Step Outside of Your Usual Rut

We all get into sulks and ruts. And this is especially the case for chronically-ill individuals who experience a lot of pain and fatigue all the time. Life just seems to carry on in a monotonous fashion, with nothing ever being different. One of the best ways to get out of the rut of the usual and monotonous is to take steps to change things up a bit. You may want to take on a new habit. Or, go out with a new friend for a while. Or, pick up the phone and call someone that you wouldn't try before. When everything that we do is the same, our life can seem like a prison of sorts, where everything follows exactly the same patterns to the minute. In this article, I will show you how to do a few things to change things up for yourself:

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Six Tips for Finding a New Physician

Finding a new physician doesn't have to be the most difficult part of moving to a new town. Here are a few tips to help individuals find the right doctor.

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Get Glowing Hands With These Fairness Tips

Not only a beautiful face, having soft and glowing hands also added a lot to one's personality. Since the skin on our hands is not as sensitive as that of your face, it is possible to use little strong products to make your hands look and feel beautiful. To make your hands look attractive, here are simple fairness tips.

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A 15-Minute Vinyasa Flow That Eases Neck Pain and Tension

A bad night's sleep, a killer upper-body workout, a long day hunched over your desk—whatever causes your neck pain and tension, you need relief fast. This 15-minute vinyasa flow will help soothe the sore muscles in your neck and around your upper spine. 

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You'll flow through a sequence of seated poses—that's right, you don't even need to stand up for this one. Just sit back, relax, and use your breath to guide you through each stretch and pose for relief. This practice is gentle and calming, making it a perfect choice for when you wake up with a stiff neck or before bed after a stressful day. All you need is a mat; then hit play to get started. 

Looking for more short and effective at-home workouts? Grokker has thousands of routines, so you’ll never get bored. Bonus: For a limited time, Greatist readers get 40 percent off Grokker Premium (just $9 per month) and their first 14 days free. Sign up now!

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7 No-Bake Chocolate Desserts You Can Throw Together in 20 Minutes or Less

Weight Loss - Is Calorie Counting As Straightforward As It Seems?

If you are on a mission to lose weight, one thing you are very likely doing is trying your hand at calorie counting. You have heard before counting calories are critical to success, and there is nothing closer to the truth. If you do not have the right energy balance as you go about your goal to shed fat, you are not going to see the results you are hoping. But, is counting calories as simple as adding up numbers? It turns out; it isn't. Here are a few points to remember about counting calories.

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The Affordable Care Act A Failure From The Beginning

Affordable Care Act Costs have escalated so much, insurance companies like Humana and Aetna announced they would longer continue to participate. The projection for those insured is bleak with planned triple premium increases in thirty-eight states and over seventy percent of counties offering as little as one to two choices of approved insurance companies.

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14 Must-Try Recovery Tools for When You're Crazy Sore After a Workout

Controls and Credibility Are Essential for Testing

The information gathered from clinical trials and clinical research is often used to help verify details and to help continue to move forward various concepts. The information can be used to conclude a product is too risky for humans to use due to the long-term effects. Other times, it can open up a new opportunity by verifying a product helps reduce symptoms and helps people.

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Finding the Right Provider for Site Management Research and Testing

SMO clinical research is vital to the various pharmaceutical companies out there as well as many other businesses. The value they offer though can be compromised if you don't have a great provider in place. Don't pick one at random and don't pick one based on them offering you the lowest price. You need to have safeguards in place and evaluate the reputation of such an entity.

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Boobs and Why Men Love Them

Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) wondered, "I mean seriously, they are just breasts. Every second person in the world has them." Exactly, every second person in the world has them.

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The Best Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is a subject that will continue to be a front burner issue in our present day world because of the kind of lifestyles and activities we are involved in on a daily basis. Modern living exposes you to a wide variety of unhealthy diets and puts you in a state where exercise is limited. To regain your life you just have to break out from the rat race and learn to live a life that is healthy. You can accomplish that with the few tips you will find in the article below.

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9 Portable Breakfasts You Can Make in a Muffin Tin

KISS Diet: The Only Diet You'll Ever Need

So here is the problem. You like millions of other people enjoyed the holidays and what with all the rich calorie laden meals, cookies, cakes and candy canes you put on a few pounds. You probably resolved that as soon as January second rolled around you would lose some weight. Well the second of January has come and gone. You gave dieting a try but after a few days you quit and you gain back the two or three pounds you did lose.

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Don't Miss This Simplified Fact Sheet About Alkaline Water

Heard many good things about alkaline water? Unsure of what you should believe? Read on to find some of the relevant facts and basics.

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Adult Nocturnal Enuresis (Adult Night Urination)

Adult Nocturnal Enuresis, also known as Adult Bedwetting, is a condition where an adult involuntarily passes urine during sleep. It is often thought to be embarrassing and rarely brought u voluntarily by patients.

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An 8-Ingredient Meal-Prep Plan Made for Vegetarians

Fastest Way to Lose Weight Without Harming Yourself

After allowing themselves to accumulate so much weight over time, and having discovered the inherent dangers in continuing to live in such a state, some people suddenly become so desperate that they want to lose weight at all cost. It is true that there are programs that will help you lose weight fast, but you also have to be mindful of the side effects of such programs. It is a good thing to consider your personal safety when trying to lose weight. In this article you will find some time tested tips that will help you lose weight safely and also prevent accumulation of weight afterwards.

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8 Totally Doable Ways to Stay Healthyish When You're on the Go

Choose the Right Material for Designing a Medical Device

Are you planning to design a medical device? Well, it is not that easy as one might think it to be. The most important aspect of medical device designing is the choice of material. One has to take a very wise decision while choosing the material as it can have a major aftermath during and after the production phase of the device.

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Since When Did Dessert Become Breakfast?

I actually can't remember a time when people didn't have dessert for breakfast, but I didn't realise it at the time. When I was a child my standard breakfast was either a fried egg on toast or some wheatbix with milk and sugar. Looking back my breakfast wasn't perfect but for the times it was pretty good. I have to admit being a little envious of the children of some friends of my parents.

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Acrylic Nail Monomer - Journey to the Ultimate Style

In a world where every book is only judged by its cover, you have to make your book's cover approachable enough that can be flaunted in front of everyone. Same goes for you as well. If you are not carrying you good enough then you may fall into an awkward situation.

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7 Pho Recipes So Easy It's Like You've Made Them Before

9 Super-Spicy Meals So You Don't Have to Put Hot Sauce on Everything

The Real Dangers of Sugar

How healthy is our food nowadays? As modern society continues to find ways to make food production cheaper and faster, the quality of our food also continues to decline.

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How to Lose Weight in a Week With Ease

Many persons who desire to shed weight go out of their way to engage in different exercises and nutrition programs without getting the expected results. The right exercises and diet go hand in hand for a successful weight loss program to be achieved. A situation whereby you get yourself involved in rigorous exercises only to go back home and over indulged in your old eating habits will hardly see you go anywhere. In fact some persons have even reported addition of weight while still involved in exercises. You are going to learn from this article simple step to follow that will help accomplish your dream of taking off excess weight.

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A Science-Backed 7-Minute Workout That Hits All the Muscles You Forget About

7 Struggles Every Extrovert Understands

These 7 Veggie Rice Recipes Taste Better Than the Real Deal

How to Achieve a Healthy Diet

Here's an important factor that has a huge impact on your overall fitness level and general wellness: your diet. What is a "diet?" The word "diet" means "a collection of food items that a person regularly eats."

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Your Guide To Staying Fit And Healthy Well Into Old Age

As we age, our bodies naturally start to decline. Being aware of the impact that age has on both body and mind can encourage us to make lifestyle choices earlier in life. Being healthy is more about lifestyle and good habits than genetics.

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7 Fat Burning Foods That You Should Include in Your Daily Diet

A good eating habit is a virtue that should be imbibed by all and sundry. The saying that a healthy man is a wealthy man is true because when you eat healthily you do not only keep fit, but also keep money you would have spent treating yourself in the hospital in your pocket. You will find out from this write up different foods that you can eat to help you burn fat and stay healthy.

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Finally, a Protein Bar You Can Feel Good About Eating

6 Convincing Reasons to Start Working Out Immediately

15-Minute Vegetarian Dinners So You Have More Time for the Couch

5 Fruits and Veg That Prove the Spiralizer Isn't Just for Zoodles

A Peep Into Healthy Eating

Every human being is different. That is the reason even fitness experts assess people before suggesting to them fitness regimen or diet regimen that suits them. But at the same time, there are certain things that are common to everyone. One such common thing is that there are certain general diet rules that are applicable to everyone. Therefore, when you have decided to eat the right foods to lead a healthy life, you must first know these common rules. Please read on.

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