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How to Plan the Perfect Breakfast

Having a healthy breakfast is essential as it affects your daily performance as you carry out your daily activities. It may require time and planning to have the right breakfast but your effort will worth it once you achieve your desired body weight.

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Increase Fat Loss by Eating More Protein

Everyone should try to include more protein in their diet, especially when making an eating plan to lose excess body fat. Taking in at least one gram per pound of body weight per day is a good start. Failing to take enough protein will just lead to a weaker and slower metabolism.

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Profound Beauty

This question creates a lot of hazzles and pandemonium because we all have various opinions on what beauty is. You may think someone is beautiful while some may sincerely perceive the person as ugly. In a bid to settle all these disagreements, the most popular answer is that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".

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Calorie Cutting Food Swaps

If you're looking to succeed on your weight loss diet plan, it's vital that you take a look at some of the simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake so that you can make fast progress without feeling like you're on a very strict diet. If the truth is told, for many people there are some very small adjustments they could make to their normal diet intake that would have a huge impact on the fat loss results that they see. By taking the time to learn what these adjustments are and then getting them in place, you can see for yourself just how powerful they can be.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/25BTMY4

We're Finally Getting Bacon and Avocado Emojis

New Food Emojis Instagramming brunch just got a hell of a lot easier with new emojis for pancakes, bacon, eggs, croissants, and, our personal favorite, avocados. Or if you're on a health kick, you now have cucumber, carrot, green salad, and stuffed pita at your disposal. While we're most excited about all the new food options, this batch includes 72 total emojis, from facepalm to a person doing a cartwheel. The update will be released by the end of June, which has us feeling all heart-eyes emoji.

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Here's Why You May Never Be a Morning Person

If you can sleep until noon without a problem, it doesn't necessarily mean you're lazy. As this video from Vox explains, everyone has a different chronotype (a fancy word for internal clock). Night owls have late chronotypes, which means their sleep-wake cycles naturally occur hours later than someone with a normal chronotype. Your internal clock is determined by your DNA, making it super hard to change. So if you've tried to become a morning person and failed, blame genetics.

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Following Your Fitness Intuition

The ultimate goal with fitness shouldn't be to live your life tied down to a super strict meal plan, living on chicken and broccoli, avoiding tempting social situations and/or training militantly with little enjoyment. That feels stifling, and is not really facilitating your best health and life. Instead, the goal should be to train yourself to live healthfully and in alignment with your fit life values-without having to obsess.

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Human Health, Its Importance and Contributing Factors

A close look at news headlines around the world throw up some very interesting observations. "For some U.K...

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The History of Vibrators Is Scary and Fascinating

Vibrators have been around way longer than you'd expect. As this video from Super Deluxe explains, people had to get creative before The Rabbit was invented. We'll admit: Some of these sex toys of the past are pretty innovative (Cleopatra put angry bees in a gourd), and others are downright terrifying (one literally had the potential to blow up). This history lesson makes us grateful for modern technology. With vibrators that sync to our music and can be controlled by anyone in the world, who knows what'll be next?

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Are You Bow Legged?

Bowed legs also refered to as Genu Varum or Bandiness is a deformity of the legs in which they are abnormally bent outward. This condition can sometimes be a sign of an underlying disease, such as Blount's disease or Rickets. Have you noticed how your knees look like?

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1TZC4bG

The A-To-Z Fact List About Alkaline Water

Heard about alkaline water? Read on to find some of the most crucial and essential aspects.

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The 20-Minute, No-Equipment Workout

When going to the gym makes you feel meh, this bodyweight workout has you covered. It's quick (just 20 minutes!) and can be done anywhere you can fit an exercise mat—at home, in a hotel or dorm room, or even outside.

Fitness instructor Sandra Augustin guides you through this ladder workout (a method of training that increases or decreases the difficulty in small increments) that can be completely customized for you. It's set up in four parts, or “layers.” First is an easy warm-up that will introduce you to the five moves. In parts two and three, you’ll slightly alter each move to increase the difficulty if you're ready. If it's too intense, stick to the easier modification of the move until you build up to the advanced option. Finally, part four challenges you to do each move as fast as you can. And then you're finished!

Another great thing about this routine is that it's a simple set that's easy to memorize. So once you get the hang of it, you can bust it out whenever and wherever you want to squeeze in a sweat session.

Ready to try it out? Press play below!

To recap, complete 4 rounds of the following exercises in order. Work your way down the ladder of reps for each move (25, 20, 15, 10, and 5). Each round gets progressively more challenging.

  • Squat
  • Mountain Climber
  • Reverse Lunge/Plunge (Power Lunge)
  • Butterfly Sit-Up
  • Burpee

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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7 Summer Salads You'll Actually Want to Eat

Lena Dunham Trying to Meditate Is All of Us When We Want to Relax

“Do you ever feel like it’s just too much to try to do everything, be everything, show everyone who you are?” Yes, Lena, just yes. What’s the solution? Meditate. But as Lena Dunham shows us in this amusing video, meditating is way harder than it looks. Trying not to think about anything is kind of like trying not to breathe. It’s like telling someone who’s freaking out to calm down. It’s like…OK, it’s just plain difficult. Some people swear by the technique, and we think that’s awesome. But it’s also nice to know we’re not the only ones who kind of suck at meditating.

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What Happens to Your Brain When Someone Says Something Dumb

Who doesn’t love shooting down their friends’ dumb opinion on politics or climate change? As this video from The School of Life explains, most of us feel a spark of excitement after hearing something we can easily prove wrong. Everyone likes to feel smart, and educating your friends and family can definitely be validating. But it’s important to remember we’re all human. The Dude from The Big Lebowski put it best: “You’re not wrong; you’re just an asshole.” If you know you're right, try not to be a jerk about it.

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The Way Kristen Bell Describes Depression Is So Spot On

After talking candidly about her struggles with depression in an interview earlier this year, actress Kristen Bell continues to open up and share her experience—this time in a personal essay on the website Motto. We got goose bumps reading the way Bell describes depression. It's just so accurate. Check it out for yourself:

“Here’s the thing: For me, depression is not sadness. It’s not having a bad day and needing a hug. It gave me a complete and utter sense of isolation and loneliness. Its debilitation was all-consuming, and it shut down my mental circuit board. I felt worthless, like I had nothing to offer, like I was a failure. Now, after seeking help, I can see that those thoughts, of course, couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s important for me to be candid about this so people in a similar situation can realize that they are not worthless and that they do have something to offer. We all do.”

Now that you've gotten that teaser, it's worth checking out the full essay by clicking below.

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Amy Schumer Next to a Literal Greek Goddess Shows How Beauty Standards Have Changed

We found Amy Schumer's doppelgänger: a centuries-old sculpture of Aphrodite. OK, technically Instagram user @whitneyzombie gets the credit here for pointing out that Schumer bears an eerie resemblance to the Greek goddess who was once seen as the pinnacle of beauty. The fact that Aphrodite is also the goddess of love, pleasure, and procreation seems especially fitting for Schumer, who’s unafraid to tackle those topics.

Despite looking like a clone of Aphrodite, Schumer gets fat shamed all the time. Hopefully this side-by-side photo will be a wake-up call for how warped our perception of beauty has become.

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These 4 Routine Things Could Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

At this point doctors sound like broken records when they tell us to eat healthy, exercise, limit the amount of alcohol we drink, and avoid smoking. But it bears repeating, considering that a new, large-scale study found women who followed this advice reduced their risk of breast cancer by nearly 30 percent.1 Even if the guidelines don’t seem revolutionary, the research is a big deal for women at higher risk of developing the disease.

It's important to point out that, like every other study, this one has its limitations. Researchers analyzed data from more than 40,000 white women who were tested for 24 breast cancer-related gene variants. Though they believe research on nonwhite women would show similar patterns, the study didn't include them—or the BRCA gene mutation, which has been linked to a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Even with these caveats, it’s hard not to heed this advice, since we already know healthy habits like exercise and eating well come with tons of other benefits.

Works Cited

  1. Breast Cancer Risk From Modifiable and Nonmodifiable Risk Factors Among White Women in the United States. Maas P, Barrdahl M, Joshi AD. JAMA oncology, 2016, May.;():2374-2445.

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The Adverse Effects Associated With Back Fat

Back fat is something that should not just be taken lightly. When you notice that fat is accumulating in your body, you must take an appropriate step to ensure that you get rid of it in the shortest time possible. The adverse effects of fat accumulation can be toxic and fatal when neglected by the individual. Therefore, learning about them will help you make the correct decision about the management.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/24l9rsa

The 10-Minute Core-Blasting Pilates Workout

Benefits of Running to Losing Weight

Running is considered one of the best activities for fat burning being the key to losing weight fast. 60% of runners start running to lose weight and take advantage of all the benefits that running brings health and physical and mental wellbeing.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1ZgkGRq

5 Tips to Maintain Your Health for Long

Health is something that will be with you for long only if you take care of it. Never neglect your health because it can determine your productivity and efficiency. With improvements in medicine, it is important to pay enough attention to health as well.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Y4okPL

9 Better-for-You Frozen Cocktails

Always Late? Here’s How I Broke the Bad Habit in One Week

Alicia Keys Embraces #NoMakeup, and It’s Actually Super Inspiring

Artists frequently claim their latest work is more "real" or "raw" than anything they've done before. It's become such a cliché that we were skeptical when Alicia Keys described her forthcoming album as the most honest and uncensored yet. But the singer's recent story in Lenny Letter shows she's walking the walk. She explains how the pressure for perfection has affected her over the years:

"Every time I left the house, I would be worried if I didn't put on makeup: What if someone wanted a picture?? What if they POSTED it??? These were the insecure, superficial, but honest thoughts I was thinking. And all of it, one way or another, was based too much on what other people thought of me."

That led to Keys promoting her new single "In Common" with a makeup-free photo:

Keys hopes her #NoMakeup photo will inspire others, but it's about more than beauty products—she also wants to address our impulse to cover up:

"I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing."

To check out the full story in Lenny Letter, click the link below.

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Why Getting a Base Tan Is a Terrible Idea

Step inside a tanning salon and you'll see government-mandated signs calling out health risks: premature aging, skin cancer, and eye damage—just to name a few. Still, a 2014 study by JAMA Dermatology showed 35 percent of adults and 59 percent of university students in the United States have been indoor tanning.

Even if you don't go regularly, you may have used a tanning bed once or twice to get a base tan before vacation. The assumption is that base tans reduce burns by increasing melanin, the pigment that protects you from UV damage and is responsible for skin tone. But that protection is minimal. "Having a tan does mean that your skin has increased melanin, but the added protection is equivalent to an SPF of 3 to 4," Nazanin Saedi, M.D. of Thomas Jefferson University, says.

Getting a base tan before you go on vacation is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes before you go into a coal mine.

In fact, base tans just cause more harm. "Getting a base tan before you go on vacation is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes before going into a coal mine," J. Scott Kasteler, M.D., says. "All you're doing is adding to the damage."

The takeaway? Embrace your pasty shade and use sunscreen. If you're sold on the bronzed look, Saedi suggests sticking to spray tans. Above all, remember that there's no such thing as a healthy tan. "Any kind of tan is the body's response to the skin being damaged," Saedi says.

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Top Five Tips for Finding the Right Urgent Care Facility

Urgent care facilities provide around-the-clock emergency medical services. However, it is important to know how to find the right fit.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Pl20zz

Do Probiotics Actually Work?

We’ll be the first to admit we’ve gone a little cuckoo for kombucha. But as much as we love the fermented drink, we may need to rein in our enthusiasm for it—and similar gut-friendly goodies. As this video from The Atlantic points out, there's not enough scientific evidence to actually support the probiotic craze. What we do know is this: A high-fiber, minimally processed diet is your best bet for a healthy gut. Bacteria thrive on the fiber found in whole foods, and fiber transforms into short-chain fatty acids, which help regulate the immune and digestive systems.

So go ahead and keep sippin’ small-batch kombucha if you like the taste, but you may want to hold off on probiotic pills until researchers find a kind that improves gut health in scientific studies.

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Improve Your Health by Avoiding These Favorite American Foods and Drinks

I have noticed such an improvement in my health by following an individualized diet, that I began to share health and cooking tips with others. "Eat Right for Your Type," by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, has helped me achieve a natural health rhythm in my body by eating food that agrees with my blood type. Eating the wrong food can cause harmful chemical reactions and I wondered what foods were wrong for everyone regardless of blood type. Dr. D'Adamo ranked food items into three categories according to blood type compatible:

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/25BqHiU

Leg Contouring Is a Thing, and It's Absolutely Absurd

Makeup can be an art form (if you need proof, check this out), but Cosmo's how-to video for leg contouring (see below) crosses the line into the absurd. Toned quads and calves are great—they can help you run fast and lift heavy things—but painting them on to achieve an ideal bikini body is another story.

It’s comforting to know we’re not alone in thinking leg contouring is ridiculous. Here are some of the top Facebook comments calling out Cosmo:

Cosmo Leg Contour Comment

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Stop Screwing With Your Body

The amount you diet has a direct effect on how much body fat you will gain in your life. If, for example, you've lost 10% of your body weight through Herbalife, your body now burns 250-400 calories less than before. This means that for the rest of your life you will have to eat 250-400 calories less than somebody of the same weight. So as soon as you stop your shakes, your body is primed to pile weight back on.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1UuKmIz

Weight Loss Supplements - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Taking supplements to assist with weight loss can be very helpful. Be mindful of the harmful effects that some supplements can have on your body. All weight loss isn't good weight loss.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1UhiDYO

The Best Strength Moves You Can Do With a Foam Roller

Tired Of Shaving And Waxing? Try Laser Removal - A Permanent Solution

While many are content to wax or shave the hair from their bodies, and they are effective methods, why not permanently remove hair with laser hair treatment? It's a safe and approved method for hair removal with great results and many benefits.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1P5t00y

All About Dermal Fillers

When time, stress and of course life take a toll on the appearance of one's skin along with exposure to the elements like sun, toxins in the air and more a person's radiant and smooth, youthful skin becomes wrinkled and blemished. It's an unavoidable effect of time.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1XgxxFP

Exercise Or Diet, Which Is Better For Weight Loss?

In short, if you are comparing exercise v/s diet, you really need to understand what works where and how you need to consider both the things to achieve the desired weight loss goals. If exercise helps you shed off extra pounds with a good pace, a nutritional diet plan helps you stay in shape and maintain the weight. This way both diet and exercise work in its own way. A list of the advantages of physical workout and the diet plans will help understand their working.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1TXxEU4

Simple Tips to Lose Body Fat

Losing weight is not at all a daunting task. You just need to make a few changes in your lifestyle to achieve the desired weight loss goals. Though there are endless ways, helping you lose weight, but most of them will keep you hungry and unsatisfied. So, you need a very strong willpower to stick to your plan and be successful in your mission.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1RMIOVI

Top Questions About Alkaline Water Answered

Want to know about alkaline water? Read on to find some quick answers.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1t13wxj

14 Low-Carb Breakfasts That Go Way Beyond Eggs

Are You Too Confined to Your Body Shape?

Is body shape an effective approach in addressing our dressing needs according to our personal body challenges? We think not and here's why...

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1TzS3Ae

5 Steps to Your Best Beach Body (You Haven't Heard Before)

Body Talk With Sunny Sea Gold Icon You've probably read headlines like this one many times before, but this is not your typical bikini season prep list. I'm going to be blunt about exactly what you need to do before you show yourself in public, barely clothed. Ready?

1. Buy a bathing suit.

A bikini, a one-piece, a sexy old-fashioned granny panty and halter combo—whatever you like. Or maybe just dig around in your bottom drawer and pull out an old one. (I rocked a fitness tank and side-tie bikini bottom all last year.)

2. Take off your clothes.

Feel free to admire yourself in the mirror. Or maybe wait until after the next step to do this.

3. Do whatever it is you do in the body hair department.

You be you.

4. Apply sunscreen.

Because skin cancer.

5. Finally, put on your bathing suit.

If it's new, remember to take out that gross crotch-protector thing!

And there you have it. Do you have a bathing suit? Do you have a body? Then you already have the "beach body" you need to go out and enjoy your summer. We all do. And let's not let anyone tell us otherwise.

If you're looking for a little beach-body extra credit, here are a few more, totally optional steps:

6. Post a pic.

You can tell when someone posts a half-dressed photo of themselves in search of validation, and it's kind of sad. On the other hand, it's totally kick-ass and inspiring when someone shares a photo as an act of challenge or to make a powerful statement, a lá actress Amy Schumer, writer Kelsey Miller, or even model Ashley Graham. It's challenging on a personal level, perhaps, but it's also a reminder to the rest of us to take a moment to think about our values around beauty, enjoyment, and embodiment.

Beach Body: Woman Smiling on the Beach

7. Put on earrings.

Because everybody looks more baller on the beach while wearing earrings. Yes, they may get ripped out of your ears or rust right there in the holes, but that's OK. And I'm not joking. I wear earrings on the beach.

8. Stop sucking it in.

In fact, let your bathing-suited belly shake like a bowlful of jelly. Need some inspiration? Watch these dogs work on their bikini bodies, admire a few true coastal beauties (so gelatinous!), and then read this snark-filled beach body masterpiece.

Sunny Sea Gold is Greatist's body image columnist and the author of Food: The Good Girl's Drug—How to Stop Using Food to Control Your Feelings (Berkley Books, 2011). The views expressed herein are hers. A health journalist by trade and training and a mom of two little girls, she's also an advocate and educator focused on reducing the rates childhood obesity and eating disorders by building Body-Positive Families. Reach out to her @sunnyseagold.

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This Is Why You Shouldn't Diet Like Beyoncé

Celebrity diets range from slightly obscure (Angelina Jolie's obsession with ancient grains) to completely insane (Beyoncé's love of the Master Cleanse, which just means drinking glorified lemon water). This amusing video from Elite Daily explains why we shouldn't follow these diets like gospel. For starters, we don't have the same resources to spend on nutritionists, trainers, or personal chefs. So skip the next fad and try something intended for the rest of us instead.

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This Type of Person Can Actually Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

Long-distance relationships are hard, but they don’t always get easier when you and your sig o are finally living in the same zip code. This study found that one third of couples break up within three months of reuniting. It’s a little surprising, then, that people in LDRs typically report higher levels of satisfaction than couples who live together or close by, but the disparity can often be chalked up to idealization. (There’s no fighting over dirty dishes or taking out the trash when you live in different time zones.) These stats also assume your relationship lasts while the two of you are living apart.

As this video from Bustle explains, certain people are actually better suited for long-distance relationships. Psychologists categorize people in relationships as anxious, avoidant, or secure (you can also be a combination of these). People with attachment-related anxiety tend to have a harder time being apart. So if you’re the type of person who worries about abandonment and acceptance (do you really love me? Are you sure you love me?), you might want to avoid dating long distance.

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Why Scratching an Itch Feels So Damn Good

Mosquito bites are the ultimate temptation—the little red welts are just itching (get it?) to be scratched. When you finally give in, scratching feels oh so sweet. That's because the process releases dopamine and drowns out the itchy sensation, though it doesn't necessarily get rid of it.

This itch-scratch cycle isn't a big deal for most of us (though we bet you're feeling itchy just reading this story), but it can become a real problem if you have eczema, psoriasis, or a similar disorder.

Researchers are exploring why we itch to help chronic scratchers find relief. For now, this video from HowStuffWorks does a good job explaining the theories being tested.

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TMT To Map A Heart's Functionality

It is common to find that patients with 90% blockages in the artery can have normal ECG with no signs of uneasiness. In such cases, it becomes essential to have an alternative that can map the irregularities and suggest lifestyle changes. A TMT Test is one such test that helps chart the stress on the heart. The process is non-invasive and does not pose any such health risks.

from Health and Fitness:Healthcare Systems Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1Y1lxH4

What Men and Women Talk About on Facebook Is More Stereotypical Than You’d Think

As society becomes more progressive, gender roles are breaking down. We no longer bat an eye at male nurses or female bodybuilders, but the topics we talk about on Facebook eerily follow old-school gender stereotypes. Check out the graphic below for proof:

What We Talk About on Facebook

The data comes from a recent study that analyzed status updates from more than 50,000 Facebook users between 2007 and 2012. A fancy algorithm grouped the most popular terms, and we took the liberty of giving each topic an all-encompassing name. So "happy, birthday, wishing, sister, years, wonderful, daughter, nephew, brother" became "birthdays" and "metal, music, band, rock, heavy, listening, singer, songs" became "music."

Overall men are far more likely to talk about objects and events like sports or video games, whereas women write status updates about plans and relationships. The study also found that women are more likely to use emotional language, but both men and women show a similar level of assertiveness.

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The 30-Minute Rowing Workout That Makes Time Fly By

This Trailer Gives Us Hope That Impossible Beauty Standards Are Finally Changing

From Aerie model Iskra Lawrence’s unretouched billboard in Times Square to Ashley Graham’s appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated, we're seeing a huge change in the body types represented in media. It’s been called the curvy revolution, but the new documentary Straight/Curve goes beyond plus-size models to showcase how women of all ages, sizes, and ethnicities are finally getting their moment in the spotlight. The trailer gives us a peek into how the body positive movement is redefining what it means to feel beautiful and is helping us all see our own bodies in a more realistic light. And we think that’s fantastic!

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Using New Strategies To Get Into Shape

You may not be a fan of traditional ways of working out. If the idea of running for miles or doing sets of push-ups and sit-ups does not appeal to you, you may wonder if there is another way that you can burn fat, tone your body, and improve your overall wellness. Rather than work out alone at home, you may find it more advantageous to join a regimented program that teaches you movements that help you accomplish your fitness goals while also teaching you moves that you might use in a self-defense situation. You can find out more about the program by doing some fact checking online first.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1VsGlXz

Getting Into Shape And Toning Your Body

People who want to get into shape may require innovative ways to accomplish their goals. Traditional methods of working out like running or doing push-ups may not be enough for them. If you are interested in different ways of exercising, you might consider some of the newer options available on the market. These exercises combine self-defense or fighting movements with aerobic and cardio exercises that could help burn fat and tone your muscles. You can find out more when you do some research of this program online.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1sIKMSg

How To Implement A Manageable Workout Program After Years Of Limited Activity

The recipe for getting fit is actually an easy one. Eat well, workout and take good care of your body. If you have spent the last several months or years leading a sedentary lifestyle, however, getting a new diet and exercise plan off the ground can be challenging. Following are a few, simple strategies that will help you get off to a proper start.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/25wSs8H

Hair Growth - Vitamins for Hair Growth

For those women who dream of tresses that flow down their back, it's not uncommon for them to be obsessed with products to put in their hair. Shifting some of that focus to what goes into the hair can help hair grow like weeds.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1XM4zvX

7 Fun Facts and Smart Tips About How To Lose Fat And Keep It Off

What are some smart tips on how to lose fat? It can really be such a bummer when you're yo-yoing on your weight loss. Fifty percent of women who has lost weight reported to have gained back the pounds they shed in 6 months. However, there's hope because experts have garnered some smart and proven tips about losing fat and keeping it off.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1WuIIKm

5 Tips From Barbers for Maintaining Healthy Hair

Barbers recommend taking these steps to keep men's hair looking great between haircuts. Proper scalp and hair care go a long way toward maintaining a look.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1WuFwi7

I Am Always Tired - Is There Something Wrong With Me?

Have you noticed you're tired, but you shouldn't be? You had a good night's sleep, but you could take a nap right now. You have activities you would love to do but you would rather stay home and just vegetate.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1O1wd6D

Men And Postmenapausal Women Dealing With Osteoporosis

FORTEO is a prescription medication used in both men and postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high risk for having broken bones, or fractures. FORTEO is used in both men and women with osteoporosis due to the use of glucocorticoid medicines, such as prednisone, for several months, who are at high risk for having broken bones, or fractures.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1sIy99T

Healthiest Loser 21-Day Challenge

If you want to achieve your personal best weight and stay there for good, focus on eating for optimal health. Use these five skills to eat better and feel awesome. Be a HEALTHY LOSER!

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1O1v6DO

How to Do a Plank: 7 Plank Exercise

Plank exercise is a safe, challenging, and effective method of core conditioning. Variations of planks are used across many fitness disciplines, including Boot Camp Regimens, Yoga, Pilates, Barre, CrossFit, and many more. The benefits of plank exercise are numerous. They not only strengthen the abs but also entire core and many other muscle groups in the upper and lower body.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1TUNqPu

The Artistry Of Makeup

Is makeup an art form? Here are my thoughts.

from Health and Fitness:Beauty Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/1WuAD8L

Getting Rid of Stomach Fat

There are many people who are worried about the accumulated fats on certain regions of the body. The fat tends to give their body a plump look. People tend to strive hard to ensure that they are able to get rid of this fat. Usually, it is the stomach and buttocks that fall prey to this accumulation of fats. You will come across many people who will inquire if there is any way via which they can lose their stomach fat quickly. A common answer to this question is use the right diet lose stomach fat and enjoy your desired body shape. However, if you solely depend on your diet for the purpose of losing stomach fat, you are in for a long wait.

from Health and Fitness:Weight Loss Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/25y3IFk

9 Shrimp Recipes Jam-Packed With Flavor

How to Make Your Flaws Work in Your Favor

"Man, she is so bossy!"

The comment stung, but it wasn’t the first time I’d heard that about myself. A couple years back, I was in a disorganized group at a corporate sales summit. We had 15 minutes to brainstorm some strategic ideas before a presentation. Knowing my dominant nature, I typically try to hold myself back in group settings to see if a leader emerges and, if so, be an active supporter.

But no one was stepping up. The clock was ticking, and our random rambling was going nowhere fast. I stood up, grabbed a marker, and organized our team’s thoughts on paper. Then I asked who would like to present—and no one raised their hand.

I ended up presenting along with the other most vocal (if reluctant) person in the group, which worked out fine. Fait accompli. As we headed for break, I heard two women who'd been in my group whisper the above comment. Oh well, I thought. They’re right.

The Power of Not Being Perfect

As a life coach, people come to me to overcome their apparent flaws. And together we develop ways to think of their "downsides" as positives. Here are a few examples of how I've helped my clients (and some friends!) turn their perceived weaknesses into strengths.

So-Called Flaw: “I’m introverted and socially awkward.”
Truth: You’re a great listener.

This thoughtful introvert creates a safe space for people to open up—an excellent skill to have that many extroverts lack. Plus, introverts like him can create lasting, deep relationships thanks to this trait.

So-Called Flaw: “I worry about everything.”
Truth: You’re considerate and caring.

This comes from a working mom I know. Our worries are energy that can be channeled into action. Worriers are often smart, thoughtful people who can learn to use their energy to help others. Plus, having a little bit of anxiety can even be an advantage at work: Research suggests it signifies intelligence and high IQ!

So-Called Flaw: “I can’t cook to save my life!”
Truth: Seriously?

This comes from a VP at an investment bank who also blogs about fashion on the side. Um, about this “flaw”—who the eff cares? We just have to focus on what we can do well—and not the million things that are simply not a priority in our busy lives.

Woman Running on Beach

So-Called Flaw: “I’m so impatient!”
Truth: You’re a doer.

This person is extremely passionate. He works full-time for the government and has a side hustle helping preserve natural wildlife—a personal venture that has grown to a level where he’s now receiving state grants. His hustle and passion make him a true force for good in the world and an inspiration to others. He doesn’t sit still, sure—lucky for those plants! With some meditation sprinkled into his hectic days, he’s calmer (and unstoppable).

So-Called Flaw: “I’m a workaholic.”
Truth: You’re thriving.

Recently, I had lunch with a girlfriend who told me about the eight professional projects she was juggling at once. And you know what? I’ve never seen her happier. Her business is booming. In fact, I’ve never met a successful and confident person who has not had this flaw slung at them by others. The truth is, if you love your work and you’re good at it, great opportunities will flow toward you as a result.

Flawed? No way.

What is your flaw? How can you perceive it in a new light? How might it actually work for you? Since I started to own up to and even appreciate my domineering streak, I’ve certainly felt a lot more freedom. I remember to be respectful and stay self-aware enough to take a step back when I need to. Otherwise, I give myself permission to do something beautiful: be myself.

No one out there is flawless—not even Beyonce.

What's more: Flaws bring us together. They make us human. When we discuss, demonstrate, and own our flaws, we unofficially allow other people to be themselves too. Because no one out there is flawless—not even Beyonce.

How can you rework, rename, or repurpose them to your advantage? Not just for job interviews and cocktail parties, but for you and how you perceive yourself.

In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg writes, “I want every little girl whose told she’s bossy to be told instead that she has leadership skills.” Nothing has been more affirming for me to read—what a healthy way to interpret this common flaw. I know that I’ve been hired and promoted based on my leadership skills (yes, what others might see as "bossy") and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.

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