The 12-Minute Core Workout That Helps Prevent Back Pain (and Strengthens Your Abs!)

When your back hurts after a long day at the office, it's easy to think that you need to focus on back strength. But it's actually a weak core that causes most back issues. If the muscles around your spine are weak, the vertebrae and discs aren't properly supported, so add a quick core workout like this one into your regular routine.

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This workout isn't your average abs session. It helps prevent back issues because the exercises target all of the muscles in and around your core, not just the ones you can see. You'll need a small fitness ball, which will support your back and allow you to engage your deeper abdominal muscles. Deflate it a little bit so it's soft and then hit play to get started.

To recap: You'll need a mini fitness ball (like this one) for the routine. An exercise mat is optional. Most of the exercises are performed for 10 reps.

1. Core "Fly"
2. High Reach
3. Low Reach
4. Side Crunch (Left)
5. Side Crunch (Right)
6. Stacked-Foot Toe Reach (Right Foot)
7. Crossed Leg Crunch
8. Stacked Foot Toe Reach (Left Foot)
9. Crossed Leg Crunch
10. (Adjust Ball) High Reach
11. Low Reach

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