The 10-Minute Low-Impact HIIT Workout

A lot of times, exercising sounds like a good idea—in theory. Then the reality of going to the gym (in freezing temps, no less!) sets in, and watching Friends re-runs on TV wins out.

But this speedy workout may be just what you need to change your mind. In 10 minutes flat, Grokker trainer Jaime Mcfadden leads you through a series of basic yet challenging low-impact moves for 45 seconds each, followed by 15 seconds of active rest that works your core. The routine strengthens all your major muscle groups—and all you need is a little space to move around. If you want more of a challenge, repeat the entire routine one more time.

To recap, perform each move for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of core work or rest, if needed.

1. Reverse Lunge With Knee Tuck
2. Push-up With Reach
3. Plie Squat
4. Dips
5. Standing Crunch

Interested in more short and effective home workouts? Find them on Grokker, the one-stop online resource for wellness. Grokker sifts through thousands of videos on the web, constantly filtering and aggregating the best cooking, yoga, and fitness videos available so you don't have to.

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