How to Get More Bacteria on Your Face—'Cause That's Actually Something You Want

The microbiome has been generating a lot of buzz lately, and for good reason. Recent studies have shown that there's a connection between the microbes in your digestive tract and everything from your mental health to irritable bowel syndrome. Lately, we've started seeing more evidence that increasing the number of "good bacteria" in your gut is a solid way to improve your overall health and well-being.

Gut health is a new frontier in medicine, and probiotics are proving to be useful as treatment for many modern-day maladies. Feeding the good bugs in your gut is a huge step toward improving your overall health—but it turns out that there's a microbiome on your skin as well.

What exactly is a skin microbiome, and why should we care?

"The skin biome is the ecosystem of microorganisms that live on the skin," says Jasmina Aganovic, president of biome-focused product line Mother Dirt. "Research is showing that they potentially play a crucial role in how our skin looks, feels, and acts." Your skin is colonized by millions and millions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and just like the microbes in your gut have a larger impact on overall health, microbes on your skin, which is your largest organ, impact the way it looks and feels—and its ability to serve as a barrier between your body and the outside world.

Chicago-based dermatologist Toral Patel, M.D., explains how vital the skin microbiome is, not only for skin health but overall health as well. "A healthy microbiome can protect against skin infection by preventing the overgrowth of pathogenic organisms," Patel says. And it turns out that the skin microbiome can also fight against external and environmental factors, as well. "It can also help keep inflammation in check, promote wound healing, and act as a barrier to some allergens and environmental toxins."

Unfortunately, most modern hygiene practices absolutely wreck our skin microbiome. Antibacterial soaps, preservatives in topical products, and pretty much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the "good" bacteria in addition to the "bad." Basically, being such a germ-phobic culture is actually making us sicker.


Holistic beauty nutritionist Paula Simpson explains, "Clinical research has shown that blemish-prone skin has a less-diverse skin microbiome, over-populated with pathogens and damaging stressors—compared to those with healthy skin."

According to a recent study, skin conditions like rosacea, acne, and psoriasis can either be caused or exacerbated by a microbe imbalance. There is even evidence that a balanced skin microbiome can be effective in the fight against some skin cancers. Other studies point to a correlation between skin microbiome health and overall immune function.

So what can we do to protect our skin microbiome?

Simpson offers the following tips to keep your skin microbiome healthy and flourishing:

1. Eat clean, high-fiber foods—they're full of prebiotics.

Prebiotics contain fibrous carbohydrates that nourish the good bacteria to help it to grow—examples include asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, oats, and soybeans. If you eat a diet rich in prebiotics, you'll encourage microbial diversity and promote the growth of healthy bacteria.

2. Consume probiotic-rich foods every day.

Although there is no recommended daily amount of probiotics, health experts recommend consuming approximately 1 billion to 10 billion live bacteria cultures (measured in colony forming units, or CFUs) per day. Get at least one serving of a prebiotic and probiotic-rich food every day.

3. Start with rebalancing microbiome from within.

You can also complement eating probiotic-rich foods with supplements, which can encourage and maintain a healthy community of gut and skin microflora.

To help your skin microbiome be the best it can be, skip using antibacterial soap on your face (or anywhere else on your skin, for that matter); eat nourishing, prebiotic-packed foods; and try putting good bacteria on your face (and in your belly).

Kristi Pahr is a freelance writer and mother who spends most of her time caring for people other than herself. She is frequently exhausted and compensates with an intense caffeine addiction. See what she's up to on Twitter.

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5 Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth (That Don't Involve a Mouth Guard)

One night last year, after a long day at a work conference, I got back to my hotel room to eat dinner and discovered, to my horror, that I couldn't open my mouth. It just… wouldn't open. Fortunately, this bizarre episode didn't last long—the evening ended with me managing to painfully pry my jaw open about half an inch, which was enough to force-feed myself a plate of room-service pasta… glamorous #BusinessTripLife, right?

To my surprise, I later learned that the symptoms were caused by grinding my teeth in my sleep—something I didn't even know I had been doing. Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is startlingly common: Some metrics estimate that this repetitive, involuntary movement, a clenching of the jaw muscles, can affect up to 16 percent of the population. Some people grind their teeth during the day, but many do so in their sleep—often without even realizing it's happening.

While there are different medical explanations as to why bruxism happens, and each case is different, most experts trace the majority of their clients’ cases back to either a bite imbalance or stress. "Grinding one's teeth is a way your body is coping with stress," says Kruti Patel, D.M.D. "It releases an endorphin in your brain, which makes your brain feel good, and you continue to grind."

How bad is grinding your teeth, really?

Since teeth grinding is so common, it's easy to assume that it's nothing more than a minor annoyance. Sure, there are those wild cases of people forced into dentures at 50, you might tell yourself, but for most people, it doesn't really matter, right? Well, kind of. The extreme cases are rare, but according to the experts, grinding on a regular basis is definitely not ideal.

Extreme cases are called "extreme" for a reason—they don't happen to everyone. If you only grind your teeth occasionally, you may never develop any dental issues from it. Even regular grinders aren't necessarily doomed to early dentures, but consistent grinding over time can lead to pretty intense dental wear and tear. You could experience tooth cracking, bone loss around the roots of your teeth, and sometimes even loss of the teeth themselves. "Excessive force on your teeth can cause cracks in your teeth," Patel says. "Depending on the crack, you may need anywhere from a filling to an extraction."

You may also experience enamel loss. "Once enamel is lost, it is lost forever," says Robert C. Rawdin, D.D.S., co-owner of Gallery 57 Dental in Manhattan. "It can only be restored through the restoration of the teeth." Restoration involves the use of methods like bonding, porcelain crowns, or veneers.

Tooth grinding can also lead to pain in the joints around your jaw, as well as migraines caused by the exertion of your jaw muscles. Ron Rosenthal, D.D.S., a retired dentist and dental educator, explains the migraine-bruxism connection by comparing the experience to a leg cramp—only way worse.

"The chewing muscles are the strongest in the body," Rosenthal says. "They are far more powerful than the calf muscle in your leg. If you're like most of us, you’ve had a leg cramp at some time or other. It felt kind of like someone stabbed you in the calf muscle with an ice pick, right? Remember, the calf muscle is nowhere near as powerful as the chewing muscles—now, imagine that same kind of spasm in the chewing muscles on the side of your head."

Oof. Is your jaw hurting yet?

When it comes to treatment, lots of dentists recommend custom-made night guards to wear when you sleep, which can buffer your teeth from the damage of the grinding. You can also buy night guards off the rack at a store, but they haven’t been fitted to your individual bite, so you might not see the same results. That said, there are some dentists who feel that the results of night guards aren’t worth the trouble, and if your bruxism is triggered by a bite problem rather than stress, they might opt to focus on dental intervention that can correct an unbalanced bite.


"The jaw muscles want to be in a comfortable orientation," says Benjamin Lawlor, D.D.S., of Maine Cosmetic Dentistry. "When this doesn't happen, the muscles will uneasily shift back and forth trying to find that comfortable position." As you can imagine, this leads to grinding and pain—so if your dentist can get to the root of the problem by helping you adjust your bite, it's probably worthwhile.

There are other potential solutions—if you've got an open mind.

When it comes to bruxism that's triggered by stress, there are all kinds of wacky remedies that have been tried to varying success. Some of these options are backed by solid research, while others are just beginning to be explored, although there’s reason to believe they can work. Here are a handful of promising solutions for teeth grinding—and info about the current research surrounding each.

1. Botox

Yep, really! While Botox won't "cure" grinding, it can drastically reduce the symptoms for some patients, and each treatment lasts for several months. It's not a fit for everyone, and it's a bit divisive among experts, but some bruxism sufferers have described Botox as life-changing. The solution can paralyze or slow the activity of some of the muscles around your jaw—which can lead to a whole lot less pain from clenching or grinding.

"For nocturnal teeth grinding, I inject a small amount of Botox into the masseter muscle—the big round muscle under the ears at the angle of the jaw you can feel when you bite down with your mouth closed," explains Charles Crutchfield, M.D., clinical professor of dermatology and medical director at Crutchfield Dermatology. "It does not work for everyone," he says. "But in my experience, it gives significant relief to about three-quarters of those who suffer from teeth grinding during sleep and wake up with sore jaws and headaches."

Plenty of professionals are recommending Botox these days, but others aren't convinced. One dentist even laughed when I asked him if he'd ever recommend the treatment. Early research isn't very substantial on either side of the debate just yet, but it's worth noting that two small studies pointed to Botox as a positive option, with one noting that Botox "effectively and safely improved sleep bruxism.”

On the other hand, another small study found that Botox led to bone density loss in rabbits. (Reminder: You are not a rabbit, and non-human studies should be taken with a small bucket of salt.) All in all, just be sure to consult with a dentist or medical professional before you try it.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of short-term talk therapy that explores the thoughts behind your behaviors and feelings. CBT helps you build healthier habits and thought associations to empower you to ditch negative patterns in your life.

Initial research has hinted that CBT could help with treating bruxism, but more data is needed to find a conclusive and clear connection. "CBT may help treat underlying anxiety that causes bruxism, but a night guard definitely helps protect against the consequences," says psychiatrist Sandip Buch, M.D. CBT, founder of Skypiatrist.

This form of therapy can be incredibly effective when it comes to managing stress and breaking unwanted habits, so as you can imagine, it has the potential to be a good fit for stress-fueled bruxism.

3. Hypnosis

According to the Bruxism Association, research has indicated that hypnosis has had a positive impact on some bruxism suffers for more than two years after treatment. Like other treatments, hypnosis might not work for everyone, but if you’re down to "get sleepy... very sleepy," it could be worth a shot. You can undergo hypnosis in person—or, if you're looking for something more low-key, you can download or buy hypnosis recordings created especially for bruxism.

4. Tapping

Tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a therapeutic method of "psychological acupressure" that takes its cue from certain key facets of acupuncture. Instead of acupuncture needles, the treatment involves tapping with your fingers on designated pressure points on your body. Many bruxism sufferers have said it works wonders, but there's not much research on the topic. Research has found, however, that EFT is beneficial in treating PTSD, so there's certainly a possibility that it could help with stress-related habits as well.

5. General De-Stressing

Because teeth grinding can be driven by stress, both physicians and more holistic-leaning practitioners have suggested relaxing at night. "Find ways to relax and de-stress before bed, such as getting a massage, using a warm compress, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine," says certified personal trainer Caleb Backe of Maple Holistics. Yoga, stretching, meditation, or any kind of self-care routine you'd usually use to de-stress is a good bet.

Claire Hannum is an NYC-based writer, editor, and traveler.

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7 Surprising Ways to Make Seasonal Allergy Symptoms Suck Less

The birds are singing, the sun is out, you can finally take a coat-free walk in the park... and then it hits: the incessant sneezing, itchy eyes, pressure building in the sinuses. Of course, as soon as it's nice outside, it's also the start of allergy season. While we're pleased about May flowers, springtime comes with a major side of suffering for many of us. And with pollen levels already on the rise due to longer growing seasons brought on by climate change, allergy season will only grow bigger, faster, and stronger in the years to come.

So how will you handle the onslaught of an allergy season that now lasts months on end? Sometimes it's easiest to start with figuring out what not to do. Here are seven common behaviors that might actually be making your allergies worse.

1. Avoid that second (... or third) drink.

This may not be the best news you've heard today, but when your allergy symptoms are on the rise, it may be best to skip that evening drink. Alcohol is a vasodilator, which means it increases blood flow and inflammation to areas that are already suffering from allergy symptoms, says Purvi Parikh, M.D., an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy & Asthma Network.

Red wine is often called out as an allergen due to its sulfite content, but Parikh notes that not all people are intolerant to sulfites. Still, even if you're not allergic to sulfites, alcohol still may cause headaches or exacerbate congestion. Red wine isn't the only enemy of allergies—sadly, any type of booze can make symptoms worse.


2. Medicate sooner.

When it comes to allergy meds, be proactive. "A more effective way to manage allergy symptoms can be to begin your treatment regimen before allergy season fully takes hold," says Clifford Bassett, M.D., founder and medical director of Allergy & Asthma Care of New York. While there is no conclusive evidence to prove that it matters what time of day you take your daily dose, getting a jump on allergy season may also help prevent "nasal priming," a.k.a. a greater sensitivity to pollen that can worsen symptoms over time.

3. Don't turn up your nose at neti pots.

If you've ever had a crystal-wearing hippie friend press a neti pot into your hand and claim that it will solve all of your medical problems, you've probably been understandably skeptical about the efficacy of sinus rinses. But the truth is, they work to clean nasal cavities, clear mucus, and soothe inflammation. They really do. Using them is (more than) a little awkward at first, but stick with it and it'll be worth it.

4. Work out in the afternoon or evening.

If you're a rise-and-run kind of person, you should consider changing up your workout routine during allergy season. Hitting the pavement first thing in the morning means exposure to peak pollen time. Parikh suggests exercising indoors—or running in the evening when the pollen count is less. And if you still want to get in the occasional morning run, it's not a bad idea to keep an eye on the daily pollen count to avoid exposure on days with a high forecast.

5. Don't overuse a nasal decongestant spray.

When you can't breathe and your sinuses are filled with so much pressure that your face feels as if it's about to burst, it can be tempting to reach for a nose spray that lets you breathe right away. But it's important to double-check what you're using: Nasal decongestant sprays only treat symptoms temporarily and are not a solution to the problem.

So let's differentiate between the types of nose spray out there, because they can get a bit confusing. There are both steroid nasal sprays and decongestant nasal sprays on the market.

Corticosteroids sprays like Flonase or Nasacort are frequently recommended by doctors, including Bassett. They reduce inflammation, swelling, and mucus in the nasal passages to actually treat seasonal allergies over time. However, these types of sprays take some time to become effective and don't provide immediate relief from symptoms.

Nasal decongestant sprays, however, are nose sprays that work right away to open nasal passages. While they're OK to use for a day or two, studies show that they can be addictive and also make symptoms worse over time. These types of sprays use vasoconstrictors, which means they shrink inflamed blood vessels in the nose. This provides relief from congestion; however, the eventual rebound swelling of the vessels can often lead to more severe symptoms than originally experienced.

When reaching for nasal sprays, be sure to read the label carefully to identify what you're picking up—and be sure you stick to recommended dosages.

6. Use the right type of air filter.

Do you know the difference between an ion and a HEPA air purifier? The difference could affect your allergies.

Ion air purifiers release electrically charged ions into the air to bond with impurities and weigh them down to remove them from the air. The problem is that the particles just sink to the floor of your home without actually trapping or removing anything.


These filters are also linked to the production of ozone as a byproduct. Ozone is a toxic gas that can actually worsen respiratory symptoms. While the production of ozone from ion purifiers is probably not going to kill you, it does generally increase the ozone level in your home to the high end of the EPA's safety chart. Bassett notes that allergists generally don't recommend these types of purifiers because instead of cleaning the air, they can actually make allergies worse.

HEPA purifiers, however, are allergist-approved. These machines suck air through filters that trap impurities like dust, pet dander, and pollen. The clean air is then released into the room. Studies have shown that these types of air purifiers reduce irritants in the air, thereby reducing symptoms, as long as the filters are monitored and changed regularly.

7. Avoid scented candles (and perfumed detergent).

Yeah, they may smell soothing, but there's evidence to suggest that a significant portion of the population is sensitive to fragrances, and that includes more than just candles—cleaning and laundry products can be highly scented, as well. Bassett explains that fragrances are created using dozens of chemicals that can trigger irritation.

So if your allergies are acting up, consider fragrance-free products for your home. Even if you're not normally sensitive to smells, the chemicals behind them could be making things worse.

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Things to Eat While Dieting

Gaining weight is an easy task, but losing weight can show you stars in the morning. It's not a cup of tea for everyone. You have to go the gym, exercise regularly, control your food which is the worst. You workout and after that, you get a food craving, but you can only eat selected things. Here are a few dishes that you can eat while dieting that will fill you up and suppress your cravings.

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Uses and Benefits of Lemon

Lemon, a citrus fruit when tasted brings a sour expression on your face. Though not consumed separately, the taste of lemon is unique from others. It has many kinds as well - Bonnie Brae, goes in San Diego, USA, Eureka, a common all place lemon, also called Four season because it has the capability to produce fruit and flowers together all year long, Femminello St. Teresa, that is found in Italy, Yen Ben, resident of Australia. Did you know that lemon is a native of Asia. Lemon though comes into the category of fruit, but is a part of every recipe. Be it fruits or salads or chicken or vegetables or fish, lemon could be added in almost everything and bring out a better taste of it. Name one dish whose taste will not be improved after the addition of lemon in it (with tea as an exception). Lemon is an absolute all-rounder with endless benefits. Apart from its culinary qualities lemon can be used in a lot of things.

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Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn't Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy

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What Witchcraft Taught Me About Self-Care

"Witchcraft" has become a bit of a buzzword lately. Sure, it may call to mind '90s goth styles and Harry Potter, but the truth is, witchcraft is a bit like yoga: Even if you don't treat it as a religion, you can still benefit from it, and there are as many different facets of it as there are practitioners. This journey is a personal one—I wouldn't be surprised if it was a witch who first said, "You do you."

Below are just some of the ways modern witchcraft has transformed and enhanced my wellness and self-care practices. I'm hoping that, if you approach it with an open heart, it can do the same for you. (And if you want to wear dark lipstick while doing so, that's totally OK, too. You do you, after all.)

Believe in the value of positive thinking.

Witches believe it's not just our actions that matter—our thoughts and intentions do, as well. We believe that our thoughts can shape our world, bringing to our path what we spend the most time thinking about—and that works for the good as well as the bad. So when it comes to your fears? Stop mentally listing all the ways things can go wrong! Instead, picture yourself safe and happy, at least for a few minutes, on a daily basis.

Meditation is a modern witch's best friend (... although black cats are still very cute). Start by trying to empty your mind of all the clutter. If you need some extra help, I've found meditation apps like Insight Timer can be very helpful, especially the guided visualizations.


Once you're meditating, pour all the good things that you want to bring into your life onto your blank mental canvas. Believe that you deserve them, and that basking in the light of those gifts is only a matter of time.

I know you may be skeptical, but take it from me, the former Queen of Negative Thinking: If you put that amazing imagination of yours to work toward the best-case scenarios instead of the worst, amazing things can happen.

That said, imagining you have two million dollars in the bank and Channing Tatum (or Jenna Dewan, as they're both equally single now) on your speed dial may not make it exactly so. It's better to just give your broader intentions to the universe (for instance, finding love and abundance) and let it decide how best to get you there.

Stay connected to nature and the elements.

Like I mentioned, there are as many witchcraft flavors as there are practitioners, but you'd be hard-pressed to find many witches that do not thrive when living close to nature and being in tune with the elements. That may prove challenging for you if, for some strange reason, you don't live in a picturesque cottage deep in the forest, but instead find yourself squished into an apartment with at least one messy roommate and some rowdy neighbors.

But the truth is, bringing in nature can be as simple as opening the windows to get the sun and fresh air inside, buying an indoor plant, rubbing your fingers into some sea salt or herbs, or just being very aware how the water is washing everything bad away from you when you're taking a shower. Just noticing the four elements as they manifest in your daily life will make you feel more balanced.

And if you spend some time outdoors—even just in your neighborhood park—it can work wonders toward helping you realize you're a part of this ecosystem, and that you must cherish and protect it.

Remember that sex is natural.

In the Christian environment I was raised in, I was gratefully never taught that sex is bad, shameful, or something that should happen after marriage (thank you, Mom!). But many of my friends learned those lessons young. These days, many women are taking charge of their pleasure and owning their bodies, but unfortunately, some stigmas still remain. Modern witchcraft celebrates sex as something not only natural and good, but that can also be a way of getting closer to the divine through the union of energies.

Modern witchcraft can help you acknowledge that you can be both spiritual and sexual, and remind you that one doesn't subtract from the other. The sooner the idea of women enjoying sex freely stops being a radical one, the better it will be for all of us.

Forgive your shortcomings and love yourself.

Witchcraft is all about embracing change and evolving. The Wheel of the Year is turning with every season, and we're moving along with it—making mistakes along the way, but still moving forward. One of the most surprising things this journey has taught me: to forgive myself and my many failings and just try to do better from now on.

Don't be your own worst enemy. If you break your diet, fail at your New Year's resolutions, or mess things up in your professional or personal life, you can always dust yourself off, let go of any shame you may be feeling, disengage from other people's expectations, and surround yourself with people and things that help you and center you.

One nice, witchy way to practice letting go: Light a candle while sprinkling some herbs that are in season, surround yourself with green plants and crystals, fill your space with soothing music, and cuddle with your pet. If it sounds a lot like hygge, that's because the principle is the same: A beautiful, soothing space will soothe your mind as well.

If you'd like to learn more about Wicca, Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner is a perfect introductory read. Or for a more down-to-earth approach to witchcraft, I recommend Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year by Mandy Mitchell, the grandma all of us would like to have.

Danai is a writer and editor by day, a tarot card reader by night, and a cat person 24/7. Born in Athens, Greece, Danai spent the last five years eating lobster rolls and taking the subway to work in NYC before deciding to relocate to Scandinavia and learn how to forage berries. Follow her on Instagram, on Twitter, or in real life in some Scandinavian forest.

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Is Life Damaging Your Spine?

Is modern life becoming a pain in the neck? Are you like the millions of people who spend hours on end every day using a Smartphone or another mobile device? If so, you could be at risk of "text neck", a new age epidemic that could lead to permanent damage.

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Surprising Healthier Lifestyle Choices You Can Make

If you're thinking about making healthier lifestyle choices, it's could be time to be a case of out with the old and in with the new! So here are some surprisingly easy ways you can improve your well-being and make your habits the healthiest ones ever!

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6 Rules to Set for Yourself That'll Make You Happier

When we think of "boundaries," we tend to think of restrictions and constraints—rules you have to stick to but that keep you from total freedom. The truth is that if you set healthy boundaries, based on values that are important to you, you can actually live truer to who you are.

Without boundaries, you'll often find yourself acting from a place of fear, resentment, and frustration with yourself and others. When you live by your rules, you'll allow experiences and people into your life in a way that keeps you happy and healthy. We often move through life doing what we think is expected of us, like striving for more money and the best career, or being the most popular with the biggest group of friends.


In following this prescribed pattern, you may actually be ignoring what matters most to you as an individual. If you're able to identify what's most important to you, you can set boundaries in your life that actually set you (and your time) free. All it takes for more happiness, productivity, and freedom is a set of rules—although that may sound counterintuitive, these boundaries will give you the ability to control what impacts your life, rather than letting life control you.

How do you know if you need to set some boundaries for yourself?

Take a look and see if any of these sound like you:

  • You get really irritated when someone cuts you off in traffic, TV commercials drone on and on, or the barista misspells your name on your take-out coffee
  • You've been feeling more resentment than love toward those you care about lately
  • You consistently allow other peoples' needs to come before yours
  • You struggle to make decisions
  • You hate saying "no" to people and events
  • You feel a lot of guilt and anxiety

If you saw yourself in any of these, don't worry—you're human! However, these emotional responses tend to stem from a fear of not being enough, not being lovable, and not succeeding, which do not have to rule our lives. You are enough, you are lovable, and you cannot fail just being you. I know that's easier to say than it is to hear, so let's move onto the next step—where you can take some action to make your life more the way you want it to be.

How to Set Boundaries

It may take a little time to identify which values are most important to you, but once they become clear, you'll be able to live life by your rules—and not what you think is expected of you. If you're ready for more freedom, productivity, and joy in your life, boundaries are well worth exploring.

1. Identify your values.

The simplest way to do this is to spend five minutes a day asking yourself, 'What is most important to me?' and jotting down anything and everything that comes to mind.

Take a moment to explore what each word really means to you. For example, if you say, "My career is important to me," your career could actually be standing in for financial freedom, creativity, or leadership—these are your core values. To kick-start the process, here are a few examples of core values for inspiration:

  • Connection
  • Knowledge
  • Joy
  • Honesty
  • Justice
  • Fun + excitement
  • Playfulness

2. Get down and dirty with your feelings.

Spend the next week being aware of how you feel: Every time you feel a heightened emotion brewing, tap into the situation. Rather than judging this emotion and yourself, be aware of where that feeling comes from. Having this awareness can help you identify the values that are most important to you, as our emotions are fabulous indicators of our subconscious.

Let's say you become overwhelmingly jealous of a friend who always seems to be doing fun things, going to the movies, eating at nice restaurants, and dressing up. This may indicate that you, in fact, value "fun and excitement," and may need to set some boundaries in your daily routine that help you live this value more fully.

Are you working too hard and never finding time for the fun stuff? Set boundaries that help you take time away from work to explore more fun events.

3. Create boundaries that help you honor these values.

Develop boundaries that help protect your top values. For instance, "calm" is right up there on my values list, so a new boundary I've implemented is to work out by myself. For so long, I'd thought the best way to stay fit and healthy was to go to a busy group class and push myself like everyone else. But I'd frequently get distracted and compare myself to everyone, which caused me a lot of anxiety. I just thought this was the normal way to go about it!

So now, I take the time to run in the park, check out yoga videos online, or create a circuit around my house. It's such a freeing feeling being in harmony with my values, in a peaceful space, without all the hustle and bustle of daily life. I no longer feel the restriction of trying to be like everyone else. The empowerment is almost tangible!

Make a list of boundaries you can set to help you better achieve your own list of values. Then, once you have an understanding of what boundaries you'd like to put into place, segment them out into three different categories: work, relationships, and self.

For work, you might have "make consistent space on the calendar for uninterrupted breaks." For relationships, you could explore "schedule in regular girls' nights." And for self, you might prioritize "make time for fun each week." Spend five minutes writing down the new boundaries you'd like to try out and bullet point the action steps to achieve them. Let's say "make time for fun each week" is a big thing for you. Your action steps might look a little like this:

  • Create a list of cool activities
  • Make time and space for at least one of these activities each week
  • Create an alarm to stop what you're doing and start having fun!

It doesn't have to be complicated, but a plan helps you to stick with your goals. Start small and be patient with yourself—it's all a learning curve, and you're totally capable of owning some healthy boundaries. Start with one thing from one segment, master that, and then move onto the next. Simple.

4. Be prepared for people in your life to not respect your boundaries.

Once we set boundaries, people are going to push them—it's inevitable. So figure out what you want to do once that happens!

Let's say you set a boundary about your schedule, saying that your work hours are for work and your after-work hours are for you, your family, and friends. But one family member always wants to talk on the phone during your workday. Knowing that this person is going to keep asking to talk on the phone during your workday, send them a message with the hours that you're free. If you write down your planned responses, you'll know exactly how to respond once the situation arises—and it'll be a lower stress moment for you.

If your family member still urges the conversation, don't give them an ultimatum, just gently state you still have time for them and remind them of the hours you're free. Do this as many times as you have to! Along with the patience with yourself, have some patience with others. It may take a while for these new boundaries to be accepted, but what will ensue is a more respectful and balanced relationship.

If you give in to your family's needs above yours, you may end up feeling resentful and frustrated with that family member. Stick to your boundaries, and both parties win.

5. Remind yourself you are allowed to have boundaries.

No one is going to love you any less because you have decided to respect yourself! In fact, you'll find them loving you more. You're setting boundaries that allow for growth and healthy relationships—and don't we all want that? We all have a fear of not being loved, but healthy boundaries are fundamental to self-care. Without them, we often fall into burnout, resentment, and frustration because we allow others into our sacred mental and physical space.

Maybe alone time is important to you, but you're not getting much of it in your relationship. You might start to experience resentment bubbling up as you feel stuck and restricted. But if you express your need for one night a week alone, you'll end up being far more open and receptive to your partner, since you've given yourself the time and space to care for yourself and your needs first.

6. Start with small steps.

The next time someone asks something of you that oversteps one of your new boundaries, remind yourself that you don't have to say yes to them. If it feels hard at first and you give in, that's OK—next time will be easier. If you do find yourself faltering, remember your values and why they're important to you.

It sometimes helps to have someone that inspires you in mind—for example, I love Oprah Winfrey's no-nonsense attitude, so I'll think of her and remind myself to stick to my guns and stay true to myself.

You could also have a reward system in place: If you find yourself honoring your boundaries for a week, you could buy yourself some beautiful flowers or a massage to reinforce your positive efforts. Soon, defending your boundaries will become second nature.

Helen Sian India is a yoga teacher and life coach to ambitious, millennial women who can't relax. She's coached and taught overworked women all over the world to live a harmonious and beautiful life. She's here to show you it can be easy to live a peaceful life with meaning—and she can help you find your work/life balance sweet spot. Follow her on Instagram and check out her free wellness program.

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